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Web Design Lesson Plan 90-Minute Project Work Session

Instructor: Dr. Mitchell
Lesson Plan: 90-Minute Web Design: Favorite Candy Project Work Session
Grades: 9th-11th
Course: Web Design Duration: 90 minutes
Lesson Description:
This lesson plan provides students with dedicated time to work on their web design projects, receive
guidance, and address any challenges they may encounter. It encourages independent and collaborative
work, while allowing for instructor support and feedback throughout the project work session.
**Special Note:** Instructor will ensure that students have access to all the necessary resources and the
workspace environment is conducive to focused work.
Learning Objectives:
● Students will have dedicated time to work on their web design projects and receive guidance from
the instructor.
● To create a visually appealing and functional webpage dedicated to a specific candy product for a
potential job application at [insert candy company here], using only HTML.
Materials Needed:
● Computers with access to a code editor [CodeHS, Replit, Glitch or CodePen]
● Internet access (for research and reference) w3schools documentation
● Any project-specific assets or resources
● Images or sketches of the chosen candy
● Digital Timer to keep track of time
Tuesday, October 24, 2023
Standard 3A: Computational Thinking
● 3A-AP-09: Model the way programs store and manipulate data by using
numbers or other symbols to represent information.
Standard 3B: Collaboration
● 3B-IC-02: Work with peers to promote civil, democratic discussions and
decision-making, set goals, prioritize tasks, and divide the work.
Standard 5A: Digital Tools and Environments
● 5A-IC-23: Use computing tools and techniques to create artifacts.
Activator (5 min)
In the student’s project work progress log, they answer the following 2 questions:
1. What will you work on today to meet your project deadline?
2. How will you assure that it’s complete?
Introduction (5 minutes)
- Welcome and review the project's objective: creating a webpage for a candy
product and provide a brief overview of the session's objectives.
- Briefly review the scenario, emphasizing the use of HTML only.
- Show examples of well-designed webpages for inspiration.
- Remind them of the importance of effective time management and focused work
during this session.
Explicit (10 min)
Review Project Progress (10 minutes)
- Ask students to briefly share their progress and any challenges they've
encountered since the last session.
- Provide any necessary clarifications or guidance based on their updates.
- Encourage students to research the chosen candy, including its history,
ingredients, and unique features. They can also find images or sketches to use as
Guided practice
(45 min)
Work Session (60 minutes)
- Allow students to work on their web design projects independently or in pairs.
- Circulate around the classroom to offer assistance, answer questions, and
provide feedback as needed.
- Remind students to start with the basic structure: `<!DOCTYPE html>`, `<html>`,
`<head>`, and `<body>` tags.
- Instruct them to create a header section with a title, and possibly a navigation
bar if applicable.
- Guide students to add content such as images, descriptions, and any additional
elements (e.g., buttons, links).
- Encourage them to use appropriate HTML tags for semantic structure (e.g.,
`<p>`, `<img>`, `<ul>`).
Debrief (5 min)
Mid-Session Check-In (10 minutes)
- Pause the work session briefly for a mid-session check-in.
- Ask students to reflect on their progress and identify any areas where they may
need further support or clarification.
Testing and Debugging (5 minutes)
- Advise students to preview their webpage in a browser to identify and fix any
formatting or display issues.
- Address common HTML errors and provide troubleshooting tips.
Independent work
(20 min)
Continued Work Session (25 minutes)
- Resume the work session, allowing students to continue developing their
- Encourage them to focus on refining their designs, implementing learned HTML
tags, and testing their webpages.
Closure (10 min)
Final Touches (5 minutes)
- Instruct students to review and make final adjustments to their webpage.
- Encourage them to ensure the webpage is well-organized, visually appealing,
and informative.
Wrap-Up and Next Steps (5 minutes)
- Gather students and provide a brief summary of the work session.
- Remind them of any upcoming deadlines or milestones related to the project.
- Encourage students to continue refining and expanding their webpage beyond the
assignment if they have time and interest.
- Have students reflect on the project: What did they learn? What challenges did they