PROGRAMMING SIMULATIONS USING OBJECT-ORIENTED LANGUAGES WITH EXAMPLES INC++ by Grant Lupiya ) A project Major Professor: Dr Timothy Budd Minor Professor: Dr Toshimi Minoura Other Committee report Oregon State requirements ,, I submitted to University for the member: the Department in partial degree Professor Bella of Computer fulfillment of Master Bose of of Science Science, the TABLE OF CONTENTS Ac know 1 edgemen t ........................................... Abstract 1. 2. 3. 5. ) (ii) . ............................................... 1.1 Overview 1. 2 How simulation The process of The steps 2.2 Types of . is defined simulation of simulations ... 2 4 . .4 . .9 pure Object-oriented, LISP- .................................... Object-oriented 3. 2 SIMULA..... 3. 3 Smalltalk 3.4 c++ Language. 3. 5 PASION. 3.6 ROSS .............................................. paradigm and 10 simulation .......... 10 .12 .. .14 ..... ...... Overview 4.2 Simulation of a bank 4.3 Simulation of a hospital 4.4 Simulation of a livestock 5.1 Overview 5.2 Problems 5.3 Suggestions 5.4 Lessons . scenario .... scenario. farm .... . • ••••••• 26 . ...... 27 • • • • • • •31 •••••••••••• ..................................... ............ learned . .. 38 . . 38 improvements. .............. . ................................................ 36 38 experienced. for 20 26 .......................... and conclusion 18 22 ............................................ 4.1 References . .............. . representing and c extensions 1 .. . 3.1 comment .. . .............. ............................. in modeling languages Implementations 1 .................. doing 2.1 based, 4. ................................................. Introduction A survey ( i) •• 39 . . •••••• 39 41 Acknowledgement I would like to Budd, who has been years of at stay my studies were and a source tackling this My thanks for their agreeing support convey my Major Oregon this of a high State Professor Timothy during my three and Advisor University project inspiration to . He guided . His for me, me throughout patience and guidance and greatly helped Minoura Bella in . go to to be on the and thanks Professor research project also my sincere Professors Toshimi committee encouragement. ) ( i) for my research and project Bose and for Abstract In ) this project programming choice languages for and c++ in order are in constructing the make features them simulations. livestock language examine that implementing hospital, used we farm to demonstrate simulation (ii) most Three scenarios of oriented likely languages simulations of were how Object software. object implemented - Oriented of a bank, in the languages Chapter 1 ) Introduction 1.1 Overview Simulation many is used real-world may be too frequently systems. complex, in Most or too of the study these dangerous of systems the behavior are to be modeled the of kind using that analytical methods. Why is simulation simulation for is ways cost, to increase estimation parameters, or operating languages simulation Simulation are with animation and Simulation graphical thus A simulated such as compressed time in order to system observe if the by they make to some fine 1 speed details proposed The availability of to popularize various can fields. be displayed languages it easier and to do simulation. without order new policies, simulation of avoid Simulation helped if can be studied in the in use to can be simulated. solving of production alternative they capabilities, experimentation time for on them has, advent encouraging allows of a system why looking tool life. understood the reduce and human problem easily therefore hardware of reasons are an inexpensive backed can run method and Therefore computers, many As industries finances and evaluated that results graphically, system. a as conditions. personal as of are quality, of performance can be compared simulation today. adopted terms can provide of use been in popularity There productivity, has mistakes, designs popular? widespread simulation costly ) in so disturbing in different up a in time study the the study. or real frames expanded This project languages, ) ideal report drawn for e x amines from three simulation. languages, the of object-oriented representative The three LISP - based attributes classes languages, groups, that make them pure object oriented are and c-extension languages. 1.2 How simulation is defined Since simulation propose a good reasonable is definition in which The process real with the Models real and model real system . are which proposed simulation conducting it is by is quite hard to general. Hoover and A Perry as: a mathematical then of Those or logical computer-based e xplain, as and predict containing aspects to obscure not for either Models fields, model of a experiments the behavior of system the only the behavior solution for the wrong, true or the essentials system which are included not problem the of do not since model is solve. appropriate therefore one defined may be thought only Models varying system. they to the to describe, significantly would in simulation of designing contribute trying ) is they system of the the of definition [Hoope89] ) employed can Iconic models models resemble models have right the or analysis be accurate be classified resemble the no physical or hand [Hoope89]. but they Models are may inaccurate. as being the real at false, real iconic, system system only or analog physically, in relationship, 2 analog, behavior, only or symbolic. while analog and symbolic logical. A system that interact According to to be modeled and operate to Biles the focus simulated be the important Despite the simulation, that also stochastic ) true employed to optimal generally results model requires modeled. terms In of end (Polla89]. constitutes a system boundaries of to objectives nature compare to can number the of the is relative system include the being important study, accrued and exclude from problems One observed weakness that since their results and and models produce be alternative solutions, but to a valid to be representation accurate. careful planning general, coming and of study may be and system the lengthy therefore only find requires the Therefore simulation resources, of contain of can Simulation . It estimates modeling not is develop simulation be of weaknesses to many simulation problem. use of simulation difficult can only the . Therefore a specific computer be of expensive observed must output a simulation. solution model some logical order that are parameters, system's the to the of entities ones . are been in advantages with models has defined there associated what Therefore related less of a collection to accomplish study. characteristics composed [Biles87], of must is the that for the up with a valid situation being and good expensive designs in are imperative. Figure 2 shows a simulation. the As it execution of parallel of events can iterative is most events, be simulated process of the figure time 3 is involved required to 4 shows how parallel on a sequential ) that machine. in doing simulate the execution Chapter 2 The process of doing simulation 2.1 The steps in modeling The process following 1. of modeling steps [Polla89] Definition of In the description of its is [Nance81] through a submodels, the possible Forrester widely been is into lower is reached. objects states adopted process these entities 4 this stage i.e. what simulation study. should the proceed model and into so forth of representing This their the includes attributes, participate, and system. devised in at system. system, [Forr61] environment study, of of the of the undertaken, submodels, the in which The collection the of is definition submodels is the define solved. the by the decomposition of the and being happening of that and data analyze defining answered level to be modeled top-down the activities what recommends features the to execution objectives is objectives specification describing need which terms be specification essential ) to an atomic Model the and thus the are simulation system In simple Nance Model the the and problem determining until is boundaries questions involves problem there thoroughly as well. 2. the simulation giving ) generally writing symbols that relational have now diagrams [Brock79, capture Pella82]. all other . The into of of model language one, to each can later formulae, the be make computer the program a the is for an to objects choice of tailored for part and therefore problem. The in simulation a applications, objects the are simulation less using are not task of object- cumbersome as objects way in the of real in the application. of insuring that the model is, the computer and validation Verification built but languages designing Verification any computer The offers parallel in easier. languages will importance task simulation to take The choice this oriented system vital of simulation, every a general language. makes selected may be simulation, simulation classes the Theoretically language particular used of simulation. purpose creating language using simulation be used appropriate answer implemented language could special is . The computer language program or special accomplishing is the according program confirming the helps relation which implementing a computer conceptual purpose 4. diagrams diagrams difficult. computer an and their mathematical stages 3 . Construction of entities relational subsequent The of relational important translated less The use real to process specification. That properly. Validation performs the model is system and that 5 a faithful it can refers representation actually imitate is to of its behavior. Sargent validation stage steps, where (i) [Sarge83] should be divided Comparison with of the This should models the results of may also take the model to form other of models. comparing known be the results of models. validity Events are other with Event or occurrences compared determine The to if Extreme validity Face validity about the data model, validate the simulation the real model system to same. test should be bound outside and of the prevent defined ranges. Face Historical are of behavior operating behavior of they model of the those condition occurrence If following validated analytical (v) the being simulation (iv) into the model compared (iii) that feasible: output (ii) recommends is system is asking people whether the knowledgeable model or its reasonable. data can be collected part of the model. 6 the before data can building be used the to (vi) Interval validity Doing ) several variability (vii) replication of the Multistage stage theory, observation, the intuition, and relationship of Sensitivity (ix) of and output. simulation in experimental is state values, real knowledge the input system on assumption and output and the model. of changing and interval the the parameters effect in upon model the the the frames. are model's followed logic duty to to is design An experimental of circumstances be observed during variables, input termination model correct. and analysis has specification to testing determine if experiment modeler the and general based Traces determine The developed comparing input to Entities 5. is consists a model its model analysis The technique values the model. before empirically (viii) determine validation At this and can the conditions under 7 variables, and or is defined frame experimentation. to one which It the consists more as model of initialization variables for data collection analyze 6. (output). the results Documentation of of the The program must and written reports recommendation following the statistical the methods simulation must be used run. results be documented by explaining up on the made. elements Gauss of results of [Gauss78] information how it the study, recommends should works and that the be included in documentation. (i) A precise statement suppose (ii) to The mathematical/logical being (iii) the model is definition, formulation of the problem and output, modeled. test A set the (v) and A complete and (iv) of what do. assumptions, ) set cases of of that operating simulation A well to current have input been run. instruction for program. documented 8 program listing. user of Planning simulations Formulation problem of the J l ' Collection and processing of data ,' Formulati on of mathematical model Estimation of parameters , model ) reject evaluation accept Formul at ion of computer program va lidati on Design of experiments I Analysis of data ) Figure 1 l l Simulation Algorithm Create Model GENERATE Find Next Potent al Event Select activity 2 SIMULATE 3 y } 4 5 Change Image Gather Statistics Generate report Figure 2 REPORT SIMULATION PROGRAMMING TASKS: System Image Routines • Simulation algorithm ,. ) Report Generator Figure 3 Modeling Para 11el ism on Sequential Machines Begin Simulation Initialize time to zero -select code to execute~----------. -Pass contro 1 to code ) code 1 code 2 code n no Update c 1ock Figure 4 2.2 TYPES OF SIMULATION Constructing a simulation simulationist design and builds a model an experiment, observes study, the the and have event properties a collection of of the On the changes output. other in the the attributes. hand, the the adjustment state state a continuous variables display a on to experiment goals to the of model of objects called The state of the variables that occur lie system. otherwise a system. of the and entities system represent environment If the it a system environment is open. 9 the and are and is one is the continuously in used which are boundaries, empty, to hybrid continuous made up of is in which generally Systems discrete outside is smoothly equations of combination that simulation differential The system closed, on goes A system. simulation to then using based composed or continuous said and process. simulation. called model the system, make is attributes an iterative simulation system or influence the may Difference and activities the Eventually, time. characteristics. basically of runs re-execute A discrete entities then simulationist experiment that is event any objects but which may the system is Chapter 3 A Survey of languages representing pure Object-Oriented, LISP-based, and C extensions Languages 3.1 Object-Oriented paradigm and simulation Simulations have languages, with FORTRAN, or a dialect to implement languages, the the simulation, the use object-oriented reducing cost application software. mapped the into are although most is that it do, instead for the of how it representation of the object-oriented objects, instead is languages simulation all the to in behavior. task. provides real able respond an easy producing the is and not in The a way the of simulation world are easily model. programming in research to is done. are concentrate procedure on what utilized paradigm 10 with The advantages style Object-oriented calls in use, As Budd [Budd91) object-oriented programming languages laboratories. extensive. of objects of written special define in of the users to from been behave software involved imperative implementor is languages permits the languages are advantage to has in of procedural objects object-oriented of these having programming simulation of object-oriented a major various The objects several them that producing that conducted opposed implementor advantage, the There as advantage as the this of been FORTRAN. The use how the Despite out, of understand of majority simulation, offers clearly traditionally it of programming is they programming in of sending want is simulations. parameters points ideal The use messages is to an to ) appropriate way of Inheritance in complexity allows representing object-oriented of software efficiency to involving perform the creation groups LISP extensions, languages simulation. reduces of software the objects construction. take a totally new view languages of objects which language. programming based Object-oriented on their and send Everything giving a consistent languages. inheritance relation as C++ and efficient in view each of what it programming other as requests implementation: may be pure Smalltalk language, is classified to which is an interpreted, interface. ROSS, and FLAVOR belong to change after in this class as The C-based are typed program 11 strongly compilation. and pure objects may dynamically. a typeless is Languages represented into Object-oriented, Smalltalk Objective-C, code, languages C extensions. programming LISP-based yield in some task. three such events The re-use Object-oriented Object-oriented thus construction. languages program. world programming of software Object-oriented means real and to the allow the languages, as a result 3.2 SIMULA The roots Algol. of SIMULA (SIMUlation The language alternatively SIMULA is be considered (i) Ability (ii) to Ability a superset as Algol specify to Language) class can be traced of Algol with the 60. back to SIMULA can following features: declarations. generate coroutine objects from class declaration. (iii) Ability to give manipulated (iv) to generated by procedures Presence of chained hierarchical ) names defined class objects in the which get program. declaration, which form a structure. Support for simulation in SIMULA SIMULA designers simulation. All other defined These classes classes subclassing these five in handling Languages supporting MESA, Concurrent Pascal, SIMULA. A SIMULA class of objects instance and of each classes, class input actions object classes support the in a simulation SIMULATION. Another used five process using and output the idea in view be of language provides can SIMULA is used in simulation. are formed by SIMSET, and BASICIO which is operations. of data ACT, Smalltalk, can this can NAMEDLINK, HEAD, LINK, important it that encapsulation such and c++, have all an encapsulation perform follow. 12 and of the the as CLU, roots in properties "life-cycle" the Class to hierarchies communicate inheritance, along with there language with each is coroutine other. no facility SIMULA only multiple inheritance permit objects permits single provided in the design. Class Simset This called are class sets supports in formed doubly linked SIMULA terminology, using these circular has lists. objects The as members. list, Queues lists. Class Simulation The class responsible (i) ) (ii) (iii) [ Fran77 J provides simulation (v) that are for: Event notice generation,manipulation, The system Scheduling A link and cancellation. clock. The sequencing (iv) constructs set. constructs. between and the system the coroutine clock provided and the by class sequencing objects set. Class Basicio Basicio The input are using is the class and output objects. various files Input/output procedures responsible are is for built done in the handling on the concept by manipulating class 13 Basicio. input and output. of text, the text which objects 3.3 Smalltalk Smalltalk is the object-oriented an system a name Object, that languages Smalltalk-80 has language and which over a link does aggregate has of to to not the have the a parent except class. some of we see in the the A system root A Smalltalk these in community. . Each class superclass, from ideas programming 200 classes its objects introduced class, program classes, and is their subclasses. Support for simulation in Smalltalk The Smalltalk-80 use in discrete the required defined user system event the framework. These Simulation, such defined if of these classes that 6 shows are new classes form are designed model. the transient Object that the control 5 are classes DelayedEvent. Other and StaticResource simulation system looks is defined figure and control the construct simulation in for can [Gold83] the shown in the simulation to are class Robson EventMonitor, required how the and root Resource, as Histogram, they the that SimulationObject, classes Figure Goldberg classes that The simulationist by subclassing system. constructed classes simulation. classes in provides may be under study. after the addition that appear in the class Class SimulationObject This class simulation defines e x ecution. StaticResource. simulation ) subclass If execution, of the The the class objects is simulationist a class parent requires EventMonitor SimulationObject. The 14 to can a trace of be defined methods of a the as a the class SimulationObject by which ) tasks, are an object enters and finally temporal execution of the and go assigned the and from out sequence some The objects in this "life-cycle" that a execution finally the a control carries methods, The SimulationObject simulated provide system, through tasks objects to system. initialization the terminate used the leaves generally perform generally of assigned class are involves methods that that execution of methods of tasks that describe system. maintains a list the activities. Class Simulation The job is of to of this control the the reference and solving simulation objects be well in EventMonitor [Gold83) up schedules involve creating well as for the set of methods in this order The initialization, a simulation the in setting jobs as coordinated. for to Other events, and Robson maintaining initialize the a objects class variables eventQueue. problem transient in SimulationObject responsible currentTime addition Objects. the to by Goldberg in delayed system are In simulation, queuing to the that as defined SimulationObject resources, in class problem, as a subclass system objects Objects must must if be the simulationist of Class Simulation. defined as be defined the as trace ) 15 resources, execution the The permanent SimulationObject of the a file. defines is while the Objects, or to be stored Class Resource The ) class Resource can ResourceProvider and ResourceProvider generates be designed with two ResourceCoordinator. resources subclasses subclass The which are consumed by the ResourceCoordinator. Class DelayedEvent An instance DelayedEvent of WaitingSimulationObject suspended has a until semaphore when the because technically it has to available. ) some time process as the is which time created it wait simulation resource until becomes the of class to continue some A DelayedEvent signaled to resource object is next time the is is delayed in the is on the be suspended Object be active placed to DelayedEvent start that it subclass requires A SimulationObject may not for An object be is ripe. its when a process elapses. will or model not currently event queue scheduled when of the available. Class EventMonitor The Class EventMoni tor is simulation objects from the they It this exit. overrides does the methods designed time they by defining of to enter a file trace the to the progress system store to of the time trace and created and the simulationObject. Class ResourceProvider The ResourceProvider ) consumed. track of It has current an value describes instance of the resources variable resources. 16 which are amountAvailable that keeps Smalltalk-BO Simulation Classes ) Object Resource Resource Provider Simulation ResourceCoordinator Si mul at ionOb j ect Del ayedEvent Wait i ngS i mul at i onOb j ect ) Figure 5: ) ( Goldberg and Robson 1983) Smalltalk-80 Simulation Classes ) Object Resource Resource Provider Simulation Del ayedEvent ResourceCoordinator Wait i ngS i mul at i onOb j ect EventMon i tor Figure 6: ( Goldberg Stat i cResource and Robson 1983) Class ResourceCoordinator A ResourceCoordinator ) It can Its coordinate queue describes one or more consists of a server/customer servers either with entirely relationship. one or more of customers. servers, or of only customers. Graphics and Smalltalk-SO The class simulation. bitmaps. Form A form A form written to accomplishes the is an array can disk basically be file created, using animation discrete of pixels edited, messages of represented scaled, provided event displayed, by the as and Smalltalk system. to A new form can be drawn interactively FormEditor. edited displayed A form by sending is it the by sending by sending message it message a message displayon: at:. newform edit and When a form ) array is Object, idle placed and to active, into a job the an started, busy instance variable thus form is changing shown 17 of SimulationObject the objects on the display. state from 3.4 C+ + Language c++ ) either is superset as a procedural Because of the increasingly oriented software scientist knowledgeable each to object libraries release it can be Oriented language, One C finds such, Object the used language. the language is people interested in object reason for is that it nature choose either implement an oriented as has arithmetic part [rumba91]. a good example not be compatible limited. Despite language for out is easier of the this, to migrate language idea, to a C++ gives a conventional or selecting ability to problem arises override the reuse method should writer of an object whichever add if as design the virtual of affairs, declared the virtual in user source will have virtual. code not has is the no not an elegant 18 solution The ability may be Since the users superclass in impossible to Declaring either, to the predicting the al on the be accomplished, of available. et subclasses. the is C++ as restriction to modify This of superclass. way use Rumbaugh and to may their adoption resolution subclass libraries, therefore creating T & complex libraries overwhelming. in the AT and These a serous contain the developed the by method class keyword is is classes for also and of c++ places original the other, not tasking Library. development of a class often have does However input/output, each state c++ environment. people library be its Interviews with because the requirements, accomplish the this method to is languages, for Other software that of libraries and methods to an among hybrid freedom other standard order of As best. Unlike point the C. or nature with methodology is c++ language development. the oriented language popular Also implementor the hybrid becoming environment. ) of all since the this places some cost on memory and function-call overhead. Support for simulation in C + + C++ allows instance the objects availability, user to can be makes developing and classes modeled defined and virtually created. c++ seem simulation To design develop This, to any class, combined be an ideal from which its wide with candidate for software. implement on the a good pattern simulation of those using this in Smalltalk language, system can be is as appear as used. layout A general of a class implementation in c++ follows: class ) Name { public: Interface methods definitions. protected: Interface methods and data for subclasses. private: Methods and data only visible within the object. } Using this design, a definition of below: 19 class Clock would class Clock { public: ) Clock() { time= 0.0;} inline void resetTime() {time= inline void clockTick() {time+= inline float currentTime() 0.0; } 1.0; {return } time; } private: float time; } 3.5 PASION ) PASION (PAScal Programming Language simulationists. needed simulatION) in of discrete PASION, inheritance such as object capabilities, available in PASION permits hierarchies, thus time variable for process the of that are occurrence of objects. in code languages, re-use. process-oriented view inheritance create has According of the and definition can needs tools execution, programming aid the Pascal to world of process complex models using code. a "clock time. extending provides creation a simulationist written PASION has the by cater oriented which [Polla89], to as parallel and dynamic all design language events, Pollacia simulated order The extended in simulation previous was Time is mechanism" defined variables are used to zero initialized 20 in the to at language schedule the to provide events. start of The the simulation. to Then the are time variable value scheduled which of model, has The input by PASION. In ref type, which therefore control used to reference visible done from by using reference to the for compilation the equal equal to than the the state time previous of the variables. with extension by PASION is by any provided an ordinary standard by PASION allows viewed as is Ref existing program process X attribute used processes execution. within body, notation. Pascal PASION has type. allow dot set greater program processing a process the is variables of changing after program. queue variables, but time a Pascal time time capable of all .be Pascal and value, their the Pascal user to code models. PASION can on the have Next provided oriented fact imposed ready The extension process/event is value output program, Compiler. minimal PASION is The run. event the to which to the Each time. including Pascal events The its and body. access Using of process 21 with reserved declare to be reserved Process A. dot structure words to outside the some such reference referenced word this, attributes the notation, as process A.Xis and is are is a 3.6 ROSS ROSS (Rule-Oriented language designed language. The and Director write The syntax, highly readable attributes to is is simulation instance also clock that time, The last is the errors reserved words which property functions behavior for each of in objects the language this objects . All object. in for tick ross - error the the the Ne lock language. which have are user ross- storage is sent to the and ross-trace define various properties object which object. ) 22 are object of current respectively. object is ROSS primitive This . ROSS language each have to nlock, . This and diagnostics of ROSS simulationist something, all scratch variables message object-oriented . defined instance two objects, handling in the in ROSS are from and methods of the simulation for stored variables manipulation objects generic objects LISP-based in some predefined [Klahr82] other a by Smalltalk definitions permit oriented software. with most is by SIMULA, all therefore objects the object influenced method . Other ross-trace an ROSS greatly application behavior create behavior and and is Corporation. and remotely The predefined Something System) ROSS was ROSS comes and and error, of commands - like defined. Rand design The language used at [Klahr84] languages. English Simulation is object the has time and To advance the object nlock. are responsible has some other of ROSS objects. inheritable, The defines Creating ROSS Objects ROSS objects class. The can either class objects terminology. Generic command which takes create represent are objects on the a class called are or an instance generic created following of the objects by in issuing a ROSS create forms: <objectName> generic or create The first latter <objectName> new generic form is of a destructive the other destructive hand the bearing Instances If the page hospital 3 0) patientl, (ask The patient created created of class destroys by issuing is create the program an the object create the generic intact. any previously of command create was used instance by issuing the patientl instance version that ROSS, be created destructive issuing while On the defined same name. written would The version simulation was non-destructive, \ previously the are called one. command keeps object, is create this create instance. in this of project patient, ( called command: ) message would have this syntax: (ask patient Objects ) Each yourself new create can also instance as message patientl) new instance be created would achieves have by making a this. copies distinct The instance 23 name. of The patientl themselves. duplicate creates a copy of its self using patientl (ask duplicate Alternatively sending objective. can have (ask patient to Andrew its following is however can modified in as the the newly same created ways: except 999-87-2273 to achieve various patientl like ssn also more powerful attributes patient2 syntax: patient2) as make message make patient2 set message yourself the The latter object the patient2 set name ) Removing unrequired objects from system In conducting sometimes This simulation remove is we were using objects which achieved by using the to a message was going send to not it may be needed the command. yourself patientl from to kill necessary to simulation. For example herself, the if format be: patientl ( ask are kill to ROSS, kill yourself) Communication among ROSS Objects The objects messages. When an looked in match a class the the that template in modularity, ROSS' is of trying sent its with each a specific other message, behavior. A message by sending a match template can Unlike c++ which uses the parameters match a message to a the method, to a message executes the first is matching as ROSS method found. The organization ) object when passed is ROSS communicate of messages. signature objects in of knowledge modifiability, object-based around objects and maintenance framework can 24 make in ROSS facilities of simulation it possible [Klahr84]. for a human sitting behind a terminal to receive objects in application would one of the having gives role the objects a human a good and as hence be able is that is to force and thus one the of environment advantage easier in achieving with to the normally simulation do, objects in for putting a human be used the course ) ) 25 in effectively event thus advantage is a decision in occur the training in the simulation other respond that as of it making . Other as detailed to of as the simulation a human participation desired and world . A clear the some particular the same messages above, simulation . it Chapter 4 Implementations ) 4.1 Overview In this objected bank project, oriented scenario, objects defined and created. adhered (ii) to that as close should (iii) perform one major Messages data using parts some reasonable for and thus simulations using choice object for between wing modeled domains three be simple farm . being basic in all the three and each Various modeled design a were principles simulations object should : only function. objects should of the should be simple, logical, from characteristic of helping demonstrate oriented the to to of same chunks inherit rely the software of from each minimize some not on the internal objects. benefitted classes conducting simulations livestock the and unambiguous. implementations languages three among objects structure programming used to using the as possible Objects consistent These follo simulations and parallel The three The scenario The interaction ) c++. hospital and (i) implemented language classes were we of code the programming simulations. 26 other, Where it written. to as by was inheritance was advantages - oriented reusability, code. that language object the be was These gained language by of 4.2 Simulation of a bank scenario AIM The goal of this simulates in to was the user be display used waiting times fixed queue, then this to the the length is means some the more the to customers the and Interviews Library of the in the bank can minimize queue always length showing maximum length are being the may to the is in system a order . since made program, tellers display equal come environment, day output that developed X- Windows . This customers lobby Bank Manager accommodate of if The system execute number period model, whose supports by bank may be because indicate to this queue rejection time to a system when customers bank. by the estimated built bank the . Therefore experienced in with that the specific a commercial provided output compute at a waiting ' ) routines a terminal to was to c++ programming the the requires deploy was of project business in use to at various implemented order of the activities conduct extensive part of the rejected. is too small. This need to expand the lobby the design The may therefore in order customers. Design of the system A decision system that Library. simulated the ) made at the display would Therefore the plausible clock was to use be updated mouse. was Each The bank if there is clock tick door remains early stage be provided in by using way to show the occurred closed event, when the during 27 'go' the of the display and hence the button non-business the Interviews advancement a mouse . The interviews a pending the of can only need is for the clicked. hours and this is shown trying ) to map the following object in the classes were model real objects were created by a label at developed from hanging the on the bank on to and instances bank the of the door. model, In the corresponding them. Struct BankCustomer The objects Each object point to customers of the type next were defined by a struct its account number in waiting queue. as an abstract class. and dequeue(). Each of these BankCustomer customer knows when placed BankCustomer. and can Class Queue The class the virtual can take isErnpty() Queue was defined methods an enqueue(), argument which takes of type BankCustomer, This except class had methods the method no argument. ) Class TellerQ The Class addition to TellerQ items TellerQ inheriting defines on the was created the methods by methods to displays of subclassing its its class parent objects Queue. class, and give the In class numbers of queue. Class FutureEvent The ) class FutureEvent defines methods methods that to clear the to generate manipulate queue is of the any a subclass objects of bankCustomer objects that 28 of class Queue. customers. objects cannot The The as well class class has as methods be processed. Greeting Message When Program OOL: C++ SIMULATION is Run Feb 199 1 CLOSED ) Welcome to a Bank Simulation (click ) • Figure 7 "start" St art Program to begin) 0 0 go c c T eller quit 1 ) T el le r 2 ) (T el ler } ) OOL: C++ SIMULATION Feb 1991 ) I OPEN ) TELLER I 0 Start O O go G:i:mj~:~gr:::::1::1:w quit ( Teller 2 ) (T eller 3 ) Figure 8 Feb1991 OOL: C++ SIMULATION l OPEN ) TELLER I TELLER11 ) 0 Start O O go ( Teller 1) quit ci::miJ:ffiit::iil:D (Teller Figure 9 3 ) Feb 199 1 OOL: C++ SIMULATION TELLER I l OPEN ) TELLER11 TELLER111 , 0 Sta rt O O go ( Telle r 1) quit ( Telle r 2 ) €!1~]1~r::~::::::v Figure 10 Feb1991 OOL: C++ SIMULATION TELLER I 1 OPEN ) free:**** TELLER 11 busy: 124 879 TELLER111 busy 456347 ) 0 Stan • go O ( Telle r quit 1) ( Te lle r2) (T eller 3 ) Figure 11 OOL: C++ SIMULATION Feb 1991 TELLERI busy: 768422 TELLER11 ■■■ busy: 124879 TELLER111 busy: 456347 0 Start O O go ( Teller 1) quit (T eller2 ) (T eller 3 ) Figure 12 showing 4 customers standing in a queue Feb 199 1 OOL: C++ SIMULATION l TELLER I CLOSED ) closed TELLER11 closed TELLER111 closed 0 Start O O go ( Telle r 1) quit ( Tel ler 2 ) (T eller 3 ) Figure 13 End of a Busines s Day Class Clock The class ) method the to has methods advances tick() gives time Clock current the simulated that accomplish clock by a tick time, and method the following value, tasks: method initialize time() resets the zero. Class Employee The class Employee isBusy() the setFree(), who was free just in come order into is called other so that methods: done that teller or with a customer, customer sent to bank to able the service a customer are setBusy(), and assignNoWork(), is setBusy() for the When a teller following assignWork(), The method workisAssign(). has has object a customers who was the on the method to get teller who queue. is setFree() service from the bank teller. \ Class Teller The class Teller and getTimeSpent(), to a teller teller object, works. teller does The method job. teller methods a random The method in rate getRate(), setRate() at returns getRate() spends setRate(), The method transTick(). assigns his/her a particular has which the a particular rate at returns getTirneSpent() servicing when passed which the a time a customer. Class Bank Class ) when sent business. Bank has methods to The the bank layout out openBank object, for () and closeBank open class 29 and bank close is as () . These the follows: bank methods door for class Bank { public: Bank(); void openBank(); void closeBank(); private: Boolean door; , } Output of the bank model The bank figures respective simulation 7 to 12 . highlighted which Each is mouse driven sample output button. ) 30 is sample given output by is given clicking the 4.3 Simulation of hospital scenario ) Purpose: The simulation objective was patients the scenario at to the calculate modeled fractional had the is the attending patients. objectives. times The other of fraction main waiting hospital. utilizations utilization two of The experienced objective the hospital their time first by was compute employees. that is This devoted to object of Class Queue The class object of Patient patient head The object the of the patients asking on the from the on the its general class create all simulation, queue queue queue. queue queue for class as well also queue and also is as the are used in customers the patients simulation. 31 puts method last has return at the returns been removing the sent the for futureList beginning who will take the to of part of queue defined the of queue. number to instance the value on the genPatient() the an for patient which a message only a that knows how to The method patient these method a method when cardinality. the and The queue has queue has in the the Class HospitalEmployee The class security Hos pi talEmployee number and employment to the object of this number and employee generates also the knows handled the day, average before class time getting asking using report the for the The the how patient return object's number spends in sent security this generator. of social been social for number of the it have constructor average length to when messages a random average each service number number . numbers how to that knows class This object patients queue for that that employee's it has day and queue . Class Nurse Class knows Nurse how is of HospitalEmployee. respond to qualification, average time a before service from the getting queue. time to a subclass The nurse that attending the to also messages asking patient nurse, knows ho w to report hospital was some patient open, The nurse the is for its delayed and the fraction nurse education in average was object the queue length of of the total actually a busy . Class Receptionist This class HospitalEmployee. similar methods Receptionist is The instances that class Nurse of this object ) 32 subclass class of respond responds to. the basically class to Class Doctor The class ) instances class Doctor is of this Nurse subclass class object of the respond responds class basically HospitalEmployee. to similar The methods that to . Class Patient An instance asking for of class patient its name, instances of this class requesting for time it that for point to social security also next at nurse patient if how to and age method to particular or they respond number, has arrived a receptionist, the knows doctor. to messages in years. respond service The The messages station, objects have been queued . to any simulation i.e . can also Class Clock I ) The instance well Clock is of this class as advancing the cannot of class future essential has method simulated be overemphasized as for time. this class returning the model. current The importance An time of this coordinates the as class scheduling events. Class Building The instance subclasses which hospitalEmployee the simulation of this define class the objects in motion defines different a hospital wards work . The creation . 33 and of building. departments this instance it has where sets Results of Simulation Runs Receptionist ) Mean delay in Nurse 5.81 Doctor 22.32 56.99 a queue Mean # of patients in 0.27 0.96 2.63 0.78 0.40 0.47 20671 20671 a Queue Percentage Utilization Time 20671 simulation ended The above ) of the patient The value results the between with maximum value the in both hospital numbers delays of in experienced lowest for this varied in that from this the delay is one do with with also a time 30, order not and unit. units. a random the nurse and the 50 time units. The employees at of come up with significantly arrival distribution, Numbers to was of time random the mean 5.0 a patient The length respectively was in which cause the optimum intolerable queue. The results the be patients the units. had were cases can spent patients of each from a run distribution receptionist 1 and 10 time spent minimum generated was an e x ponential time doctor were that highest in the the simulation average runs delay receptionist indicate in the queue. receptionist do 34 that doctor's A possible nothing else the patients queue, and explanation apart from attending other to than number queue the of patients, spending highest in the are may have A hospital simulation, the in fractional receptionists who are kept doctors time may have with a queue was employed to other all the meet would does not have time, long highest but do. be interested at queues J ) 35 for while to want the the to doctor's to of patients this this deploy same time gave is that doctors in do average The receptionist patients, might work The in An explanation administrator busy other patient. queue. things administrator each also receptionist's utilization. a lot as the hospital longer patients and lowest nurses while and kind of fewer staff ensuring that waiting. 4.4 Simulation of a livestock farm ) AIM Biological systems be modeled that in that interact chapter each in the are out model, system was animals is that modeled. related ones to less model liveweight how out system impact on the in are model In an attempt subsystems, showed can of subsystems the system. fewer that As pointed influence having had systems a number ways. a manageable which The complex various directly to have model most may have in and the in order a biological system other components included find some of the a typical with one, left are a cattle feed to ranch intake of the gain/loss. Discussion of the model A real ) of the space a productive are FoodStore, and The amount model system such for the in which the amount animals enterprise. and The objects created from the the proper and quality others, which classes management is of very crucial participate Animal, feed, in Cattle, the Farm, Clock. of liveweight, this a complex available animals, simulation its is resources water, for ranch are feed that each animal takes is computed sex, and age . The parameters and based on those use [Orsini86]. by Orsini formulae based on used in Class Animal The instance ) of the livestock at of class animal the animal in months, farm belong responds its to the to message liveweight 36 superclass requesting and identity Animal. for given the An age by a tag number is which more wait. establishes its the that than number The carrying ) depends magic the was farm can 100, space, at 100 animals. was just population animals population and it animal sustain, feed fixed number When the maximum animal available capacity with the capacity on the carrying uniqueness. but in loose on the this There model was an arbitrary farm the nothing choice. Class FoodStore The instance available at the draw from feed to messages ) of objects the amount stocking the of keeps The feed store. it The instance class feed track of continuously to release of this more class farm. asking that this remaining for to, in an animal. those feed animals responds Other FoodStore of as the FoodStore include the amount dwindle of class feed respond the massages requesting and for message for £eed. Class Cattle The class to the animal The totalEaten. animal takes assumption and Cattle that calves converting food calves livestock at each subclass that method totalEaten all the have to take was given feeding of Animal. classes on average that that is respond returns feed that is weight. fewer uni ts three grown food of feed times up cattle 37 to each animal when a day. were it mature given it the on the is eaten comes to was assumed animals. The calves and feed modeled simulation, than methods graze of is efficiency In the adds quantity The simulation given class messages day. body and the to each a higher feed This got 50 units The 35 units each. Class Clock The class into 3 time year of Clock ticks maintains on simulation simulated termination of time time. the of the clock. The clock simulation day. day The simulation instance after Each a year is divided runs is responsible has elapsed. for one for the Class Farm The creation initiates the totals while total are of animals of farm, makes population animals on genstats when sent the the feed in to sent to the given. to the the farm the simulation at the of feed totals and feedTime(), when sent on the object, other stock, of cattle, methods, animals farm program amount feedTime On the object queue variables to The message is of and responds available when results the farm driver variables the at Farm instance maintains respectively class farm Farm in the has stock and genStats(). message outputs The class maintained An instance object of class The instance number population(), instance simulation. and feed. available feed. ofan the hand, the end of the to the farm. The number of message simulation, run. Results of Simulation Runs The simulation following application table gives in which a the varied. ) 38 summary ratio of of five adults runs to of the young was # of adult # of calves Animals Mean weight Mean feed Mean gain/loss intake animal weight 0 100 271. 7 37941. 25 75 285.8 48453.8 710.6 50 50 300.3 59403.8 800.1 75 25 315.2 70353.8 890.0 100 0 329.9 81305.8 927.7 The above table adult cattle to have a higher this is that adults liveweight. intake as well order to determining attain the ranch data can the animals the manager help more required him/her feed compute gain might the in calculating . 39 ratios adult of animals An explanation young computed for and based have a on feed animal. find he/she weight that their is 621. 0 different calves. than of the how long can that weight owner several indicate gain liveweight ranch for results weight take as is The Average A livestock in results calves. average higher useful of 8 this has before total to kind of model feed the animals selling feed optimal them off. very in Since used in a year, time to cull this some of Chapter 5 Comments and conclusion 5.1 Overview In this chapter, faced during areas in then the go on to try improvement explain three to enumerate implementation which of these we will could what computer of the make we have the simulations that and implementation learned simulation problems from were propose easier. the We implementation models. 5.2 Problems experienced The temptation message the passing But implemented is deciding true in the the the library interfaces for therefore physiological a good limiting that its changes use that a effort, only in models occur using the of this the area of kind, required minimize take longer. incorporating library, are in biological 40 therefore of could · however be activated that objects before highly implementation The of in c++ is new and evolving that for stages an object, is the passing. project Since candidate can some is application models . events early some knowledge out the in the objects libraries made bypassing by message inc++ objects. of simulation in of required is therefore with other required area effort, Interviews each carrying scarcity implementation and go in designing language the C and by, everything Before with language, with not in went we should to define shortcomings time that application. order ) as how far familiarity code was irresistible communicated primitives the write philosophy project. It to to simulations. The good user has its by a mouse, supposed the and show the 5.3 Suggestion for improvements There are a number of areas form, one in which the implementations could be improved. In its program a present is queue. that it This application. not facility There hospital simulation general practioners, treat does weakness compute should are not too. be Instead we could have and patients, the average some enhancements model some diseases with bank time customer very hard that could of to doctors model could add to doctors who are choose spend be done having doctors simulation to in the the who are specialized according to to their diseases. The the livestock number situation In ) real year of animals where cattle life are farm on the give numbers bound to simulation of farm birth is be modified dynamic, and and some animals animals at a farm so that thus modeling are sold the course during or die. of a change. 5.4 Lessons learned Apart from restructuring languages. constructing re-using form It of did The benefit code Another order new language, which lesson to lesser was learned has really can only up with work during that the good it means speed project time design of in in in object designing and development later of projects by now. spent of on the objects "design rewarded the implementation stage. mapping of real-world objects 41 helped to program up the be reaped developed was that the method not been learned come what Object-oriented software software. in a my way of thinking oriented the learning table" in the and concepts to software objects An effective way of object-oriented easily map simplifying was direct conducting languages, to objects the cost and simulation since of the intuitive. the objects simulation of designing seem in and and producing ) 42 to the be real therefore such in using system further software. 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