Social Studies Presentation SOCIAL GROUPS AND INSTITUTIONS What is a social group? A social group is considered of two or more persons, who interact regularly to achieve a common goal. Types of Social Groups Primary Groups Secondary Groups Formal Groups Informal Groups Voluntary Groups Involuntary Groups Interest Groups Peer Groups Primary Groups A primary group is a small group whose members share a personal and enduring relationships. For example: parents, husband and wife, long life friends and siblings. Secondary groups A secondary group is a large and impersonal social group whose members pursue a specific interest or activity. For example: classmates, co-workers, police departments and units, political parties and church mates. A formal group is a group that has rules and regulations. Formal groups For example: command groups, task groups, interacting groups and co- acting groups. An informal group is a group that lacks the formality of a formal group; which means there are no rules or regulations, or special requirements to become a member. Informal groups For example: interest group, reference group, and friendship groups Voluntary groups Involuntary groups are groups in which their members are not forced to join them. For example: teachers, nurses, political parties, trade unions, religious and cultural associations. Involuntary groups Involuntary groups are a type of group in which their members are forced to join them. For example: family, city, community and race. Interest groups Interest groups are groups where people are interested in achieving a common goal. For example: bible clubs, debating society and drama group. Peer groups Peer groups are social groups whose members have interest, social positions and age in common. For example: classmates, clubs, and sports team members. What are social institutions? SOCIAL INSTITUTION ARE NORMS AND ORGANIZATIONS THAT ADDRESSES THE NEEDS OF A SOCIETY. Socialization Institution Educational Institution Types of social institutions Political Institution Religious Institution Economical Institution Recreational Institution Socialization Institution The family (members) function as a socialization agent when it provides the children with its earliest values, skills, and knowledge: by doing so they are training their children to live a meaningful life in society, e.g family, marriage and engagement. Educational Institution These institutions are responsible for the transmission of knowledge , skills and culture values. Example: school, colleges, libraries and universities. Political Institution These are the institutions that deals with power and authority, governments have instituted heavy taxes on foreign products that compete with local goods. Examples: political parties, courts, and parliament. Religious Institution These are institution are composed of beliefs, symbols and ritual that are performed by a group of people, which guides the human behavior. One of its function is to sacred authority to society`s rules and values. For example: offences like stealing, committing murder, adultery, do not only break society`s rules but are considered as sins against god. examples: churches, temples and mosques. Economical Institutions These are responsible for the regulation of production and the distribution and consumption of goods and services. For example, The Bank of Guyana, this is a central bank which perform certain specific functions such as, the giving of maximum assistance to the government in its efforts to manage the economy, and the giving of advice on exchange rates between Guyana dollar and other currencies: banks, market, insurance and trade unions. Recreational Institution These are institutions that allows you to relax and socialize. These institutions also allows its members to get opportunity to exercise and improves their health. Examples: cinemas, art clubs and cricket.