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English Grammar: Used to, Would, On Time, In Time

The differences between USED TO and WOULD
 Used to Verb 1 – formasi biror
ish-harakat o’tgan zamonda
doimiy amalga oshirilib, hozirda
esa bu odat to’xtatilganligini
ifodalashda ishlatiladi.
Masalan, o’zbek tilida: Men avvallari
musiqa eshitardim – gapida “-r, -ar”
qo’shimchasiga tenglashtirsak bo’ladi.
I used to be one of the laziest
students in my class.
She used to play soccer a lot.
Sam used to bring us lunch.
Our cat used to meow very
 Would – ingliz tilida used to ga
juda o’xshash, ammo u bilan
holat fe’llarini ifodalay
 Would’ni ishlatganda, TIME
phrase, ya’ni vaqt qo’yilishi
Bu holatda, o’zbekchada: Anvar
yozda doim cho’milishga borar edi –
degan gapni keltirsak bo’ladi.
When I was a kid, I would go
swimming every weekends in
We would have parties every
month as a student.
on time vs in time
On time shakli ma'lum bir ish-harakat o'z vaqtida, rejalashtirilgan vaqtida
bajarilganini aytish uchun xizmat qiladi.
-The 11.45 train left on time. -11.45 dagi poyezd o'z vaqtida jo'nadi.
-The conference began and finished on time. -Konferensiya o'z vaqtida
boshlandi va tugadi.
In time shaklida esa ish-harakatni bajarish vaqti oldindan belgilab qo'yilmagan
bo'ladi. Bunda gap mazmuni o'sha ish- harakatni bajarishga ulgurishni ifodalaydi.
-Will you be home in time for dinner? -Siz kechki ovqatga ulgurib
-I've sent Jill her birthday present. I hope it arrives in time.
-Men Jilga sovg'asini yubordim. Umid qilamanki, u vaqtida (ulgurib) yetib
at the end vs. in the end
at the beginning (of sth)-(...ning)
In the beginning = at first – dastlab,
boshida, avval.
There was a wonderful music at the
beginning of the film.
at the end (of sth)-(...ning) oxirida
I'm going away at the end of January.
In the beginning he felt well, but soon
he got weaker.
In the end = at last – nihoyat
We had lots of problems with our car.
In the end we sold it.