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Weak Foot Soccer Training Program

Strive More 1134 jakkob Codamon jakkobcodam@gmail.com
Strive More
Weak Foot Commitment
Strive More 1134 jakkob Codamon jakkobcodam@gmail.com
This weak foot program is guaranteed to improve your weak foot. If you follow these steps to the T, with accuracy and focus, your
weak foot will be SIGNIFICANTLY better in 4 weeks.
I suggest you continue after 4 weeks.
This is all on you. There is no one to verify or ensure that you are completing these all to the best of your ability. If you have been
following Strive More, you know this next truth. All this effort to improve is up to you. Will you make something of yourself or be a
victim of the mob mentality? I was training on my own for large portions of my life, whenever I needed to get better, and team
training simply was not cutting it. You see the videos where I am all alone at age 23 in 2020, I started when I was 11 years old really
having a drive to succeed. So here you have purchased the tools to succeed, however it's up to you if you will make something of
yourself. Good luck, make your weak foot unbelievably better, Strive More.
You will need/would be helpful to have:
Decent spaced area with a wall
Soccer ball
Flat soccer shoes
Cleats, aka soccer/football boots
Cones, or any objects will do
Strive More 1134 jakkob Codamon jakkobcodam@gmail.com
Baseline Tests Before Program Onset
Please record your baseline tests, they do not need to be perfect tests, they need to be replicable, meaning, make it
so that you can easily make the same test again at any time.
Important to know:
● *Make sure to warm up 5-15 minutes before every single activity
○ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHs4xt7i2po
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/6992049802972253446?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dTcEszeIyA&social_shar
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7036182012062878982?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dTcHRxZNgg&social_sh
● Hydration, drinking a glass of water every other hour at least. Drink one glass of water when you wake up
● Fuel yourself well with diet rich in:
○ Vegetables - Leafy greens, spinach, bell peppers, potatoes, onions, carrots, celery etc.
○ Healthy proteins - tofu, tempeh, salmon, fish, beef, chicken etc.
○ Grains - Quinoa, brown rice, whole grain pasta, whole wheat bread etc.
○ Healthy fats - Avocado, nuts, real olive oil etc.
○ (Food quality is important because this gives us energy, aids in our recovery so we can train at high intensity, and helps
our muscles and bones to maintain their strength and sturdiness)
● Cool down and stretching, after every session jog a bit for 5 minutes and get into static stretches, hold each for at least 15-30
seconds, at least 10 minutes for the entire stretching session
● Sleep 8-10 hours, have a nap, recovery and sleep very important
● Focus on details in each of these techniques, speed is not the goal, efficiency is the goal (efficiency is quality + speed)
● Track your progress as much as possible, write down how you did on each exercise, how it felt, what needs to be improved etc.
● Many of you might have training and games, so with this I recommend to moderate the intensities, resting and being prepared
for your games is always #1 priority
Juggling record 3 tries (WFO - Weak Foot Only)
See how many juggles with your weak foot you can get in a row without failure
You will have three attempts, whichever attempt was the highest will be your baseline
Strive More 1134 jakkob Codamon jakkobcodam@gmail.com
Juggling variations 3 tries each, different tests, weak foot only
1st Variation- Juggles over the head, each touch must go over the head to count, you have 3 tries
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7119254420554042666?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dPfvfLiymA&social_shari
ng=v2 this video demonstrates 8 seconds in
2nd Variation- Inside of the foot only, if you touch it with another part of the foot or another part of your body then this will
not count, you have three tries
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7106582217496808746?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dPfzsyUK0E&social_sha
ring=v2 final activity
3rd Variation- Toes only, below the knee, you have three tries
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/6903683977412889861?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dPg60topjS&social_shari
Make sure to write down or record all these numbers, especially the best outcome
Dribbling test, easily replicable, with every technique, inside outside, laces, rolling, and high speed
diagonal (WFO - Weak Foot Only)
Dribbling Test Diagonals
○ Measure on your own using your own steps, using a measuring tape, or something around your house that does not
move, to measure distances
○ You will put down 6 diagonal cones as such like in coerver
■ You will use your phone, or have someone record your time, from where you start all the way to the end, and
ng=v4 as fast as possible
■ Just get to the end and back by going around the cones weak foot only of course!
■ Record your time, best of 3 attempts
■ You may record yourself with your phone and then use that to measure the time it took
Dribbling Test Lines
○ All these tests are there, and back
○ Place one cone down and measure out a distance, suggested distance is 15 normal steps, or around 20 yards
Strive More 1134 jakkob Codamon jakkobcodam@gmail.com
You will use one technique with your weak foot and count how many touches it took to get to the end, and how much
time it took, would help to take a video of yourself and count the touches afterwards
Variation #1 Rolls
17 seconds in, do this continuously to the end and back
Variation #2 Inside outside
10 seconds in
Variation #3 Dribbling straight there
first exercise, 3 seconds in
Record all of these times (best attempt out of 3 for each) and how many touches you took
Accuracy shooting/passing test, 10 tries, out of 10 (3 total attempts) (WFO - Weak Foot Only)
Place a target, either the post, a mark on a wall, have a distance of around 15 feet
10 Tries only to hit the target with weak foot
See how many you can accurately hit out of 10
Do this 3 times, mark your best score, out of 10
○ Ex. 1st try 2, 2nd try 4, 3rd try 1, best score is 4
Day 1 Wall Training (Approx 65 minutes) (WFO - Weak Foot Only)
Warmup 5-10 minutes Make sure to warmup 5-15 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHs4xt7i2po
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/6992049802972253446?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMAavEy4Y2&social_sh
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7036182012062878982?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMAf34vtGM&social_sh
One touch passing against the wall weak foot only
Strive More 1134 jakkob Codamon jakkobcodam@gmail.com
4 sets of 45 seconds rest 1 minute between each set (This means do 45 seconds, rest 1 minute, 45 sec, rest 1 minute, 45
sec rest 1 minute, 45 seconds, rest 1 minute, this is four sets of 45 seconds)
Do your best to maintain control the entire time
If you are unable to control it then pass it softer and get closer to the wall
■ This is how improvement occurs, you begin very easily, and once you have mastered the basic concepts then
you can improve speed and quality
■ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7064256731190365487?_r=1&_t=8c4DIJRkBbf&social_shari
ng=v4 here is a video of the technique
Two touch passing against the wall weak foot only, receive with inside (Approx 8 minutes)
https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7049875276452433157?_r=1&_t=8c4DVWqYpKQ&social_sharing=v4 2nd
○ 4 sets of 1 Minute, rest 1 minute between each set (This means do 1 Minute, rest 1 minute, 1 Min, rest 1 minute, 1 Min
rest 1 minute, 1 Minute, rest 1 minute, this is four sets of 1 Minute)
○ If you are able to, take a look behind you before receiving the pass, if you are unable to do this then keep the head up
and chest up, and try to look through your periphery, if you are unable to do this while maintaining quality, focus as
much as you can on the technique
○ The ball should not run away from you
○ Technique for receiving/passing: Toe up Heel down, standing foot facing target, passing leg knee out exposing the
inside of the foot, pass with the part between big bone and heel
Two touch passing against the wall weak foot only, receive with bottom of the foot
(Approx 8 minutes)
○ Two touch passing against the wall weak foot only, receive with bottom of foot, should be a quick touch and release
○ 4 sets of 1 Minute, rest 1 minute between each set (This means do 1 Minute, rest 1 minute, 1 Min, rest 1 minute, 1 Min
rest 1 minute, 1 Minute, rest 1 minute, this is four sets of 1 Minute)
○ If you are able to, take a look behind you before receiving the pass, if you are unable to do this then keep the head up
and chest up, and try to look through your periphery, if you are unable to do this while maintaining quality, focus as
much as you can on the technique
○ The ball should not run away from you
Strive More 1134 jakkob Codamon jakkobcodam@gmail.com
Two touch passing receiving with a feint touch (Approx 8 minutes)
https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/6988301966568983813?_r=1&_t=8c4Iw2rJcq3&social_sharing=v4 do this
○ 4 sets of 1 Minute, rest 1 minute between each set (This means do 1 Minute, rest 1 minute, 1 Min, rest 1 minute, 1 Min
rest 1 minute, 1 Minute, rest 1 minute, this is four sets of 1 Minute)
○ Oriented sideways, let the ball go across you and feint, then you take a touch out, dribble a few steps, and back into
○ If you are able to, take a look behind you before receiving the pass, if you are unable to do this then keep the head up
and chest up, and try to look through your periphery, if you are unable to do this while maintaining quality, focus as
much as you can on the technique
○ The ball should not run away from you
Two touch passing against the wall weak foot only, receive with outside (Approx 8 minutes)
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7049875276452433157?_r=1&_t=8c4DVWqYpKQ&social_sharing=v
4 just like this video, however, receive the ball only with the outside of the foot
○ 4 sets of 1 Minute, rest 1 minute between each set (This means do 1 Minute, rest 1 minute, 1 Min, rest 1 minute, 1 Min
rest 1 minute, 1 Minute, rest 1 minute, this is four sets of 1 Minute)
○ If you are able to, take a look behind you before receiving the pass, if you are unable to do this then keep the head up
and chest up, and try to look through your periphery, if you are unable to do this while maintaining quality, focus as
much as you can on the technique
○ You may use cones if you would like to, it is up to you
○ The ball should not run away from you
○ Technique for passing: Toe up Heel down, standing foot facing target, passing leg knee out exposing the inside of the
foot, pass with the part between big bone and heel
○ Technique for receiving with outside: Ankle medially rotated, facing the opposite foot, toes slightly point down, contact
with ball is made on the outside part of the foot, step out
Turns with the wall (after each set rest for 45 seconds) (Approx 15 minutes)
○ Inside of the foot complete turn 3 sets of 12 turns with weak foot
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/6936670784890916101?_r=1&_t=8c4J7StTLR8&social_sharing=v4
■ Turn and dribble 10 meters or pass to a target 10 meters away
Strive More 1134 jakkob Codamon jakkobcodam@gmail.com
Outside of the foot complete turn 3 sets of 12
first exercise here
Inside touch, pause and go 3 x 12
7 seconds in, however pause longer after the first touch
Bottom of the foot, rolled turn 3 x 12
4 seconds in
Cruyff turn 3 x 12
9 seconds in
Day 2 Ball Mastery/Dribbling use both feet here but DO NOT NEGLECT THE WEAK FOOT!!!
(Approx 70 minutes)
Make sure to warmup 5-15 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHs4xt7i2po
Fundamental technique dribbling
https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7056144272889990447?_r=1&_t=8c4JUshRWu6&social_sharing=v4 for
each of these do this 30 yards work and rest on the walk back doing them at walking pace, if space is not available, then do this
in small area for 2 sets of 1 minute each, rest for 1 minute (Approx 12 min)
○ Inside outside 3x
○ Straight dribbling 3x
○ Both feet, inside right outside left, inside left outside right continuous 3x
○ Rolls with bottom of the foot 3x ​https://youtube.com/shorts/cw53zAwfYJ8?feature=share
Ball Mastery you will do each of these two times each
(Approx 20 min)
○ As with the others above, if you cannot have a good rhythm or if the ball is uncontrollable then reduce the speed and
do it more slowly
○ 45 seconds each exercise, rest 45 seconds
Strive More 1134 jakkob Codamon jakkobcodam@gmail.com
■ Triangle (Pull back inside, other inside)
■ Taps with inside looking straight ahead
■ V sequence, trying to look up if possible not at the ball
■ Inside inside outside of the foot drag, stop with bottom roll back
■ Inside Inside pull through
■ Pull through + Pull back + V continuous
Diagonal Dribbling or coerver (Approx 20 min)
○ Spread cones out as such
and do each of these skills to the end and back
○ Make sure to rest at least 1 minute before the next one
■ Cut with the inside of the foot to the end and back
■ Pull back to opposite inside to the end and back
■ Hook aka cristiano Chop to the end and back
■ Roll to the end and back
■ Scissor
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7041275773621161222?_r=1&_t=8c4Ji9NCTDW&social_sharing=v4
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7115190911436393770?_r=1&_t=8c4JjiMwidy&social_sharing=v4
■ All of these at least 15-30 seconds initial stretch, and then 20 more seconds deeper stretch
● (The initial stretch allows you to bypass the stretch reflex, and afterwards you can get a deeper stretch,
increasing flexibility)
■ Make sure to do both legs/sides
Day 3 Juggling Weak foot only! (Approx 20 minutes - 2 hours, time frame up to individual) (Using both
feet is fine, do weak, then strong, if you’d like, prioritize the weak foot)
Make sure to warmup 5-15 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHs4xt7i2po
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/6992049802972253446?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMAavEy4Y2&social_sh
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7036182012062878982?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMAf34vtGM&social_sh
Strive More 1134 jakkob Codamon jakkobcodam@gmail.com
If you are unable to do the juggles continuously then I suggest that you do one juggle catch the ball do another catch it and do
it this way, do not cut corners or something, do this and it will help you gain confidence and ability with you weak foot
Do all of these
https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7106582217496808746?_r=1&_t=8c4Jr9iG4DO&social_sharing=v4 Only
with the weak foot
○ Touches under the knee 100x
○ Laces above the knee below head height 100x
○ Lace to thigh 100x
○ Thigh to lace 100x
○ Inside of the foot 100x
○ Outside of the foot 100x
Do all of this 3x, if you drop the ball say after 3 juggles, and try again and drop it after 5, then you have 8, do this until you get
to 100, then move on to the next
This is going to unbelievably difficult for some of you, however, make sure to do them completely, even if it means you are
doing 1, fail, 1 fail, until you reach 100, it is all on you
Try it with strong foot too if you would like
Day 4 Wall workout (Approx 90 minutes, could be 60 - 130 min, time frame up to individual) (WFO)
Make sure to warmup 5-15 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHs4xt7i2po
One touch against the wall weak foot (Approx 8 min) One touch passing against the wall weak foot only
○ 4 times, 45 seconds, with 45 second rest between each
○ If you are able to, take a look behind you before receiving the pass, if you are unable to do this then keep the head up
and chest up, and try to look through your periphery, if you are unable to do this while maintaining quality, focus as
much as you can on the technique
○ The ball should not run away from you
Two touch inside of the foot (Approx 8 min)
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7049875276452433157?_r=1&_t=8c4DVWqYpKQ&social_sharing=v
4 6 seconds in
Strive More 1134 jakkob Codamon jakkobcodam@gmail.com
4 times, 45 seconds, with 45 second rest between each
If you are able to, take a look behind you before receiving the pass, if you are unable to do this then keep the head up
and chest up, and try to look through your periphery, if you are unable to do this while maintaining quality, focus as
much as you can on the technique
○ Make sure to look at the target before you make the pass as well
○ The ball should not run away from you
Two touch outside of the foot receive, both feet is okay (Approx 8 minutes)
4 sets of 1 Minute, rest 1 minute between each set (This means do 1 Minute, rest 1 minute, 1 Min, rest 1 minute, 1 Min rest 1
minute, 1 Minute, rest 1 minute, this is four sets of 1 Minute)
○ If you are able to, take a look behind you before receiving the pass, if you are unable to do this then keep the head up
and chest up, and try to look through your periphery, if you are unable to do this while maintaining quality, focus as
much as you can on the technique
○ The ball should not run away from you
Juggles with wall (Approx ~ time up to individual)
○ Inside inside 50 passes with the wall, if you fail then you simply keep going where you failed, if you get 5, then keep
going from 5
10 seconds into the video
○ Outside inside 50 passes with the wall, if you fail then you simply keep going where you failed, if you get 5, then keep
going from 5
15 seconds into the video
○ Laces laces 50 passes with the wall, if you fail then you simply keep going where you failed, if you get 5, then keep
going from 5
2 seconds into the video
○ Chest laces only weak foot 50 passes with the wall, if you fail then you simply keep going where you failed, if you get 5,
then keep going from 5
Controls from the air and/or wall (Approx ~ time up to individual)
v2 these without the turn
Strive More 1134 jakkob Codamon jakkobcodam@gmail.com
If any one of these are not done successfully, if there are too many bounces or the ball goes too far away from you, then
it does not count
○ Controlled flat without bounces 20x successfully
○ Inside control 20x successfully
○ Outside control 20x successfully
○ Stop with bottom 20x successfully
○ Cruyff 20x successfully
Combinations (Approx 20 min) (WFO - Weak Foot Only)!
ring=v2 (Combo with receive touch, pull back, pass, move, receive, etc.) 3x45 seconds each with 1 minute rest
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7070312524226284842?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dM9rPVzkqo&social_sha
ring=v2 (Control and hit a target) 3x45 seconds each with 1 minute rest
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/6895885479707725061?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dM9xCiDMmQ&social_s
haring=v2 15 seconds into this video 3x45 seconds each with 1 minute rest
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/6941915115809754373?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMA1ELHFdr&social_sha
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7041275773621161222?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMA5f89LQs&social_shar
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7115190911436393770?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMA6R7BKuJ&social_sha
■ All of these at least 15-30 seconds initial stretch, and then 20 more seconds deeper stretch
● (The initial stretch allows you to bypass the stretch reflex, and afterwards you can get a deeper stretch,
increasing flexibility)
■ Make sure to do both legs/sides
Day 5 First touches workout complete (Approx 80 minutes) (WFO - Weak Foot Only)
● Make sure to warmup 5-15 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHs4xt7i2po
Strive More 1134 jakkob Codamon jakkobcodam@gmail.com
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7036182012062878982?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMAf34vtGM&social_sh
First touch from the air (Approx 40 min~ up to individual)
○ All of these to be controlled with minimal bounces if possible, to set a next action a pass, a shot, or dribble
■ Top of foot 50 x if you fail then you simply keep going where you failed, if you get 5, then keep going from 5
● https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7000820901432364293?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMBpUE
■ Bottom of foot with sole 50x if you fail then you simply keep going where you failed, if you get 5, then keep
going from 5
■ Inside of the foot 50x if you fail then you simply keep going where you failed, if you get 5, then keep going from
● 3 seconds into the video
■ Outside of the foot 50x if you fail then you simply keep going where you failed, if you get 5, then keep going
from 5
● 7 seconds
First touch into space with the wall or partner (Approx 30 min~ up to individual)
○ Outside 50x if you fail then you simply keep going where you failed, if you get 5, then keep going from 5
○ Inside 50x if you fail then you simply keep going where you failed, if you get 5, then keep going from 5
○ Cruyff 50x if you fail then you simply keep going where you failed, if you get 5, then keep going from 5
■ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/6993100227301461253?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMCHPWNOgt&s
ocial_sharing=v2 11 seconds in
○ Touch pause 50x if you fail then you simply keep going where you failed, if you get 5, then keep going from 5
Strive More 1134 jakkob Codamon jakkobcodam@gmail.com
ocial_sharing=v2 9 seconds in
First touch passing directional (Approx 20 min~ up to individual)
○ One touch passing alternate feet One touch passing against the wall
■ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7000089491050417414?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMCQG722so&so
■ 50x you can make a mistake build from that if you fail then you simply keep going where you failed, if you get
5, then keep going from 5
○ passing only with the weak foot 50x
■ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7050641709897731374?_r=1&_t=8c4DFueELhS&social_shar
Rest, well done for the first week!
Week 1
Day 6 Rest (Approx 30 min)
Light Jog for 15 Minutes and Stretch on rest days when you would like :)
○ Stretch
■ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/6941915115809754373?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMA1ELHFdr&soc
■ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7041275773621161222?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMA5f89LQs&soci
■ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7115190911436393770?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMA6R7BKuJ&soc
● All of these at least 15-30 seconds initial stretch, and then 20 more seconds deeper stretch
○ (The initial stretch allows you to bypass the stretch reflex, and afterwards you can get a deeper
stretch, increasing flexibility)
● Make sure to do both legs/sides
Strive More 1134 jakkob Codamon jakkobcodam@gmail.com
Week 1
Day 7 Rest
Week 2
Day 1 Dribbling completely (Approx 80 min) ( Not WFO, follow instructions)
Make sure to warmup 5-15 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHs4xt7i2po
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/6992049802972253446?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMAavEy4Y2&social_sh
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7036182012062878982?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMAf34vtGM&social_sh
Fundamental 3 (Approx 15 minutes)
○ Inside outside 50 touches weak foot only
■ 5 seconds into this video
○ Straight 50 touches weak foot only
■ 3 seconds into this video
○ Both feet 50 touches
■ 13 seconds into this video
Coerver - Dribble with one foot straight from one cone to the next, do a skill, and then switch feet to the other foot and dribble
with that one, generally if you are going left, then dribble with the left (Approx 25 minutes)
○ Set the cones down as such
Strive More 1134 jakkob Codamon jakkobcodam@gmail.com
○ Cut with the inside to the end of the 8 cones and back
haring=v2 5 seconds into the video
○ Cut with the outside (this means you start opposite foot to be able to use outside of foot so dribble to the right with the
left and cut with the left to go towards the left then dribble with the right) to the end of the 8 cones and back
haring=v2 7 seconds into the video
○ Pull back towards inside of the opposite foot to the end of the 8 cones and back
aring=v2 6 seconds into this video
○ Pull back towards outside of the foot to the end of the 8 cones and back, this is like the one above, except instead of
inside of the foot touch it is with the outside
○ V to the end of the 8 cones and back
aring=v2 29seconds into the video
○ Cristiano Chop to the end of the 8 cones and back
haring=v2 11 seconds into the video
○ Rolls with bottom of the foot to the end of the 8 cones and back
haring=v2 7-8 seconds into the video
Ball Mastery you will do each of these two times each
2 (Approx 20 min)
○ As with the others above, if you cannot have a good rhythm or if the ball is uncontrollable then reduce the speed and
○ 45 seconds each exercise rest 45 seconds
■ Triangle (Pull back inside, other inside)
■ Taps with inside looking straight ahead
■ V sequence, trying to look up if possible not at the ball
■ Inside inside outside of the foot drag, stop with bottom roll back
Strive More 1134 jakkob Codamon jakkobcodam@gmail.com
Inside Inside pull through
Pull through + Pull back + V continuous
Diagonal Dribbling or coerver (Approx 20 min)
○ Spread cones out as such
and do each of these skills to the end and back
○ Make sure to rest at least 1 minute before the next one
■ Cut with the inside of the foot to the end and back
■ Pull back to opposite inside to the end and back
■ Hook aka cristiano Chop to the end and back
■ Roll to the end and back
■ Scissor
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/6941915115809754373?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMA1ELHFdr&social_sha
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7041275773621161222?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMA5f89LQs&social_shar
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7115190911436393770?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMA6R7BKuJ&social_sha
■ All of these at least 15-30 seconds initial stretch, and then 20 more seconds deeper stretch
● (The initial stretch allows you to bypass the stretch reflex, and afterwards you can get a deeper stretch,
increasing flexibility)
■ Make sure to do both legs/sides
Week 2
Day 2 Juggling and first touch from the air (Approx 40 - 90 min) (WFO - Weak Foot Only)
Make sure to warmup 5-15 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHs4xt7i2po
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/6992049802972253446?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMAavEy4Y2&social_sh
Strive More 1134 jakkob Codamon jakkobcodam@gmail.com
Do all of these only with the weak foot (Approx 10-50 min)
○ If you make a mistake you begin from where you left off, so say you got 20 under the knee, then you continue from 20
and keep counting
○ Touches under the knee 100x
■ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/6875135495479889157?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dME5T5BZT1&soc
ial_sharing=v2 4 seconds in
○ Laces above the knee below head height 100x
■ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/6961533150770007302?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMDtpUKONS&s
ocial_sharing=v2 2 seconds in
○ Lace to thigh 100x
■ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/6875135495479889157?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dME5T5BZT1&soc
ial_sharing=v2 21 seconds in
○ Lace to Thigh to Lace 100x
■ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/6875135495479889157?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dME5T5BZT1&soc
ial_sharing=v2 24seconds in
○ Inside of the foot 100x
■ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/6961533150770007302?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMDtpUKONS&s
ocial_sharing=v2 4 seconds in
○ Outside of the foot 100x
■ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/6961533150770007302?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMDtpUKONS&s
ocial_sharing=v2 6 seconds in
First touch from the air
(Approx 10-50 min)
○ All of these to be controlled, all variations shown in the video with minimal bounces if possible, to set a next action a
pass, a shot, or dribble, and then make a next action, your choice here, what do you need to work on most, shot,
dribble or passing?
■ Top of foot 50 x if you fail then you simply keep going where you failed, if you get 5, then keep going from 5
● https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/6940443786694642949?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMEPge
NcJn&social_sharing=v2 3 seconds into video
Strive More 1134 jakkob Codamon jakkobcodam@gmail.com
Outside of the foot 50x if you fail then you simply keep going where you failed, if you get 5, then keep going
from 5
● https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/6940443786694642949?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMEPge
NcJn&social_sharing=v2 4 seconds into video
Inside of the foot 50x if you fail then you simply keep going where you failed, if you get 5, then keep going from
● https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/6940443786694642949?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMEPge
NcJn&social_sharing=v2 6 seconds into video
Cruyff touch 50x if you fail then you simply keep going where you failed, if you get 5, then keep going from 5
● ​https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/6940443786694642949?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMEPge
NcJn&social_sharing=v2 8 seconds into video
Bottom of foot/toe with sole 50x if you fail then you simply keep going where you failed, if you get 5, then keep
going from 5
● https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/6940443786694642949?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMEPge
NcJn&social_sharing=v2 10 seconds into video
Knee touch 50x if you fail then you simply keep going where you failed, if you get 5, then keep going from 5
● https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/6940443786694642949?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMEPge
NcJn&social_sharing=v2 12 seconds into video
Week 2
Day 3 Controlling and striking with different technique, all of these alternating between weak and strong
foot (Approx 70-90 min) ( Not WFO, follow instructions)
Make sure to warmup 5-15 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHs4xt7i2po
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/6992049802972253446?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMAavEy4Y2&social_sh
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7036182012062878982?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMAf34vtGM&social_sh
Very light day if you’d like it to be
Target Practice (Approx 40 min)
○ For each of these please control the ball like you would in a game, and strike it while it is still moving
Strive More 1134 jakkob Codamon jakkobcodam@gmail.com
If this is too difficult, then you can stop it and compose yourself before the next repetition
1st Variation- Laces driven around chest height
■ Do this 100x with each foot
■ 5 seconds in
○ 2nd Variation- Curved
■ Do this 100x with each foot
● Tutorial
■ 30 seconds in
○ 3rd Variation- On the ground driven with laces
■ Do this 100x with each foot
■ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/6988520846822280453?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMF7XhPGag&s
○ 4th Variation- Passes on the ground
■ Do this 100x with each foot
■ 4 seconds in
Shooting on goal, or target, hard strikes to the area (Approx 30 min)
■ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7131435024561229102?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMFGSgpC3y&soc
■ 10x each foot from these 4 positions/angles
■ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/6952256391604194565?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMFIPfehDe&soci
al_sharing=v2 placement into corners with laces and inside
● https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7125569310352969006?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMFJudr8
■ 50x shots, you must score in the corner, if it is in the middle or you miss, it does not count
Strive More 1134 jakkob Codamon jakkobcodam@gmail.com
25x with weak foot 25x with strong foot
Have some discipline you only cheat yourself, and remember no one cares if you cheat yourself, if
anything they are happy because you aren’t proving to be a worthy competitor
○ Stretch
■ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/6941915115809754373?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMA1ELHFdr&soc
■ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7041275773621161222?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMA5f89LQs&soci
■ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7115190911436393770?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMA6R7BKuJ&soc
● All of these at least 15-30 seconds initial stretch, and then 20 more seconds deeper stretch
○ (The initial stretch allows you to bypass the stretch reflex, and afterwards you can get a deeper
stretch, increasing flexibility)
● Make sure to do both legs/sides
Week 2
Day 4 High speed everything free with weak foot only (Approx 65 min) ( Not WFO, follow instructions,
prioritize weak foot)
● Free drills, creative drills
Make sure to warmup 5-15 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHs4xt7i2po
■ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/6992049802972253446?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMAavEy4Y2&so
■ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7036182012062878982?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMAf34vtGM&so
○ For each of these exercises you will do them for 5 reps 1 minute each, with 1 minute rest
1. https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7135610540789091630?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMFtHxjjje&social_shari
ng=v2 Ronaldinho Square with walls
a. 7 reps 1 minute each, with 1 minute rest
Strive More 1134 jakkob Codamon jakkobcodam@gmail.com
b. Imagine you need to make as many touches and make things as quick as possible, this will help a lot for
creativity and fluidity
c. Rest 5 minutes before the next drill
2. https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7096622201897635114?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMFuJ08Smw&social_sh
aring=v2 Free dribbling skills
a. 7 reps 1 minute each, with 1 minute rest
b. Try every skill you can think of
c. Rest 5 minutes before the next drill
3. https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7010151957683899654?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMFx9jhWCg&social_sh
a. 7 reps 1 minute each, with 1 minute rest
b. If you do have access to a wall like this, if not kick it in the air
c. Rest 5 minutes before the next drill
4. https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7029435428155510022?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMG0Q2ZnEw&social_s
a. 7 reps 1 minute each, with 1 minute rest
b. Does not have to be on the street, can be with any two walls you can find
Week 2
Day 5 Strict technique tests (Approx 5 to 200 minutes) (Not WFO, follow the instructions)
If you fail you start all over again from the beginning, might take you 5 minutes or 4 hours
Make sure to warmup 5-15 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHs4xt7i2po
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/6992049802972253446?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMAavEy4Y2&social_sh
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7036182012062878982?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMAf34vtGM&social_sh
Dribbling Test Both Feet
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7008983593024343301?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMGACh2Vrv&social_s
haring=v2 Do all of these
○ Dribble around the cones these, if you touch one cone you must start all over again, from the first exercise
Strive More 1134 jakkob Codamon jakkobcodam@gmail.com
○ Do this as fast as you possibly can
Juggling Using only Weak Foot
○ 100x With your weak foot, the height does not matter
○ 50x With weak foot inside only
○ 50x with weak foot outside only
Ball Mastery Using Both Feet
○ All of these variations for 45 seconds, does not matter the speed, but if you make a mistake then you start from the first
ball mastery exercise
○ All 7 of these in this video both feet
■ Pull back inside inside 2 seconds into this video
■ Tap Taps 5 seconds into this video
■ V Sequence 8 seconds into this video
■ Tap tap outside drag 10 seconds into this video
■ Tap tap pull through 13 seconds into this video
■ Pull through + pull back + V 17 seconds into this video
○ If you make one error, then you begin from the first ball mastery exercise
○ If these were too easy for you, then try again as fast as you possibly can, challenge yourself!
Strive More 1134 jakkob Codamon jakkobcodam@gmail.com
■ All of these at least 15-30 seconds initial stretch, and then 20 more seconds deeper stretch
● (The initial stretch allows you to bypass the stretch reflex, and afterwards you can get a deeper stretch,
increasing flexibility)
■ Make sure to do both legs/sides
Week 2
Day 6 Rest
Light Jog for 15 Minutes and Stretch on rest days when you would like :)
○ Stretch
■ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/6941915115809754373?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMA1ELHFdr&soc
■ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7041275773621161222?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMA5f89LQs&soci
■ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7115190911436393770?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMA6R7BKuJ&soc
● All of these at least 15-30 seconds initial stretch, and then 20 more seconds deeper stretch
○ (The initial stretch allows you to bypass the stretch reflex, and afterwards you can get a deeper
stretch, increasing flexibility)
● Make sure to do both legs/sides
Week 2
Day 7 Rest
Strive More 1134 jakkob Codamon jakkobcodam@gmail.com
Week 3 Day 1
Domination dribbling and ball mastery (Approx 65 min) ( Not WFO, follow instructions)
Make sure to warmup 5-15 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHs4xt7i2po
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/6992049802972253446?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMAavEy4Y2&social_sh
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7036182012062878982?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMAf34vtGM&social_sh
Coerver -Here it will be standard coerver and it will be full 8 cones, you will do high intensity to the end and back each skill
as fast as you possible can without error, you will rest 45 seconds before you go back and do the next one (Approx 20-30 min)
○ Set the cones like in the beginning of this video
○ Do every exercise 1x, so it should be there and back 12 repetitions in total, 12 exercises,
○ Before you begin start with the fundamental 3
■ Fundamental 3 (Approx 15 minutes)
● Inside outside 50 touches weak foot only
○ 5 seconds into this video
● Straight 50 touches weak foot only
○ 3 seconds into this video
● Both feet 50 touches
○ 13 seconds into this video
Strive More 1134 jakkob Codamon jakkobcodam@gmail.com
Coerver - Dribble with one foot straight from one cone to the next, do a skill, and then switch feet to the other foot and
dribble with that one, generally if you are going left, then dribble with the left (Approx 25 minutes)
■ Set the cones down as such
● https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7010867655414467845?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMCnbm8
■ Cut with the inside to the end of the 8 cones and back
ocial_sharing=v2 5 seconds into the video
■ Cut with the outside (this means you start opposite foot to be able to use outside of foot so dribble to the right
with the left and cut with the left to go towards the left then dribble with the right) to the end of the 8 cones and
ocial_sharing=v2 7 seconds into the video
■ Pull back towards inside of the opposite foot to the end of the 8 cones and back
ocial_sharing=v2 6 seconds into this video
■ Pull back towards outside of the opposite foot to the end of the 8 cones and back, this is like the one above,
except instead of inside of the foot touch it is with the outside
■ V to the end of the 8 cones and back
ocial_sharing=v2 29seconds into the video
■ Cristiano Chop to the end of the 8 cones and back
ocial_sharing=v2 11 seconds into the video
■ Rolls with bottom of the foot to the end of the 8 cones and back
ocial_sharing=v2 7-8 seconds into the video
■ Roll it to the other foot
social_sharing=v2 13 seconds in
■ Roll over, where you roll it and step over it same motion
cial_sharing=v2 34 seconds in
Strive More 1134 jakkob Codamon jakkobcodam@gmail.com
Inside of the foot spin, this means start dribbling with opposite foot, so normally it is dribble with right to go
right, but now it is dribble with left to go right, and do the spin each time
ial_sharing=v2 15 seconds in
■ Outside of the foot spin
ial_sharing=v2 18 seconds in
■ Feint, fake going one way
cial_sharing=v2 5 seconds in
■ Scissor
cial_sharing=v2 9 seconds in
■ Free, whichever you struggled with the most do this 2 times
Ball Mastery (Approx 25-35 min)
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7013811315030363398?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMH8l9iDfy&social_shar
ing=v2 With Purpose All this 3x
■ Outside touch fake shot with V 4 seconds into the video
● 45 Seconds working, 30 seconds rest
■ Fake shot with Cruyff 8 seconds into the video
● 45 Seconds working, 30 seconds rest
■ V + Toe Touch + Roll 12 seconds into the video
● 45 Seconds working, 30 seconds rest
■ Inside one step stop with outside 14 seconds into the video
● 45 Seconds working, 30 seconds res
■ Pull inside Pull outside 18 seconds into the video
● 45 Seconds working, 30 seconds rest
Week 3
Day 2 Basic Passing, controlling, and striking with different techniques, all of these alternating between
weak and strong foot (Approx 75 min) ( Not WFO, follow instructions)
Strive More 1134 jakkob Codamon jakkobcodam@gmail.com
Make sure to warmup 5-15 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHs4xt7i2po
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/6992049802972253446?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMAavEy4Y2&social_sh
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7036182012062878982?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMAf34vtGM&social_sh
Very light day if you’d like it to be
Target Practice (Approx 40 min)
○ For each of these please control the ball like you would in a game, and strike it while it is still moving
○ If this is too difficult, then you can stop it and compose yourself before the next repetition
○ 1st Variation- Laces driven around chest height
■ Do this 100x with each foot
■ 5 seconds in
○ 2nd Variation- Curved
■ Do this 100x with each foot
● Tutorial
■ 30 seconds in
○ 3rd Variation- On the ground driven with laces
■ Do this 100x with each foot
■ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/6988520846822280453?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMF7XhPGag&s
○ 4th Variation- Passes on the ground
■ Do this 100x with each foot
■ 4 seconds in
Strive More 1134 jakkob Codamon jakkobcodam@gmail.com
Shooting on goal, or target, hard strikes to the area (Approx 30 min)
■ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7131435024561229102?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMFGSgpC3y&soc
■ 10x each foot from these 4 positions/angles
■ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/6952256391604194565?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMFIPfehDe&soci
al_sharing=v2 placement into corners with laces and inside
● https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7125569310352969006?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMFJudr8
■ 50x shots, you must score in the corner, if it is in the middle or you miss, it does not count
● 25x with weak foot 25x with strong foot
● Have some discipline you only cheat yourself, and remember no one cares if you cheat yourself, if
anything they are happy because you aren’t proving to be a worthy competitor
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/6941915115809754373?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMA1ELHFdr&social_sha
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7041275773621161222?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMA5f89LQs&social_shar
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7115190911436393770?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMA6R7BKuJ&social_sha
■ All of these at least 15-30 seconds initial stretch, and then 20 more seconds deeper stretch
● (The initial stretch allows you to bypass the stretch reflex, and afterwards you can get a deeper stretch,
increasing flexibility)
■ Make sure to do both legs/sides
Week 3
Day 3 Juggles with the wall, all variations (Approx 65 min) (WFO - Weak Foot Only, except for free part,
you can do anything and be free)
Make sure to warmup 5-15 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHs4xt7i2po
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/6992049802972253446?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMAavEy4Y2&social_sh
Strive More 1134 jakkob Codamon jakkobcodam@gmail.com
All of these
v2 4 sets of 30x, you can make mistakes, make sure to complete 30, so if you commit error at 5, then continue from 5
(Approx 40 min)
○ Outside touch and lace pass 14 seconds in the
■ Rest 30 seconds after each set
○ Inside Inside 10 seconds into video
■ Rest 30 seconds after each set
○ Lace laces 6 seconds into video
■ Rest 30 seconds after each set
Do this exercise for 25 minutes
○ Use any part of the foot, practice getting comfortable with the ball traveling fast towards you
○ Use your hands to protect yourself if need be
○ However, use chest, thighs, feet, if it is too difficult, then get closer, or try to do it on the ground
Week 3
Day 4 Controls and competence with first touch (Approx 80 Min) (WFO - Weak Foot Only)
Make sure to warmup 5-15 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHs4xt7i2po
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/6992049802972253446?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMAavEy4Y2&social_sh
Strive More 1134 jakkob Codamon jakkobcodam@gmail.com
One touch against the wall weak foot (Approx 8 min)
○ 4 times, 45 seconds, with 45 second rest between each
○ If you are able to, take a look behind you before receiving the pass, if you are unable to do this then keep the head up
and chest up, and try to look through your periphery, if you are unable to do this while maintaining quality, focus as
much as you can on the technique
○ The ball should not run away from you
Two touch inside of the foot (Approx 8 min)
https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7049875276452433157?_r=1&_t=8c4DVWqYpKQ&social_sharing=v4 10
seconds in however do not alternate, only weak foot
○ 4 times, 45 seconds, with 45 second rest between each
○ If you are able to, take a look behind you before receiving the pass, if you are unable to do this then keep the head up
and chest up, and try to look through your periphery, if you are unable to do this while maintaining quality, focus as
much as you can on the technique
○ The ball should not run away from you
Two touch outside of the foot receive (Approx 8 minutes)
v2 3rd exercise in the video
○ 4 sets of 1 Minute, rest 1 minute between each set (This means do 1 Minute, rest 1 minute, 1 Min, rest 1 minute, 1 Min
rest 1 minute, 1 Minute, rest 1 minute, this is four sets of 1 Minute)
○ If you are able to, take a look behind you before receiving the pass, if you are unable to do this then keep the head up
and chest up, and try to look through your periphery, if you are unable to do this while maintaining quality, focus as
much as you can on the technique
○ The ball should not run away from you
Juggles with wall (Approx 20-40 min)
○ Outside touch and lace pass 14 seconds in the
■ Rest 30 seconds after each set
Strive More 1134 jakkob Codamon jakkobcodam@gmail.com
Inside Inside 10 seconds into video
■ Rest 30 seconds after each set
○ Lace laces 6 seconds into video
■ Rest 30 seconds after each set
○ Chest laces only weak foot 50 passes with the wall, if you fail then you simply keep going where you failed, if you get 5,
then keep going from 5
Controls from the air and/or wall (Approx ~ time up to individual)
v2 these without the turn
○ If any one of these are not done successfully, if there are too many bounces or the ball goes too far away from you, then
it does not count
○ Controlled flat without bounces 20x successfully
○ Inside control 20x successfully
○ Outside control 20x successfully
○ Stop with bottom 20x successfully
○ Cruyff 20x successfully
Combinations (Approx 20 min) (WFO - Weak Foot Only)!
ring=v2 (Combo with receive touch, pull back, pass, move, receive, etc.) 3x45 seconds each with 1 minute rest
ring=v2 (Control and hit a target) 3x45 seconds each with 1 minute rest
haring=v2 15 seconds into this video 3x45 seconds each with 1 minute rest
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/6941915115809754373?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMA1ELHFdr&social_sha
Strive More 1134 jakkob Codamon jakkobcodam@gmail.com
■ All of these at least 15-30 seconds initial stretch, and then 20 more seconds deeper stretch
● (The initial stretch allows you to bypass the stretch reflex, and afterwards you can get a deeper stretch,
increasing flexibility)
■ Make sure to do both legs/sides
Week 3
Day 5 First touch with weak foot (Approx 70 min) (WFO - Weak Foot Only)
● Make sure to warmup 5-15 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHs4xt7i2po
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/6992049802972253446?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMAavEy4Y2&social_sh
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7036182012062878982?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMAf34vtGM&social_sh
○ https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRm32nas/
● Curb Training, you may also use the normal wall
■ Inside control 3 sets of 15x weak foot only
● Rest 45 seconds between each set
● 4 seconds into this video
■ Outside control 3 sets of 15x weak foot only
● Rest 45 seconds between each se
Strive More 1134 jakkob Codamon jakkobcodam@gmail.com
6 seconds into this video
Cruyff control 3 sets of 15x weak foot only
● Rest 45 seconds between each set
● 8 seconds into this video
Bottom of the foot control 3 sets of 15x weak foot only
● Rest 45 seconds between each set
● Stall it with the bottom of your foot, stomp on the ball, lightly, and control it this way
Top of the foot control 3 sets of 15x weak foot only
● 12 seconds into this video
Inside control 3 sets of 15x both feet
● Rest 45 seconds between each set
● 4 seconds into this video
Outside control 3 sets of 15x both feet
● Rest 45 seconds between each se
● 6 seconds into this video
Cruyff control 3 sets of 15x both feet
● Rest 45 seconds between each set
● 8 seconds into this video
Strive More 1134 jakkob Codamon jakkobcodam@gmail.com
Bottom of the foot control 3 sets of 15x both feet
● Rest 45 seconds between each set
● Stall it with the bottom of your foot, stomp on the ball, lightly, and control it this way
Top of the foot control 3 sets of 15x both feet
● 12 seconds into this video
First touch from the air turns (Approx 30 minutes)
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7049148162195377454?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMpGfASJuo&social_sha
ring=v2 all of these variations
○ Inside of the foot
■ 3 sets of 15x weak foot only
■ 2 seconds into this video
○ Outside of the foot
■ 3 sets of 15x weak foot only
■ 6 seconds into this video
○ Cruyff
■ 3 sets of 15x weak foot only
■ 4 seconds into this video
○ Normal with top of the foot
■ 3 sets of 15x weak foot only
Strive More 1134 jakkob Codamon jakkobcodam@gmail.com
6 seconds into this video
Week 3
Day 6 Rest
● Light Jog for 15 Minutes and Stretch on rest days when you would like :)
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/6941915115809754373?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMA1ELHFdr&social_sha
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7041275773621161222?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMA5f89LQs&social_shar
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7115190911436393770?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMA6R7BKuJ&social_sha
■ All of these at least 15-30 seconds initial stretch, and then 20 more seconds deeper stretch
● (The initial stretch allows you to bypass the stretch reflex, and afterwards you can get a deeper stretch,
increasing flexibility)
■ Make sure to do both legs/sides
Week 3
Day 7 Rest
Week 4
Day 1 Wall Training (WFO - Weak Foot Only) (Approx 75 min)
Make sure to warmup 5-15 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHs4xt7i2po
Strive More 1134 jakkob Codamon jakkobcodam@gmail.com
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7036182012062878982?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMAf34vtGM&social_sh
One touch passing against the wall weak foot only
○ 4 sets of 45 seconds rest 1 minute between each set (This means do 45 seconds, rest 1 minute, 45 sec, rest 1 minute, 45
sec rest 1 minute, 45 seconds, rest 1 minute, this is four sets of 45 seconds)
○ Do your best to maintain control the entire time
○ If you are unable to control it then pass it softer and get closer to the wall
■ This is how improvement occurs, you begin very easily, and once you have mastered the basic concepts then
you can improve speed and quality
■ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7064256731190365487?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dPbUpn7njC&soci
al_sharing=v2 here is a video of the technique
Two touch passing against the wall weak foot only, receive with inside (Approx 8 minutes)
2 6 seconds in, only weak foot
○ 4 sets of 1 Minute, rest 1 minute between each set (This means do 1 Minute, rest 1 minute, 1 Min, rest 1 minute, 1 Min
rest 1 minute, 1 Minute, rest 1 minute, this is four sets of 1 Minute)
○ If you are able to, take a look behind you before receiving the pass, if you are unable to do this then keep the head up
and chest up, and try to look through your periphery, if you are unable to do this while maintaining quality, focus as
much as you can on the technique
○ The ball should not run away from you
○ Technique for receiving/passing: Toe up Heel down, standing foot facing target, passing leg knee out exposing the
inside of the foot, pass with the part between big bone and heel
Two touch passing against the wall weak foot only, receive with bottom of the foot
(Approx 8 minutes)
○ Two touch passing against the wall weak foot only, receive with bottom of foot, should be a quick touch and release
○ 4 sets of 1 Minute, rest 1 minute between each set (This means do 1 Minute, rest 1 minute, 1 Min, rest 1 minute, 1 Min
rest 1 minute, 1 Minute, rest 1 minute, this is four sets of 1 Minute)
Strive More 1134 jakkob Codamon jakkobcodam@gmail.com
If you are able to, take a look behind you before receiving the pass, if you are unable to do this then keep the head up
and chest up, and try to look through your periphery, if you are unable to do this while maintaining quality, focus as
much as you can on the technique
○ Have good orientation of body, almost side on, shielding the ball from someone pressuring you from behind
○ The ball should not run away from you
Two touch passing receiving with a feint touch (Approx 8 minutes)
○ 4 sets of 1 Minute, rest 1 minute between each set (This means do 1 Minute, rest 1 minute, 1 Min, rest 1 minute, 1 Min
rest 1 minute, 1 Minute, rest 1 minute, this is four sets of 1 Minute)
○ Oriented sideways, let the ball go across you and then you bring it back with your touch, inside of the foot
○ If you are able to, take a look behind you before receiving the pass, if you are unable to do this then keep the head up
and chest up, and try to look through your periphery, if you are unable to do this while maintaining quality, focus as
much as you can on the technique
○ The ball should not run away from you
Two touch passing against the wall weak foot only, receive with outside (Approx 8 minutes)
14 seconds into the video
○ 4 sets of 1 Minute, rest 1 minute between each set (This means do 1 Minute, rest 1 minute, 1 Min, rest 1 minute, 1 Min
rest 1 minute, 1 Minute, rest 1 minute, this is four sets of 1 Minute)
○ If you are able to, take a look behind you before receiving the pass, if you are unable to do this then keep the head up
and chest up, and try to look through your periphery, if you are unable to do this while maintaining quality, focus as
much as you can on the technique
○ You may use cones if you would like to, it is up to you
○ The ball should not run away from you
○ Technique for passing: Toe up Heel down, standing foot facing target, passing leg knee out exposing the inside of the
foot, pass with the part between big bone and heel
○ Technique for receiving with outside: Ankle medially rotated, facing the opposite foot, toes slightly point down, contact
with ball is made on the outside part of the foot, step out
Turns with the wall, after each set rest for 45 seconds (Approx 15 minutes)
○ Inside of the foot complete turn 3 sets of 12 turns with weak foot
■ Turn and dribble 10 meters or pass to a target 10 meters away
Strive More 1134 jakkob Codamon jakkobcodam@gmail.com
Outside of the foot complete turn 3 sets of 12
ing=v2 5 seconds exercise here
■ Turn and dribble 10 meters or pass to a target 10 meters away
Inside touch, pause and go 3 x 12
ing=v2 5 seconds in, however pause longer after the first touch
■ Turn and dribble 10 meters or pass to a target 10 meters away
Bottom of the foot, rolled turn 3 x 12
ing=v2 8 seconds in
■ Turn and dribble 10 meters or pass to a target 10 meters away
Cruyff turn 3 x 12
ring=v2 4 seconds in
■ Turn and dribble 10 meters or pass to a target 10 meters away
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/6941915115809754373?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMA1ELHFdr&social_sha
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7041275773621161222?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMA5f89LQs&social_shar
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7115190911436393770?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMA6R7BKuJ&social_sha
■ All of these at least 15-30 seconds initial stretch, and then 20 more seconds deeper stretch
● (The initial stretch allows you to bypass the stretch reflex, and afterwards you can get a deeper stretch,
increasing flexibility)
■ Make sure to do both legs/sides
Week 4
Day 2 Dribbling completely ( Not WFO, follow instructions) (80 Min)
Strive More 1134 jakkob Codamon jakkobcodam@gmail.com
Make sure to warmup 5-15 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHs4xt7i2po
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/6992049802972253446?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMAavEy4Y2&social_sh
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7036182012062878982?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMAf34vtGM&social_sh
Fundamental 3 (Approx 15 minutes)
■ Inside outside 50 touches weak foot only
● 5 seconds into this video
■ Straight 50 touches weak foot only
● 3 seconds into this video
■ Both feet 50 touches
● 13 seconds into this video
Coerver - Dribble with one foot straight from one cone to the next, do a skill, and then switch feet to the other foot and dribble
with that one, generally if you are going left, then dribble with the left (Approx 25 minutes)
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7010867655414467845?_r=1&_t=8c4CEJOyvMp&social_sharing=v4
○ Cut with the inside to the end of the 8 cones and back
haring=v2 5 seconds into the video
○ Cut with the outside (this means you start opposite foot to be able to use outside of foot so dribble to the right with the
left and cut with the left to go towards the left then dribble with the right) to the end of the 8 cones and back
haring=v2 7 seconds into the video
Strive More 1134 jakkob Codamon jakkobcodam@gmail.com
Pull back towards inside of the opposite foot to the end of the 8 cones and back
aring=v2 6 seconds into this video
Pull back towards outside of the foot to the end of the 8 cones and back, this is like the one above, except instead of
inside of the foot touch it is with the outside
V to the end of the 8 cones and back
aring=v2 29seconds into the video
Cristiano Chop to the end of the 8 cones and back
haring=v2 11 seconds into the video
Rolls with bottom of the foot to the end of the 8 cones and back
haring=v2 7-8 seconds into the video
Ball Mastery you will do each of these two times each https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRP9H97v/ (Approx 20 min)
○ As with the others above, if you cannot have a good rhythm or if the ball is uncontrollable then reduce the speed and
○ 45 seconds each exercise rest 45 seconds
■ All 7 of these in this video both feet
● Pull back inside inside 2 seconds into this video
● Tap Taps 5 seconds into this video
● V Sequence 8 seconds into this video
Strive More 1134 jakkob Codamon jakkobcodam@gmail.com
Tap tap outside drag 10 seconds into this video
● Tap tap pull through 13 seconds into this video
● Pull through + pull back + V 17 seconds into this video
● Diagonal Dribbling (Approx 20 min)
○ Spread cones out in uneven distances and angles, and do each of these skills to the end and back
○ Make sure to rest at least 1 minute before the next one
○ Do 10 from one end to the other end
■ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7131830320776678702?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dPdLEWcolq&soc
ial_sharing=v2 this video has more instruction
■ Dribble as fast as you possibly can with the weak foot only
■ Try with your strong foot if you would like
Week 4
Day 3
Full Weak Foot Strive More Workout Viral (Not WFO, follow instructions) (Approx 80 min)
Make sure to warmup 5-15 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHs4xt7i2po
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/6992049802972253446?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMAavEy4Y2&social_sh
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7036182012062878982?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMAf34vtGM&social_sh
Make sure to do your best to take a head check whenever you can
○ Rest 45 seconds minimum between sets
One touch Weak Foot Only
Strive More 1134 jakkob Codamon jakkobcodam@gmail.com
○ 3x 30 passes
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7050641709897731374?_r=1&_t=8c4DFueELhS&social_sharing=v4
Two touch Weak Foot Only
○ 3x 30 passes
○ 7 seconds into this video
Inside outside touch weak foot only
○ 3x30 passes
○ 4 seconds into the video
Inside in the air Weak Foot Only
○ 3x40, you can make errors, but by now I hope that you can do it without any errors!
○ 9 seconds into this video
Outside touch and lace pass Weak Foot Only
○ 3x15
○ 4 seconds into this video
Pass to wall, receive other side of cone, half turn, pull back, pass back to other side, and repeat
○ 45 seconds working 45 seconds off
○ 14 seconds into this video
Turns Both Feet (rest 45 seconds after each set)
○ https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRm3HLQy/
■ Outside 3x10
Strive More 1134 jakkob Codamon jakkobcodam@gmail.com
1 seconds into this video
Inside 3x10
● 6 seconds into this video
Touch and V 3x10
● 13 seconds into this video
Cruyff turn 3x10
● 10 seconds into this video
Turns with a skill 6 x 30 seconds working 30 seconds rest
○ Do any of those turns above, dribble to a cone do any skill and burst out
Test the touch and hit a target Weak Foot Only
○ 4 x 25 each foot
○ End of this video
■ Also 23 seconds into this video
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/6941915115809754373?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMA1ELHFdr&social_sha
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7041275773621161222?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMA5f89LQs&social_shar
Strive More 1134 jakkob Codamon jakkobcodam@gmail.com
■ All of these at least 15-30 seconds initial stretch, and then 20 more seconds deeper stretch
● (The initial stretch allows you to bypass the stretch reflex, and afterwards you can get a deeper stretch,
increasing flexibility)
■ Make sure to do both legs/sides
Week 4
Day 4
Striking hard with laces/inside ( Not WFO, follow instructions) (Approx 80 min)
● Make sure to warmup 5-15 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHs4xt7i2po
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/6992049802972253446?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMAavEy4Y2&social_sh
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7036182012062878982?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMAf34vtGM&social_sh
Shooting all day
● Shooting on goal, or target, hard strikes to the area, inside the box
○ 3 sets of 25 each foot from these 4 positions/angles
■ If you do not have a goal try it like this
■ Laces across the body right
■ Laces across the body left
■ Curled right inside to far post
Strive More 1134 jakkob Codamon jakkobcodam@gmail.com
Curled inside left to far post
Shoot from outside 18, if you don't have a goal to shoot on, use a target anywhere that mimics the distance and direction
○ From Right Side, do right foot and left foot hit the corners
■ Hit far post with right 10x
■ Hit far post with left 10x
■ Hit near post with right 10x
■ Hit near post with left 10x
○ From Left Side, do right foot and left foot hit the corners
■ Hit far post with right 10x
■ Hit far post with left 10x
■ Hit near post with right 10x it is from the left side
■ Hit near post with left 10x
○ From center, do right foot and left foot, hit the corners
■ Hit far post with right 10x
■ Hit far post with left 10x
■ Hit near post with right 10x
■ Hit near post with left 10x
Week 4
Day 5
Light Jog for 15 Minutes and Stretch on rest days when you would like :)
○ Stretch
■ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/6941915115809754373?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMA1ELHFdr&soc
■ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7041275773621161222?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMA5f89LQs&soci
■ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7115190911436393770?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dMA6R7BKuJ&soc
Strive More 1134 jakkob Codamon jakkobcodam@gmail.com
● All of these at least 15-30 seconds initial stretch, and then 20 more seconds deeper stretch
○ (The initial stretch allows you to bypass the stretch reflex, and afterwards you can get a deeper
stretch, increasing flexibility)
● Make sure to do both legs/sides
Week 4
Day 6
Test day!!!
Baseline Tests After Program Completion
Important to know:
● *Make sure to warm up 5-15 minutes before every single activity
○ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHs4xt7i2po
● Track your progress as much as possible, write down how you did on each exercise, how it felt, what needs to be improved etc.
● Many of you might have training and games, so with this I recommend to moderate the intensities, resting and being prepared
for your games is always #1 priority
Juggling record 3 tries (WFO - Weak Foot Only)
See how many juggles with your weak foot you can get in a row without failure
You will have three attempts, whichever attempt was the highest will be your baseline
Juggling variations 3 tries each, different tests, weak foot only
1st Variation- Juggles over the head, each touch must go over the head to count, you have 3 tries
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7119254420554042666?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dPfvfLiymA&social_shari
ng=v2 this video demonstrates 8 seconds in
2nd Variation- Inside of the foot only, if you touch it with another part of the foot or another part of your body then this will
not count, you have three tries
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/7106582217496808746?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dPfzsyUK0E&social_sha
ring=v2 final activity
Strive More 1134 jakkob Codamon jakkobcodam@gmail.com
3rd Variation- Toes only, below the knee, you have three tries
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@strive__more/video/6903683977412889861?_op=1&_r=1&_t=8dPg60topjS&social_shari
Make sure to write down or record all these numbers, especially the best outcome
Dribbling test, easily replicable, with every technique, inside outside, laces, rolling, and high speed
diagonal (WFO - Weak Foot Only)
Dribbling Test Diagonals
○ Measure on your own using your own steps, using a measuring tape, or something around your house that does not
move, to measure distances
○ You will put down 6 diagonal cones as such like in coerver
■ You will use your phone, or have someone record your time, from where you start all the way to the end, and
ng=v4 as fast as possible
■ Just get to the end and back by going around the cones weak foot only of course!
■ Record your time, best of 3 attempts
■ You may record yourself with your phone and then use that to measure the time it took
Dribbling Test Lines
○ All these tests are there, and back
○ Place one cone down and measure out a distance, suggested distance is 15 normal steps, or around 20 yards
You will use one technique with your weak foot and count how many touches it took to get to the end, and how much
time it took, would help to take a video of yourself and count the touches afterwards
● Variation #1 Rolls
17 seconds in, do this continuously to the end and back
● Variation #2 Inside outside
10 seconds in
● Variation #3 Dribbling straight there
first exercise, 3 seconds in
Strive More 1134 jakkob Codamon jakkobcodam@gmail.com
Record all of these times (best attempt out of 3 for each) and how many touches you took
Accuracy shooting/passing test, 10 tries, out of 10 (3 total attempts) (WFO - Weak Foot Only)
Place a target, either the post, a mark on a wall, have a distance of around 15 feet
10 Tries only to hit the target with weak foot
See how many you can accurately hit out of 10
Do this 3 times, mark your best score, out of 10
○ Ex. 1st try 2, 2nd try 4, 3rd try 1, best score is 4
Compare how it started to how it is now, record the differences!
Your weak foot is looking strong ;) CONGRATULATIONS! Give yourself a round of applause
Look out for new plans, feel free to use these whenever you need to, Strive More. - Eric
Results may vary. Anyone participating in these prescribed activities as a part of the “WEAK FOOT TRAINING COMMITMENT” or any Strive More training programs on strivemore.org is doing so at their own
risk. Dietary and hydration suggestions are not recommendations, follow them at your own risk. By accepting the terms and conditions included in the strivemore.org (Shopify) store you accept that Strive More
will not be held liable for any injury, harm, or damages that may affect individuals partaking in the plan.
By Eric Espinoza, Strive More