EEX6450 Analog Electronic Systems & Instrumentation Identifying and Testing Terminals of a FET Objective: To identify and test the terminals of a Field-Effect Transistor (FET) using a multimeter. Activity: 1. Provide a brief explanation of the Field-Effect Transistor (FET) and its three terminals Gate (G), Drain (D), and Source (S). 2. Explain how the terminals of the FET is identified and how it is tested. 3. Identify the three terminals: Gate (G), Drain (D), and Source (S). Build a FET Amplifier Theory: A FET amplifier circuit consists of a FET, load resistor, and source resistor. DC analysis involves applying a DC voltage to the input and measuring DC voltages and currents in the circuit. Objective: 1. Perform a DC analysis of the FET amplifier. 2. Perform an AC analysis after applying a small sinusoidal signal. 3. Identify the values of mid-band gain in dB, lower cut-off frequency, upper cut-off frequency and bandwidth of the amplifier. Equipment & Components Required: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Function Generator Oscilloscope Multimeter Power Supply FET Resistors Capacitors A). Perform a DC analysis of the circuit. Figure 1 Procedure: 1. Construct the FET amplifier circuit on a breadboard using the components provided according to Figure 1. IDSS = 10mA, VGS = -25V, Vp = -5V, VDS = 4V, VDD = 12V with the help of these values design and build the FET amplifier as in Figure 1. Show all the calculations along with design equations. If any assumptions are being made, please clearly mention them. Use 2N3822 FET to design an amplifier. 2. Apply power to the circuit using a DC power supply. 3. Use a multimeter to measure the DC voltage at various points in the circuit, including the drain, source, and gate of the FET. 4. Calculate the DC operating point of the amplifier by plotting the drain current versus drain-tosource voltage (ID-VDS) curve. 5. Calculate the DC voltage gain of the amplifier by dividing the output voltage by the input voltage. 6. Record all measurements and calculations in a given table. Observations: 1. Use DC multimeter and measure DC bias condition. Voltage or Current VG VS VD VGS VDS ID Measured or calculated B). Perform an AC analysis after applying a small sinusoidal AC signal. Theory: A FET amplifier circuit responds to an AC signal by amplifying it. AC analysis involves applying a small sinusoidal AC signal to the input and measuring the output voltage and current at various frequencies. This helps us understand the amplifier's frequency response and gain characteristics. Procedure: 1. Construct the FET amplifier circuit on a breadboard using the components provided according to Figure 1. 2. Apply a sinusoidal signal of peak value 10mV and frequency 1KHz as input to the amplifier using the function generator. 3. Observe the input voltage waveforms on Oscilloscope. Observations: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Input voltage (p-p) = ………………………………………………………… Output voltage (p-p) = ………………………………………………………… Voltage gain at mid-band, AV = ………………………………………………………… Voltage gain in dB = ………………………………………………………… Assume 1KHz is in the mid-band. Draw the input and output voltage waveforms in the graph given below or graph sheet with proper labels. VR (volts) t (ms) C). Frequency response of the amplifier. Theory: The frequency response of a FET amplifier circuit describes how the circuit responds to signals of different frequencies. This response is characterized by the gain of the circuit at different frequencies. The gain of the circuit is the ratio of output voltage to input voltage. Procedure: 1. Construct the FET amplifier circuit on a breadboard using the components provided according to figure 1. 2. Apply a sinusoidal input signal 50mV(p-p) of varying frequency to the amplifier circuit. 3. Measure the output voltage and input voltage using an oscilloscope or multimeter. 4. Calculate the voltage gain for each frequency using the measured values. 5. Fill in the table with measured values and calculated values for frequencies range from 20Hz to 1MHz. 6. Plot the voltage gain as a function of frequency. 7. Draw a frequency response graph of your amplifier and label axes properly with the correct unit. 8. Write answers and indicate the lower cut-off frequency, FL, and the upper cut-off frequency FU of the amplifier in your graph. Frequency (Hz) Vo(p-p) Volts Gain Gain in dB a) Mid-band voltage gain = …………………………………………………… b) Mid-band gain in dB = …………………………...……………………… c) lower cut-off frequency FL = ………………………………….………………. d) upper cut-off frequency FU = …………………………………………………… e) Bandwidth of the amplifier = …………………………………………………… EEX 6450 Analog Electronic Systems & Instrumentation Experiment -01 Design of a Wien Bridge Oscillator Objectives: 1. to design a Wien Bridge oscillator for a given frequency of oscillation. 2. to stabilise the amplitude of the designed oscillator. Part I: Un stabilized Oscillator Theory: An Oscillator is a device that produces an output without an externally applied input. Oscillators can be classified into two type according to the components used in the oscillator circuit. 1. LC Oscillator 2. RC Oscillator RC Oscillators are mainly in two types 1. Phase shift oscillator (oscillation occurs when the feed back is 1800 phase shift) 2. Wien Bridge oscillator (The circuit oscillator when the phase shift from output to input is zero degrees) The requirements for a circuit to produce oscillation are, • Amplification • Positive feedback • Some network to control frequency • Power source Figure 01 Some of the main characteristics of the oscillators are, • • Operating frequency Output Amplitude • Frequency stability • Harmonic Distortion Electrical & Computer Eng. Department – EEX6450 1 Design Procedure: Figure 02 shows a basic Wien bridge oscillator circuit. C1 + Vcc − C2 R2 −Vcc A741 Vout a Rb Figure 02 Wien Bridge Oscillator Zs ZP Vo (s) C1 R1 Vf (s) C2 R2 Consider the feedback circuit shown in above figure applying voltage divider rule, Vf (s) Vo (s) ZP (s) = ZP (s) + ZS (s) Let, R1 = R2 = R and C1 = C2 = C. On solving, feedback gain, = Vf (s) Vo (s) Electrical & Computer Eng. Department – EEX6450 2 Since the op-amp is operated in the non-inverting configuration the voltage gain, Av = Vo (s) Vf (s) 1. Identify • The amplifying component • • Frequency determining network How Positive feedback is applied 2. Derive the condition for sustained oscillation and obtain an expression for the frequency of oscillation. 3. Select the design values for your oscillator from Table Frequency of oscillation =…………… Output peak to peak Voltage = 10V Calculate the component values taking R1=R2=R C1=C2=C 4. Connect and test the circuit. 5. Plot the variation of the output amplitude with Vcc. 6. Modify your circuit as Figure 03 and observe the effect of varying R1 and Ra. 1. Select the design requirements of your amplifier form the table-01 n= the last digit of your registration number. n Frequency/KHz 1 20 2 22 3 24 4 26 5 28 6 30 7 32 8 34 9 36 0 38 Tabel -01 Electrical & Computer Eng. Department – EEX6450 3 Experiment -02 Design of a wide band amplifier Objectives: To become familiar with the procedure of amplifier with emphasis on design consideration at high frequencies Theory: Type of Amplifier: An amplifier is a device where a small input signal is used to control a large output signal. This signal may be current, voltage or power. By considering the range of signal frequency over which the amplifier has useful gain (i.e. Frequency Response) amplifiers can be classified as a) Audio and Low frequency Amplifiers b) Radio frequency (tuned) Amplifiers c) Wide band Amplifiers d) DC Amplifiers Frequency Response curve: A graph of amplifier gain (in dB) against signal frequency (in logarithmic scale) is called Frequency Response Curve. The basic frequency Response Curve for a Wide band Amplifier is shown in the following graph. Gain/dB K 3dB log( f ) fc K= mid band gain Electrical & Computer Eng. Department – EEX6450 5 Band width: Usually defines as the range of frequency over which the gain is larger than 3 dB from its mid frequency gain. Amplifiers with Negative Feedback: Figure 01 Considering the above block V0 = A0Vs V1 + βV0 = βA0Vs Vs = Vi + V1 V0 Ac = V1 = A0 (βA0 + 1) Where, A0 - Open Loop gain β - Gain of feedback network Ac - Closed Loop gain If A 0 β >>> 1 Ac = Where, A 0 β − loop gain A0 1 = βA0 β Then gain is only depending on the feedback network. Electrical & Computer Eng. Department – EEX6450 7 Design: Vcc Rc' Vz C out Rc R1 Vs Cin Vout b2 Q 2 Rin b1 Q1 Rf Vin R3 R2 Re1 C e1 RL' 1KΩ Re 2 Ce2 For the above circuit diagram prove the following using normal notation. a). Transfer Function g m 1 1 1 1 1 g m2 R L 1 + + + + SC1 R3 R f Rc rbb ' rb 'e rbb ' R f V0 = Vm 1 1 1 g m 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 + SC 2 + + SC1 + + + + + + R3 R f rb 'e Rc R f R3 Rc rb 'e Rc rbb ' rb 'e Rc Where, R L = R' c // R' L Electrical & Computer Eng. Department – EEX6450 8 ( C 1= C e + C c 1 + g m1 Rc* ) C 2 = C e + C c (1 + g m 2 RL ) Rc* = Rc // Z 1 Z1 = r ' + R3 (1 + g m 2 r ' ) and be be You can use the Millers theorem to simplify the high frequency model of the circuit. And also assume, • Q1,Q2 have equal parameters. Except gm • Effect of rce can be neglected (since rce1 >>> Rc ' rce 2 >>> RL ) • Rbb ' in the second stage BJT can be neglected (drop across rbb ' is very small) Hints: High frequency model of a Bipolar Junction Transistor rb 'e Rbb b' b c Cc rb 'e g m Vb'e Ce rce e Using the miller’s theorem this can be simplified as, rbb ' b' b c g m Vb'e rb 'e Ce C ' c rce e ' c Where C = C c (1 + g m Rc ) Assumptions: • Effect of the output component of Cc can be neglected • Effect of rb 'c can be neglected. b.) Mid band gain Electrical & Computer Eng. Department – EEX6450 9 g m 1 1 1 1 1 g m2 R L 1 + + + rbb ' R f R3 R f Rc rbb ' rb 'e K= 1 1 1 g m2 1 1 1 1 + + + + + rb 'e Rc R f R3 Rc rb 'e rbb ' rb 'e Rc c.) Band width 1 1 1 1 1 1 g m2 1 + + + + + Rc rb 'e rbb ' rb 'e R f R3 Rc rb 'e Rc wg = 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 + C1 + + + g m2 + C 2 + + + R f R3 Rc rb 'e Rc rb 'e rbb ' rb 'e R3 R f Rc Design Requirements n Gain Bandwidth (MHz) Vout/(V) peak-topeak 1 22 4 10 2 18 5 10 3 14 5 10 4 10 5 10 5 18 7 10 6 14 7 8 7 10 7 8 8 14 8 8 9 10 8 8 0 10 9 8 Table 02 Select the design requirements of you amplifier from the table 02 n= The last digit of you registration number. a). Output peak-to-peak Voltage = …………………………………… b). Gain of the amplifier = …………………………………… c). Required bandwidth = …………………………………… Procedure: Electrical & Computer Eng. Department – EEX6450 10 Step 1: 1. 2. 3. 4. Select a suitable supply Voltage. Start the design on output stage. Assume the collector voltage for output stage considering the supply voltage. Assume a suitable Q-point for the transistor. Calculate and select the collector resistance. 5. With the corrected collector voltage calculate emitter resistance and Base voltage for second stage. Step 2: 6. Assume a Q-point for input stage, (you already know the collector voltage) 7. Calculate and select the values for emitter resistance and collector resistance. You can give up the zener diode if it is unnecessary. 8. With the corrected emitter voltage calculate and select biasing resistors. (R1,R2) 9. Calculate and select suitable values for emitter bypass capacitor (at lowest signal frequency the impedance of emitter bypass capacitor should be lesser than the emitter resistance. 10. substituting the component values for the equation for mid band gain, select a suitable value for Rf. 11. At lowest signal frequency the impedance of input capacitor should be lesser than the value of (voltage divider impedance// hfeRE) 12. Connect and test the circuit. Find the final suitable values for your amplifier. 1. Tabulate your Find design values of the wide band Amplifier. 2. Using your completed wide band amplifier, draw the frequency response curve. Make the Bandwidth and the gain on the graph. Electrical & Computer Eng. Department – EEX6450 11 Experiment 3 Active Filter circuits Introduction: Active filters using combinations of active components (e.g. operational amplifier, transistors etc) in addition to the passive components with external power supplies. A lowpass filter allows a low frequency signal to pass through it while attenuating any other signal which has a frequency above its cut-off frequency. A high-pass filter allows high frequencies but attenuates frequencies lower than the cutoff frequency. A band-pass filter allows signals within a certain frequency range and attenuates frequencies outside that range. The main objective of this experiment to study the operation of low-pass, high-pass and band-pass active filters. Components/Equipment: • • • • • • Operational amplifier Resistors and capacitors Oscilloscope Function generator Bread board Connecting wires and cables Circuit Diagrams: Figure 5.1: Low pass active filter Figure 5.2: High pass active filter Design Requirements 1. Design a Butterworth filter having a pass band gain of 20 dB. 2. Select the design requirements of your filter from the table 03.Where m = The last digit of your registration number. Butterworth filter m Amax/dB Amin/dB Pass Band Stop Band Freq. fp /kHz Freq. fs /kHz Classification of Filter 0,1 0.5 12 5 20 Low Pass 2 0.5 12 15 4 High Pass 3 1.0 14 6 25 Low Pass 4 1.0 14 30 7 High Pass 5 0.5 16 7 30 Low Pass 6 0.5 16 15 3 High Pass 7 1.0 18 8 35 Low Pass 8 1.0 18 25 5 High Pass 9 0.5 18 8 40 Low Pass Table 03 Design Hints Normalized Butterworth polynomials B(n) for a low pass filter. n B(n) 1 S+1 2 S2+1.414S+1 3 (S+1) (S2+S+1) 4 (S2+0.765S+1) (S2+1.848S+1) 5 (S+1) (S2+0.618S+1) (S2+1.618S+1) 6 (S2+0.518S+1) (S2+1.414S+1) (S2+1.932S+1) 5 (S+1) (S2+0.618S+1) (S2+1.618S+1) 6 (S2+0.518S+1) (S2+1.414S+1) (S2+1.932S+1) Note For a high pass filter, first design the equivalent low pass filter and then interchange the frequency selective components (R1,R2,C1,C2) For the identical pass-band cut-off frequency the equivalent low pass filter will have the inverse of the ratio of frequencies as is the case for the high pass filter. ω s' ω 'p = L− p ωp ωs H−p ' p ω = ωp 1. Determine the order of the filter (n) which satisfies the requirements 10 0.1 A min − 1 log ∈2 where,∈= 10 0.1 A max − 1 1 / 2 n= ω 2 log s ω p { 2. } Derive the transfer function for the Low-Pass filter circuit in the form of followings. H (s ) Amax Amin wp ws w A max - Maximum Passband Attenuatio n (in dB) min 15 Typical 1st order Butter worth filter transfer function is A ( vs ) = A( vo )ω 0 (1) S + ω0 where w0 = 2πf 0 high frequency 3dB point Similarly 2nd order Butter worth filter transfer function is A( vs ) = 3. A( v0 )ω 02 ( 2) S 2 + 2kω o S + ω 02 Obtain the equivalent Normalized transfer function using the low pass filter transfer function substituting C1 = C 2 = 1F ω n = 1 rad / s Where , ω 0 = 1 R 1 R 2 C1 C 2 (pass band cut off frequency) 4. Compare the polynomial of the above equation with the equivalent Butter worth polynomial (Table 04). 5. Obtain the condition of minimum dc offset. Now you can calculate the Normalized component values of your filter. (C n1 , C n 2 , Rn1 , Rn 2 , Rn 3 , Rn 4 ) Note: For the prototype high pass, the Normalized components may be calculate as C1HP = 1 R1LP C 2 HP = 1 R2 LP R1HP = Electrical & Computer Eng. Department – EEX6450 1 C1LP R2 HP = 1 C 2 LP 16 6. Convert the Normalized component values into real values, multiplying by the scaling factors as follows. kf = ω0 ωn kmk f = Cn C0 Where C0 is a suitable scaling factor. (For a low pass filter, C 0 ≈ R1 = KmRn1 R2 = KmRn2 R3 = KmRn3 R4 = KmRn4 C1 = C n1 KmK f C2 = Cn2 KmK f 10 µF ) f0 Connect and Test your Active filter circuit by trial & error select the final suitable values for your filter. Draw the graph of gain (dB) Vs frequency for your filter. Mark the pass band and stop band cut-off frequencies. Electrical & Computer Eng. Department – EEX6450 17