FIRE HLARM PHYSICS.PROJECT FIRE ALARM... SUBMITTED BY: NAME: Page 1 of 18 certificate This is to certify that project entitled FIRE ALARM SYSTEM has been completed under the guidance and supervision of NAME SUBJECT: PHYSICS SESSION: 2023-2024 SUBMITTED TO: SIGNATURE Internal External Page 4 of 18 INDEX SL. NO 1 PAGE NO INTRODUCTION 5 THEORY 6 2 3 5 COMPONENTS REQUIRED CIRCUIT DIAGRAM AND WORKING MODEL PROCEDURE 7 8-9 10 11 67 8 WORKING PRINCIPLE OBSERVATIONS APPLICATIONS 9 10 11 FEATURES OF THE MOST ADVANCED FIRE ALARMS CONCLUSION 12 13 14-15 16 PRECAUTIONS 17 12 BIBLIOGRAPPHY 18 Page 3 of 18 INTRODUCTION An automatic fire alarm system is designed to detect the unwanted presence of fire by monitoring environmental changes associated with combustion. In general, a fire alarm system is either classified as automatic, manually activated, or both. Automatic fire alarm systems can be used to notify people to evacuate in the event of afire or other emergency, to summon emergency services, and to prepare the structure and associated systems to control the spread of fire and smoke. Fire alarm systems have become increasingly sophisticated and functionally more capable and reliable in recent years. They are designed to fulfill two general requirements: protection of property and assets and protection of life. As a result of state and local codes, the life-safety aspect of fire protection has become a mnajor factor in the last two decades. There are a number of reasons for the substantial increases in the life-safety form of fire protection during recent years, foremost of which are 1. The proliferation of high-rise construction and the concern for life safety within these buildings. 2. Agrowing awareness of the life-safety hazard in residential, institutional, and educational occupancies. 3. Increased hazards caused by new building materials and furnishings that create large amountsof toxic combustion products (i.e., plastics, synthetic fabrics, etc.). 4. Vast improvements in smoke detection and related technology made possible through quantum advances in electronic technology. 5. The passing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), signed into law on July 26, 1990, providing comprehensive civil rights protection for individuals with disabilities. With an effective date of January 26, 1992, these requirements included detailed accessibility standards for both new construction and Renovation towards the goal of equal usability of buildings for everyone, regardless of limitations of sight, hearing, and mobility. This had a significant impact on fire alarm system signaling devices, power requirements, and device locations. Page 5 of 18 THEORY Afire alarm system has a number of devices working together to detect and warn people through visual and audio appliances when smoke, fire, carbon monoxide or other emergencies are present. These alarms may be activated automatically from smoke detectors and heat detectors or may also be activated via manual fire alarm activation devices such as manual callpoints or pull stations. Alarms can be either motorized bells or wall mountable sounders or horns. They can also be speaker strobes which sound an alarm, followed by a voice evacuation message which warns people inside the building not to use the elevators. Fire alarm sounderscan be set to certain frequencies and different tones including low, medium and high, depending on the country and manufacturer of the device. Page 6 of 18 COMPONENTSREQUIRED 1X Bread board >1X 1Ok Thermistor 1X4.7k Resistor >1XLM358 Op-Amp 1X 10k Pot >1X9VBattery 1X Buzzer >Connection wires, as required Page 7 of 18 CIRCUIT DIAGRAI 10K Thontg POT 2NANA LM358 oND TNg TNGH 1OK Buzzey Page 8 of 18 WORKING MODEL Wati W HWatt on aENERAL PURPosr Page 9 of 18 PROCEDURE Thermistors are Temperature Dependent Resistors i.e. the resistance of a thermistor varies according to the ambient temperature. There are two types of thermistors: PTC Thermistor and NTCThermistor. PTC stands for Positive Temperature Coefficient and NTCstands for Negative Temperature Coefficient. In PTC Thermistor, the resistance is directly proportional to the temperature and in NTC thermistor, the resistance is inversely proportional to the temperature. In this project, we have used a 10 KQ Thermistor with NTC. LM358 is a Dual Operational Amplifier (Op-Amp) IC. All the functional modes of the typical operational amplifier can be implemented using LM358 IC. In this project though, we willbe using the LM358 Operational Amplifier in the Comparator Mode where the input signals on inverting and non-inverting terminals are compared and corresponding output is produced. Siren sound is simple. First, connect the 4.7 KQ Potentiometer to the inverting terminal of the LM358 Op-Amp. One end of the POT is connectedto +9V, other end is connected to GND and the wiper terminal is connected to Pin 2 of Op-Amp. We will now make a potential divider using 10K Thermistor and 4.7 KQ resistor. The output of this potential divider i.e. the junction point is connected to the non-inverting input of the LM358 Operational Amplifier. We have chosen a smallbuzzer in this project to make the alarm or siren sound. So, connect the output of the LM358 Op-Amp to the buzzer directly. Pins 8 and 4 of the LM358 IC i.e. V+ and GND are connected to +9V and GND respectively. We will now see the working of the simple Fire Alarm Circuit. First thing to know is that the main component in detecting the fire is the 10K Thermistor. As we mentioned in the component description, the 10 KThermistor used here is a NTC type Thermistor. If the temperature increases, the resistance of the Thermistor decreases. In case of fire, the temperature increases. This increase in temperature will reduce the resistance of the 10 KThermistor. As the resistance decreases, the output of the voltage divider will increase. Since the output of the voltage divider is given tothe non-inverting input of the LM358 Op Amp, its value will becomne more than that of the inverting input. As a result, the output of the Op-Amp becomes high and it activates the buzzer Page 10 of 18 WORKINGPRINCIPLE The fire alarm working principle is based on thermistor used in the fire alarm circuit. This fire alarm circuit is used to identify and indicate an increase in temperature beyond certain value (temperature of an enclosed area). The increase in temperature is indicated byturning ON the LED (cooling system can be used to bring the temperature to its normal value). Thus, if the temperature exceeds a certain value, then the cooler or load turns ON automatically without any monitoring system. To actuate the relay instead of LED, operational amplifier along with negative coefficient thermistor can be used. In this fire alarm project circuit, thermistor is used as a temperature sensor because thermistor is very economical compared to all other temperature sensors. Page 11 of 18 OBSERVATIONS We have seen that initially there was no buzzer sound as none of the fire was detected. When we bring amatch stick near the fire switch with a time lag of 5-10 seconds the buzzer starts giving sound as the fire is detected and the circuit is completed by the action of bimetallic strip. When we remove the burning match stick away from switch, the buzzer continues to give the sound for some time due to actionof capacitor and time is required by switch to return toroom temperature. Page 12 of 18 APPLICATIONS Fire Alarm Circuits are very useful in homes, offices, schools, labs, etc. to detect and prevent any disasters due to fire. Fire Alarm Systems can work as stand-alone devices or be a part of acomplex home security system with other security features like smoke detection, intruder alert, motion detection, etc. Page 13 of 18 features of the most advanced fire alarms ) Smart Home SAMSUNS 0 Most advanced fire alarm systems use wireless technology and smart devices to protect and manage automated buildings from aremote control panel, typically a mobile app that can be downloaded, installed and managed from a smartphone. Page 14 of 18 Modern fire alarm systems use a control panel from a mobile app The computerized logic of the control panel analyzes multiple detectors at the same time to decide on the most appropriate course of action. These modern smart fire alarm systems are more sensitive than classic models and are better at avoiding false alarms. With better design and stronger resistance, they can be placed in areas difficult to reach and give instructions about the best escape route to the people in the building. Smart fire alarm systems can perform integrated automatic actions, for example, discharge fire-suppression systems in closed designated areas; and vary the notifications to support people on their way out, while protecting expensive electronicequipment inside. Smart wireless detectors use long-life batteries that can last up to 7 years. That is the shelf life of the smart unit itself. The smart sensor is activated by connecting it to a mobile account via a sim card. Users can activate, deactivate and assign fire alarm functions to each sensor from anywhere. Two big bonuses of most advanced fire alarms systems are the sleek design and the more pleasant audio warnings that don't build upon the panic that's already there. Page 15 of 18 Conclusion The objective of our project was to build a fire alarm system. The key component of the circuit is the thermistor, which has been used as fire detector or fire sensor. Our project was successfully completed. The performance of the project met the original technical problem,which was to build a circuit that would sound an alarm when the heat in the atmosphere would reach a hazardous temperature. Also, the cost of the project was well under the overall project cost projected, making the project a good product since the application was successfully demonstrated and the circuit price was reasonable. Page 16 of 18 PRECAUTIONS 1. Components of the circuit should be handled carefully. 2. Care should be taken while soldering as it may burn the skin. 3. Connecting wires should be insulated to prevent disturbance. 4. Connections shouldbe tight as it may break easily. 5. Soldering must be done carefully as it may burn the PCB board. Page 17 of 18 BIBLICGRAPHY 1) NCERT textbook class 12 2) NCERT physics lab Manuel 3) INTERNET 4) 5) 6) Page 18 of 18