Yan Anna 2063523106453d chromium spdfnotation Is27s wewould expect 3 unpaired e in paramagnetic material Cr H2o This is a 1525206352306452307 I would expect 0 unpairedelectrons for Mn in KMN04 This is a paramagnetic material mntzoxidaz'jtet nF Y ijfitscoinmpgfedy.fiits d subshell The primaryissue with performing thisexperimentwithoutgravity is the fact that mass and recording with a basic stepin the procedure weighingthe vials on a balance thespacestation we could attatch the Therefore if this experimentwere performed in then holdthe vialabove balance to a wall via ducttape andplace the magnet on it interfere be adjusted A morecomplex solutioncould also magnet Calculations would have tozone but I'm not sure how exactly be generating an artificial gravity AnnaYan 217002387 81.3099 81.3489 81.309g 81.3189 81.309g 81.2419 81.309g 81.331g 81.309g 81.218g 0.039g 0.0099 0.068g 0.0229 0.091g 81.341g 0.0329 81.309g 81.291g 0.0189 81.309g 79.6219 1.688g 81.309g 81.334g 0.025g 81.3099 79.688g 1.6219 81.309g AnnaYan 217002387 3 o 4 O I 5 P D P D P P D The unknown was Fezo as their masses were the mostsimilar Additionally boththe unknown and Feroz are paramagnetic