How to Sell Reps?! So in this moment you have received the products , and you even have the receipt. Now the FUN start’s. Reselling shoes isn't a rare phenomenon. People are making life-changing amounts. Ways to Sell Replicas Online without getting caught. Meaning that your buyers won’t simply know that they’ve bought replica items. Lots of sellers globally are still maneuvering their way into the online space to sell thousands of replica products from popular brands. Most buyers are not really aware of this and they always fall victim to products that look’s 1:1 original and have receipt with them, and that’s what we doing! It is not easy to sell replicas, no doubt. But with all the info we providing it’s increasing your chances of making money from replicas successfully, just follow the steps below and you can start making money: here are strategies: You have multiple ways to sell your products and sometime need to think out the box , you can easily get someone to sell items for you and give them % for the sales. You can try Dropshipping model and also can create some social media profiles and sell your items there Instagram/Facebook sneaker page or clothes pages, but below are most common! 1.Create an account on any clothe/shoe selling platform. We recommend these online marketplaces. - Depop Vinted Ebay Facebook Marketplace Grailed Your Local Marketplace Instagram Whatever platform you are looking to use and sell your replicas, the first thing first is that you create an account there. Once you create an account, take time to optimize your profile and let it look presentable. You can also let them know that you sell quality replicas, and many people would be happy to buy from you, but we won’t reccomend since the profit’s with selling as original’s are much bigger. 2. Link your Payment Account. Whatever payment gateway you are using to receive your money, you should link it to your account immediately. 3. Create the Perfect Listing. To succeed with selling reps boils down to the details of your listing and the conviction you’ve put behind the listing. And also ofcourse the quality of the rep, use our supplier list for the best reps in the game because quality is top notch, also the time you post, and how you structure the listing. If there should be a need to write a description, write a compelling one to attract people. 4. Use Quality Photos Images are what help to enhance sales and convince people to buy. Take dope pictures of your reps. It’s not easy to sell replicas legally, so you must put in a work to make it happen we highly advice to sell the products with receipts. 5. Generate Reviews Once you have lots of good reviews running, then expect a boost in sales. Some tricks that can help you get good reviews if you are just starting: - Set a low price when listing for the first time and with free shipping Create more than one profile in the marketplaces so you can sell more. Ask family and close friends to create profiles on the platform and leave you good review. With some fake purchase’s The above step is how smart hustlers use in getting good reviews that will stand for a long time and attract quality customers. How to avoid TAX!? Customs is the main source of all government revenue, it is impossible to avoid it 100%, it can only be avoided as much as possible! Before you ship, you should consult your agent's customer service and let them give you the best advice. Agents send tens of thousands of packages to the world every day, and they can keep up to date with the latest tariff policy! All international parcels have the possibility of being taxed by customs, but the rate of taxation is very low. When the declared value of a general package is lower than the country’s tariff threshold, the package is usually not taxed (but the case of false declarations is another matter). If your package is taxed, you need to pay the tax yourself and assist in customs clearance, but the probability of this happening is very small, currently less than 1% of the package is taxed The important basis for the customs of various countries to judge civilian and commercial packages is the weight of the package and the quantity of items. It is more likely that a package exceeding 10KG will be regarded as a commercial package. Therefore, when submitting the waybill, please confirm the weight of the package and the quantity of the same item. From July 1, 2021, all EU countries will pay a 20% duty on the package according to the declared value BEST SELLERS LINK :