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Persepolis Argumentation Essay Assignment

Justin Robinson | English 114
Argumentation Essay: Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi (our class schedule texts or your own topic)
Counterargument (your second-to-last body paragraph):
Expresses an opposing view of your position.
Begin your topic sentence with one of these examples:
“Many people (believe/argue/feel/think/suppose) that (state your counterargument here).”
“It is often (thought/imagined/supposed) that (state your counterargument here).”
Rebuttal (your last body paragraph):
Shows that the opposing view is being listen to, answered, and disproved.
Begin your topic sentence with one of these examples:
“What this argument (overlooks/fails to consider/does not take into account) is…”
“This view (seems/looks/sounds) (convincing/plausible/persuasive) at first, but…"
Your Assignment:
Choose a theme(s) that you want to discuss in Persepolis, our class texts, or your own topic.
Gather and evaluate evidence that supports your theme(s).
Establish an argumentative thesis using “Although” as a concession word.
Include a counterargument paragraph establishing that you have considered an opposing view.
Include a rebuttal paragraph that answers and disproves the opposing view.
Page length (double-spaced): four to five (1,000 to 1,250 words)
Three-part introduction and Two-part conclusion
TEEAS or TEEAE2A2S body paragraphs
1-inch margins
Font: 12 pt. Times New Roman or comparable
MLA format
A Prepared Paper Will: (1) show argumentative thinking (consideration of the prompt/discussed theme(s)
throughout Persepolis, our class texts, or your own topic) (2) quote and paraphrase directly from the text or
your topic with quotes and paraphrases spanning 1-4 lines maximum (3) show formal essay structure (threepart introduction, developed body paragraphs using TEEAS or TEEAE2A2S, and two-part conclusion).
Note: If you have questions, reach out to me before class, after class, during my office hours, or by email.
Zoom office: appointment. Office Hours (Hum 242): MWF 11am-1:30pm. Email: jrobinso@mail.sfsu.edu.
Argumentation Essay Due: Friday, October 28th, 11:59pm, post to Essay Assignment #2 – iLearn.
Thesis Statement
A thesis statement is what your whole essay is about.
A thesis statement is a point, position, or argument.
A thesis statement tells your audience the point, position, or argument of your essay.
A thesis statement is the last sentence of your introduction.
A thesis statement is one sentence.
MLA In-Text Citations
Use quotation marks on either side of words (even two or three words) taken from another author or speaker.
Copy the original text exactly.
Choose your evidence deliberately.
Write a signal phrase.
Lead into your evidence with a signal phrase (a sentence telling your reader that you are including a piece of evidence), such as:
Satrapi (author) or Marjane (character) writes, says, mentions, states, exclaims, argues.
Example signal phrase:
Satrapi speaks critically about the U.S. intervention in Iranian economic politics in the Introduction to Persepolis,
Example signal phrase, evidence, and MLA citation:
Satrapi states: “In 1951, Mohammed Mossadeq, then prime minister of Iran, nationalized the oil industry. In
retaliation, Great Britain organized an embargo on all exports of oil from Iran. In 1953, the CIA, with the help of
British intelligence, organized a coup against him” (Introduction).
Blend the wording of your evidence into your sentence structure.
Example signal phrase, evidence, and MLA citation:
In the beginning of Persepolis Marjane recalls her grandfather’s imprisonment, exclaiming “That night I stayed a
very long time in the bath. I wanted to know what it felt like to be in a cell filled with water” thus showing her active
empathy skills, even at a young age (Satrapi 25).
Introduce your evidence with a colon (:) to add emphasis.
Example signal phrase, evidence, and MLA citation:
Anoosh, Marjane’s uncle, shows how much he loves her through his words and his embrace: “You are the little girl I
always wanted to have […] Star of my life” (Satrapi 69).
If you use the author’s last name in your signal phrase, cite the page number: (94).
If you do not use the author’s last name in your signal phrase, cite the author’s last name and the page number: (Satrapi 94).
Periods go at the very end of your citation.
Quotation marks go directly after your evidence.
TEEAS: How to Structure Your Body Paragraphs in Five Steps
T: Topic Sentence – a direct point or position (1 sentence)
E: Explanation – explains and clarifies your topic sentence (2-3 sentences)
E: Evidence – a quote or a paraphrase that proves your topic sentence (1-4 lines)
A: Analysis – demonstrates critical ideas related to your evidence (5-8 sentences)
Evidence #2 (optional): You may add one additional evidence to your paragraph (1-4 lines)
Analysis #2 (optional): Follow your additional evidence with one additional analysis (5-8 sentences)
S: Summary Sentence – a summary of your paragraph (1 sentence)