Predictions/ Hypothesis: From our pre-research it can be seen that two out of the three research papers we focused on were about college students and factors that influence their behavior the most Seeing that we have the resources to further and more fully test student’s emphasis on different aspects that might influence their consumption behavior, our research question ended up to be do NTU students with different bubble tea purchase frequency have different factor emphasis: With this research question, the independent variable is NTU students while the dependent variable is factor emphasis. Going more into detail, we divided NTU students into two groups, those that purchase drinks frequently, group 1, and those that don’t, group 2. Extending this division, our main hypothesis consists of the null being group 1 and 2 have the same significance level in factors while the alternative being group 1 and two do not have the same significance level in factors So why and how were we able to divide NTU students this way, in one of our survey questions, “How often have you purchased bubble-tea store drinks in the past year?” We had respondents pick between less than 1, 1-5, 6-10, 10-15, and >15. Summing up the respondents that picked each category, we ended up making those who chose less than 1 and 1-5 group 1 the low purchase frequency group and 6-10, 10-15, and more than 15 group 2 the high purchase frequency group. Group 1 ended up consisting of 164 respondents while group 2 ended with 195, pretty evenly divided. Methodology- Measurement and Scaling Moving onto our methodology, the construct we chose to study was purchase motivation which means constitutively factors that influence consumers to buy or not a product or service. Operationally, we broke purchase motivation into 11 factors and asked respondents to rate from 1-5 how significant they thought each factor is when they purchase drinks, one meaning very insignificant and 5 meaning very significant . Here are our 11 dependent variables, some of these were inspired by the pre-research papers. The first one brand image means the overall energy the drink store gave off such as elegant, fancy, cute, etc, Recommendation from others means if the reviews that others have posted on social media or google maps is significant. Staff service and attitude and price and promotion means as the name suggests. Drink and topping choices more specifically means if choice variety is significant. Quality consistency is drink flavor and texture of ingredient tastes the same every time. Additional products is the brand selling additional complementary products like desserts. By healthiness we mean ingredients used are higher quality. Flavor fits likeness means liking the drink taste and lastly menu design meant if information such as top chosen flavors is marked on the menu to provide more information. The 11th dependent variable was not measured by asking respondent to rank 1-5 but rather they were asked How many different bubble-tea store brands have you tried and bought in the past year? and chose a range. Methodology- Sampling The population of our survey were NTU students and we utilized convenience sampling through asking followers of NTU 交流版 to fill out our google forms and their incentive was being able to participate in a lucky draw where we drew 3 lucky winners that received 150 NTD each to buy their own drink. The advantages of this technique was that we were able to receive multiple responses in a short amount of time and cost. Additionally, there were less bias in terms of influencer respondents answers because we couldn’t be there to sway them in any way and they completed it in their own free time without anyone watching. On the other hand, the disadvantage was that not all NTU students are in the club so that might have caused our sample to not be 100% representative of the NTU population. Regardless we still chose this method since we emphasized getting a large amount of responses under a short amount of time. Survey Sampling: Moving onto our survey design, it is split into three sections, basic information, brand image and drinks. The basic information section gave us information about our respondents that would help with the study and gave us an overall summary about our respondents emphasis on different factors. As you can see here the question in red is the question that we used as our iv and the two questions beneath it ended up being our dependent variable. Seeing that our IV and DV came from the first part 1 you might ask well then why make two more sections. This is because even though we might already have a good idea about how to answer our research question from part 1, we designed parts 2 and 3 to have questions that would further prove or give us more idea about what strategies to give stores after our results. Descriptive Analysis Using two of our questions from basic information, college and current year or student we here is our descriptive analysis you can see that there were more students studying in a department related to science with the most being bio resources and agriculture which ended up to being 55. Management was second highest being 49 respondents. 我沒打完但就是用數字大概講一下