Hispanic Scholarship Fund 2003-2004 Application Guide

2003-2004 College Scholarship Program
Application Postmark Deadline: October 15, 2003
Dear Hispanic Scholarship Fund Applicant:
On behalf of the Hispanic Scholarship Fund (HSF), I would like to applaud your efforts
to pursue a college education. Your interest in applying for this scholarship shows
that you have decided to positively affect your future through higher education.
We are proud to be the nation’s leading organization supporting Hispanic higher
education and are committed to providing opportunities for students like you. Our
vision is to strengthen our country by advancing the college education of Hispanic
Americans. Our mission is to double the rate of Hispanics earning a college degree.
Since 1975, HSF has awarded more than 61,000 scholarships in excess of $115
million to Hispanic students from all 50 states, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin
Islands who have attended more than 1,700 colleges and universities.
Keep in mind that most scholarship programs, including ours, are competitive
processes. To ensure that your application receives full consideration, we suggest
you: 1) carefully read the eligibility requirements, 2) follow the application instructions,
and 3) have a colleague proofread your work.
We realize how important this process is to you and your family and take great care in
reviewing all applications. We wish you much luck and success!
Sara Martinez Tucker
President and CEO
Application Instructions
2 pages
How to Get the Application
Eligibility Requirements
Selection Criteria
Application Preparation
Postmark Deadline
Award Notification
Letter of Recommendation
Enrollment Verification Form
4 pages
1 page
1 page
2003-2004 College Scholarship Program
Hispanic Scholarship Fund ■ 55 Second Street, Suite 1500 ■ San Francisco, CA 94105
1-877-HSF-INFO (toll-free) ■ scholar1@hsf.net ■ www.hsf.net
Postmark Deadline: October 15, 2003
You may download the application materials at
www.hsf.net as either a Microsoft® Word file that you
can complete on your computer or as a PDF file that
may be printed and used the same as the hard copy
To be eligible for a scholarship, you must:
• Be of Hispanic heritage (one parent fully Hispanic
or each parent half Hispanic)
• Be a U.S. citizen or a legal permanent resident with
a permanent resident card or passport stamped I-551
(not expired)
• Be an undergraduate or graduate student enrolled
full-time in a degree-seeking program at a U.S.
accredited college or university in the U.S., Puerto
Rico, or U.S. Virgin Islands
• Have earned at least 12 undergraduate units in a
U.S. accredited college or university
• Have a minimum cumulative grade point average
(GPA) of 2.7 on a 4.0 scale
Applicants are evaluated on the following criteria:
• Academic record
• Academic plans and career goals
• Financial need (for educational purposes)
• Community service
• Compelling essay responses; correct grammar,
punctuation, and spelling
• Letter of recommendation
1. Application (5 pages) – Use a computer or typewriter
to complete your form. The minimum character size
for all responses is 11-point. We strongly encourage
you to type your application as it makes it easier for
our selection committee to read; however, if you do
not have access to a computer, you may neatly print
the application in blue or black ink. Applications that
are illegible will be disqualified.
Use the official application form or a photocopy of
the form. Answer all questions. Confine your
responses to the space provided; extra pages or
material, such as resumes, certificates, or newspaper
clippings, will not be read.
Community Service/Volunteer Activities section:
Only list one activity per line. If the information you
wish to list exceeds the allotted space, select those
activities of longest duration or that are most
meaningful to you.
2. Transcript(s) – Provide an official transcript from
your current institution.
• Transcripts must include a cumulative GPA. If
your transcript does not show a cumulative GPA,
request that a school official confirm the
information on school letterhead with his or her
• Transcripts must have the name of your institution
and your name, Social Security number, and date
of birth.
• If you are a graduate student who has completed
only one full-time semester or term at your current
institution, submit both your graduate and
undergraduate transcripts.
• If you recently transferred and completed less than
one full-time semester or term at your current
institution, you must also submit transcripts from
all previous post-secondary institutions.
3. Letter of Recommendation – This must be from an
instructor or advisor or, if you have been out of
school for two or more years, from your most recent
employer. The letter must be current and may not be
from a relative.
HSF College Scholarship Program – Application Instructions, Page 1 of 2
Provide the letter of recommendation form to the
person who will write your letter. Allow your
recommender at least two weeks to complete your
The letter must be confidential. Ask your
recommender to return the recommendation form and
letter to you in a sealed envelope with his or her
signature written across the seal. Submit the sealed
recommendation with your application.
The letter should address all following topics:
• Academic record
• Academic plans and career goals
• Personal strengths, including motivation,
leadership, and commitment
• Community service and extracurricular activities
4. Financial Information Documentation – The
following documents are essential to the processing
of your application.
• If you applied for federal financial aid, include a
copy of all pages of your 2003-2004 Student Aid
Report (SAR). Note: Be sure to apply early for
federal student aid at www.fafsa.ed.gov.
• If you did not apply for federal financial aid,
include a copy of all pages of your 2002 1040,
1040 EZ, or 1040A federal tax return and W-2
form(s). Also include copies of your parents' (and
spouse's, if married) 2002 federal income tax
return(s) and W-2 form(s).
All selection decisions are final and are not subject to
appeal. Applications and support documents become
the sole property of HSF and cannot be returned.
All materials must be mailed in one package that is
postmarked on or before October 15, 2003. Mail to:
College Scholarship Selection Committee
Hispanic Scholarship Fund
55 Second Street, Suite 1500
San Francisco, CA 94105
All applicants will be notified of their award status in
spring 2004.
August 1, 2003
Applications are available at
October 15, 2003
Postmark deadline for complete
application packets
August through
October 2003
Receipt notifications
October 2003
through March 2004
Application processing
March 2004 through
May 2004
Selection and award notifications
5. Enrollment Verification Form – This form must be
signed by an official from your school's registrar's
office verifying your full-time enrollment for the
2003-2004 academic year. Submit the signed form
with your application materials.
HSF College Scholarship Program – Application Instructions, Page 2 of 2
2003-2004 College Scholarship Program
Postmark Deadline: October 15, 2003
Personal Information
Social Security number
Middle Initial
Address While at School
Parent Address (if different)
Zip code
Preferred mailing address for notification in spring 2004:
Primary e-mail
Zip code
School address
Parent address
Alternate e-mail
Date of birth (mm/dd/yy)
Are you a U.S. citizen?
Country of birth
No If not, you MUST enclose a copy of your permanent resident card or passport stamped
I-551 (not expired).
Hispanic heritage (select one category that most closely characterizes your heritage):
Puerto Rican
Central American; please specify country of ancestry
South American; please specify country of ancestry
How did you hear about HSF's scholarship programs?
HSF Town Hall meeting
HSF Steps for Success Saturday workshop
Media (TV, radio, print)
HSF's website, www.hsf.net
Other scholarship websites
School counselor, teacher, career center
Word of mouth, relatives
GPA ______________
EFC ______________
HSF College Scholarship Program – Application, Page 1 of 4
Initials ______________
Academic Information
Fall 2003 class level:
Community college
1st year
2nd year
3rd year
Four-year college
5th-year senior
1st year
2nd year
3rd year
1st year
2nd year
4th year
Institution where you are enrolled for the 2003-2004 academic year:
Institution name (do not abbreviate)
Campus you attend
City & state
If transferring during the 2003-2004 academic year, institution you will attend:
Institution name (do not abbreviate)
Campus you will attend
City & state
Date of transfer (mm/yy)
Expected graduation date (mm/yy)
Second major, If double major (Do not list your minor.)
Expected degree
Degrees already earned
Desired career
Professional field of interest
Have you ever transferred from a community college?
Are you interested in internship opportunities?
If yes, what fields interest you?
Will you receive U.S. credit for study abroad in the 2003-2004 academic year?
Not studying abroad
* Note: You must still be enrolled in and paying tuition to a U.S. accredited institution.
Family Information
Age of oldest parent
Parents' marital status
Did either of your parents ever attend college?
Number of parents' dependents currently in college (include yourself if you are their dependent)
Your marital status
Number of your dependents currently in college (include yourself)
Will you be working during the academic year?
If yes, how many hours per week?
Community Service/Volunteer Activities
List service activities in which you have participated as a volunteer since January 1, 2001, beginning with the most recent.
Hours per
Your Role/Position(s) Held
(Avoid abbreviating organization names.)
HSF College Scholarship Program – Application, Page 2 of 4
Short Essays (Complete all three essays.
Each essay should be 275 words or fewer.)
1. Describe a personal challenge you have faced and what you learned and/or would do differently.
2. Describe a community service experience you have had. How did it benefit others? What major things did you learn about
3. Describe how your Hispanic heritage and family upbringing have influenced your academic and personal goals in life.
Long Essay (900 words or fewer)
It is estimated that by 2010, one out of five high school students will be Hispanic, while fewer Hispanics complete college than other
ethnic groups. From your perspective as a student, what will need to change so that more young Hispanics are college bound? What
could your role be in achieving this goal?
Please provide all essay answers typewritten or word processed on separate sheets of 8 ½ x 11 basic white
HSF College Scholarship Program – Application, Page 3 of 4
Required Certification and Release (Applicant must read and sign below to be eligible.)
Applicant Certification and Release of Information
I certify that all information on this application is true and complete to the best of my knowledge.
I certify that I meet all eligibility requirements as specified in this application and the accompanying instructions.
I understand that I may only receive one scholarship administered by HSF per academic year. I understand that application
materials become the property of HSF and will not be returned.
I hereby authorize HSF to utilize information about and from my application and my likeness for public relations purposes, publicity,
or other scholarship opportunities.
Applicant's signature
Application Checklist
Mail your application package by the October 15, 2003, postmark deadline to:
College Scholarship Selection Committee
Hispanic Scholarship Fund
55 Second Street, Suite 1500
San Francisco, CA 94105
Enclose all following items in your application package. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.
Please remove all staples from application materials.
Application – pages 1-5, fully completed, legible, and signed (no extra pages or attachments)
Transcript(s) – See Application Instructions for details.
Letter of Recommendation – in a sealed envelope with the recommender's signature written
across the seal
Enrollment Verification Form – both student's and registrar's sections fully completed
Financial Information Documentation – a copy of all pages of your 2003-2004 Student Aid
Report (SAR) OR, if you did not apply for federal financial aid, copies of your and your parents'
(and spouse's, if married) federal income tax return(s) and W-2 form(s). See Application
Instructions for details.
If you are not a U.S. citizen: A copy of your permanent resident card or passport stamped
I-551 (not expired)
Essay Answers – Remember to attach all pages of your essay responses.
Please remove ALL staples! Use only paper clips.
HSF College Scholarship Program – Application, Page 4 of 4
2003-2004 College Scholarship Program
Hispanic Scholarship Fund ■ 55 Second Street, Suite 1500 ■ San Francisco, CA 94105
1-877-HSF-INFO (toll-free) ■ scholar1@hsf.net ■ www.hsf.net
(Provide this form to your recommender.)
Applicant's full name
Instructions to Applicant
You must provide one current, confidential letter of recommendation. Any additional letters will be discarded. The letter
must be from an instructor or advisor or, if you have been out of school for two or more years, from your most current
employer. The letter cannot be from a relative. You should fully apprise your recommender about the HSF College
Scholarship Program and your reasons for applying. Allow your recommender at least two weeks to write the letter.
Submit the sealed recommendation with your application by the October 15, 2003, postmark deadline.
Instructions to Recommender
The person named above is applying for an HSF college scholarship. Please type or write your recommendation on the
letterhead of your professional affiliation. We request your candid, written evaluation relative to the following:
Academic record
Academic plans and career goals
Personal strengths, including motivation, leadership, and commitment
Community service and extracurricular activities
Since you know the candidate, the scholarship review panel is depending upon your thoughtful observations. The
applicant will benefit most from a specific and illustrative evaluation rather than a general assessment. Your evaluation
should discuss the applicant's strengths and, as appropriate, provide insight to any areas for growth. Please assess what
criteria you base your judgment upon and how the applicant meets your criteria.
Please complete the information below and return this form and your signed letter of recommendation to the
student in a sealed envelope with your signature written across the seal. All application materials must be
submitted by the student by the October 15, 2003, postmark deadline. HSF appreciates and thanks you for your
assistance. For further information about HSF scholarships, visit our website at www.hsf.net.
Recommender' signature
Recommender's name (Please type or print.)
Professional title
Zip code
How long have you known the applicant?
In what capacity?
HSF College Scholarship Program – Letter of Recommendation, Page 1 of 1
2003-2004 College Scholarship Program
Hispanic Scholarship Fund ■ 55 Second Street, Suite 1500 ■ San Francisco, CA 94105
1-877-HSF-INFO (toll-free) ■ scholar1@hsf.net ■ www.hsf.net
(Provide this form to your school's registrar.)
To Be Completed by the Student
This form is required. Please complete the information below and sign and date the release of information section. Ask
an official from your school's registrar's office to complete the remainder of the form and return it to you to submit with
your application by the October 15, 2003, postmark deadline.
Applicant's full name
Social Security number
Institution name
Institution branch
Release of Information
I grant permission to release all information regarding verification of enrollment, financial aid, or other application-relevant concerns to
the scholarship grantors of the scholarship program, as deemed necessary by the Hispanic Scholarship Fund. I also authorize the
scholarship grantors to share this information for the purposes of recruitment, public relations, possible employment, or any other
related activity.
Signature of Applicant
To Be Completed by the Office of the Registrar
Please complete the enrollment certification below and return the completed form to the student for submission with his or
her scholarship application materials by the October 15, 2003, postmark deadline.
Enrollment Certification
I certify that the above named student is currently enrolled for the (specify fall, winter, spring, or summer) ____________________
term, which begins on _____/_____/_____ and ends on _____/_____/_____.
I certify that this student is a (circle one) FULL-TIME / HALF-TIME / LESS THAN HALF-TIME student at (specify institution)
I certify that this student is a (circle one) 1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th / 5th / 6th year student in the (specify program)
Signature and Seal of Authorized Official
School Official's Title and School Stamp
HSF College Scholarship Program – Enrollment Verification Form, Page 1 of 1