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Developer Discussions - Simplify the Screen Flow for Radio Frequency

Simplify the Screen Flow for Radio Frequency Putaway
In the standard process, the putaway is paper driven and without RF support. The warehouse operators
move the pallets to the final bins and hand over the papers to the office clerk. Several times per day the
office clerk confirms the WOs in the system based on the returned papers. This way the stock increases
and becomes available for sale. In process variant 107B, the warehouse operators will use RF devices and
they confirm each move of stock in the system immediately.
“Putaway by WO” (logical RF Transaction PTWOSI). With an adjustment in the RF framework, we reduce
the number of UIs and also eliminate one RF screen. So for each pallet the user scans, there is a WO
barcode from the paper and the destination.
Prerequisites for this development:
Wi-Fi and mobile devices are supported in the warehouse.
WO barcode is on the printout of the WO Realization of Custom Development 107B In order to realize
the Dev “Simplify the Screen Flow for RF Putaway” you have to do the following steps: 1. Create a new
RF queue and set up queue determination for warehouse process type P110. 2. Assign a verification
profile to warehouse process type P110. 3. Create the RF presentation profile W001 and copy the
standard menu. 4. Change the RF step flow for logical transaction PTWOSI and presentation profile W001
such that the first screen is skipped. The details for the four steps are described in the following
Ad Step 1 In IMG activity EWM Cross-Process Settings Resource Management Define Queues create a
new entry, e.g., Queue INB_107B. For field Operational Environment choose value “3 RF; Resource
Management Active.” Step
In the same folder, start IMG activity Define Queue Determination Criteria where you create a new entry
with the following fields:
Warehouse number: W001
Warehouse process type: P110
Activity: PTWY
Queue: INB_107B
With this queue determination entry you can now process the WOs for putaway in the RF
immediately continue with step PTMADS.
To have only one instead of two WTs at the end of the transaction is also a benefit in case the user
changes his mind and steps back with (F7) on the destination screen (step PTMADS). With the
standard settings, the stock would stay on the resource and hence no other resource would be able
to perform this WO. If you work with high-level forklifts and low-level forklifts, it can happen quite
often that only after seeing the destination screen can the operator decide if he is capable of doing
the putaway at that destination bin. In this section how to skip screens in RF and how to process
steps in background mode without coding adjustments. There are more RF transactions in the
standard where you might have the need to skip a screen, as the screen does not provide valuable
information to your users.