INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS MIDTERM 1. When a treaty is a constituent instrument of an international organizations a reservation requires the acceptance of the Majority of member states. 2. International Courts only Interpret law without making it. 3. Customary law is unwritten source of public international law. 4. without having to produce full powers, Civilian are considered as representing their state. 5. The reservation may be incompatible with the object and purpose of the treaty. 6. According to state practice, a head of state is not required to have the full power for negotiations or signing a treaty. 7. According to article 2 of VCT, treaties involving international organizations will be governed by Vienna Conventions for law of treaties 8. The VCT does not cover agreements between states which are to be governed by municipal law 9. Where the parties to an agreement do not intend to create binding obligations or rights under international law, the agreement will not be a treaty 10. Act relating to the conclusion of a treaty performed by a nonauthorized person to represent a state for that purpose has legal effect 11. The reservation do not modify the provisions of the treaty between the reserving state and other parties to the treaty 12. VCT applies to any agreement which is the Gentleman agreement 13. Act relating to the conclusion of a treaty performed by a nonauthorized person to represent a state for that purpose has legal effect 14. Termination of a treaty according to its provisions is allowed at any time with the consent of all members of the treaty 15. Reservation is a matter of right for member states even though it was prohibited by the treaty 16. An obligation may be revoked or modified only without the consent of the third state 17. modifies for the reserving state in its relations with that other party the provisions of the treaty 18. Act relating to the conclusion of a treaty performed by a nonauthorized without legal significance even afterwards confirmed by that state 19. A reservation expressly authorized by a treaty will require a subsequent acceptance by the other Contracting States 20. When a treaty is a constituent instrument of an international organizations a reservation will require the acceptance of member states 21. The reservation modifies the provisions of the treaty for the other parties to the treaty 22. States parties may invoke the invalidity of the treaty based on the Error in words 23. The International legal Personality of Stats and International Organization are the same 24. According to Vienna Convention state representatives should have the Full Power 25. States may invoke the violation of its internal law as a ground for the invalidity of Treaties 26. The treaty will be null and void when it conflicts with Jus Cogens 27. When a treaty is subject to municipal law it will be subject to Vienna Conventions 28. States my Invoke the Coercions of its representatives as a ground for the invalidity of treaty 29. Public international law regulates the use of almost all the relations between states 30. Opinio juris Is the belief that an action was carried out as a legal obligation 31. For a practice to be a Custom, International law requiring limited number of states to follow the practice 32. arbiters, turn to Equity when customs and treaties are unclear 33. States may invoke Fraud as a ground for the invalidity of Treaties 34. The formation of Reservation may not be incompatible with the object and purpose of the treaty 35. Change of circumstances may be a ground to invoke the termination of delimitation of boarder treaties 36. According to article 2 of VCT, treaty involving unwritten Treaty will be subject to Vienna Conventions for law of treaties 37. When a treaty is a constituent instrument of an international organization a reservation requires the acceptance of Competent Organ 38. States may invoke Impossibility of performance as a ground for the Termination of Treaties 39. A Treaties and customs are the Main Sources of Public International law 40. Judicial Decisions is among the Subsidiary sources of public international law 41. Customary law is not binding on states because it is not written 42. According to article 2 of VCT, ‘treaty’ means: A agreement concluded between states 43. In case of conflict between treaty and custom we may turn to General principle of law 44. International court Can interpret the international law 45. Reservation requires 12 months to entry into force 46. Withdrawal from a treaty is possible without a withdrawal clause based on the implied nature of its provisions 47. Decisions of International Organizations may be source for the rules of Public international law 48. Reservations do not modify the provisions of the treaty between states parties in their relation away from the reserving states 49. A Treaty may be terminated at any time when conflicts with Human rights obligations 50. General Principle of law are the recognized norms between members of the international community