REFERENCE VALUES (OTHER BODY FLUIDS) Clinical Microscopy | Rocelle Anne R. Leonardo, RMT CSF WBCs (adult) WBCs (neonates) Protein Glucose Lactate Glutamine 0-5 cells/Ul Lymphocytes:Monocytes = 70:30 0-30 cells/Ul Lymphocytes:Monocytes = 30:70 15-45 mg/dL 60-70% of plasma glucose 10-24 mg/dL 8-18 mg/dL SEMEN ANALYSIS Volume 2-5 mL Color Gray-white Viscosity Pours in droplets pH 7.2-8.0 Sperm > 20 million/mL Concentration Sperm Count > 40 million/ejaculate Motility 50% motile with rating of 2.0 within 1 hour Morphology 14% normal (strict) 30% normal (routine) Round cells < 1.0 million/mL Fructose > 13 umol/ejaculate Alpha-glucosidase ≥ 20 mU/ejaculate Zinc ≥ 2.4 umol/ejaculate Citric acid ≥ 52 umol/ejaculate Acid phosphatase ≥ 200 U/ejaculate SYNOVIAL FLUID Volume Color Clarity Viscosity WBC RBC Neutrophil Lymphocytes Crystals Glucose Total Protein Lactic acid SEROUS FLUID Hemothorax Pleural Fluid Differential Count pH Pericardial Fluid Peritoneal Fluid Volume Bacterial endocarditis Blunt trauma injury WBC Bacterial peritonitis PF HCT is more than 50% of the blood HCT Macrophages 64-80% Lymphocytes 18-30% Neutrophils 1-2% <7.2: chest-tube drainage 6.0: esophageal rupture 10-50 mL >1000 WBCs/uL > 100,000 RBCs/uL < 500 cells/uL Abs. neutrophil count: > 250 cells/uL or >50% of total WBC count < 3.5 mL Colorless to pale yellow Clear Forms a 4-6cm string < 200 cells/uL < 2000 cells/uL < 25% of differential count < 15% of differential count None should not be more than 10 mg/dL < 3 g/dL < 30 mg/dL REFERENCE VALUES (OTHER BODY FLUIDS) Clinical Microscopy | Rocelle Anne R. Leonardo, RMT AMNIOTIC FLUID Volume Bilirubin Scan AFP Fetal Lung Maturity 800-1200 mL 30 mL: volume collected Δ450nm > 0.25 < 2.0 MoM L/S ratio Amniostat FLM Foam shake Foam stability index OD650 Lamellar body count Urine Crea Amniotic Fluid <3.5 mg/dL Urea <30 mg/dL <300 mg/dL > 2.0 Positive (agglutination) Presence of bubbles ≥ 47 ≥ 0.150 ≥ 32,000/uL FECALYSIS Amount Osmolality Sodium Potassium Neutrophils Qualitative fecal fats Muscle fibers 100-200g/day 200 mOsm/kg 30 mmol/L 75 mmol/L 3 neuts/HPF indicates invasive condition Any neutrophils under OIO is abnormal Neutral Fat Stain: >60/HPF (steatorrhea) Split Fat Malabsorption Maldigestion Stain 1st slide Normal Increased 2nd slide Increased N/Increased > 10 undigested fibers (increased) <10 mg/dL