MORFOGENEZA 1. Introducere PARTEA 1-a Principii geometrice de umplere a spatiului 12/17/2023 Similarity • Similarity is one of the "big ideas" in geometry. Note that two things may be similar in colloquial English, but it is a much stronger statement to say that they are mathematically similar. Here is a picture of a panther: Which of these pictures is a good copy of the original picture? Explain how you made your decision. If two triangles have all three pairs of sides in proportion, the triangles must be similar. Scaling Effects Scaling of a 3D Object: 2 AL Surface area L Volume V L Mass (weight) m V L Moment of inertia I mR L Torque (weight acting on a moment arm) R mg L 3 3 2 5 4 Mechanical Resonance Cantilever beam 1 f0 2 K m K L1 , m L3 1 f0 L Scaling Effects Decrease size of a bridge Structure is designed to carry load. Weight of the Stress scales objects passing the bridge scales L3. Cross section of 3 bridge scales L2. Stress scales L3/L2=L or 2 M/M2/3=M1/3 Ten times smaller bridge just suffers one tenth the stress of the larger bridge Thus bridge could be built in a more slender version and with less material costs. This explains why elephants have in proportion much thicker bones than a human being L L L Scaling Effects A L2 m 2 3 The largest egg from a living bird belongs to the ostrich. It is over 2000 times larger than the smallest egg produced by a hummingbird. Ostrich eggs are about 180 mm long and 140 mm wide and weigh 1.2 kg. Hummingbird eggs are 13 mm long and 8 mm wide and they weigh only half of a gram. Scaling Effects J. Swift Scaling Effects • Lilliputs estimated 12 times their own height, and calculated his mass and volume (123)=1728 times their own • To be perfect hosts they fed him 1728 portions of food and wine, BUT the amount of calories necessary for an organism scales not with its volume, or mass, • but with its surface through which the heat is lost, i.e. L2, V2/3 or M2/3 • Measurements gave M3/4 dependence Corelatie functionala Conditii de minim Conditii care implica complexitatea Conditii care implica evolutia Conditii care implica conservarea sistemului (a entitatii) Conditii de stationaritate Intr-o dinamica variabila Proprietati generale ale Sistemelor Dinamice: NEDISIPATIVE : • sistem inchis • guvernat de forte conservative • evolueaza reversibil Sistem dinamic disipativ sistem deschis evolutie ireversibila traiectoriile modeleaza perioada TRANZITORIE la limita: vor converge catre un ATRACTOR sau vor diverge la infinit fata de un REPULSOR BAZIN = multimea starilor initiale pornind de la care sistemul tinde catre un atractor SEPARATOARE = punctele ce nu apartin bazinului Concluzii: -Motive care conduc la fenomene de morfogeneza: -Primul motiv este conservarea si invarianta sistemului -Motive geometrice – de simetrie , de acces liber, –Motive functionale – umplerea spatiului, conditii de energie minima, conditii de effort, conditii de adaptare (evolutia), conditii de stres, conditii de optim sau conditii de fiabilitate -Motive fizico – chimice la nivel microscopic, sau chiar molecular, forte electrice sau van der waals, simetrii la nivel molecular, -