Airbus A330 RR/GE/PW MAINTENANCE PRACTICE TRAINING MANUAL B1 or B1/B2 Airbus A330 RR Trent 700 GE CF6 PW 4000 OJT B1 or B1/B2 DERICHEBOURG Atis aéronautique, Parc Algorithmes, Immeuble Thalès – 17, Avenue Didier Daurat 31700 Blagnac Tél. 05 34 60 61 40 - 05 34 60 61 50 DOC.FOR.49 ed1 Page 1 sur 51 Airbus A330 RR/GE/PW MAINTENANCE PRACTICE TRAINING MANUAL B1 or B1/B2 TRAINEE NAME: Forename: Licence number: Experience on an aircraft with similar technology: Signature: YES NO Date : / / ON JOB TRAINING Type of training: Type: A 330 (RR Trent 700) A 330 (GE CF6-80) A 330 (PW 4000) B1 Start date : B2 / B1/B2 / End Date : / / Performed at : DERICHEBOURG ATIS AÉRONAUTIQUE STAMP : PRACTICAL ASSESSORS Licence number/Stamp NAME Signature Date Validation by Quality Department: Date: Name: Signature: Page 2 sur 51 DOC.FOR.49 ed1 Airbus A330 RR/GE/PW MAINTENANCE PRACTICE TRAINING MANUAL B1 or B1/B2 SUBJECT The aim of this document is to record all the practical tasks performed by engineers within ATIS Aviation, PART 145 FR.145.107 approved maintenance organisation, in order to comply with the requirements of Appendix III of PART 66 to have the B1 or B2 or B1/B2 rating on A330 (RR/PW/GE) Any task performed in the frame of this On Job Training (OJT) will have to be signed by the trainee engineer and validated by assessors. This OJT will be performed under the responsibility of one or more B1 or B2 or B1/B2 qualified engineers. (See “PRE-REQUISITE” on page 4/47) After this training, the engineer will be able to: - perform verifications of systems, engines, components and operational functions such as specified in the maintenance manual, - analyse all information in order to make decisions regarding trouble shooting and corrective actions as per maintenance manual, - describe the component replacement procedures specific to aircraft type. DURATION - (1) Engineer with B1 or B2 or B1/B2 rating and six month experience on an aircraft with a similar technology: 70 hours(1), - Engineer with B1 or B2 or B1/B2 rating and less than six month experience on an aircraft with a similar technology: 140 hours(1), - Engineer with no B1 or B2 or B1/B2 rating on an aircraft with a similar technology: four months. The 70/140 hours do not have to be necessarily performed in a row, but can be extended on a period adapted to operational configuration (availability of aircraft, trainee and assessors). CLASSIFICATION Classifies the importance of a task for the completion of the practical training record. Following classifications are used: - Mandatory (M): This indicates that the related task is required for completion of the practical training record. - Optional (O): This indicates that the related task is optional. It is recommended to perform at least 70% of those tasks in each ATA chapter. TASKS CODES - FOT: Functional Operational Test(*) LOC: Location and identification of system components MEL: Minimum Equipment List items requiring a maintenance procedure RIA: Removal Installation Activation OPC: Operational Check SGH: Servicing Ground Handling TSE: Trouble shooting Exercise TVC: Carry out Thorough Visual Check Page 3 sur 51 DOC.FOR.49 ed1 Airbus A330 RR/GE/PW MAINTENANCE PRACTICE TRAINING MANUAL B1 or B1/B2 - (*) TPR: Thorough Procedural review If ground power or other applicable systems are unavailable a TPR will be carried out in place of a FOT. SIGNING OFF THE TASKS Part 66 Appendix 3 paragraph 2.2 requires that the practical training element must consist in the performance of representative tasks and their assessment, in order to meet the following objectives: a) Ensure safe performance of maintenance, inspections and routine work according to the maintenance manual and other relevant instructions and tasks as appropriate for the type of aircraft, for example troubleshooting, repairs, adjustments, replacements, rigging and functional checks such as engine run, etc, if required, b) Correctly use all technical literature and documentation for the aircraft, c) Correctly use specialist/special tooling and test equipment, perform removal and replacement of components The nominated trainer/assessor will sign off each task when satisfied that the trainee has attained the demonstrable level of understanding that is required. PRE-REQUISITE The trainee must have participated and succeeded in a PART 147 theoretical type rating training (T1/T2 training). The assessors must have an experience of five years in the line maintenance and two years in the qualification of type. For any OJT, the assessors will have to make a request by email at the Quality Department for validation of pre-requisit. Page 4 sur 51 DOC.FOR.49 ed1 Airbus A330 RR/GE/PW MAINTENANCE PRACTICE TRAINING MANUAL B1 or B1/B2 Item ATA Subject B1/B2 Task Code M M M B1 B1 B1 TVC TVC TVC O B1/B2 TPR M B1/B2 LOC M B1/B2 LOC M B1/B2 SGH M B1 SGH Class Date Trainee's signature Instructor's signature ATA 05 - TIME LIMITS / MAINTENANCE CHECKS 05-001 05-002 05-003 05-00-00 05-50-00 05-51-11 05-004 05-51-18 Daily check Weekly check Walk around check Inspection after lightning strike ATA 06 – DIMENSIONS and AREAS 06-001 06-20-00 Identify the major aircraft zones ATA 07 - LIFTING and SHORING 07-001 07-00-00 Main jacking/safety procedures ATA 08 – LEVELLING and WEIGHTING 08-001 08-21-00 Perform Quick Leveling ATA 09 - TOWING and TAXIING 09-001 09-10-00 Towing points/ Limitation of steering Angle ATA 10 – PARKING/STORAGE 10-001 10-11-00 Parking procedures M B1/B2 SGH 10-002 10-20-00 Mooring of aircraft and kit O B&/B2 LOC M B1/B2 LOC ATA 11 – PLACARDS and MARKINGS 11-001 11-21-52 Cabin door emergency placards Page 5 sur 51 DOC.FOR.49 ed1 Airbus A330 RR/GE/PW MAINTENANCE PRACTICE TRAINING MANUAL B1 or B1/B2 Item ATA Subject Class B1/B2 Task Code Pressure Refuel with Automatic Control from the Panel 990VU M B1/B2 LOC M B1 FOT M B1 SGH M B1 SGH O B1/B2 SGH O B1 SGH O B1 TVC O B1 TVC M M B2 B1/B2 FOT SGH M B1/B2 TPR Date Trainee's signature Instructor's signature REMARKS : ATA 12 - SERVICING 12-001 12-11-28 12-002 12-11-28 12-003 12-11-28 12-004 12-12-29 12-005 12-13-24 12-006 12-13-49 12-007 12-15-38 12-008 12-15-38 Gravity Servicing of the APU Oil Reservoir Fill the potable water system using electrical power Fill the potable water system without electrical power 12-009 12-010 12-24-34 12-34-24 Draining of the Standby Static Pressure-Lines Aircraft grounding Pressure Refuel With Manual Control Procedure To Use The Fuel Magnetic Level Indicators Hydraulic power Servicing with a hand pump Filling of the IDG with Oil or Addition of Oil after Level Check ATA 20 – STANDARD PRACTICES - Airframe 20-001 20-28-00 Electrical bonding Page 6 sur 51 DOC.FOR.49 ed1 Airbus A330 RR/GE/PW MAINTENANCE PRACTICE TRAINING MANUAL B1 or B1/B2 Item ATA Subject Class B1/B2 Task Code O B1/B2 LOC M B1/B2 LOC M B1/B2 FOT M B1/B2 MEL M B1 FOT O B1/B2 LOC O M M B1/B2 B1/BS B1 FOT TVC SGH O B1/B2 TSE Date Trainee's signature Instructor's signature REMARKS : ATA 21 - AIR CONDITIONNING 21-001 21-00-00 21-002 21-00-00 21-003 21-26-00 21-004 21-26-02 21-005 21-31-00 21-006 21-52-00 21-007 21-008 21-009 21-63-00 21-63-17 21-31-66 21-010 21-30-00 Air conditioning system controls & indication in cockpit Air conditioning general localisation in cockpit Operational Test of the Avionics-Equipment Ventilation System Avionics Equipment Ventilation Overboard Valve Operational Test of the Pressure Control and Monitoring Air-condition pack components System Test of the Cockpit and Cabin Temperature Control Cabin temp sensor Safety valve filter Pressure control and monitoring, Fault Isol(TSM) Page 7 sur 51 DOC.FOR.49 ed1 Airbus A330 RR/GE/PW MAINTENANCE PRACTICE TRAINING MANUAL B1 or B1/B2 Item ATA Subject Class B1/B2 Task Code M O M B1/B2 B1 B2 TVC LOC LOC O B2 FOT M B2 FOT M B2 FOT M B1/B2 MEL M B1/B2 SGH O B2 FOT O M B2 B2 SGH TVC Date Trainee's signature Instructor's signature REMARKS : ATA 22 - AUTO FLIGHT 22-001 22-002 22-003 22-00-00 22-00-00 22-00-00 22-004 22-10-00 22-005 22-10-00 22-006 22-30-00 22-007 22-30-02 22-008 22-70-00 22-009 22-70-00 22-010 22-011 22-70-00 22-70-00 AFS controls and indications AFS components AFS components Operational Test of True North Reference Selection Operational Test of AP Eng and Lock Devices of The Side Stick Controller and Rudder Pedals Operational Test of the Autothrust Isolation from Engine Control Autothrust instinctive disconnect FM MCDU menu data entry Operational Test of BACKUP NAV Function Crossloading of the FM Data Uploading of the FM Data Page 8 sur 51 DOC.FOR.49 ed1 Airbus A330 RR/GE/PW MAINTENANCE PRACTICE TRAINING MANUAL B1 or B1/B2 B1/B2 Task Code O O B2 B2 FOT RIA BITE Test of the Auto Flight System M B2 FOT 22-97-00 Test of the LAND CAT III Capability M B2 FOT 22-81-00 FCU Fault Isolation(TSM) O B2 TSE Item ATA Subject 22-012 22-013 22-70-00 22-81-12 Operational Test of the MCDU 3 Transfer Remove/Install FCU 22-014 22-96-00 22-015 22-016 Class Date Trainee's signature Instructor's signature REMARKS : ATA 23- COMMUNICATION 23-001 23-00-00 23-002 23-00-00 Radio and cockpit communications components Radio and cockpit communications components M B2 LOC 23-003 23-00-00 Cabin communications systems components O B1 LOC 23-004 23-005 23-006 23-00-00 23-11-00 23-11-00 Cabin communications systems components HF System operational test HF System operational test M O M B2 B1 B2 LOC FOT FOT 23-007 23-11-00 O B2 FOT 23-008 23-12-00 M B1/B2 FOT 23-009 23-12-00 O B2 TSE 23-010 23-12-00 M B2 FOT 23-011 23-12-01 O B1/B2 MEL Operational Test of the HF System VHF System operational test Failure or the VHF 1 reception BITE Test of the VHF System VHF Communication systems O B1 LOC Page 9 sur 51 DOC.FOR.49 ed1 Airbus A330 RR/GE/PW MAINTENANCE PRACTICE TRAINING MANUAL B1 or B1/B2 Item ATA 23-012 23-28-00 23-013 23-32-00 23-014 23-015 23-33-34 23-33-71 23-016 Subject Class B1/B2 Task Code O B1/B2 FOT O B2 SGH O O B1/B2 B1/B2 RIA FOT 23.36.51 SATCOM System operationnal test Change of the existing Prerecorded Announcement and Boarding Music (PRAM) Remove/Install PES Controller Bite test of PES Music Landscape camera (if installed) M B2 LOC 23-017 23-42-00 Cockpit to GRD crew call system M B2 FOT 23-018 23-43-00 Cockpit to GRD crew call system O B1 LOC 23-019 23-020 23-44-00 23-51-07 Service Interphone System operational test Radio PTT Switch O O B1/B2 B2 FOT MEL 23-021 23-51-17 Remove/Install Radio PTT switch O B2 RIA 23-022 23-51-00 O B2 FOT 23-023 23-51-00 M B1/B2 FOT 23-024 23-71-00 Operational Test of the Oxygen Mask Microphone BITE Test of the Audio System Operational Test of the CVR O B1 FOT 23-71-00 Operational Test of the CVR and of the Recording on all Four Channels M B2 FOT 23-026 23-027 23-028 23-029 23-71-00 23-73-00 23-73-00 23-73-00 Operational Test of the CVR Recording Logic, Including Timer Relay PA System presentation PA System operational test Passengers call system O M M O B2 B2 B1 B1/B2 FOT TVC FOT LOC 23-030 23-73-00 Interface and Power - Up Test of the CIDS O B1 FOT M B2 FOT O B1/B2 FOT M B1 FOT 23-025 23-031 23-73-00 23-032 23-73-00 Interface and Power - Up Test of the CIDS Operational test of Cabin / Flight Crew interphone system 23-73-00 Operational test of the Emergency Evacuation Signaling system 23-033 Date Trainee's signature Instructor's signature Page 10 sur 51 DOC.FOR.49 ed1 Airbus A330 RR/GE/PW MAINTENANCE PRACTICE TRAINING MANUAL B1 or B1/B2 Class B1/B2 Task Code Operational test of loudspeakers via MCDU M B1/B2 FOT 23-73-00 Operational test of cabin SIGNS via MCDU M B1 FOT 23-036 23-73-00 FAP and PIM general presentation M B2 TVC 23-037 23-73-00 Cabin layout and zone programming M B2 SGH 23-038 23-51-00 AMU failure, Fault Isolation(TSM) M B2 TSE 23-039 23-73-00 Operational test of the EVAC function M B2 FOT 23-040 23-041 23-042 23-73-00 23-73-12 23-73-19 Operational Test of Cabin LED Signs with the MCDU Remove/Install the FAP Remove/Install the CAM M O O B2 B2 B1/B2 FOT TVC RIA 23-043 23-73-34 Remove/Install the CIDS Director O B2 RIA 23-044 23-73-46 Remove/Install DEU A and/or DEU B M B1/B2 RIA M B2 FOT M B2 FOT M B1/B2 RIA Item ATA 23-034 23-73-00 23-035 23-045 23-81-00 23-046 23-81-00 23-047 23-81-13 Subject Operational Test of the Radio Management Operational Test of the Radio Navigation Back-up Mode Removal /Installation of the RMP Date Trainee's signature Instructor's signature Page 11 sur 51 DOC.FOR.49 ed1 Airbus A330 RR/GE/PW MAINTENANCE PRACTICE TRAINING MANUAL B1 or B1/B2 Item ATA Subject B1/B2 Task Code O B1 LOC M B2 LOC Class Date Trainee's signature Instructor's signature REMARKS : ATA 24 – ELECTRICAL POWER. N.B. : SERVICING tasks please refer to ATA 12 24-001 24-00-00 24-002 24-00-00 Main electrical power panels in flight compartment Main electrical power panels in flight compartment Page 12 sur 51 DOC.FOR.49 ed1 Airbus A330 RR/GE/PW MAINTENANCE PRACTICE TRAINING MANUAL B1 or B1/B2 B1/B2 Task Code O B1 LOC Engine generators and components M B2 LOC Operational Test of the IDG Disconnect and Reconnect Function M B1/B2 TVC M B2 FOT O B1/B2 LOC O B1 LOC M B2 LOC O B1/B2 FOT O B2 FOT M B2 FOT O M B1 B1/B2 FOT FOT M M B1/B2 B1/B2 LOC LOC O M B1 B1/B2 LOC TVC M M B1 B2 LOC LOC Item ATA 24-003 24-00-00 Engine generators and components 24-004 24-00-00 24-005 24-21-00 24-006 24-22-00 24-007 24-23-00 Operational Test of the Side 1 and Side 2 Isolation APU generator and components 24-008 24-24-00 Emergency generator components 24-009 24-24-00 24-010 24-24-00 24-011 24-25-00 Emergency generator components Operational Test of the Emergency Generation System Operational Test of the AC Essential Generation Switching 24-28-00 Operational Test of Static Inverter and DC ESS BUS SUPPLY 24-012 24-013 24-014 24-28-00 24-29-00 24-015 24-016 24-30-00 24-32-00 24-017 24-018 24-38-00 24-38-34 24-019 24-020 24-40-00 24-40-00 24-021 24-41-00 24-022 24-023 Subject Operational Test of Static Inverter and DC ESS BUS SUPPLY BITE test or the ECMU DC generation components TR unit reset Batteries and Charge Controllers components BCL External power components External power component Class M B2 FOT 24-41-00 GCU/GAPCU or GCU/GPCU system test Energize aircraft electrical circuits from external power M B1/B2 SGH 24-41-00 Energise aircraft electrical circuits from the APU M B1 FOT Date Trainee's signature Instructor's signature Page 13 sur 51 DOC.FOR.49 ed1 Airbus A330 RR/GE/PW MAINTENANCE PRACTICE TRAINING MANUAL B1 or B1/B2 Item ATA 24-024 24-41-00 24-025 24-42-00 24-026 24-22-02 24-027 24-028 24-24-00 24-21-51 Subject Energise aircraft electrical circuits from the APU Energise the ground service network AC Generation IDG Oil circuit Failure of ECP, Fault isolation(TSM) IDG Removal/installation B1/B2 Task Code O B2 FOT M B1/B2 FOT O B1/B2 MEL O M B1/B2 B1/B2 TSE RIA M O B1 B1/B2 FOT LOC O O B1/B2 B1/B2 SGH LOC Class Date Trainee's signature Instructor's signature REMARKS : ATA 25 - EQUIPMENT AND FURNISHING 25-001 25-002 25-11-00 25-11-00 25-003 25-004 25-71-00 25-21-00 Crew seats operational test ATTENDANT seats Operation of the exterior ladder Seats components Page 14 sur 51 DOC.FOR.49 ed1 Airbus A330 RR/GE/PW MAINTENANCE PRACTICE TRAINING MANUAL B1 or B1/B2 Item ATA Subject 25-005 25-21-00 25-006 25-23-41 25-007 25-008 25-009 25-010 25-011 25-23-44 31-18-71 25-34-51 25-35-00 25-40-00 25-012 25-013 25-50-00 25-62-00 25-014 25-015 25-016 25-62-41 25-62-42 25-65-00 25-017 25-65-20 25-018 25-74-00 Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT) Lower deck mobile crew rest room equipment(if fitted) 25-019 25-27-36 Temperature setting panel Passenger seats Remove /Install Ceiling panels Remove /Install Dado Panel Remove /Install PSU AIR CHILLER Galley equipment Lavatories Cargo loading system components Slide bottle pressure check Removal/Installation of Escape Slide Raft on passenger door E/S slide emergency exit ELT bite test B1/B2 Task Code O B1 SGH M B1/B2 RIA M O O M M B1 B1/B2 B1/B2 B1/B2 B1/B2 RIA RIA LOC LOC LOC M M B1/B2 B1 LOC LOC O O M B1 B1 B2 RIA TVC FOT M B1/B2 LOC O B1 LOC O B1/B2 RIA O B1 LOC M B2 LOC Class Date Trainee's signature Instructor's signature REMARKS : ATA 26 - FIRE PROTECTION. 26-001 26-00-00 26-002 26-00-00 Fire detection/ extinguishing. components cockpit Fire detection/ extinguishing. components cockpit Page 15 sur 51 DOC.FOR.49 ed1 Airbus A330 RR/GE/PW MAINTENANCE PRACTICE TRAINING MANUAL B1 or B1/B2 B1/B2 Task Code M M B1 B2 LOC LOC M B1/B2 FOT M B1/B2 FOT O B1/B2 LOC Item ATA Subject Class 26-003 26-004 26-00-00 26-00-00 Engine fire detection loops Engine fire detection loops 26-005 26-12-00 26-006 26-13-00 26-007 26-13-00 26-008 26-15-00 26-009 Engine fire and overheat detection system operational test APU fire and overheat detection system operational test O B1/B2 LOC 26-15-00 APU fire detection and extinguishing system Avionic compartment smoke detection system components Operational test of the Avionics Compartment Smoke-Detection through the MCDU M B1/B2 FOT 26-010 26-16-00 Cargo compartment fire extinguishing components O B1/B2 LOC 26-011 26-16-15 Removal/Installation of Cargo Smoke Detector M B1/B2 RIA M B1/B2 FOT M B1 FOT 26-012 26-16-00 26-013 26-16-00 Operational check of Cargo Compartment Smoke Detection by PTT Operational test of LowerDeck Cargo-Compartment Smoke-Detection through the MCDU 26-014 26-17-00 Lavatory fire extinguishing components O B1 LOC 26-015 26-17-00 Operational check of Lavatory Smoke Detection System by MCDU M B1/B2 FOT 26-016 26-18-03 LDMCR Smoke detection system O B1 MEL 26-017 26-21-41 Engine fire bottle weight check M B1/B2 SGH 26-018 26-13-00 APU fire detection loop ‘A’ fault (TSM) Troubleshoot M B1/B2 TSE Date Trainee's signature Instructor's signature ATA 27 - FLIGHT CONTROLS 27-001 27-00-00 Flight control components in cockpit O B1 LOC 27-002 27-00-00 Flight control components in cockpit M B2 LOC Page 16 sur 51 DOC.FOR.49 ed1 Airbus A330 RR/GE/PW MAINTENANCE PRACTICE TRAINING MANUAL B1 or B1/B2 B1/B2 Task Code O B1 LOC Operational test rudder trim actuation O B2 FOT 27-26-00 Operational test of back-up yaw damper (MCDU) O B2 FOT 27-44-00 Operational Test of the Trimmable Horizontal Stabiliser (THS) Actuator M B1 FOT 27-007 27-008 27-009 27-010 27-011 27-44-00 27-50-00 27-50-00 27-51-00 27-51-00 Operational Test of the Trimmable Horizontal Stabiliser (THS) Actuator SFCC /WTB Reset SFCC /WTB Reset SFCC System test SFCC System test O M O M M B2 B1 B2 B1 B2 FOT FOT FOT FOT FOT 27-012 27-54-00 O B1 FOT 27-013 27-54-00 O B2 FOT 27-014 27-015 27-016 27-017 27-64-00 27-64-01 27-93-34 27-93-34 O M M O B1 B1 B1 B2 LOC MEL RIA RIA 27-018 27-96-00 M B1 FOT 27-019 27-96-00 Operational test of Flap and Slat System Extending/ retracting slat/flaps Spoiler system components Spoiler Remove/Instal FCPC FCPC Op Test of the Return to Low Speed Config of the Rudder and Pedals TravelLimitation Units Op Test of the Return to Low Speed Config of the Rudder and Pedals TravelLimitation Units O B2 FOT 27-020 27-96-00 BITE Test of the EFCS (SYSTEM TEST) M B1/B2 FOT 27-021 27-55-00 Flap position indicating, Fault Isloation (TSM) O B1/B2 TSE 27-022 17-99-00 Electrical backup O B1/B2 SGH Item ATA 27-003 27-14-00 Ailerons and associated systems 27-004 27-22-00 27-005 27-006 Subject Class Date Trainee's signature Instructor's signature Page 17 sur 51 DOC.FOR.49 ed1 Airbus A330 RR/GE/PW MAINTENANCE PRACTICE TRAINING MANUAL B1 or B1/B2 Item ATA Subject Class B1/B2 Task Code Date Trainee's signature Instructor's signature REMARKS : Page 18 sur 51 DOC.FOR.49 ed1 Airbus A330 RR/GE/PW MAINTENANCE PRACTICE TRAINING MANUAL B1 or B1/B2 Item ATA Subject B1/B2 Task Code O B1 LOC M O M B2 B1 B1/B2 LOC SGH LOC M B1/B2 FOT Class Date Trainee's signature Instructor's signature ATA 28 - FUEL N.B. : For SERVICING tasks please refer to ATA 12 Fuel system components in cockpit 28-001 28-00-00 28-002 28-003 28-004 28-00-00 28-28-00 28-21-00 28-005 28-25-00 Fuel system components in cockpit Pressure Defuel Procedure All fuel boost pumps Ground fuel transfer procedure 28-006 28-25-00 Ground fuel transfer to the trim tank M B1 FOT 28-007 28-21-51 Removal/Installation of Fuel pump element O B1 TVC 28-008 28-26-53 M B1 RIA 28-009 28-25-04 O B1/B2 MEL 28-010 O B1/B2 TSE 28-011 28-012 28-31-00 28-42-00810-887 28-00-00 O M B1/B2 B1/B2 TSE SGH 28-013 28-42-22 O B1/B2 RIA Removal/Installation of Fuel Inlet Valve Actuator Refuel defuel system -Inlet valve Fuel Jettison fault isolation(TSM) Fuel Quantity incorrect, temporarliy (TSM) CDCCL procedures Fuel Quantity indicator, remove/refit. REMARKS : Page 19 sur 51 DOC.FOR.49 ed1 Airbus A330 RR/GE/PW MAINTENANCE PRACTICE TRAINING MANUAL B1 or B1/B2 Item ATA Subject B1/B2 Task Code M M M B1/B2 B1 B2 LOC SGH SGH M B1/B2 LOC Class Date Trainee's signature Instructor's signature ATA 29 - HYDRAULIC POWER N.B. : For SERVICING tasks please refer to ATA 12 29-001 29-002 29-003 29-00-00 29-00-00 29-00-00 29-004 29-00-00 Hydraulic power panels cockpit Maintenance panel Maintenance panel Engine Hydraulic Components 29-005 29-00-00 Pressurise the green (blue ,yellow)hydraulic system with electric pump M B1 SGH 29-006 29-11-00 Green system ground service panel M B1/B2 LOC 29-007 29-12-00 Blue system ground service panel M B1/B2 LOC 29-008 29-13-00 Yellow system ground service panel M B1/B2 LOC 29-009 29-24-00 O B1 FOT 29-010 29-30-02 Operational test of the RAT Extension and retraction Indication reservoir quantity on ECAM Hyd page O B1/B2 MEL 29-011 29-31-11 Hyd tank Air Pressure switch, remove/install M B1/B2 RIA 29-012 29-22-51 Blue system electric pump, remove/install O B1 RIA 29-013 29-11-00810-813 Green hydraulic quantity transmitter, (TSM) O B1/B2 TSE 29-014 29-22-00810-802 Overheat of Blue electric pump, (TSM) O B1 TSE REMARKS : Page 20 sur 51 DOC.FOR.49 ed1 Airbus A330 RR/GE/PW MAINTENANCE PRACTICE TRAINING MANUAL B1 or B1/B2 Item ATA Subject Class B1/B2 Task Code Date Trainee's signature Instructor's signature ATA 30 - ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION 30-001 30-00-00 Anti ice system components in cockpit O B1 LOC 30-002 30-00-00 Anti ice system components in cockpit M B2 LOC 30-003 30-11-00 Wing anti ice components on wing M B1/B2 LOC 30-004 30-005 30-006 30-007 30-008 30-009 30-010 30-11-01 30-31-00 30-31-00 30-40-00 30-40-00 30-42-34 30-21-01 30-11-00710-801 30-11-00790-801 30-81-00830-801 Wing ice protection anti ice Control valve Probe heat components Probe heat components Window heat components Window heat components Remove/Install WHC Engine anti ice valve Operational test of wing anti-ice system Leak check, anti-ice ducts and connections Loss of ice detectors (TSM) fault isolation M O M O M M M B1 B1 B2 B1 B2 B1/B2 B1/B2 MEL LOC LOC LOC LOC RIA MEL M B1/B2 FOT O B1 SGH O B1/B2 TSE 30-010 30-011 30-012 REMARKS : Page 21 sur 51 DOC.FOR.49 ed1 Airbus A330 RR/GE/PW MAINTENANCE PRACTICE TRAINING MANUAL B1 or B1/B2 Item ATA Subject Class B1/B2 Task Code Date Trainee's signature Instructor's signature ATA 31 - INDICATING/RECORDING 31-00-00 Indicating/recording System components and indication in cockpit O B1 LOC 31-002 31-003 31-004 31-005 31-006 31-00-00 31-21-00 31-36-00 31-36-52 31-50-00 Indicating/recording System components and indication in cockpit Procedure to Set the Clock ACMS general operation DAR Servicing FWS System test M M M M M B2 B1/B2 B1/B2 B2 B1/B2 LOC SGH SGH SGH FOT 31-007 31-008 31-009 31-50-00 31-60-00 31-60-00 O M M B2 B1/B2 B2 FOT FOT SGH 31-010 31-011 31-63-22 31-63-22 M O B1/B2 B2 RIA SGH 31-012 31-68-01 31-56-00810-804 O B1/B2 MEL M B1/B2 TSE 31-001 31-013 Operational Test of the ECAM Control Panel DMC system test EIS start/ stop procedure Removal/Installation of Display Unit DU Cleaning Procedure ECAM DMC switching selector Loss of ECAM control panel (TSM) REMARKS : Page 22 sur 51 DOC.FOR.49 ed1 Airbus A330 RR/GE/PW MAINTENANCE PRACTICE TRAINING MANUAL B1 or B1/B2 Item ATA Subject B1/B2 Task Code O B1 LOC M B2 LOC O B1/B2 LOC O B1/B2 LOC M B1 SGH O B1/B2 SGH M B1/B2 RIA O B1 LOC M B1 FOT M B1/B2 FOT M O B1 B1 FOT MEL O O B1/B2 B1:B2 TSE MEL Class Date Trainee's signature Instructor's signature ATA 32 - LANDING GEAR N.B : For SERVICING tasks please refer to ATA 12 32-001 32-00-00 32-002 32-00-00 32-003 32-10-00 32-004 32-20-00 32-005 32-00-00 32-006 32-40-00 32-007 32-42-57 32-008 32-42-00 32-009 32-46-00 32-010 32-69-00 32-011 32-012 32-31-00 32-42-02 32-013 32-014 32-61-00810-803 32-31-01 System components and control in the cockpit System components and control in the cockpit MLG and doors components NLG and doors components Gear doors ground opening/ closing Wheels and brakes components Remove/Install Wheel Speed Tachometer Brakes system components (normal, alt, parking) BITE Test of the BSCU and its Related Systems Simulation of flight ,when the aircraft is on the ground Normal Extension and Retraction System test Green brake system Nose landing gear shows false uplock condition(TSM) LGCIU inop REMARKS : Page 23 sur 51 DOC.FOR.49 ed1 Airbus A330 RR/GE/PW MAINTENANCE PRACTICE TRAINING MANUAL B1 or B1/B2 Item ATA Subject Class B1/B2 Task Code O B1/B2 TVC M M M B2 B1 B2 RIA FOT FOT O B1 LOC M B2 LOC Date Trainee's signature Instructor's signature ATA 33 - LIGHTS 33-001 33-10-00 33-002 33-003 33-004 33-10-00 33-14-00 33-14-00 33-005 33-14-00 33-006 33-14-00 Cockpit light operation Bulb/ LED and push button body Operational test of Lights Annunciator lights test Annunciator lights spare bulbs Annunciator lights spare bulbs 33-007 33-20-00 Cabin general illumination operation O B1/B2 TVC 33-008 33-21-11 Removal/Instal of Ballast Unit with Lamp-holder M B1/B2 RIA 33-009 33-24-00 Operational test of lavatory lighting O B1/B2 FOT 33-010 33-25-00 33-011 M B1 FOT 33-25-00 Passenger Reading Lights System test Bite test of Passenger reading lights and cabin attendant lights M B1/B2 FOT 33-012 33-25-00 Test of Passenger Reading lights and Cabin Attendant Lights M B2 FOT 33-013 33-30-00 O B1/B2 TVC 33-014 33-50-00 M B1/B2 LOC 33-015 33-51-00 M B1/B2 FOT 33-016 33-51-00 M B1/B2 FOT 33-017 33-51-00 EMER LIGHT SYS operational test from FAP Localised system test of the Emergency Power Supply Unit M B1/B2 FOT 33-018 33-51-00 EPSU load-programming procedure (teach in) O B1 SGH M B2 SGH M B1/B2 RIA M B1/B2 TSE 33-019 33-51-00 33-020 33-51-38 33-42-00810-801 33-021 Cargo and services lights operation Emergency lights components Operational check of the Emergency Light via MCDU EPSU load-programming procedure (teach in) Removal/Installation of EPSU battery Left landing light inop (TSM) Fault isolation Page 24 sur 51 DOC.FOR.49 ed1 Airbus A330 RR/GE/PW MAINTENANCE PRACTICE TRAINING MANUAL B1 or B1/B2 Item ATA Subject Class B1/B2 Task Code Date Trainee's signature Instructor's signature REMARKS : Page 25 sur 51 DOC.FOR.49 ed1 Airbus A330 RR/GE/PW MAINTENANCE PRACTICE TRAINING MANUAL B1 or B1/B2 Item ATA Subject B1/B2 Task Code O B1 LOC M M M O B2 B1/B2 B1/B2 B1/B2 LOC SGH SGH MEL O B1/B2 TSE O B2 SGH M B2 TVC M M O M B2 B1 B2 B2 TVC TVC RIA TVC M O B2 B2 FOT FOT O O B2 B2 LOC FOT O M B2 B1/B2 FOT FOT O B1/B2 FOT O M O O M M O M B2 B1 B2 B1/B2 B2 B2 B1 B2 FOT FOT FOT FOT FOT MEL FOT FOT O B1 FOT Class Date Trainee's signature Instructor's signature ATA 34- NAVIGATION 34-001 34-00-00 34-002 34-003 34-004 34-005 34-00-00 34-10-00 34-10-00 34-10-01 Navigation system components Navigation system components ADIRS start procedure IRS align procedure ADIRS 34-006 34-11-00 34-007 34-11-00 34-008 34-11-00 34-009 34-010 34-011 34-012 34-11-00 34-12-34 34-12-34 34-12-34 34-013 34-014 34-13-00 34-13-00 34-015 34-016 34-13-00 34-13-00 Detection of a discrepancy of the left and right static pressure on ADIRU 1 Draining and Flushing of the Standby Static and Standby Total Pressure Lines ATT/ HDG switching operation Air data switching operation ADIRU ADIRU ADIRS Removal Criteria ALT/CAS dynamic slew test AOA SENSOR TEST VMO/MMO Selector Switch ADR interface test 34-017 34-018 34-22-25 34-36-00 Bite test of the ISIS indicator (if installed) MMR System test 34-019 34-36-00 34-020 34-021 34-022 34-023 34-024 34-025 34-026 34-027 34-36-00 34-41-00 34-41-00 34-42-00 34-42-00 34-42-01 34-43-00 34-43-00 34-028 34-48-00 Operationnel Test of GPS Function Operational Test of ILS Function Weather radar system test Weather radar system test R.A system test Radio altimeter ramp test Radio altimeter TCAS system test TCAS system test GPWC or EGPWC system test Page 26 sur 51 DOC.FOR.49 ed1 Airbus A330 RR/GE/PW MAINTENANCE PRACTICE TRAINING MANUAL B1 or B1/B2 B1/B2 Task Code M B2 FOT O B2 TVC O M M O B2 B2 B2 B1/B2 FOT FOT FOT FOT O B2 FOT O B1 FOT M B2 FOT M B2 TSE Item ATA Subject Class 34-029 34-48-00 GPWC or EGPWC system test 34-030 34-48-00 34-031 34-032 34-033 34-034 34-48-00 34-51-00 34-52-00 34-53-00 34-035 34-53-00 34-036 34-55-00 34-037 34-55-00 34-038 34-41-00810-803 Uploading of the Enhanced GPWC Data-Base GPWS ground vocabulary test DME System test BITE test of the ATC ADF system test Operational Test of the ADF VOR/MARKER /DME System test VOR/MARKER System test Failure of weather radar antenna(TSM) fault isolation Date Trainee's signature Instructor's signature REMARKS : Page 27 sur 51 DOC.FOR.49 ed1 Airbus A330 RR/GE/PW MAINTENANCE PRACTICE TRAINING MANUAL B1 or B1/B2 Item ATA Subject Class B1/B2 Task Code Date Trainee's signature Instructor's signature ATA 35 OXYGEN 35-001 35-00-00 Flight compartment oxygen system components O B1 LOC 35-002 35-003 35-00-00 35-12-00 Flight compartment oxygen system components Crew oxygen system M O B2 B1/B2 LOC LOC 35-004 35-21-00 Cabin oxygen system components O B1/B2 LOC 35-005 35-21-42 O B1 RIA 35-006 35-22-00 O B1 FOT 35-007 35-31-52 M B1 TVC 35-008 35-32-00 Remove/Install Generator Emergency Oxygen Check Oxygen Container Opening and Vent Function of Bleed/Vent Valve Visual check of the Tamper Seal/Serviceability Indicator on the Protective Breathing Eqpt Portable oxygen equipment O B1 LOC 35-009 35-13-01 Crew oxygen -control and indicating O B1 MEL 35-010 35-00-00860-801 Precautions when working with Oxygen M B1/B2 SGH REMARKS : Page 28 sur 51 DOC.FOR.49 ed1 Airbus A330 RR/GE/PW MAINTENANCE PRACTICE TRAINING MANUAL B1 or B1/B2 Item ATA Subject Class B1/B2 Task Code Date Trainee's signature Instructor's signature ATA 36 - PNEUMATIC O B1 LOC 36-00-00 System components in cockpit System components in cockpit M B2 LOC 36-003 36-11-00 Engine bleed system components M B1 LOC 36-004 36-005 36-006 36-11-00 36-11-00 36-11-06 Engine bleed system components BITE Test of the BMC IP Check valve O M O B1 B1/B2 B1 LOC FOT MEL 36-007 36-11-15 Remove/Install Bleed Pressure Transducer 9HA M B1/B2 RIA O O B1/B2 B1/B2 FOT TSE M B1/B2 SGH 36-001 36-00-00 36-002 36-008 36-009 36-12-00 36-22-00 36-010 36-21-00 Operational Test of the APU Bleed-Air Supply and Crossbleed System APU leak detection Pressure and temperature monitoring REMARKS : Page 29 sur 51 DOC.FOR.49 ed1 Airbus A330 RR/GE/PW MAINTENANCE PRACTICE TRAINING MANUAL B1 or B1/B2 Item ATA Subject Class B1/B2 Task Code Date Trainee's signature Instructor's signature ATA 38 - WATER:WASTE SYSTEM N.B : For SERVICING tasks please refer to ATA 12 38-001 38-00-00 CIDS water/ waste page on FAP O B2 LOC 38-002 38-10-00 Potable/waste water system components O B1 LOC 38-003 38-12-00 Potable water heater functional test O B1/B2 FOT 38-004 38-005 38-12-00 38-14-00 M O B1 B1/B2 SGH LOC 38-006 38-31-00 Isolation Toilet and Water Heater with Shut of Valve Drain water system Operational test of the VSC M B1/B2 FOT 38-007 38-31-00 Functional test of the Toilet Assemblies M B1 FOT 38-008 38-009 38-31-41 38-32-00 O O B1 B1/B2 SGH LOC 38-010 38-32-41 O B1 RIA 38-011 38-41-00 O B1/B2 LOC Potable servicing for normal and ice conditions Potable water drainage Removal/Instalation of Drain Valve Air supply system components REMARKS : Page 30 sur 51 DOC.FOR.49 ed1 Airbus A330 RR/GE/PW MAINTENANCE PRACTICE TRAINING MANUAL B1 or B1/B2 Item ATA Subject Class B1/B2 Task Code Date Trainee's signature Instructor's signature ATA 45 - ONBOARD MAINTENANCE SYSTEMS 45-001 45-002 45-003 45-004 45-005 45-00-00 45-10-00 45-10-00 45-10-00 45-10-00 CMS Components CMS Components CMS general operation CMS manual switching CMC System test O M M M M B1 B2 B1/B2 B2 B1/B2 LOC LOC TVC TVC FOT 45-006 45-10-00 Operational Test of the Automatic Switching O B2 FOT 45-20-00 45-41-22 Uploading procedure with MDDU including FMGEC Printer servicing O M B1 B1/B2 SGH SGH M M B1 B2 FOT FOT M B2 FOT O B2 FOT M B2 TVC 45-007 45-008 ATA 46 - INFORMATION SYSTEMS 46-001 46-002 46-21-00 46-21-00 46-003 46-21-00 46-004 46-21-00 46-005 46-21-00 46-006 46-21-00 46-007 Bite Test ATIMS Bite Test ATSU by CMS VHF 3 Link Test of the ATSU SATCOM Link Test of the ATSU O B2 TVC 46-21-00 Initialisation Procedure of the ATSU Router Uploading of the ATSU Software with the Multipurpose Disk Drive Unit (MDDU) Procedure to Get Access to the DSP USERDEFINED Pages M B2 TVC 46-008 46-21-21 DCDU, removal/installation O B2 RIA 46-009 46-21-00 Failure of ATSU(TSM) O B2 TSE REMARKS : Page 31 sur 51 DOC.FOR.49 ed1 Airbus A330 RR/GE/PW MAINTENANCE PRACTICE TRAINING MANUAL B1 or B1/B2 Item ATA Subject Class B1/B2 Task Code Date Trainee's signature Instructor's signature ATA 49 - APU N.B : For SERVICING tasks please refer to ATA 12 49-001 49-00-00 49-002 49-003 49-00-00 49-16-01 49-41-00810-805 49-00-00710-801 49-004 49-005 APU system components in cockpit O B1/B2 LOC APU start, operation and shut down procedures Air intake flap O O B1 B1 FOT MEL APU ignitor fault(TSM) M B1/B2 TSE Funtional test M B&/B2 SGH REMARKS : Page 32 sur 51 DOC.FOR.49 ed1 Airbus A330 RR/GE/PW MAINTENANCE PRACTICE TRAINING MANUAL B1 or B1/B2 Item ATA Subject Class B1/B2 Task Code M B1/B2 SGH M B1 SGH M B1 FOT M B1/B2 LOC M B1/B2 FOT O B1/B2 MEL Date Trainee's signature Instructor's signature ATA 52 - DOORS 52-001 52-10-00 52-002 52-30-00 52-003 52-30-00 52-004 52-30-00 52-005 52-71-00 52-006 52-71-01 Passengers doors operation FWD/AFT cargo door opening and closing with elec.hyd.pump FWD/AFT cargo door opening and closing with hand pump Cargo door locking mechanism BITE Test of the Proximity Switch Control Unit Door and escape slide control system -Proximity switches ATA 53 - FUSELAGE 53-001 53-10-00 Opening / Closing of the Radome O B1/B2 SGH 53-002 53-11-00210-801 General inspection of NLG stucture O B1 LOC M B1 LOC ATA 54 - NACELLE / PYLONS 54-001 54-50-00 Pylon Pressure relief Doors ATA 55- STABILIZERS 55-001 55-41-00 Rudder main structure O B1 LOC ATA 56 - WINDOWS 56-001 56-10-00 Windshield Panels M B1 LOC 56-002 56-12-00 Cockpit sliding window operating mechanism M B1 SGH 56-003 30-42-00810-817 Loss of windshield heater monitoring(TSM) M B1/B2 TSE Pressure relief Panels O B1 LOC ATA 57 - WINGS 57-001 57-00-00 Page 33 sur 51 DOC.FOR.49 ed1 Airbus A330 RR/GE/PW MAINTENANCE PRACTICE TRAINING MANUAL B1 or B1/B2 Item ATA Subject Class B1/B2 Task Code Date Trainee's signature Instructor's signature REMARKS : Page 34 sur 51 DOC.FOR.49 ed1 Airbus A330 RR/GE/PW MAINTENANCE PRACTICE TRAINING MANUAL B1 or B1/B2 Item ATA Subject Class B1/B2 Task Code Date Trainee's signature Instructor's signature ATA 71 - POWER PLANT (RR Trent 772B-60) 71-001 71-13-00 Opening /Closing of the Fan Cowls doors M B1/B2 SGH 71-002 78-36-00 Opening /Closing of the Thrust Reverser Doors M B1 SGH 71-003 71-10-00 Visual Inspection of the Air Inlet Cowl O B1 TVC 71-004 71-005 71-006 71-007 71-00-00 71-00-00 71-00-00 71-71-00 Engine Controls and Indications in the Cockpit DRY MOTORING CHECK WET MOTORING CHECK Engine drain module M M O O B1/B2 B1 B1 B1 LOC FOT TVC LOC M B1 TVC O B1 TVC M B1/B2 LOC ATA 72 – ENGINE (RR Trent 772B-60) 72-001 72-21-00 72-002 72-00-00 Visual inspection of Fan Blades and Spinner Visual inspection of visible area of engine inlet/fan outlet 72-003 72-60-00 Accessory drive gearbox REMARKS : Page 35 sur 51 DOC.FOR.49 ed1 Airbus A330 RR/GE/PW MAINTENANCE PRACTICE TRAINING MANUAL B1 or B1/B2 Item ATA Subject Class B1/B2 Task Code Date Trainee's signature Instructor's signature ATA 73- ENGINE FUEL AND CONTROL (RR Trent 772B-60) Engine fuel control components ECU components FADEC System Test 73-001 73-002 73-003 73-00-00 73-20-00 73-21-00 M M M B1/B2 B2 B1/B2 LOC LOC FOT 73-004 73-21-00 73-005 73-006 73-21-00 73-21-00 73-008 73-21-00 MCDU FADEC non motoring test MCDU FADEC motoring test FADEC Sensors FADEC Specific data Menu M B1 FOT M M B1 B2 FOT LOC M B2 TVC 73-009 73-21-00 Reading of the Scheduled Maint Report M B2 TVC Failure or the HP fuel shutoff valve in OPEN position on engine 1 73-010 73-21-51 O B1/B2 TSE 73-011 73-012 73-013 73-25-00 73-25-02 73-25-34 M O M B1 B2 B1 MEL MEL FOT 73-014 73-015 73-25-34 73-25-34 M M B1 B2 FOT FOT 73-016 73-017 73-25-34 73-30-00 O M B2 B1 TVC MEL 73-018 73-21-13 O B1/B2 RIA Engine short time limited dispatch items EIVMU MCDU EIVMU system test EIVMU specific data read out Bite Test of the EIVMU Read the MAX FLIGHT VIBRATION Data Fuel Filter clog indication Fuel temperature thermocouple remve/install REMARKS : Page 36 sur 51 DOC.FOR.49 ed1 Airbus A330 RR/GE/PW MAINTENANCE PRACTICE TRAINING MANUAL B1 or B1/B2 Item ATA Subject Class B1/B2 Task Code M O M M B1/B2 B1 B1 B1/B2 FOT SGH MEL LOC M B1/B2 LOC O B1 TVC Date Trainee's signature Instructor's signature ATA 74 - IGNITION (RR Trent 772B-60) 74-001 74-002 74-003 74-004 74-00-00 74-21-51 74-31-00 74-11-34 Ignition system components Igniter Plug Ignition Indicating System Ignition units ATA 75- AIR (RR Trent 772B-60) 75-001 75-00-00 75-002 75-31-00 Air system components Adjustement/Test of the Variable Bleed Valve System 75-003 75-33-00 Variable Stator Vane Actuator/Sensor O B1 RIA 75-004 75-41-00810-833 High nacelle temp trend on engine(TSM) O B1 TSE ATA76 – ENGINES CONTROLS (RR Trent 772B-60) 76-001 76-10-00 Engine controls in the cockpit M B1/B2 LOC 76-002 76-11-00 Adjustement and Rigging of the mechanical linkage O B1 SGH 76-003 76-11-19 Throttle Control Unit and Mechanical Box M B1 FOT 76-004 76-11-00810-864 Engine throttle levers too tight or too loose(TSM) O B1 TSE ATA 77 - ENGINE INDICATING (RR Trent 772B-60) 77-001 77-00-00 Engine indicating systems/ ECAM, panel M B1/B2 LOC 77-002 77-10-00 Engine indicating systems components on eng M B1/B2 LOC REMARKS : Page 37 sur 51 DOC.FOR.49 ed1 Airbus A330 RR/GE/PW MAINTENANCE PRACTICE TRAINING MANUAL B1 or B1/B2 Item ATA Subject Class B1/B2 Task Code O B1/B2 LOC M B1 MEL M B1 FOT M B1 SGH O B1 TVC Date Trainee's signature Instructor's signature ATA 78 - Exhaust (RR Trent 772B-60) Thrust reverser system components 78-001 78-00-00 78-002 78-30-00 78-003 78-31-00 78-004 78-32-41 Thrust Reverser Deactivate/Reavtivate Operational Test of the Thrust Reverser System Via MCDU Manual Deployment/stowing of the Pivoting Doors 78-005 78-32-44 Adjustement of the Thrust Reverser Door Latches ATA 79 – OIL (RR Trent 772B-60) 79-001 79-00-00 Visual Inspection of the Oil System components M B1/B2 LOC 79-002 79-003 79-004 79-00-00 79-22-45 79-31-00 Check Master Magnetic Chip Detector for particles Check Scavenge Screens Oil Quantity Indication O O M B1 B1 B1 SGH RIA LOC O B1 LOC M B1 SGH O B1 TVC M B1 MEL O B1 TSE ATA 80– STARTING (RR Trent 772B-60) 80-001 80-00-00 80-002 80-11-00 80-003 80-11-10 80-004 80-11-01 80-005 80-11-00810-841 Starting system components Manual operation of the Starter Shut-Off Valve Check Starter Magnetic Chip Detector and Oil Level Manual Start procedure Starter control valve does not move to the correct position(TSM) Page 38 sur 51 DOC.FOR.49 ed1 Airbus A330 RR/GE/PW MAINTENANCE PRACTICE TRAINING MANUAL B1 or B1/B2 Item ATA Subject Class B1/B2 Task Code Date Trainee's signature Instructor's signature REMARKS : Page 39 sur 51 DOC.FOR.49 ed1 Airbus A330 RR/GE/PW MAINTENANCE PRACTICE TRAINING MANUAL B1 or B1/B2 ATA 71 - POWER PLANT (GE CF6) 71-001 71-13-41 Opening /Closing of the Fan Cowls doors M B1/B2 SGH 71-002 78-36-00 Opening /Closing of the Thrust Reverser Doors M B1 SGH 71-003 71-11-00 Visual Inspection of the Air Inlet Cowl O B1 TVC 71-004 71-005 71-006 71-007 71-00-00 71-00-00 71-00-00 71-70-00 Engine Controls and Indications in the Cockpit DRY MOTORING CHECK WET MOTORING CHECK Engine drain module M M O O B1/B2 B1 B1 B1 LOC FOT TVC LOC M B1 TVC O B1 TVC M B1/B2 LOC ATA 72 – ENGINE (GE CF6) 72-001 72-20-00 72-002 72-00-00 Visual inspection of Fan Blades and Spinner Visual inspection of visible area of engine inlet/fan outlet 72-003 72-60-00 Accessory drive gearbox REMARKS : DERICHEBOURG Atis aéronautique, Parc Algorithmes, Immeuble Thalès – 17, Avenue Didier Daurat 31700 Blagnac Tél. 05 34 60 61 40 - 05 34 60 61 50 DOC.FOR.49 ed1 Page 40 sur 51 Airbus A330 RR/GE/PW MAINTENANCE PRACTICE TRAINING MANUAL B1 or B1/B2 Item ATA Subject Class B1/B2 Task Code Date Trainee’s signature Instructor’s signature 73-00-00 - ENGINE FUEL AND CONTROL (GE CF6) Engine fuel control components ECU components FADEC System Test 73-001 73-002 73-003 73-00-00 73-20-00 73-21-00 M M M B1/B2 B2 B1/B2 LOC LOC FOT 73-004 73-21-00 73-005 73-006 73-21-00 73-21-00 73-008 73-21-00 MCDU FADEC non motoring test MCDU FADEC motoring test FADEC Sensors FADEC Specific data Menu M B1 FOT M M B1 B2 FOT LOC M B2 TVC 73-009 73-21-00 Reading of the Scheduled Maint Report M B2 TVC Failure or the HP fuel shutoff valve in OPEN position on engine 1 73-010 73-21-51 O B2 TSE 73-011 73-012 73-013 73-25-00 73-25-02 73-25-34 M O M B1 B2 B1 MEL MEL FOT 73-014 73-015 73-25-34 73-25-34 M M B1 B2 FOT FOT 73-016 73-017 73-25-34 73-30-00 O M B2 B1 TVC MEL 73-018 73-11-11 O B1/B2 RIA Engine short time limited dispatch items EIVMU MCDU EIVMU system test EIVMU specific data read out Bite Test of the EIVMU Read the MAX FLIGHT VIBRATION Data Fuel Filter clog indication Fuel temperature thermocoule remove/install REMARKS : Page 41 sur 51 DOC.FOR.49 ed1 Airbus A330 RR/GE/PW MAINTENANCE PRACTICE TRAINING MANUAL B1 or B1/B2 Item ATA Subject Class B1/B2 Task Code M O M M B1 B1 B1 B1/B2 FOT SGH MEL LOC M B1 LOC O B1 TVC Date Trainee’s signature Instructor’s signature 74-00-00 - IGNITION (GE CF6) 74-001 74-002 74-003 74-004 74-00-00 74-21-51 74-31-00 74-11-51 Ignition system components Igniter Plug Ignition Indicating System Ignition Units 75-00-00 - AIR (GE CF6) 75-001 75-002 75-00-00 Air system components Adjustement/Test of the Variable Bleed Valve 75-31-00 System 75-003 Variable Stator Vane 75-32-00 Actuator/Sensor O B1 TVC 75-004 75-41-00- High nacelle temp trend on 810-819 engine (TSM) O B1 TSE 76-00-00 - ENGINES CONTROLS (GE CF6) 76-001 Engine controls in the 76-10-00 cockpit M B1/B2 LOC 76-002 Adjustement and Rigging of 76-11-00 the mechanical linkage O B1 SGH 76-003 Throttle Control Unit and 76-11-19 Mechanical Box M B1 FOT 76-004 76-11-00- Engine throttle levers too 810-866 tight or too loose(TSM) O B1 TSE 77-00-00 - ENGINE INDICATING (GE CF6) 77-001 Engine indicating systems/ 77-00-00 ECAM, panel M B1/B2 LOC 77-002 Engine indicating systems 77-10-00 components on eng M B1/B2 LOC REMARKS : Page 42 sur 51 DOC.FOR.49 ed1 Airbus A330 RR/GE/PW MAINTENANCE PRACTICE TRAINING MANUAL B1 or B1/B2 Item ATA Subject B1/B2 Task Code O B1 LOC M B1 MEL M B1 FOT M B1 SGH O B1 TVC Class Date Trainee’s signature Instructor’s signature 78-00-00 - EXHAUST(GE CF6) Thrust reverser system components 78-001 78-00-00 78-002 78-30-00 78-003 78-31-00 78-004 78-32-65 Thrust Reverser Deactivate/Reavtivate Operational Test of the Thrust Reverser System Via MCDU Manual Deployment/stowing of the Pivoting Doors 78-005 78-32-49 Adjustement of the Thrust Reverser Door Latches 79-00-00 - OIL(GE CF6) 79-001 79-00-00 Visual Inspection of the Oil System components O B1 TVC 79-002 79-003 79-004 79-21-11 79-21-41 79-31-00 Check Master Magnetic Chip Detector for particles Check Scavenge Screens Oil Quantity Indication O O M B1 B1 B1 TVC TVC LOC O B1 LOC M B1 SGH O B1 TVC M B1 MEL O B1 TSE 80-00-00 - STARTING(GE CF6) 80-001 80-00-00 80-002 80-11-20 80-003 80-11-41 80-004 80-11-01 80-005 80-11-00810-813 Starting system components Manual operation of the Starter Shut-Off Valve Check Starter Magnetic Chip Detector and Oil Level Manual Start procedure Starter control valve does not move to the correct position(TSM) Page 43 sur 51 DOC.FOR.49 ed1 Airbus A330 RR/GE/PW MAINTENANCE PRACTICE TRAINING MANUAL B1 or B1/B2 REMARKS : Page 44 sur 51 DOC.FOR.49 ed1 Airbus A330 RR/GE/PW MAINTENANCE PRACTICE TRAINING MANUAL B1 or B1/B2 Item ATA Subject Class B1/B2 Task Code Date Trainee’s signature Instructor’s signature 71-00-00 - POWER PLANT (PW 4000) 71-001 71-13-00 Opening /Closing of the Fan Cowls doors M B1 SGH 71-002 78-36-00 Opening /Closing of the Thrust Reverser Doors M B1 SGH 71-003 71-11-00 Visual Inspection of the Air Inlet Cowl O B1 TVC 71-004 71-005 71-006 71-007 71-00-00 71-00-00 71-00-00 71-00-00 Engine Controls and Indications in the Cockpit DRY MOTORING CHECK WET MOTORING CHECK Engine drain module M M O O B1 B1 B1 B1 LOC FOT TVC LOC M B1 TVC O B1 TVC M B1/B2 LOC 72-00-00 - ENGINE(PW 4000) 72-001 72-33-00 72-002 72-00-00 Visual inspection of Fan Blades and Spinner Visual inspection of visible area of engine inlet/fan outlet 72-003 72-60-00 Accessory drive gearbox REMARKS : Page 45 sur 51 DOC.FOR.49 ed1 Airbus A330 RR/GE/PW MAINTENANCE PRACTICE TRAINING MANUAL B1 or B1/B2 Item ATA Subject Class B1/B2 Task Code Date Trainee’s signature Instructor’s signature 73-00-00 - ENGINE FUEL AND CONTROL (PW 4000) Engine fuel control components ECU components FADEC System Test 73-001 73-002 73-003 73-00-00 73-20-00 73-21-00 M M M B1/B2 B2 B1/B2 LOC LOC FOT 73-004 73-21-00 73-005 73-006 73-21-00 73-21-00 73-008 73-21-00 MCDU FADEC non motoring test MCDU FADEC motoring test FADEC Sensors FADEC Specific data Menu M B1 FOT M M B1 B2 FOT LOC M B2 TVC 73-009 73-21-00 Reading of the Scheduled Maint Report M B2 TVC Failure or the HP fuel shutoff valve in OPEN position on engine 1 73-010 73-21-51 O B2 TSE 73-011 73-012 73-013 73-25-00 73-25-02 73-25-34 M O M B1 B2 B1 MEL MEL FOT 73-014 73-015 73-25-34 73-25-34 M M B1 B2 FOT FOT 73-016 73-017 73-25-34 73-30-00 O M B2 B1 TVC MEL 73-018 73-32-11 O B1/B2 RIA Engine short time limited dispatch items EIVMU MCDU EIVMU system test EIVMU specific data read out Bite Test of the EIVMU Read the MAX FLIGHT VIBRATION Data Fuel Filter clog indication Fuel temperature thermocouple remve/install REMARKS : Page 46 sur 51 DOC.FOR.49 ed1 Airbus A330 RR/GE/PW MAINTENANCE PRACTICE TRAINING MANUAL B1 or B1/B2 Item ATA Subject Class B1/B2 Task Code M O M M B1 B1 B1 B1/B2 FOT SGH MEL LOC M B1 LOC Date Trainee’s signature Instructor’s signature 74-00-00 - IGNITION (PW 4000) 74-001 74-002 74-003 74-004 74-00-00 74-21-00 74-31-00 74-11-00 Ignition system components Igniter Plug Ignition Indicating System Ignition units 75-00-00 - AIR 75-001 75-00-00 75-002 75-31-00 Air system components Adjustement/Test of the Variable Bleed Valve System O B1 TVC 75-003 75-31-12 Variable Stator Vane Actuator/Sensor O B1 TVC 75-004 75-41-00810-825 High nacelle temp trend on engine(TSM) O B1 TSE 76-00-00 - ENGINES CONTROLS (PW 4000) 76-001 76-10-00 Engine controls in the cockpit M B1/B2 LOC 76-002 76-11-00 Adjustement and Rigging of the mechanical linkage O B1 SGH 76-003 76-11-19 Throttle Control Unit and Mechanical Box M B1 FOT 76-004 76-11-00810-867 Engine throttle levers too tight or too loose(TSM) O B1 TSE 77-00-00 - ENGINE INDICATING (PW 4000) 77-001 77-00-00 Engine indicating systems/ ECAM, panel M B1/B2 LOC 77-002 77-10-00 Engine indicating systems components on eng M B1/B2 LOC REMARKS : Page 47 sur 51 DOC.FOR.49 ed1 Airbus A330 RR/GE/PW MAINTENANCE PRACTICE TRAINING MANUAL B1 or B1/B2 Item ATA Subject B1/B2 Task Code O B1 LOC M B1 MEL M B1 FOT M B1 SGH O B1 TVC Class Date Trainee’s signature Instructor’s signature 78-00-00 - EXHAUST(PW 4000) Thrust reverser system components 78-001 78-00-00 78-002 78-30-00 78-003 78-31-00 78-004 78-32-00 Thrust Reverser Deactivate/Reavtivate Operational Test of the Thrust Reverser System Via MCDU Manual Deployment/stowing of the Pivoting Doors 78-32-32 Adjustement of the Thrust Reverser Door Latches 78-005 79-00-00 - OIL(PW 4000) 79-001 79-00-00 Visual Inspection of the Oil System components O B1 TVC 79-002 79-003 79-004 79-21-11 79-22-00 79-31-00 Check Master Magnetic Chip Detector for particles Check Scavenge Screens Oil Quantity Indication O O M B1 B1 B1 TVC TVC LOC O B1 LOC M B1 SGH O B1 TVC M B1 MEL O B1 TSE 80-00-00 - STARTING(PW 4000) 80-001 80-00-00 80-002 80-11-20 80-003 80-11-18 80-004 80-11-01 80-005 80-11-00810-823 Starting system components Manual operation of the Starter Shut-Off Valve Check Starter Magnetic Chip Detector and Oil Level Manual Start procedure Starter control valve does not move to the correct position(TSM) Page 48 sur 51 DOC.FOR.49 ed1 Airbus A330 RR/GE/PW MAINTENANCE PRACTICE TRAINING MANUAL B1 or B1/B2 REMARKS : Page 49 sur 51 DOC.FOR.49 ed1 Airbus A330 RR/GE/PW MAINTENANCE PRACTICE TRAINING MANUAL B1 or B1/B2 ADDITIONAL PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE ATA reference Work experience Date Trainee’s signature Assessor’s signature Page 50 sur 51 DOC.FOR.49 ed1 Airbus A330 RR/GE/PW MAINTENANCE PRACTICE TRAINING MANUAL B1 or B1/B2 ADDITIONAL PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE ATA reference Work experience Date Trainee’s signature Assessor’s signature Page 51 sur 51 DOC.FOR.49 ed1