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Unit-5-L-1 Elements of tender operation

#Elements Of Tender Operation
A tender can be said as an offer to do work or
supply goods at a fixed price. Initiating step of a
tendering process in which qualified contractors
are invited to submit sealed bids for construction
or for supply of specific and clearly defined goods
or services during a specified timeframe. The
tender process is designed to ensure that the
work to be done for client/government is given
out in a fair way. For example in Malaysia, there
are a number of policies known as procurement
policies which guide government of Malaysia on
how to make decisions on which tender to accept.
Although price is very important in the decision
on which tender or bid to accept, it is not the only
factor taken into account.
The focus of tender planning is to ensure that the
following elements are considered at the
appropriate time:
identifying clear procurement objectives
appropriate market sounding and engagement
tender strategy
key dates and time periods during the tender
tender evaluation and evaluation process
management of probity
contract management
governance and resourcing
Stages Of The Tender Process
Following Stages Of The Tender Process
• Advertising the requirement
• Selection Stage / Pre Qualification
Questionnaire (PQQ)
• Evaluation of selection Stage / PQQ
• Invitation to Tender (ITT)
• Evaluation of the tender submissions
• Award of contract
• Advertising the requirement
• The opportunity may be advertised in a range
of ways, but will, at least include the
• E-tendering portal
• OJEU (Official Journal of the European Union)
notice if required
• Other websites (e.g. Supply to Surrey)
• Trade publications
• Other social media forums e.g. Twitter
• SelectionStage / Pre Qualification Questionnaire
• The selection stage may be carried out separately
to the full tender process and is then referred to
as a Pre-Qualification (PQQ). It can also be done
in a single stage together with gathering tender
• At selection stage bidders are requested to
provide information online within a set timescale.
This gathers information about your business to
ensure you meet minimum requirements to allow
the buyer to ensure that your organisation is able
to provide its requirements and to either
progress your tender submission for full
evaluation or to shortlist for the Invitation to
tender stage (ITT).
It assesses:
• Capacity
• Capability
• Experience
• Supporting information on company finances and
relevant experience / references and insurance
information may all be sought at this stage. There
are two complementary documents that
formalise the standards of ethical behaviour we
expect from our suppliers. The council's Ethical
Procurement Statement and Supplier Code of
Conduct can be viewed on the Surrey County
Council website.
• Evaluation of selection Stage / PQQ
• Evaluates submissions to ensure suppliers
progressing for the evaluation of their full
tender submission (in the case of a single
stage or open tender) or to shortlist and
selects those suppliers most able to meet the
requirements to be invited to the ITT
(Invitation To Tender) stage in the case of a
two-stage or restricted tender process.
• Decision communicated to suppliers.
• Invitation to Tender (ITT)
• Depending on the procedure followed the ITT
may be open to all suppliers (open or singlestage process) where selection and tender
information are combined or only those who
have successfully passed the selection / PQQ
• The ITT assesses the offer and the
requirements as set out in the specification.
Bidding suppliers will be asked to complete online
questionnaires and provide supporting documentation.
All tenders documents are available for download on
the portal and will contain all or some of the following:
Instructions to tenderers
Pricing schedule
Contract conditions–defining the relationship between
the public body and the supplier/contractor
Tender evaluation model – how we intend to evaluate
the submission
Supporting documentation–depending on the contract
Evaluation of the tender submissions
This is completed by an evaluation panel.
Award of contract
All suppliers that submitted a tender will be
informed of the decision to award the
contract via the portal. Decision letters should
give details of the successful supplier/s and
score achieved in the evaluation of tender
• If the tender is has been published in the
Official Journal Award Notice will be
Fig Source: https://image.slidesharecdn.com/chapter2compatibilitymode-170825100839/95/chapter-2-compatibility-mode-14-638.jpg?cb=1503655761
Fig 1: Tendering Process-Flow Chart