Uploaded by Shivshankar Kawale

अस्थायी उत्तीर्णता प्रमाणपत्र

डॉ.बाबासाहेब आं बेडकर तं शा
िव ापीठ,लोणेरे
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere
िव ािवहार,लोणेरे-रायगड ४०२ १०३(महारा )Vidyavihar, Lonere - Raigad 402 103 (Maharashtra)
Tel: (02140) 27539
डॉ.िववेक ी साठे
.प र ा िनयं क
Dr. Vivek S Sathe
(i/c)Controller of Examinations
Sr. No. : BT202111612-****
Date : 05/08/2022
Provisional Passing Certificate
This is to certify that Mr. / Miss. KAWALE SHIVSHANKAR MAROTRAO
with Permanent Registration Number (PRN): 22211620181161210041 from
Matoshri Pratisthan's Group of Institutions (Integrated Campus)
passed the Examination for the Final Year Bachelor of Technology
(Mechanical Engineering) held in Summer 2021 and was placed in the First
Class with Distinction and has become entitled to the said
B.Tech of Dr.
Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University.
Controller Of Examinations
Study collections