Asset Accounting in SAP S/4HANA Practical exercises Language: English Asset Accounting in SAP S/4HANA Practical exercises Contents 1. Overview Asset Accounting................................................................................................................... 3 1.1 Display asset master card................................................................................................................. 3 2. Organizational Structures...................................................................................................................... 3 2.1 Assign a Chart of Depreciation to a Company Code ........................................................................ 3 3. Master Data........................................................................................................................................... 6 3.1 Use Account Determination ............................................................................................................. 6 3.2 Use Number Assignment for FI-AA .................................................................................................. 7 3.3 Maintain the Screen Layout of Asset Master Data .......................................................................... 8 3.4 Adjusting class 2100 «Transmission facilities» ..............................................................................10 3.5 Create Asset Master Records, Maintain Time-Dependent Data ....................................................15 3.6 Mass Changes to Asset Master Data Using Worklists ....................................................................21 4. Asset Transactions...............................................................................................................................26 4.1 Post an Integrated Asset Acquisition and Analyze the Asset Value in the Asset Explorer ............26 4.2 Post the Corrected APC Amount of an Asset .................................................................................31 4.3 Post Asset Transfer.........................................................................................................................33 4.4 Post Asset Retirement by Scrapping ..............................................................................................35 4.5 Post Asset Retirement with Customer ...........................................................................................37 5. Periodic Processing and Valuation ......................................................................................................42 5.1 Post Unplanned Depreciation ........................................................................................................42 5.2 Execute and Analyze the Depreciation Run ...................................................................................44 6. Information System .............................................................................................................................49 6.1 Analyze the Asset Portfolio ............................................................................................................49 6.2 Analyze Depreciation on period .....................................................................................................50 6.3 Day-to-day activities reports ..........................................................................................................51 6.4 Define Sort Versions for Asset Reports ..........................................................................................52 2 Asset Accounting in SAP S/4HANA Practical exercises 1. Overview Asset Accounting 1.1 Display asset master card To display an asset card you have to choose this asset in transaction AS03. a) On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Accounting → Financial Accounting → Fixed Assets→ Asset → Display → AS03 - Asset b) In the Initial screen, enter the following data: Field Name or Data Type Value Asset 3000002 Sub-number 0 Company Code SL01 c) Check out the data on the asset master record, go to asset explorer, compare values for depreciation areas 01 and 20. 2. Organizational Structures 2.1 Assign a Chart of Depreciation to a Company Code Business Example In your enterprise, FI-AA will be mapped in the SAP system using general ledger (G/L) in FI. To achieve this, you need to process and analyze the chart of depreciation and depreciation area objects in a test system. Next, you need to assign a chart of depreciation to a test company code. Define and Configure a Chart of Depreciation 1. Create your own chart of depreciation with the short description #### (your group number) by copying the chart of depreciation SL01. a) Copy the reference chart of depreciation or depreciation areas in Customizing for Financial Accounting under Asset Accounting → Organizational Structures → Copy Reference Chart of Depreciation/Depreciation Areas. b) In the Choose Activity dialog box, under the Name of Activity column, double-click Copy Reference Chart of Depreciation. 3 Asset Accounting in SAP S/4HANA Practical exercises c) On the Organizational object Chart of depreciation screen, choose Organizational object → Copy org. object. d) In the Copy dialog box, enter the following data: Field Name or Data Type Value From Chart of dep. SL01 (Based on the chart of depreciation in your country) To Chart of dep. #### (your group number) e) Choose Continue. f) Confirm the information from the system stating that the copy transaction was successful. g) Go back to the Choose Activity dialog box 4 Asset Accounting in SAP S/4HANA Practical exercises 2. Change the description of your new chart of depreciation TA##, for example, to chart of depreciation group ##. a) In the Choose Activity dialog box, double-click Specify Description of Chart of Depreciation. b) On the Change View "Chart of depreciation: Specify name" Overview screen, search for the line with your chart of depreciation ####. c) Overwrite the Description column with the following data: Field Name or Data Type Value Chart of Depreciation (ChDep) #### Description Chart of Depreciation #### d) Save the data. e) Go back to the Choose Activity dialog box. Assign the Chart of Depreciation Assign the chart of depreciation to your company code. 1. Link the chart of depreciation #### to your company code #### to use FI-AA in the SAP system with your new chart of depreciation. 5 Asset Accounting in SAP S/4HANA Practical exercises a) Assign the chart of depreciation to your company code in Customizing for Financial Accounting under Asset Accounting → Organizational Structures → Assign Chart of Depreciation to Company Code. b) On the Change View (Maintain company code in Asset Accounting) Overview screen, find your company code, ####. c) In the Chrtdep (Chart of Depreciation) column, enter ####. d) Save and go back to the SAP Easy Access screen. 3. 3.1 Master Data Use Account Determination Check the control parameters and account determination for the asset class 3200 (DP / Hardware). Run the transaction that provides you with an overview of all the existing asset classes. 1. Access the overview of all asset classes in Customizing for Financial Accounting under Asset Accounting → Organizational Structures → Asset Classes → Define Asset Classes. Check the Details for the Asset Class 3200 1. Check which account determination key is assigned for the asset class 3200 (DP / Hardware). a) Double-click the row containing the asset class 3200 (DP / Hardware). b) Check that the account determination key for the asset class 3200 (DP / Hardware) is 32000 (Hardware (IT)). 2. Check which balance sheet asset account is posted to by the system with the account determination key 32000 (Hardware (IT)) for an asset acquisition in depreciation area 01 and 20 the chart of accounts INT. 6 Asset Accounting in SAP S/4HANA Practical exercises a) Check the defined control parameters for an asset class in Customizing for Financial Accounting under Asset Accounting → Integration with the General Ledger → Assign G/L Accounts. b) In the Change View “Chart of Accounts”: Overview screen, select the row for INT. c) In the dialog structure, double-click Account Determination. d) Select the row for 32000 (Hardware (IT)). e) In the dialog structure, double-click Balance Sheet Accounts. f) In the dialog structure, double-click 01. The balance sheet asset account number is 11000 (Machinery and equip.). g) Go back and double-click 20. The balance sheet asset account number is 11000 (Machinery and equip.). 3. Check which account number (in the chart of accounts INT) is assigned for the expense account for cost-accounting depreciation (depreciation area 01) in asset class 3200 (DP / Hardware). a) Check the defined control parameters for an asset class in Customizing for Financial Accounting under Asset Accounting → Integration with the General Ledger → Assign G/L Accounts. b) Select the row for INT. c) In the dialog structure, double-click Account Determination. d) Select the row for 32000. e) In the dialog structure, double-click Depreciation. f) Double-click the row for the depreciation area 20. The expense account number is 211100 (Deprn - tangibles). 3.2 Use Number Assignment for FI-AA Business Example The Asset Accounting (FI-AA) project team is meeting to discuss proposals relating to the number of asset classes and their settings in relation to account determination and number assignment. Create settings for number assignment. The quickest way to define a separate number range interval is to copy the number range interval of company code SL01. 1. Copy the interval of the company code SL01. a) Define a number range interval in Customizing for Financial Accounting under Asset Accounting → Organizational Structures → Asset Classes → Define Number Range Interval. b) On the Edit Intervals: Asset Number screen, enter SL01 as the company code. 7 Asset Accounting in SAP S/4HANA Practical exercises c) Choose Ranges → Copy Subobject. d) In the Copy: Company Code dialog box, enter the following data: Field Name or Data Type Value From SL01 To #### (your company code) e) Choose the Continue button. f) Confirm the dialog box that is displayed and then look at the message displayed in the status area. g) Check the number ranges copied in company code #### entering the company code #### in Range Maintenance: Asset Number screen and choose Display Intervals button. 3.3 Maintain the Screen Layout of Asset Master Data You work as SAP FI-AA key user. You need open field «Serial number» for asset class «Hardware». a) Run transaction AS01 – Asset b) Choose asset class 3200 – «DP / Hardware» с) Check the «Serial number» field is absent in Assets Master Record: 8 Asset Accounting in SAP S/4HANA Practical exercises d) Go SPRO. e) Choose Master Data→ Screen Layout → Define Screen Layout for Asset Master Data: f) Choose Define Screen Layout for Asset Master Data: g) Select row for 3200 «DP / Hardware» and double-click Logical field groups: h) Select row for 1 « General data» and double-click Field group rules: 9 Asset Accounting in SAP S/4HANA Practical exercises j) For field «Serial number» set radio button to «Opt.» and select «Sbno.»: k) Save the data. l) Run transaction AS01 – Asset, Choose asset class 3200 – «DP / Hardware», Check the «Serial number» field is appear in Assets Master Record: 3.4 Adjusting class !3000 «Transmission facilities» Business Example You work for oil\gas company and you need to adjust new asset class for manage pipelines (need to set Useful life = «15 years», Base Unit = «M» (Meter). a) Choose General Valuation → Deactivate Asset Class for Chart of Depreciation 10 Asset Accounting in SAP S/4HANA Practical exercises b) Set your Chart of Depreciation: c) Unlock class 3000 «Transmis. facilities»: d) Save the data, go back to SPRO. e) Choose General Valuation → Determine Depreciation Areas in the Asset Class f) Set your Chart of Depreciation: 11 Asset Accounting in SAP S/4HANA Practical exercises g) Select the row for 3000 «Transmission facilities» and double-click Depreciation areas: h) Activate both depreciation area (01, 20), set Useful life = 15 years: j) Save the data, go back to SPRO. k) Choose Organizational Structures → Asset Classes → Define Asset Classes: l) Double-click to row for 3000 «Transmission facilities»: 12 Asset Accounting in SAP S/4HANA Practical exercises m) Check that the «Base Unit» is «M» (Meter): Create an Asset Master Record a) Run transaction AS01 – Asset b) On the Create Asset: Initial screen, enter the following data: Field Name or Data Type Value Asset 3000 (Machinery and Equipment) Company Code #### (your company code) Number of similar records 1 13 Asset Accounting in SAP S/4HANA Practical exercises c) Choose Enter. d) On the Create Asset: Master data, enter the following data: Field Name or Data Type Value Description Pipeline Quantity 1500 e) Check that the «Base Unit» is «M» (Meter): f) Check that the «UseLife» equals 15 years: g) Save data. 14 Asset Accounting in SAP S/4HANA Practical exercises 3.5 Create Asset Master Records, Maintain Time-Dependent Data Business Example You work in accounting department. One of your company's employee retire from 01.12.2022. You need change responsible person for Notebook this employes. a) Run transaction AS01 – Asset b) On the Create Asset: Initial screen, enter the following data: Field Name or Data Type Value Asset 3200 (DP / Hardware) Company Code #### (your company code) Number of similar records 1 c) Choose Enter. d) On the Create Asset: Master data, enter the following data: Field Name or Data Type Value Description Notebook HP Inventory Num 12345 Quantity 1 15 Asset Accounting in SAP S/4HANA Practical exercises e) On the Time-dependent tab, enter the following data: Field Name or Data Type Value Cost Center DUMMY Personnel Number 2 (Alex Petrov) f) Save your data and remember the asset number. g) Run transaction AS02 – Asset (Change) h) Enter Asset number from previous step: 16 Asset Accounting in SAP S/4HANA Practical exercises j) Go to the Time-dependent tab, click «More intervals» button: k) Click «Add interval» button, enter date of new interval (from 01.12.2022 – when employee retire): 17 Asset Accounting in SAP S/4HANA Practical exercises l) Enter Personnel Number 3 (Malcovich Victor) to new row: m) Save your data. Post Acquisition a) Run transaction ABZON - Acquis. w/Autom. Offsetting Entry b) Choose your company code and asset number from previous step. Enter the next data (Dates and Ammount): 18 Asset Accounting in SAP S/4HANA Practical exercises c) Click Simulate: d) Check the posting and Save the document: 19 Asset Accounting in SAP S/4HANA Practical exercises Check and analyze data in report AR01 a) Run transaction AR01 – Asset Balances b) Enter the next data (your CC, report date: 31.10.2022, Sort Variant: 0002): c) Run report, check what Personal Number equal «2»: 20 Asset Accounting in SAP S/4HANA Practical exercises d) Go back, change Report date to 31.12.2022, run report: e) check what Personal Number equal «3»: 3.6 Mass Changes to Asset Master Data Using Worklists Maintaining Mass Change Rule a) Run transaction OA02 - Mass Change Rule b) Click Copy and create Substitution for your company code: 21 Asset Accounting in SAP S/4HANA Practical exercises b) Select your substitution and click Substitution button: c) Open Step001 and change substitutions constant values (if you need): d) Save your data. Working with worklist a) Run transaction AR01 – Asset Balances b) Enter the next data (your CC, dynamic selection – Time-dependent data - Personnel Number = 2, report date 30.11.2022): 22 Asset Accounting in SAP S/4HANA Practical exercises c) Run report, click Create Worklist: d) Enter the name, choose Change asset w/o dialog (bulk change): e) Choose Substitution Name from list: 23 Asset Accounting in SAP S/4HANA Practical exercises f) Note queue number: g) Go to the SAP menu, run transaction AR31 - Edit h) Choose your worklist, run the report: j) Click Release: 24 Asset Accounting in SAP S/4HANA Practical exercises k) Check Status has become «Complete»: l) Open an asset card from worklist and check that new interval is appear: 25 Asset Accounting in SAP S/4HANA Practical exercises 4. 4.1 Asset Transactions Post an Integrated Asset Acquisition and Analyze the Asset Value in the Asset Explorer Create an Asset Master Record a) Run transaction AS01 – Asset b) On the Create Asset: Initial screen, enter the following data: Field Name or Data Type Value Asset 3200 (DP / Hardware) Company Code #### (your company code) Number of similar records 1 c) Choose Enter. d) On the Create Asset: Master data, enter the following data: Field Name or Data Type Value Description Laptop HP Quantity 1 Cost Center DUMMY Personnel Number 2 26 Asset Accounting in SAP S/4HANA Practical exercises e) Save your data and remember the asset number. Post and Analyze an Asset Acquisition a) Run transaction F-90 - With Vendor b) On the Acquisition from purchase w. Vendor: Header Data screen, enter the following data: Field Name or Data Type Value Document Date 01.10.2022 Posting Date 01.10.2022 Type KR 27 Asset Accounting in SAP S/4HANA Practical exercises Company Code #### (your company code) Currency EUR Pstky 31 Account #### (vendor from your company code) c) Choose Enter. d) On the Enter vendor invoice: Add Vendor item screen, enter the following data: Field Name or Data Type Value Amount 1000 Tax code V1 (15% domestic input tax) Calculate tax Select PstKy 70 (Debit asset) Account Asset master record number from previous step TType 100 (External asset acquisition) 28 Asset Accounting in SAP S/4HANA Practical exercises e) Choose Enter. f) On the next screen, enter the following data: Field Name or Data Type Value Amount * g) Choose Display Document Overview button. h) Post your entries. * if you get some «yellow» information message (for example i) Note the document number. Check the asset values using the Asset Explorer a) Run transaction AW01N - Asset Explorer. 29 ), just click Enter. Asset Accounting in SAP S/4HANA Practical exercises b) On the Asset Explorer screen, if not automatically filled, enter your Company Code, your asset number from previous step and select Enter. c) Double-click the External asset acquisition text in the Transaction area. d) On the Display Document: Data Entry View screen, select Environment -> Document Environment -> Original Document. e) Choose Back. 30 Asset Accounting in SAP S/4HANA Practical exercises 4.2 Post the Corrected APC Amount of an Asset The asset from exercise 4.1 was posted with an incorrect acquisition value. Reverse the document and then post the correct vendor`s invoice. a) Run transaction AB08 - Other Asset Document b) Choose your Company Code and Asset from exercise 4.1. Set Fiscal Year = «2022», Depreciation area = «01»: с) Choose the row and click Reverse: 31 Asset Accounting in SAP S/4HANA Practical exercises d) Choose Reversal Reason «01» - Reversal in current period (other data filled automatically), click Save: e) Check result in Asset Explorer: 32 Asset Accounting in SAP S/4HANA Practical exercises f) Post the correct vendor`s invoice (repeat exercise 4.1 with different values and the same asset). 4.3 Post Asset Transfer You need to transfer an asset within a company code because an incorrect asset class was selected earlier. Create an Asset Master Record a) Run transaction AS01 – Asset, create new asset card in class 3100 (use instruction from exercise 4.1). Note asset number of new asset card. b) Run transaction ABUMN - Transfer within Company Code c) Enter «Asset from», «Transfer to», dates: 33 Asset Accounting in SAP S/4HANA Practical exercises d) Click Simulate, check document, click Post. e) Check result in Asset Explorer: 34 Asset Accounting in SAP S/4HANA Practical exercises 4.4 Post Asset Retirement by Scrapping a) Run transaction ABAVN - Asset Retirement by Scrapping b) Enter a Company Code. c) On the Enter Asset Transaction: Asset Retirement by Scrapping screen, enter the following data: Field Name or Data Type Value Asset Asset master record number from previous step Document Date 31.12.2022 Posting Date 31.12.2022 Asset Value Date 31.12.2022 35 Asset Accounting in SAP S/4HANA Practical exercises d) Click Simulate , check the posting document. e) Post your data. Check the asset values using the Asset Explorer a) Run transaction AW01N - Asset Explorer. 36 Asset Accounting in SAP S/4HANA Practical exercises b) On the Asset Explorer screen, if not automatically filled, enter your Company Code, your asset number from previous step and select Enter. 4.5 Post Asset Retirement with Customer You need to sold asset on 31.12.2022 (use asset created on previous exercises or create new one). a) Create new asset cart and post APC (use instruction from exercise 4.1). Note asset number of new asset card. b) Run transaction F-92 - With Customer 37 Asset Accounting in SAP S/4HANA Practical exercises c) Enter data as on an example (use your company code and Vendor number): d) Enter revenue amount, tax code A1, account 825000: 38 Asset Accounting in SAP S/4HANA Practical exercises e) Enter * in Amount, select checkbox «Asst retirement», click Simulate: f) Enter asset number what you sell, Transaction type 210, date, select checkbox «Compl.Retirement»: 39 Asset Accounting in SAP S/4HANA Practical exercises g) Check and post document: h) Check result in Asset Explorer: 40 Asset Accounting in SAP S/4HANA Practical exercises 41 Asset Accounting in SAP S/4HANA Practical exercises 5. 5.1 Periodic Processing and Valuation Post Unplanned Depreciation You need to post unplanned depreciation because your asset was involved in an accident. a) Run transaction ABAA - Unplanned Depreciation b) Choose asset with posting: c) Enter Dates = 31.12.2022, Amount, click Simulate: 42 Asset Accounting in SAP S/4HANA Practical exercises d) Click Save e) Check the result in Asset Explorer: 43 Asset Accounting in SAP S/4HANA Practical exercises 5.2 Execute and Analyze the Depreciation Run As part of your job, you need to support the asset accounting department during month-end closing. For this reason, you must execute and analyze the depreciation run. a) Run transaction AFAB – Execute: 44 Asset Accounting in SAP S/4HANA Practical exercises b) Choose Fiscal Year 2022, Posting period 11, Detailed Log, Test Run, click Execute: c) Check the result, if you have no any issues (green indicator), click Back: 45 Asset Accounting in SAP S/4HANA Practical exercises d) Remove Test Run checkbox, choose Program -> Execute in Background e) Enter Output device LP01: 46 Asset Accounting in SAP S/4HANA Practical exercises f) Click Immediate, Save 47 Asset Accounting in SAP S/4HANA Practical exercises Check the result a) Run transaction AFBP - Display Log b) Enter company code, year 2022, Posting Perion 11, click Execute: c) Check status: d) Run Asset Explorer, check result: 48 Asset Accounting in SAP S/4HANA Practical exercises 6. 6.1 Information System Analyze the Asset Portfolio You can analyze totals for costs and depreciation of your assets. a) Run transaction AR01 or any reports from Asset Balances: b) Enter Report date, Depreciation area and other fields (if you need): 49 Asset Accounting in SAP S/4HANA Practical exercises 6.2 Analyze Depreciation on period You can analyze depreciation values of your assets on period. a) Run transaction S_P99_41000192 - Posted depreciation by asset and posting period: b) Enter Year, Depreciation area, Posting period and other fields (if you need): 50 Asset Accounting in SAP S/4HANA Practical exercises 6.3 Day-to-day activities reports Allows you to analyze current operations with assets (Acquisitions, Retirements, Transfers so on). a) Run transactions from Day-to-Day Activities menu: 51 Asset Accounting in SAP S/4HANA Practical exercises 6.4 Define Sort Versions for Asset Reports Allows you to adjust your own fields and sort criteria in standard reports. a) Run Define Sort Versions for Asset Reports in SPRO menu: b) Choose existing sort version for adaptation or create new one: c) Add field from ANLAV table (it contains all of assets fields), save the data: 52