N a m e _________________________________D a t e _________________P e r i o d __________ Crosswords Rule! RECONSTRUCTION Crossword Review 1 2 Burt B. Says. . . 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Word Bank Reconstruction Thirteenth Amendment Fourteenth Amendment Fifteenth Amendment Freedmen’s Bureau Black Codes Hiram Revels carpetbagger sharecropping Ku Klux Klan Enforcement Act of 1870 Rutherford B. Hayes Compromise of 1877 Ten percent plan Freedmen 18 Scalawags Ulysses S. Grant 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Hiram Revels 3 5 7 8 9 10 16 17 18 Across farmer rents land from the owner. Unlike sharecroppers, farmer can plant whatever they chose (2 Words) Republican president elected in 1876 after making a compromise with the Democrats to end Reconstruction (3 Words) made anyone born in the U.S. citizens and guaranteed civil rights to all Americans (2 Words) name for free blacks a southern name for a northerner who moved south to aid in reconstruction provided clothing, medical care, food, and education to many freed people (2 Words) attempt to repair damage to the South and bring southern states to the Union. White Southern Republicans and people opposed secession a 1876 compromise to make Rutherford B. Hayes the President of the U.S., and to end Reconstruction (3 Words) 1 2 4 6 11 12 13 14 15 Down ended slavery (2 Words) gave every male citizen above a certain age the right to vote (2 Words) along with the Radical Republicans, this president pushed for civil rights of African Americans in the South (3 Words) law pass by President Grant that banned the use of terror, force or bribery to prevent people from voting (4 Words) Lincoln’s plan to restore the South into the Union. Considered lenient. (3 Words) a system of agriculture in which a landowner allows a tenant(sharecropper) to use the land in return for a share of the crops produced on their portion of land. Often the sharecropper would fall deeper into debt with the land owner their goal was “to defend the social and political superiority” of whites against what they called the “aggressions of an inferior race” (3 Words) first African American Senator (2 Words) laws that Southern state governments used to restrict the rights of former slaves (2 Words) N a m e _________________________________D a t e _________________P e r i o d __________ Crosswords Rule! RECONSTRUCTION Crossword Review 1 2 Burt B. Says. . . 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Hiram Revels 3 5 7 8 9 10 16 17 18 Across farmer rents land from the owner. Unlike sharecroppers, farmer can plant whatever they chose (2 Words) Republican president elected in 1876 after making a compromise with the Democrats to end Reconstruction (3 Words) made anyone born in the U.S. citizens and guaranteed civil rights to all Americans (2 Words) name for free blacks a southern name for a northerner who moved south to aid in reconstruction provided clothing, medical care, food, and education to many freed people (2 Words) attempt to repair damage to the South and bring southern states to the Union. White Southern Republicans and people opposed secession a 1876 compromise to make Rutherford B. Hayes the President of the U.S., and to end Reconstruction (3 Words) 1 2 4 6 11 12 13 14 15 Down ended slavery (2 Words) gave every male citizen above a certain age the right to vote (2 Words) along with the Radical Republicans, this president pushed for civil rights of African Americans in the South (3 Words) law pass by President Grant that banned the use of terror, force or bribery to prevent people from voting (4 Words) Lincoln’s plan to restore the South into the Union. Considered lenient. (3 Words) a system of agriculture in which a landowner allows a tenant(sharecropper) to use the land in return for a share of the crops produced on their portion of land. Often the sharecropper would fall deeper into debt with the land owner their goal was “to defend the social and political superiority” of whites against what they called the “aggressions of an inferior race” (3 Words) first African American Senator (2 Words) laws that Southern state governments used to restrict the rights of former slaves (2 Words) Key N a m e _________________________________D a t e _________________P e r i o d __________ Crosswords Rule! Note: Choice of Crossword with or without word bank 1 2 T 1 3 3 H F 2 Burt B. Says. . . T E N A N T F A R M I I F 5 R U T H E R F O R D B H A Y E S 5 N G T 6 E E 6 4 U 4 T L E Y E S 7 F O U R T E E N T H A M E N D M E N T 7 N F 9 C A R P E T B A G G E R 9 H A M 11 T 11 18 3 5 7 8 9 10 16 17 18 S H N D P M R B E E E L R N C A C T R M C E O R N P C T P 18 C O M P R O M I S R A S C M G E 14 A K H M N 14 O F R E E D M E N S B U R E A U 12 E N D 13 A 13 K N T H N M U I T E K A N L R 16 F R E E D M E N 10 10 E 15 15 12 T 8 S 8 16 A R E C O N S T R U C T I T E F V 1 S E O F 1 8 7 7 D L N L 7 E A G S 0 S N Across Across farmer land fromland the from owner. Unlike 3 rents farmer rents the owner. Unlike sharecroppers, farmer can plantcan whatever sharecroppers, farmer plant whatever they chose (2 chose Words)(2 Words) they Republican presidentpresident elected inelected 1876 after 5 Republican in 1876 after making amaking compromise with the Democrats a compromise with the Democrats to end Reconstruction (3 Words)(3 Words) to end Reconstruction made anyone born in the U.S. 7 made anyone born incitizens the U.S.and citizens and guaranteed civil rights to all Americans (2 guaranteed civil rights to all Americans (2 Words) Words) name free blacks 8 forname for free blacks a southern name forname a northerner who 9 a southern for a northerner who moved south to aid in reconstruction moved south to aid in reconstruction provided clothing, medical care, food, and 10 provided medical care, food, and education to manyclothing, freed people (2 Words) to many people (2 Words) attempt education to repair damage tofreed the South and 16 attempt to repair damage to the South and bring southern states to the Union. bring southern states to people the Union. White Southern Republicans and 17 White Southern Republicans and people opposed secession opposed secession a 1876 compromise to make Rutherford B. 18the a 1876 compromise to make B. Hayes President of the U.S., and toRutherford end Hayes the President of the U.S., and to end Reconstruction (3 Words) Reconstruction (3 Words) X O 17 O N K 17 S C A L A W A G S A N Hiram Revels 1 2 4 6 11 12 13 14 15 Down Down ended1slavery (2 slavery Words) (2 Words) ended gave every maleevery citizen above a certain 2 gave male citizen aboveage a certain ag the right to vote (2 Words) the right to vote (2 Words) along 4 withalong the Radical Republicans, this with the Radical Republicans, this president pushed for civil rights of African president pushed for civil rights of African AmericansAmericans in the South in (3 theWords) South (3 Words) law pass by President Grant that Grant banned thebanned th 6 law pass by President that use of terror, or bribery useforce of terror, force to or prevent bribery to prevent people from voting (4 Words) people from voting (4 Words) Lincoln’s to restore South into 11 plan Lincoln’s plan the to restore the the South into the Union. Considered lenient. (3 Words) Union. Considered lenient. (3 Words) a system agriculture in which a landowner 12 of a system of agriculture in which a landown allows a tenant(sharecropper) to use the allows a tenant(sharecropper) to use the land in return for a share of the crops land in return share of the produced on their portionfor of aland. Often thecrops produced on their portion of land. Often the sharecropper would fall deeper into debt sharecropper would fall deeper into debt with the land owner with the land owner their goal was “to defend the social and 13superiority” their goal was “to defend social and political of whites againstthe what superiority” they calledpolitical the “aggressions of of anwhites inferioragainst what they called the “aggressions of an inferior race” (3 Words) race” (3 Words) first African American Senator (2 Words) 14 Southern first African American Senator (2 Words) laws that state governments used 15 laws that Southern governments used to restrict the rights of formerstate slaves (2 to restrict the rights of former slaves (2 Words) Words)