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Citrullus colocynthis: Corrosion Inhibitor for C38 Steel

Journal of Bio- and Tribo-Corrosion (2022) 8:78
Citrullus colocynthis Ethanolic Extract as an Ecological Inhibitor
of Carbon Steel C38 Corrosion in Hydrochloric Medium
Hefdh aldeen Al‑sharabi1,2 · Khalid Bouiti1 · Fatima Bouhlal1 · Najoua Labjar1 · Abdelwahed Dahrouch3 ·
Mohammed El Mahi1 · El Mostapha Lotfi1 · Bouchaib El Otmani1 · Ghita Amine Benabdellah1 · Souad El Hajjaji3
Received: 1 October 2021 / Revised: 25 April 2022 / Accepted: 11 May 2022 / Published online: 15 June 2022
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022
The inhibitory potency of Citrullus colocynthis ethanolic seed extract (COCO) against corrosion of C38 steel in a hydrochloride media was studied by impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and potentiodynamic polarization (PDP). The polarization data
demonstrated a mixed inhibitory behavior. Both polarization and EIS showed excellent agreement in inhibitory efficiency,
with IE percent values of 94.9 and 95.8% at 2 g/L COCO extract. The adsorption follows the Langmuir model based on the
isothermal analysis. The impact of time was also tested to ensure the inhibitor's stability for 72 h, and the study showed that
COCO extract had sufficient stability to be used as an inhibitor. A GC–MS study of the extract and an SEM/EDX investigation of the metal surface were done to further understand this impact. The results of the GC–MS test revealed the existence
of various chemicals that might be responsible for the inhibitor's corrosion-inhibiting properties. The presence of a protective
barrier formed on the surface by adsorption of active COCO molecules has been established by SEM/EDX measurements.
Keywords C38 steel · Citrullus colocynthis extract · EIS · Tafel · Corrosion · 1 M HCl
1 Introduction
Corrosion is a cross-disciplinary issue, [1, 2]. Corrosion is
produced by the environment's chemical and electrochemical effects on metals and alloys [3]. The implications are
serious in a range of sectors, as well as an industry: production shutdowns, component replacements, accidents, and
environmental concerns are all common occurrences with
potentially severe economic consequences [4, 5]. Despite
the high mechanical strength and cheap cost, the majority of steel alloys are used in a broad variety of production
* Najoua Labjar
Laboratory of Spectroscopy, Molecular Modeling, Materials,
Nanomaterials, Water and Environment, CERNE2D,
ENSAM, Mohammed V University in Rabat, Rabat,
Laboratory of Chemistry, MinistryofEducation, Jamal
Abdulnasser High School, Sanaa, Yemen
Laboratory of Spectroscopy, Molecular Modeling, Materials,
Nanomaterials, Water and Environment, CERNE2D, Faculty
of Sciences, Mohammed V University in Rabat, Rabat,
processes, such as engineering, construction, and military
applications [6].
Notwithstanding this, it is affected by its environment,
especially acidic ones, which accelerates the decomposition
(corrosion) [7]. Acid solutions are used in industries such as
pickling, chemical cleaning and refining, ore extraction, and
oil well acidification [8].
Corrosion inhibitors are used to keep metals from corroding. Inhibitors are chemical agents that are added to a
medium in trace levels to prevent materials from corroding.
For permanent or temporary prevention (particularly when
the substance is severely corrosive or subjected to harsh conditions) [9, 10].
For example, chromates, dichromates, nitrites, and
nitrates can be employed in different situations and with a
broad range of materials.
However, these chemicals' biotoxicity and non-environmental properties, notable chromates, have been extensively studied, limiting their use [11]. Corrosion research in
recent years has centered on creating low-cost, ecologically
friendly chemicals [12]. Because of their environmental
sustainability, low toxicity, and low cost, plant extracts are
considered promising solutions to the problem of metal corrosion in many media, particularly acidic ones [13–16].
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Journal of Bio- and Tribo-Corrosion (2022) 8:78
Scanning electron microscopy and electrochemical
polarization and impedance measurements were used to
analyze the inhibitory impact of an ethanolic extract of
Citrullus colocynthis (COCO) in a 1 M hydrochloric acid
(HCl) media both as a natural inhibitor of C38 corrosion.
2 Methods and Materials
2.1 Inhibitor Preparation
50 g of crushed dry grains were steeped in a beaker containing 99% for two ethanol and then filtered through filter
paper. The filtrate solution was evaporated via a rotary
evaporator at 67 °C until dry, then weighted and stored for
later use. The yield was determined for the economic aim
using the following Eq. (1), C. colocynthis has a beneficial cucurbit plant that has abundantly distributed over the
world's arid regions [17], including Morocco [18]. Has a
diverse array of medicinal properties. Obesity, respiratory
diseases, and diabetes are treated with seeds and fruit [19].
The main chemical contained in seeds is a fixed oil such as
Fatty acid-like Myristic, Linoleic, oleic, Stearic, Palmitic,
Linolenic acid [20], Methylene chloride, Cyclopentanol,
2-methyl-, trans [21], p-Terphenyl [22]. The C. colocynthis
(L.) Schrade (COCO) plant was chosen as the subject of
our article based on the chemical components contained
in its fruit. The ecological inhibitory effect of COCO ethanolic extract on C38 steel corrosion in 1 M HCl solution
was evaluated using morphological and electrochemical
techniques [23]:
× 100
where mfin is the mass of the extract after solvent evaporation, and mint is the sample mass before extraction. The
extraction yield was 15%.
2.2 Electrode and Solution Corrosive
Corrosion studies on Carbon steel electrodes with the
respective chemical compositions (in weight%) were conducted: C makes up 0.37, Mn makes up 0.68, S makes up
0.016, Cr makes up 0.077, Si makes up 0.23, Co makes
up 0.009, Cu makes up 0.16, Ni makes up 0.059, and Ti
makes up 0.011, and the remainder is iron. Abrasive sheets
(1200–2000) were used to polish the electrodes before
washing, degreasing with ethanol, and drying with hot air.
The solutions (1 M HCl) were made by diluting a 35% HCl
analytical reagent with doubly distilled water.
2.3 Electrochemical Analysis
Measurement was performed using an EC-Lab softwarecontrolled VMP3-Biologic potentiostat. There was a C38
steel sample as the working electrode (WE), a platinum
wire as the counter electrode (CE), and an SCE as the reference electrode (RE). For each test, the (WE) was allowed
to corrode freely for 30 min, this value represents the time
required for the open circuit potential to reach a quasi-stationary value. For the polarization plot, the potential was
changed at a rate of 0.5 mV/s. Equation (2) gives the inhibitor efficiency IE (%) [24]:
IE(%) = 1 − inh × 100
where icorr and iinh are attributed to the current density of
C38 corrosion collected by extrapolating the Tafel lines with
and without inhibitor.
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy graphs were
acquired from 100 kHz to 10 mHz. Based on Rct values [25],
the efficiency was calculated using Eq. (3).
× 100
IE(%) = 1 −
where Rct and Rctinh are the resistances of charge transfer
values of C38 without and with COCO extract.
2.4 Determination of Chemical Compounds
by GCMS Analysis
A gas chromatograph (TRACE 1300) coupled to a mass
spectrometer (triple quadripole tsq 8000 evo) was adopted
for this purpose, with a VB-5 (30 m 0.25 mm 0.25 m) column and helium as carrier gas (1.4 mL/min). The injector and interface were 220 °C and 300 °C. To separate the
COCO extract components, the column was heated from 40
to 180 °C (4 °C/min), then 300 °C (20 °C/min) for 2 min.
The material was split-mode injected (1 μL) and the mass
spectrometry detector was set to 70 eV. The compounds
The COCO extract chemicals were determined by evaluating their relative retention time and mass spectra to the
database's analytical standards.
2.5 Surface Analysis
A succession of emery paper (220,400, 600, 1000 & 2400
grade) was used to scrape the carbon steel specimens, followed by cleaning in distilled water/acetone. After 24 h in
1 M HCl in the absence and presence of COCO extract,
the surface morphology and chemical composition of C38
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Journal of Bio- and Tribo-Corrosion (2022) 8:78
steel specimens were examined using an FEI- Quanta 650
scanning electron microscope with energy-dispersive x-ray
spectroscopy (SEM–EDX).
3 Results and Discussion
3.1 Extraction Yield
The active components of C. Coloynthis were extracted by
different methods (COCO). The maceration method was
chosen because it is more cost-effective and economical,
which fits the objective of the study (cheap and environmentally friendly extract) and makes our work practices.
The percentage extraction yield was calculated using Eq. (1).
inhibitory efficiency of steel in a 1 M HCl environment without and with varying concentrations of COCO extract. Figure 2 illustrates the polarization curves of C38 steel in 1 M
HCl without and with various amounts of COCO extract. As
indicated, the log I = f (E) curves for COCO extract concentration have a similar shape.
The electrochemical parameters and inhibitory efficiency
at various concentrations are shown in Table 1. Equation (2)
determines the corrosion inhibitory efficiency IE (%). According to the first analysis of these curves, the inhibitor's presence alters the anodic and cathodic reactions. The anodic and
cathodic currents decrease with concentration. The reaction
below [28, 29] expresses the metal (anode) deterioration:
Fe(s) → Fe2+ (aq) + 2e−
3.2 Concentration Effect
Cathodic reduction is the reduction of hydrogen ions in
solution to dihydrogen, as shown below:
3.2.1 Open Circuit Potential
2H+(aq) + 2e− → H2(g)
Throughout each electrochemical test, the system must
be stabilized to get the steady-state potential and its timedependent progression. According to Fig. 1, the potential adopts a rapid stabilization trend with a variation
of the extract concentration [26], the measured value is
between − 0.42 V/ECS and − 0.47 V/ECS, and the progression with the blank indicates a mixed character of inhibition
3.2.2 Polarization Measurements
At room temperature, the polarization curve was utilized to
characterize the electrochemical properties and corrosion
Fig. 2 Polarization curves of C38 steel in 1 M HCl with and without
COCO extract
Table 1 Electrochemical parameters of C38 steel in hydrochloride
solution containing different amounts of COCO extract
Fig. 1 The temporal progression of the open circuit potential (EOCP)
at different concentration
Icorr (µA.
− Ecorr
βa (mV) − βc (mV) IEPDP (%)
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The linear component of the cathode curves (Tafel
line) in our instance indicates that the hydrogen reduction
process at the steel surface is a pure activation mechanism
Although the inhibitor reduces current density, the
small variation of the cathodic Tafel slopes suggests that
the process of protons reduction at the steel surface is
unaffected and occurs through a pure activation mechanism [30] as shown in Table 1. Inhibitors appear to adsorb
to the steel surface first, then function by blocking the
surface's active sites. Schiff bases [31], thiadiazole [32],
Tryptamine [33], and Geissospermum laeve electrochemical and phytochemical experiments employing the same
steel and media [2] have all been shown to have similar
effects. In the same way, introducing inhibitors to the
anode field reduces the anode current density. Furthermore, in the event of a severe anode overvoltage, we see
the presence of two linear sections for allconcentrations
examined (Fig. 1). The anode current density quickly
rises when desorption potential Ed (potentials larger than
− 0.300 V/SCE) is surpassed [11, 12]. This behavior has
been seen for steel in chlorhydric acid [1, 34, 35].
The anodic current rises rapidly after the potential Ed
because of the desorption of inhibitor adsorbing on the
metal surface. Desorption of the inhibitor from the metal
surface does not promote corrosion because anodic current densities are less than blank densities.it still prevents
corrosion, demonstrating that inhibitor adsorption and
desorption are influenced by electrochemical potential.
3.2.3 Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS)
Impedance experiments are a straightforward technique that has
been frequently utilized to investigate inhibition mechanisms
[36]. It provides information on the resistive and capacitive
behavior of the contact, which enables the estimation of the studied compounds' efficiency as probable metal corrosion inhibitors
[3, 37, 38]. The Nyquist and Bode graphs generated from the EIS
examination of C38 steel in 1 M HCl solution using different
amounts of COCO extract are shown in Figs. 3 and 4.
Figure 4 shows a semicircle curve relative to the capacitive
loop in all Nyquist diagrams constructed with and without
the inhibitor. The interfacial impedance frequency dispersion
causes imperfect semicircles in the impedance diagrams [39].
The blank and COCO curves are similar in form, indicating
that the COCO extract did not affect the corrosive medium.
Capacitive loops expand when COCO extract concentration increases. The electrical chemistry characteristics of the
Nyquist and Bode curves were obtained using an EEC (Fig. 5).
A coefficient of 10–3 to 10–2, which justifies the models, was
induced in the EEC utilized [40, 41].
R1, R2, and Q2 in the analogous circuit signify the electrolyte resistance, charge transfer resistance, and constant phase
element, respectively, which reflect the capacity of the double
layer at the metal/solution interface. To account for non-ideal
behavior induced by surface inhomogeneity, roughness, porosity, and adsorption on C38 steel, "Q" was employed instead of
a double layer capacity (Cdl) [23] (Eq. 6).
Cdl =
Fig. 3 C38 Nyquist plots in 1 M
HCl (A) and 0.5-2 g/L COCO
extract (B)
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Fig. 4 C38 in 1 M HCl bode graphs within the presence and absence of COCO extract
Table 3 Bode parameters for carbon steel in hydrochloride solution in
the absence and presence of COCO extract
Fig. 5 Equivalent C38 circuit in HCl 1 M interface with and without
COCO extract
where (e) represents the interfacial layer thickness, (S) the
electrode surface area, (ε0) the medium permittivity, and ε
the dielectric constant.
Table 2 shows the results of processing the Nyquist
curves using the electrical circuit represented in Fig. 4. The
COCO extract appears to have just a slight influence on the
electrolyte resistance (Rs) in the table, demonstrating that the
inhibitor used satisfies the requirement of being trustworthy without affecting the solution's physicochemical qualities. The addition of the COCO extract, on the other hand,
increases charge transfer resistance, showing that the extract
has a corrosion-preventative impact on C38 steel.
Also, according to Helmholtz's model (Eq. 6), a drop in
­Q2 indicates a decrease in the dielectric constant, and hence
ϴmax (deg)
Freqmax (Hz)
− 0.8
− 0.6
− 0.7
− 0.7
− 0.7
− 0.6
− 0.5
a rise in the double layer thickness. We can also observe that
as concentration climbs, so does inhibition efficiency.
In Nyquist curves, the Bode modulus plot corresponds
to the semicircle diameter graph (Fig. 4). Only one-time
constants were discovered, and a consistent appearance
across all cases indicated that adding COCO inhibitor had
no influence on the corrosion mechanism, indicating that
charge transfer is guided by this process [41, 42]. Moreover,
the shape of these graphs reveals three distinct segments,
the first of which is located at a higher frequency, meaning that both phase angle and log |Z| tend to be near zero,
which may be due to the electrolyte's resistive activity and
Table 2 Electrical parameters were determined by the fit of Nyquist plots of C38 steel in 1 M hydrochloric acid without and with COCO extract
Concentration (g/L)
Rs (Ω ­cm2)
2.9 ± 0.4
4.6 ± 0.3
4.5 ± 0.3
2.8 ± 0.3
5.1 ± 0.2
3.2 ± 0.2
3.6 ± 0.3
Q2 (F/cm2)
0.35 ­e−3 ± 81.7 ­e−6
0.17 ­e−3 ± 6.02 ­e−6
0.15 ­e−3 ± 5. ­2e−6
0.10 ­e−3 ± 1.9e−6
98.8 ­e−6 ± 1.2 ­e−6
90.2 ­e−6 ± 0.85 ­e−6
0.10 ­e−3 ± 0.6 ­e−6
Rct (Ω ­cm2
36.8 ± 0.7
172.9 ± 0.5
190.5 ± 0.6
306.2 ± 0.5
502.0 ± 0.6
558.9 ± 0.5
869.5 ± 0.6
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Table 4 Surface coverage on
the increasing concentration of
COCO extract
0.25 g/L
0.5 g/L
0.75 g/L
1 g/L
1.5 g/L
2 g/L
at low frequencies, suggesting an increase in the electrode's
resistive resistance [43, 44]. Table 3 summarizes all of the
electrochemical properties determined from bode graphs.
The efficiencies obtained by the EIS and PDP studies are
slightly different at intermediate concentrations and similar at high concentrations, and their evolution indicates an
agreement between the 2 techniques.
3.2.4 Adsorption Isotherms
Table 5 Correlation coefficients for Temkin, Frumkin, and Langmuir
adsorption isotherm
resistance. In the second part, the phase angle increases as
the concentration of COCO extract increases, showing that
more inhibitor molecules adsorb on the C38 steel surface
[28]. Also, the phase angle values (Table 3) are less than
90°, with linear slope correlation values less than (1), indicating that the corrosion process is rough on the steel C38
surface, reducing the phase angle. As a frequency function,
log |Z| approaches infinity with the third component, located
An inhibitor adsorbs in aqueous solutions through quasisubstitution of the organic component in the solution with
the water molecules on the electrode surface [45, 46].
An isotherm was used to evaluate the association between
surface coverage and extract concentration (Cinh) and test
different models (Frumkin, Temkin, and Langmuir).
The degree of cover on the metal surface is given by (θ),
obtained from polarization measurements in Eq. (7) [47].
Table 4 shows the surface coverage against COCO extract
Fig. 6 Adsorption isotherms of Langmuir (A), Temkin (B), and Frumkin (C) with inhibitor
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The correlation coefficients for the various models examined are shown in Table 5; the correlation was achieved by
Langmuir's isotherm (Fig. 6, Table 5) with an R2 = 0.9997.
Table 5 shows the correlation factors for the different
models studied; the best fit was provided by Langmuir's
isotherm (Fig. 6, Table 5) with an ­R2 = 0.9997, according to
the following equation [48]:
+ Cinh
The Langmuir model assumes that the adsorbed inhibitor monolayer is put on a homogeneous solid surface, without any contact in both the adsorbed molecules, and each
inhibitor molecule occupies an active site, an anode site,
and a cathode site without difference [49]. The adsorption
constants can be obtained from the intercept, with Kads = 25
L/g, according to Eq. (8).
The extract contains many substances, due to the difficulty in identifying the molecular weight of the extract,
which makes determining the free enthalpy of adsorption
(ΔG°ads) impossible [50], various studies have cited the
same issue when analyzing natural extracts [2, 51].
3.3 Inhibition Efficiency as a Function of Immersion
An immersion period is a measure used to ensure that inhibitory characteristics are conserved and to assess long-term
stability at the solution-metal interface [2].
The durability of the protective covering formed on the
metallic surface may be assessed by measuring the change
in charge transfer resistance after various immersion times
in a harsh environment [39].
Figure 7 shows the electrochemical impedance curves for
C38 steel obtained after immersion in 1 M HCl medium with
2 g/L COCO extract for (2, 4, 6, 18, 24, and 72) hours.
The electrical equivalent circuits shown in Fig. 7, (a):
blank for 2;4;6;18, and 2;4;6;18;24 with COCO extract (b):
blank for 2;4;72, and 72 with COCO extract) were used to
acquire usable digital data. We can model the process at the
interface (C38-Solution), adjust the experimental diagrams
based on the correlation coefficient X2 = ­10–3, and extract the
necessary parameters.
As illustrated in Fig. 7, we collected two distinct electrochemical tendencies and expressed them using two equivalent circuits a and b; in both models, R1 represents the
solution resistance, R2 the layer resistance, R3 the faradic
reaction, and Q1, Q2, and Q3 the constant phase components
that characterize the double layer capacity at the C38/solution interface.
All collected parameters are grouped in Table 6 after
curve processing. As indicated in the table, electrochemical
parameter values were determined by the use of comparable circuits models. According to Table 4, the value of the
inhibited solution's charge transfer resistance increases over
the course of 24 h, with the inhibitory efficiency maximum
at 24 h.
The deposition of COCO extract to the C38 surface and
water molecules displacement by acid ions ­(Cl−) initiate this
reaction [52]. We also find a drop in both Q1 and Q2 values
compared to the blank at the same immersion periods, which
is due to the development of a double-layer capacitor with a
protective coating on the metal surface.
3.3.1 Determination of Chemical Compounds by GCMS
Fig. 7 Nyquist diagram of C38 steel at different immersion times
According to the obtained results, the treated extract contains different active molecules, such as: nerolidol, verticiol,
thunbergol, marsectohexol; esters: n-octyl acetate, diethyl
phthalate, ethyl linolenate, and other components (Fig. 8).
According to various studies, the inhibitor efficiency
could be connected to the presence of n-octyl acetate, nerolidol, ethyl linoleate in the studied extract [53, 54]. It should
be noted that the inhibitory effect can be attributed also to a
synergistic action between the different molecules present in
the extract. Surface observation via SEM/EDX.
SEM images were taken of C38 steel after 24 h in 1 M
HCl without and with COCO extract. The specimen's surface
morphology was considerably affected by 1 M hydrochloride
acid. As seen in Fig. 9. (a) The surface was smoother and
had few pits after immersion in an acidic solution with 2 g/L
COCO extract (Fig. 9). (b) The smoothness of the inhibited
C38 surface is due to the protective layer development.
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Table 6 Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy parameters and efficiency inhibition (IE%) for C38 in1 M HCl with 2 g/L of COCO extract at
various immersion times
Immersion Time
R1 (Ω ­Cm2)
18 H
24 H
72 H
2 g/L of COCO extract
18 H
24 H
72 H
R2 (Ω C
­ m2)
R3 (Ω C
­ m2)
104 Q2 (F ­cm−2)
104 Q3 (F ­cm−2)
Rct (Ω ­Cm2)
Fig. 8 GC/MS chromatographic profile of the ethanolic extract
Energy Dispersive X-ray analysis was used to investigate the surface composition of C38 before and after the
protective layer [55]. The EDX peaks (Fig. 10a) confirm a
dissolution of the C38 components (presence of iron and
carbon) [37].
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Fig. 9 SEM images of C38 in
acidic solution without (a) and
with 2 g/L COCO inhibitor (b)
Fig. 10 EDX spectrum of C38 in acidic solution without (a) and with (b) 2 g/L COCO inhibitor (b)
By comparing a and b of Fig. 10, the significant decrease
in the iron peak indicates that the metallic surface is protected
from further damage. The decrease in the Cl and O peaks is
related to the development of a complex with iron due to the
metal's degradation (FeClOH). Due to the adsorbed organic
substance on the surface. Peak carbon increased after the addition of the COCO extract [56].
4 Conclusion
The purpose of this work is to investigate the inhibitory
activity of a colocynthis seed extract in a 1 M HCl medium
by altering the concentration and duration of the immersion using an electrochemical approach. The results show
• The variation of the concentration produces an increase
in inhibitory efficiency and attains a maximum of
94.9% at 2 g/L, acting as a mixed type inhibitor that
could be connected to its phytochemical constituents.
• The adsorption of the active molecules is carried out
according to the Langmuir isotherm.
• COCO is relatively stable throughout time (88 percent
after 24 h of immersion), by the creation of a barrier
layer on the surface as demonstrated by scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction.
Funding The authors declare that no funding was awarded to this study.
Data Availability The datasets generated during and/or analysed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on
reasonable request.
Conflict of interest The authors have not disclosed any competing interests.
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