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Infectious Diseases: Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

Measles (Rubeola)
• CA: Morbili Virus that
belongs to the family
• MOT: Airborne
• Incubation Period: 820 days, an average of
10 days
• Signs and symptoms
Maculo-popular rashes
that start on the face
then become
pneumonia and
• Laboratory/Diagnostic Examination:
 Tissue culture of nasopharyngeal secretions
 Serological testing
• Treatment
 Supportive care
 Antibiotic if complications like pneumonia
• Prevention and control
 MMR vaccine
• Nursing Care
 Administer antipyretic
 Provide eye, nasal and oral care
 Strict isolation
 Increase fluid Intake
Chicken Pox (Varicella)
• CA: Varicella Zoster Virus
• MOT: Direct and indirect
contact with the droplets
from respiratory passages
or vesicle fluid
• Incubation Period: 14-16
days, range to 2-3 weeks
• Signs and symptoms
Itchy vesiculo-postular
lesions first appears to
the trunk and chest
spreading to the
Body malaise
• Treatment
Supportive care
Anti-viral drugs
• Prevention and control
Varivax immunization for 2 doses at 12 to 18
• Nursing Care
Administer antipyretic
Daily bath
Strict isolation
Trim fingernails
Mumps (Parotitis)
• CA: Mumps virus from
• MOT: airborne or
droplets, or direct contact
with saliva of infected
• Incubation Period: 16-18
days, range to 14-25 days
• Signs and symptoms
• Complications
to permanent
hearing impairment
Orchitis in post
pubescent males
Rarely sterility
• Laboratory/Diagnostic
Isolation of virus from
oral and throat spray
Urine and cerebrospinal
• Treatment
Supportive care
• Prevention and control
MMR vaccine
• Nursing Care
Apply warm and cold
compress for pain on the
affected side
Strict isolation
Use of mask when handling
Terminal disinfection
Provide oral care
Provide soft to semi-solid
Rubella or German Measles
• CA: Rubella virus family
• MOT: Droplet and direct
contact with
nasopharyngeal secretions
of an infected person
• Incubation Period: 10-21
• Signs and symptoms
 Maculopapular rash
 Enlarged auricular occipital
and posterior cervical
 Rhinitis
 Conjunctivitis
 Bronchitis
 Forchheimer’s spot (Small
red spots on the soft
• Laboratory/Diagnostic Examination:
 Serological testing
• Treatment
 Supportive care
 For pregnant-1st or 2nd trimester –immune
globulin is administered to protect the fetus
• Prevention and control
 MMR vaccine
• Nursing Care
 Administer antipyretic
 Increase fluid intake
 Bed rest
• It invades the nervous
system and can cause total
paralysis in a matter of
• CA: Legio debilitans or
polio virus
• MOT: Fecal-oral, droplet
• Incubation Period: 7-21
• Types and Signs and symptoms
1. Abortive
Fever, sore throat, low-lumbar
backache/cervical stiffness on anteflexion of
2. Non-paralytic
Recurrence of fever, poker spine, tightness and
spasm of hamstring, hypersensitiveness of the
skin, deep flexes
3. Paralytic
With paralysis depending on the affected part
• Laboratory/Diagnostic Examination:
 Blood and throat culture, Stool examination and
Lumbar tap
• Treatment
 Symptomatic and Supportive care
• Prevention and control
 Proper disposal of fecal waste, Handwashing, Proper
preparation of food, Immunization of oral polio
• Nursing Care
 Enteric isolation, bed rest, passive range of motion
4 C’s in
for STI
1. COMPLIANCE of clients in the treatment,
prevention and successful recommendation
for preventing recurrence of disease
2. COUNSELING and education on the nature
of the disease, signs and symptoms,
management and prevention
3. CONTACT TRACING facilitates the process
of partner treatment to prevent the spread
of the disease
4. CONDOM use and promoting them to risk
individuals to reduce the chance of acquiring
the Disease
• CA: Neisseria gonorrhea
• MOT: Sexual contact
• Incubation Period: 2-7 days
• Laboratory/Diagnostic Examination:
Culture of specimen in cervix-female, Gram stainmale
• Treatment
• Prevention and control
For adults avoid contact with secretions, practice
monogamous sexual partner
For newborn babies of infected women who gave
birth via vaginal delivery apply Credes prophylaxis
through administration of tetracycline eye
• CA: Treponema pallidum
• MOT: Sexual contact
• Incubation Period: 10-90 days
Types and Signs and Symptoms
1. Primary
2. Secondary
3. Tertiary
• Chancre that
appears within
3 weeks at the
area of contact
• Condylomata
• Sore throat
• Mucous
patches of the
• Maculopapular
• Gumma
• Cardiovascular
and nervous
• Laboratory/Diagnostic Examination:
Darkfield illumination test
Venereal disease research laboratory (VDRL) test
Fluorescent treponemal antibody test
• Treatment
• Prevention and control
Practice monogamy
Sex education
• CA: Chlamydia trachomatis
• MOT: Sexual contact, or contact with exudates from
mucous membranes, childbirth
• Incubation Period: 7-14 days
• Laboratory/Diagnostic Examination:
Culture and Nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT)
of urine and pelvic peritonitis
• Treatment
Azithromycin single
• Prevention and control
Safe sexual practices
Test pregnant women
Genital Herpes
• CA: Herpes Simplex virus (HSV) types 1 and 2
• MOT: Direct contact with infected skin and mucous
membranes, Childbirth
• Incubation Period: 2-12 days
• Period of communicability: as long as the lesions
• Signs and symptoms
 Localized vesicular lesions at the area of contact but
may spread to surrounding tissues
• Laboratory/Diagnostic Examination:
 Serologic test, isolation of virus from lesions or
tissues, biopsy specimens
• Treatment
 Antiviral agents
• Prevention and control
 Safe sexual practices
 Caesarean delivery if lesions are present during late
Genital Warts
• CA: Human papilloma Virus
• MOT: Direct contact with infected skin and mucous
membranes, Childbirth
• Incubation Period: 2- 3 months, range 1-20 months
• Period of communicability: as long as the lesions
• Signs and symptoms
 Circumscribed lesions in the cervix, vulva, anus, penis,
vagina, and oropharynx that maybe vary in sizes
• Laboratory/Diagnostic Examination:
 Visualization of lesion, excision, and histological exam
of the lesion
• Treatment
 Removal of warts by freezing with liquid nitrogen
• Prevention and control
 HPV vaccine for individuals 11-12 years-old
 Safe sexual practices
• CA: HIV 1 and 2
• MOT: Sexual contact, blood transfusion, contaminated
syringes, needles, nipper, blades, direct contact of open
wounds/mucous membranes with contaminated blood
and body fluids, semen and vaginal discharges
• Incubation Period: varies from 3-6 months to many
years (8-10 years)
Stages, and Signs and symptoms
1. Stage 1
• Persistent
2. Stage II
• Weight loss (less
than 10% of BW)
• Minor
• Herpes zoster
within the last 5
• Recurrent URTI
3. Stage 3
• Weight loss (less
than 10% of BW)
• Unexplained
chronic diarrhea
fore more than 1
• Unexplained
prolonged fever
• Oral candidiasis
• Oral hairy
• PTB within the
past year
• Severe bacterial
4. Stage 4
• Pneumocystic
carini pneumonia
• Toxoplasmosis of
the brain
• Herpes simplex
virus infection
• Kaposis sarcoma
• Lymphoma
• Laboratory/Diagnostic
Enzyme Linked Immuno
Sorbent Assay
(ELISA)=presumptive test
Western Blot=confirmatory
• Treatment
Antiretroviral drugs that
suppress the virus
• Prevention and control
1. Blood and blood products
 Screen blood donors
 Observe universal precaution
 Refrain from using contaminated needles and syringes
2. Sexual transmission
 Abstain from promiscuous sexual contact
 Abe faithful
 Follow correct and consistent use of a condom
3. Mother-child transmission
 HIV (+) consult health care provider to have access to care
4. PrEP or Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis
 For high risk individuals
HIV/AIDS Control and Prevention
Act of 2018 (RA 11166)
 Features
1. Intensified campaign in prevention and control of
HIV/AIDS specifically on sexual transmission
2. Expanded access to diagnosis and treatment of
3. Inclusion of HIV/AIDS treatment in the UHC platform
of the country thru Philhealth
4. Penalty for discrimination of people living with
5. Minors can undergo testing for HIV without parent or
guardian consent
Matching type
Column A
1. Leptospirosis
2. Dengue
3. Cholera
4. Scabies
5. Filariasis
6. Enterobiasis
7. Dysentery
8. Ascariasis
9. Anthrax
10. Malaria
Column B
A. Vector borne diseases
B. Water borne diseases
C. Parasitic infections
D. Zooneses
Matching type(Diagnostic tests)
Column A
1. Leptospirosis
2. Dengue
3. Cholera
4. Scabies
5. Filariasis
6. Enterobiasis
7. Dysentery
8. Ascariasis
9. Anthrax
10. Malaria
Column B
A. Tourniquet Test
B. Stool Examination
C. Blood Smear
D. Scotch Tape Swab Test
E. Urine culture
F. Ink Test
G. Gram Staining Test
H. Finger Prick
Matching type (Herbal Medicine)
Column A
1. Sambong
2. Akapulko
3. Ulasimang Bato
4. Bawang
5. Yerba Buena
Column B
A. Lowers uric acid
B. Pain relief
C. Anti-fungal
D. Lowers cholesterol level
E. Diuretic