Sr|12th NEET|BOTANY:VOL-II INTRODUCTION "Photosynthesis is a Physicochemical or photo-biochemical process (anabolic & endergonic) in which organic compounds (carbohydrates) are synthesized from the inorganic raw material (H2O & CO2) in presence of light & pigments. O2 is evolved as a by product". Light energy is conserved into chemical energy by photosynthesis. Pigment C H O +6O + 6H O 6CO +12H O 2 2 light 6 12 6 2 2 First photosynthetic organism are bacteria but first oxygenic photosynthesis started in cyanobacteria. (BGA) EARLY EXPERIMENTS J. Priestley : He carried out very interesting experiment on Bell jar, Rat, Pudina & Candle. He came to conclude that plants purifyair (burning of candles) and gaseous exchange occurs during photosynthesis Discovers of oxygen. Jan Ingenhousz : He explained the importance of light and green colour and also suggested the O2 releases in the presence of light bygreen parts. J. V. Sachs : Recognised the relation among photosynthesis, chloroplast and starch. Englemann : Described action spectrum of photosynthesis with the help of Spirogyra/Cladophora and aerobic bacteriaexperiment. Van Niel : infered that oxygen comes from water in photosynthesis of higher plants. Light C H O +6H2 O+12S 6CO2+12H 2S chromatophore 6 12 6 Ruben Hasid and Kamen : Used radiaisatopic (Bacteria) (O18) to show experimentally that O in photosynthesis 2 comes from water. Hill Reaction - Experiment on isolated thylakoids (Stelaria plant) studyof light reaction, which is called as Hill Reaction. O2gas liberated from photolysis of HgO, only in the presence of suitable e- and H+ acceptor. (DCPIP (Dichlorophenol Indophenol- a dye), ferricyanide, Hill reagents, NADP+) 1 A + H2O AH2 + O2 2 Light 18 6C O16 +12H O C6H O 16 + 6H2O+ 6 O18 Chlorophyll 2 2 2 12 6 PHOTOSYNTHESIS 59 Sr|12th NEET|BOTANY:VOL-II HOW MANY PIGMENTS ARE INVOLVED IN PHOTOSYNTHESIS Chlorophyll - a C55H72O5N4Mg CH3 grp. at IIIrd C of IInd pyrrole ring. Chlorophyll - b C55H70O6N4Mg CHO group at IIIrd C of IInd pyrrole. Chlorophyllsaremagnesiumporphyrincompounds. Porphyrinringconsistsoffour-pyrrolerings(Tetrapyrrole). Generally 5-10% chlorophyll is present in chloroplasts. Chlorophyll molecule has a Mg-porphyrin headand phytol tail. Headis hydrophilic and phytol tail is lipophilic (hydrophobic). Chl-a and carotenes are universal pigment, which are found in all O2 liberating photosynthetic organisms. Chlorophylls are soluble onlyin organic solvents like ketons, ethers etc. In paper chromatography/chromatogram Chlorophyll 'a' - bright or blue-green Chlorophyll 'b' - yellow green/grass green. Xanthophyll - yellow Carotenoids - Yellow to yellow - orange Chlorophyll synthesis: ight Succinyl CoA + Glycine Protochlorophyll (Protochlorophyllide) L Chlorophyll. 2H 60 PHOTOSYNTHESIS Sr|12th NEET|BOTANY:VOL-II 400-700 nm light is used in photosynthesis and it is known as PAR (Photosynthesis active radiation) WHAT IS LIGHT REACTION Emerson & Arnold - worked on Chlorella and gave the concept of two photosystem or two pigment systems. When theygave only monochromatic light, longer than 680 nm wavelength, then quantum yield is suddenly dropped down, this event is called as red drop. When Emerson gave light, shorter and greater than 680 nm (combined light) then photosynthetic, activity increases, this is called as Emerson effect or enhancement effect. i) 680 nm PS - I (cyclic process) red drop appears. ii) 680 nm + 680t nm (Mixed light) Both cyclic & non cyclic operates. (Emerson effect) The PS II is located in the appressed region of granal thylakoids and PS I in non appressed region of grana and stromathylakoids. PS-I in Non-appressed region (Exposed surface) Stroma lamellae PS-II om appressed region ELECTRON TRANSPORT, SPLITTINGOF WATER AND PHOTOPHOSPHORYLATION Light reaction/Hill reaction/Photochemical reaction/Generation of assimilatory powers (NADPH2 +ATPs). I). Z-Scheme/Non-cyclic ETS and PhotophosphorylationPHOTOSYNTHESIS 61 Sr|12th NEET|BOTANY:VOL-II Both PS-I and PS-II involved in non cyclic ETS. PS-II (P-680) consists of Chl-a-660, Chl-a-673, Chl-a-680 (Reaction centre), Chl-b and carotenoids. It occurs on grana thylakoids only. The e- ejected from PS-II never back to chl-a-680 (reaction centre) & finally gained by NADP. Thus gap of e- in PS-II is filled by photolysis of water as a result, oxygen evolution occurs in Z-scheme and there is formation ofATP & NADPH2. Pheophytin is considered as Ist e- acceptor in Z-scheme. Chemiosmosis Low * P70 0 2eFRS 2e- * P680 2e - NADP++2H+ Fd 2H+ Pheo 2ePQ 2eCyt b6f 2e2H+ PC 2e(lumen) NADPH+H+ PS-I P700 PS-II P680 High H2 O Z - Scheme 1 2H++ O 2 2 62 PHOTOSYNTHESIS Sr|12th NEET|BOTANY:VOL-II II) Cyclic ETS and Photophosphorylation In cyclic ETS, only PS-I works, which consists of Chl-'a'-670, Chl-a-683, Chl-'a'-695, carotenoids, some molecules of chl-'b' & reaction centre-Chl-'a'-700/P-700. It occurs at grana thylakoids and stroma thylakoids. Stroma lamellae/stroma thylakoids lack PS II and enzyme NADP reductase. During Cyclic ETS the electron ejected from reaction centre of PS-I, return back to its reaction centre so in cyclic ETS, no oxygen evolution occurs, because photolysis of water is absent. NADPH, (reducing power) is not formed in cyclic process. Plastocyanin (PC) is Cu-containing blue coloured chromoprotein in cyclic ETS. According to modern researches in cyclic ETS first e- acceptor in PS-I is FRS (Ferredoxin Reducing Substance), which is a Fe-S containing Protein. 2e- P700 FRS Fd (Stroma) 2H + Cyt-b6 PQ 2H+(lumen) Cyt-f 2ePC 2e- PS-I P700 Cyclic photophosphorylation Cyclic photophosphorylation Non-cyclic photophosphorylation 1) Only PS-I involved in cyclic process. 1) Both PS-II & PS-I work in non- cyclic process. 2) The e expelled from chl-700 is cycled back. 2) The e- expelled from reaction center is not cycled back. Its loss is compensated by e- from H O. 2 3) Photolysis of water and evolution of O2 3) Photolysis of water and evolution of O2 takes place. does not take place. 4) NADP+ is not reduced. 4) NADP+ is reduced to NADPH. 5) Onlycyclic photophosphorylation activated 5) Activated by wavelength < 680 nm. when light available is above 680 nm. Quantum requirement The number of light Quanta or photons required for the evolution of 1 mol. of O2 in photosynthesis. Emerson calculated that the quantum requirement is 8. Quantum Yield Thenumberofoxygen molecule evolved byone quantumof light in photosynthesis is calledas Quantum yield. Hence the quantum yield is 0.125 or 12.5% CHEMIOSMOTIC THEORY: Proposed by Peter Mitchell to explain the mechanism of ATP formation. During ETC of photosynthesis concentration of H+ graduallyincreases in thylakoid lumen. During non cyclic photophoshorylation there are three causes of difference in H+ ion concentration i) Photolysis of H2O produces H+ ii) PQ shifting of H+ ion from stroma to lumen. PHOTOSYNTHESIS 63 Sr|12th NEET|BOTANY:VOL-II iii) NADP reductase mediated utilisation of H+ from stroma. This differential H+ ion concentration leads to development of proton gradient and electrical potential across thylakoidmemberane. Bothprotongradientandelectricalpotential collectivelycalledprotonmotiveforce(PMF) PMF do not allow stay of H+ ions in lumen so H+ start to move towards stroma through CF 0-CF 1particle + selectively. The passage of H ions leads to activation of ATP synthase and it forms ATP from ADPand Pi. GOLDEN KEY POINTS 1. Glutamic acid may also act as precursor or starting molecule for chlorophyll biosynthesis. 2. Chl-a is also present in antennae molecules. 3. With respect to 1O2 release in non-cyclic process total 4e - flow through the process and 2NADPH+H +are 4. 5. 6. 7. formed. OEC(Oxygen Evolvingcomplex) isasmallproteincomplexalsocalled Z-enzymeanditisassociatedwith P680. 8H+ are released into lumen with respect to the release of 1O2 in non-cyclic process. Chemiosmotic theoryis applicable for both chloroplast & mitochondria because both showATP synthesis by usingproton gradient. 12H2O are required per glucose synthesis in photosynthesis because all O2 released in the process comes onlv, from H2O. 1. Green light is mainly absorbed by 1) Chl-a 2) Chl-b 3) Carotenoids 4) Phytochrome 2. In non-cyclic photophosphorylation an FeS protein complex acts as 1) Mobile e carrier 2) Mobile H carrier 3) Primary e- acceptor for PS-II 4) Primary e- acceptor for PS-I 3. Lowest pH inside chloroplast in day time must be found in 1) Stroma 2) lumen 3) Intermembrane space 4)Thylakoid membrane 4. Proton pump in thylakoid membrane is 1) PC 2) Pheophytin 3) Fd 4) PQ 5. ATPsynthesis in chloroplast occurs 1) In stroma 2) At CF0 3) At CF1 4) PS-II & PS-I 1) 3 2) 4 3) 2 4) 4 5) 3 [B] Dark Reaction / Blackman Reaction / Calvin cycle / C3-Cycle / Biochemical phase / Carbon assimilation / photosynthetic carbon reduction cycle (PCR-Cycle) / Reductive pentose phosphates pathway Dark reaction, was discovered by Blackman but Calvin, Benson presented these reactions in cyclic manne: and thus called as Calvin cycle. Ist stable compound of Calvin cycle is 3C-PGA (Phosphoglyceric acid) thus Calvin cycle is called as C3cycle (First compound is unstable, 6C keto acid) Studyby Calvin was on green algae Chlorella & Scenedesmus. During his experiment he usee chromatography & radioisotopy (C14) techniques for detecting reactions of C 3-cycle. Rubisco (Ribulose bis-phosphate carboxylase-oxygenase) is main enzyme in C3-cycle, which is present ir stroma. Rubisco is most abundant enzyme. 64 PHOTOSYNTHESIS Sr|12th NEET|BOTANY:VOL-II CO2-acceptor in Calvin cycle is RuBP. 6 turns of Calvin cycle are required for the formation of one glucose. Atmosphere (RuBP) Ribulose-1,5-biphosphate (5C) ADP 1 CO2+H2O Carboxylation 3-phosphoglycerate (3-PGA) (3C) (2 molecules) Regenaration 3 Calvin - Cycle 2ATP+2NADPH+H+ ATP 2 (3-PGAL) Triose phosphate (3C) Reduction 2ADP+2P+2NADP+ Sucrose, Starch Note : First stable six carbon sugar formed in plants is fructose-1,6-Bis phosphate (Glycolytic reversal). CO2 concentrating mechanism/Co-operative photosynthesis/Dicarboxylic acid cycle (DCA cycle) / C4 cycle/Hatch & Slack Pathway Kortschak and Hartt first observed that 4C, OAA (Oxaloacetic Acid) is formed during dark reaction in sugarcane leaves. Hatch & Slack (Australia) (1967). Studied in detail and proposed pathwayfor dark reactions in sugarcane & maize leaves. C4-cycle occurs in 1500 species of 19 families of angiosperm, but most of the plants are monocots, which belong to Graminae (Sugarcane, Maize, Sorghum) & Cyperaceae. Kranz (Wreath) anatomy - Present in leaves of C4 plants. Which has following features i) Green bundle sheath cells (BS cells) present around the vascular bundles. ii) Dimorphic chloroplasts present in leaf cells. Chloroplast of B.S. cells or Kranz cells are larger and without grana. Mesophyll chloroplast are small and with grana. Rubisco present in BS cells, while PEPCase in mesophyll cells. Photosynthetically C4 plants are more efficient as there is no photorespiration, Because at the site of Rubisco (BS cells) no O2 is release & mesophyll cells pumps more CO2 for C3 cycle. C4-plants found in tropical habitats and adaptedthemselves, with high temperature, low water availabilityand intense light. No photorespiratoryloss. Primary CO2 acceptor in C4 is PEP (Phosphoenol Pyruvate). (3C-compound). First carboxylation in C4cycle occurs by PEPCase in mesophyll cytoplasm, while second carboxylation or final C(X fixation by C3 cycle occurs in bundle sheath cells. 12 NADPH2 & 30 ATP needed for production of 1 Hexose (Glucose) in C4-plants. PHOTOSYNTHESIS 65 Sr|12th NEET|BOTANY:VOL-II Pyruvate phosphate dikinase (PPDK) (ATP AMP) is a low temperature sensitive enzyme of C4 and CAM plants due to this C4 plants show poor rate of photosynthesis at low temperature. Diagrammatic representation of the Hatch and Slack Pathway in NCERT Atmospheric CO2 Plasma membrane Mesophyll cell Cell wall HCO3- Phosphoenolpyruvate (3C) 2ATP Fixation Regeneration OAA (C4acid) NADPH NADP PEP(C3 acid) Malic/Aspartic acid(C4 acid) Bundle sheath cell Transport Transport Fixation by Calvin Cycle Malic/Aspartic acid (C4 acid) CO2 Pyruvic acid (C3 acid) Decarboxylation Special features of C4 plants 1) C4 plants are more efficient photosynthetic plants at present CO2 concentration. 2) C4 plants posses low CO2 compensation points. (0-10 ppm) 3) The productivity (fertility) in C4 plants, does not increase when CO2 concentration is increased above current atm level, because present level of atmospheric CO2 is generallynot limiting factor for C4 plants. 4) Mesophyll cells pump more CO2 for Calvin cycle. Thus concentration of CO2 is high around the site of Rubisco in C4 plants, thus little or no chance of photorespiration. Characteristics C3 Plants C4 Plants Choose from 66 PHOTOSYNTHESIS Sr|12th NEET|BOTANY:VOL-II Cell type in which the Calvin Mesophyll Bundle sheath takes place Mesophyll/Bundle cycle sheath/both Cell type inwhich the initial carboxylation reaction occurs Mesophyll Mesophyll How many cell types does the One Two Mesophyll/Bundle sheath /both Two: Bundle sheath and mesophyll leaf have that fix CO2 One: Mesophyll Three: Bundle sheath, palisade,spongymesophyll Which is the primary CO2 acceptor RuBP PEP RuBP/PEP/PGA Number of carbons in the 5 3 5/4/3 PGA OAA PGA/OAA/RuBP/PEP CO2 fixation product Does the plant have RuBisCO? 3 Yes 4 Yes 3/4/5 Yes/No/Not always Does the plant have PEP Case? Yes Yes Yes/No/Not always Which cells in the plant have Rubisco? Mesophyll Bundle sheath Mesophyll/Bundle sheath/ none CO2 fixation rateunder high light conditions Medium High Low/ high/ medium Whether photorespiration is Negligible Negligible High/negligible/sometimes High Negligible High/negligible/ sometimes High Negligible High/negligible/sometimes Negligible Negligible High/negligible/sometimes Temperature optimum 400C 20-250C 30-400C 30-400C/20-250C/above Examples Wheat, Rice Maize,Sugarcane, primary CO2 acceptor Which is the primary CO2 fixation product No. of carbons in the primary present at low light intensities Whether photorespiration is present athighlight intensities Whether photorespiration would be present at low CO2 concentrations Whether photorespiration would be present at high CO2 concentrations Sorghum PHOTOSYNTHESIS 67 Sr|12th NEET|BOTANY:VOL-II CAM-Plants / Crassulacean acid metabolism / Dark CO2 fixation / Dark Acidification Oleary and Rouhani discovered that CO2 fixation occurs in night in members of Crassulaceae family. Succulent xerophyticplants. In CAM plants stomata open in night and closed during day (scotoactive type). Example of CAM plants are Kalanchoe, Bryophyllum, Opuntia, Agave, Aloe, Euphorbia, Pineapple, Welwitschia (Gymnosperm) etc. Primary acceptor of CO2 is PEP (Phosphoenol pyruvate) and oxaloacetic acid is the first stable product of carboxylation reaction. PEP carboxylase & RuBisCO present in mesophyll cells. (No Kranz-anatomy) In CAM plants 30 ATP and 12 NADPH2 are required for 1 glucose synthesis. CAM plants exhibits adaptation for conserving water. CAM Pathway Mesophyll cell CO2 H2O CO2 Stomata open H2 O CO2 H2O Pi AMP + ppi PEP ATP (3C) PPDK HCO3- OAA(4C) PEP case PEP(3C) Pyruvate(3C) NADPH+H+ NADPH+H+ NADP+ NADP+ Malate/Malic acid (4C) Malic acid Stomata closed Malate/Malic acid (4C) Chloroplast Malic acid Vacuole During night (Acidification) Starch Calvin Cycle Chloroplast Vacuole During day (Deacidification) Photosynthetic carbon oxidation cycle/C2 cycle/ Photorespiration/Glycolate-Metabolism The light dependent uptake of O2 & release of CO2 in C3 photosynthetic cell is called photorespiration or C2 cycle. Photorespiration operates during daytime in C3- plants & Rubisco acts as oxygenase at higher concentration of O2 and low CO2 concentration in the C3 - green cells. 68 PHOTOSYNTHESIS Sr|12th NEET|BOTANY:VOL-II Photorespiration does not produceATP, NADPH & sugar but involves oxidation of organic compounds so It is a wasteful process. It occurs in chloroplast, peroxisomes & mitochondria. Chloroplast O2 Phosphoglycolate+PGA (2C) (3C) RuBP + PCR cycle PGA Pi ADF + iP ATP Peroxisome Glycerate Glycolate (2C) Glycerate NAD+ NADH Hydroxy pvruvate Glycolate Glyoxylate+H2O2 +NH2 NH2 Glycine Mitochondrion Serine (3C) 2 mol. Glycine (2C) Serine (3C) NH2 CO2 NAD+ NADH Photorespiration/Photosynthetic carbon oxidation cycle. FACTORS AFFECTINGPHOTOSYNTHESIS Law of limiting factors - (Blackman) "When a process is conditioned to its rapidity by a number of factors, then rate of process is limited by the pace of the slowest factor" (CO2, light, chlorophyll, water, temp.) CO2 becominglimiting in clear sky, but light limiting in cloudydays and in dense forest. Atmospheric CO2 is not limiting factor for C4 plants & submerged hydrophytes. 1) Light At low light intensitythere is a linear relationship between light intensityand rate of photosynthesis. But at high light interbitythere is no farther increase in rate of photosynthesis.At veryhigh light intensity photooxidation (solarization) of photosynthetic pigments mayoccur. Intensity of light, at which rate of photosynthesis, becomes equal (or compensate) with the rate of respiration in plants is known as light compensation point. (Net photosynthesis or net primaryproductivityat this point is zero and no gaseous exchange between plant and atmosphere) PHOTOSYNTHESIS 69 Rate of photosynthesis Sr|12th NEET|BOTANY:VOL-II C B A D Light intensity 2) Temperature Optimum temp, for photosynthesis is 20-25°C for C3 plants and 30-40°C for C4 plants. At high temp, rate of photosynthesis decreases due to denaturation of enzymes. Dark reactions are more affected by temperature as compare to light reactions.? 3) CO2 (between 0.03 and 0.04 percent) An increase in CO2 conc. upto 0.05% rate of photosynthesis is increased. Higher CO2 concentratic is toxic to plant & also closes stomata. CO2 concn at which CO2 fixation in photosynthesis is equal to volume of CO2 released in respiration "CO2compensation point" (when plant saturated withfull light). CO2 compensation point for C4 plants is 0-10 ppm, while for C3 plants it is 25-100 ppm. Use of CO2 C4 plants (Hight light) 0 10 50 4) Water C3 plants (High light) 100 200 300 360 400 450 500 S.P. S.P. CO2 in ppm (S.P.=Saturation point) Less availability of water reduces the rate of photosynthesis (stomata get closed, leaves become wilted and slowenzymatic activities). Plant Factors i) Amountof Chlorophyll ii) Leaf - Various leaf factors like leaf number, size, age and leaf orientation affect the photosynthesis 5) Inhibitors DCMU(Diuron/Dichlorophenyl Dimethyl Urea) CMU(Monuron), PAN inhibit thephotosynthesisbyblocking PS-II. They stop er flow between P-680 & PQ. In cyclic ETS diquat, paraquat (Viologen dyes) inhibit er flow between P-700 & Fd. All these chemicals are used as weedicides or herbicides. 70 PHOTOSYNTHESIS Sr|12th NEET|BOTANY:VOL-II BACTERIAL PHOTOSYNTHESIS Certain bacteria are capable for photosynthesis Eg Chlorobium (Green Sulphur), Chromatium (Purple Sulphur), Rhodospirillum, Rhodopseudomonas (Purple non sulphur). Cyclic photophosphorylation is an important method in bacterial photosynthesis. Absorption of Infra red spectrum takes place during bacterial photosynthesis thus no red drop. PS II is absent, so Z-scheme is absent. Reducing power generated during light reaction is NADH + H+. Pigment system of bacteria denoted by - B-890 or 870 Evolution of O2 is not related to bacterial photosynthesis, because water is not e - and H + donor. IR l ight C 6H 12O 6+H 2O+12S 6CO 2+12H 2S Pigments in chromotophores SOME EXTRA POINTS Function of accessorypigment is Converts elementaryor nasent oxygen to molecular/gaseous O2(Carotene). Enhances the effeciencyof photosynthesis. Prevent photooxidation (photodamaging) of pigment system. Mg++ required for Rubisco & PEPcase Ist formed unstable 6-C compound during Calvin cycle is 2 carboxy 3 Keto 1, 5 biphosphoribitol. GOLDEN KEY POINTS 1. 2. 3. 4. CO2 and O2 compete for the same active site on RuBisCO. PEPCase is activated byblue light. In photorespiration 25% of already fixed carbon is lost as CO2. Light compensation point can be observed in open atmosphere in morning & evening but CO2 compensation point can't be observed in open atmosphere. 5. NADP+ and ADP+ iPproduced in dark reaction are released into stroma and again used in light reaction to generate NADPH + H+ and ATP. 1. The immediate donor of hydrogen in dark reaction is 1) NADPH + H+ 2) H2O 3)NADH + H+ 4) CO2 2. The ultimate donor of hydrogen in plant photosynthesis is 3) NADPH + H + 4) Light 1) CO2 2) H2O 3. What is the first aldehydic sugar formed in photosynthesis ? l) PGAL 2) Glucose 3) Fructose-1,6-P 4) DHAP 4. Some reactions of Calvin cycle are the reverse of which other metabolic pathway ? 1) Glycolysis 2) CAM 4) Krebs cycle 3) C4 1) 1 2) 2 PHOTOSYNTHESIS 3) 1 4) 1 5) 2 71 Sr|12th NEET|BOTANY:VOL-II PHOTOSYNTHESIS INTRODUCTIONAND EARLY EXPERIMENTS 1. Oxygen which is liberated during photosynthesis comes from 1) Carbon dioxide 2) Water 3) Chlorophyll 4) Phosphoglycericacid 2. In which of the following process, the light energy is converted into chemical energy? 1) Digestive action 2) Respiration 3) Photosynthesis 4) Fermentation 3. During photosynthesis the oxygen in glucose comes from 1) Water 2) Carbon dioxide 3) Both from water and CO2 4) O2 in air 4. The law of limiting factor for photosynthesis was given by 1) R. Hill 2) Krebs 3) Calvin 4) Blackman 5. The percentage of light energy utilized by higher plants, in the process of photosynthesis is 1) 100% 2) 10% 3) 50% 4) 1-2% 6. If the CO2 content of the atmosphere is as high as 300 parts per million 1) All plants would be killed 2) The plants would not grow properly 3) Plants would grow for some time and then die 4) The plants would thrive well 7. The isotope of carbon used extensively for studies in photosynthesis 1) C13 2) C14 3) C15 4) C16 8. Which is the evidence to show that oxygen released in photosynthesis comes from water? 1) Isotopic oxygen(O18) suppplied as H2O appears in the O 2 released in photosynthesis 2) Activated chloroplast in water released O2 if supplied potssium ferrocyanide or some other reducing agent in the absence of CO2 3) Photosynthetic bacteria use H2S and CO2 to make carbohydrates, H2O and sulphur 4) All of the above 9. The path of CO2 in the dark reactions of photosynthesis was sucessfully traced by the use of the following 1) O218 2) C14O2 3) P32 4) X-rays 10. Discovery of Emerson effect has already shown the existence of 1) Two distinct photosystems 2) Light and dark reactions of photosynthesis 3) Photophosphorylation 4) Photorespiration 11. Name the scientist, who first pointed out that plants purify foul air by bell jar experiment? 1) Willstatter 2) Robert Hooke 3) Priestley 4) Jean Senebier 12. Of thetotal amount of water absorbed by the plant, its actual percentage usedduring photosynthesis is 1) 50% 2) 90% 3) 1% 4) 25% 13. Moll's half leaf experiment explains that 1) Carbon dioxide is essential for photosynthesis 2) Chlorophyll and water are necessaryfor photosynthesis 3) Light and water are essential for photosynthesis 4) All the above are correct 72 PHOTOSYNTHESIS Sr|12th NEET|BOTANY:VOL-II 14. Oxygen during photosynthesis comes from water was proved with the help of O18 experiment by 1) Ruben and Kamen 2) Hill 3) Warburg 4) Blackman 15. Name of the scientist who pointed out the importance of different wavelengths of light using a green algae and aerobic bacteria 1) Priestley 2) Ingen-Housz 3) K.V. Thimann 4) Englemann 16. Conversion of light energy into chemical energy within the plant body was first stated by ? 1) Mayer and Anderson 2) Calvin 3) Robert Mayer 4) Willstatter and Stoll 17. Photosynthesis is 1) Oxidative,exergonic, catabolic 2) Redox-reaction, endergonic, anabolic 3) Reductive,exergonic, anabolic 4) Reductive, endergonic, catabolic 18. The significance of light & chlorophyll in photosynthesis was discovered by 1) Priestley 2) Ingenhousz 3) Englemann 4) Blackman 19. Wavelength of light responsible for Emerson's enhancement effect 2) only 680 nm 4) Both 680 nm and 680 nm 1) only 680 nm 3) infrared wavelength PHOTOSYNTHETICAPPARATUS, PIGMENTS & PIGMENT SYSTEMS 20. The process of photo-phosphorylation take place in 1) Chloroplast 2) Ribosomes 3) Mitochondria 4) Cell-wall 21. PS I occurs in 1) Appressed part of granal thylakoids 2) Appressed and non appressed part of grana thylakoids 3) Stroma 4) Stroma thylakoids and non-appressed part of grana thylakoids. 22. Which one of the following pigment does not occur in the chloroplast? 1) Carotene 2) Xanthophyll 3) Chlorophyll 'b' 4)Anthocyanin 2) Mg 3) K 4) Mn 3)Anthocyanin 4) Xanthophyll 3) Intergrana 4) Mitochondria 23. Chlorophyll contains 1) Fe 24. Which pigment is water soluble? 1) Chlorophyll 2) Carotene 25. The site for dark reaction of photosynthesis is 1) Stroma 2) Grana 26. Chlorophyll is present 1) In the grana of chloroplasts 2) On the surface of chloroplasts 3) Dispersed through out the chloroplasts 4) In the stroma of chloroplasts 27. Which colour of light gives maximum absorption peak by chlorophyll 'a' ? 1) Blue light PHOTOSYNTHESIS 2) Green light 3) Violet light 73 4) Red light Sr|12th NEET|BOTANY:VOL-II 28. Presence of carotenes in chloroplast helps in 1) ATP synthesis 2) Transferring radiant energyinto chemical energy 3) Protectingchlorophyllmolecules from photooxidation 4) Absorption of longer wavelength of light 29. The formula of chlorophyll 'a' is 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 4) C5lH70O6N4 Mg 1) C35H72O5N4 Mg 2) C55H70O3N4Mg 3) C55H72O5N4 Mg The number of pigment molecules in quantasome is: 1) 250 - 400 2) 300 - 900 3) 500 - 600 4) 50 -100 The main difference between chlorophyll 'a' and 'b' is: 1) Chlorophyll 'a' is a linear chain compound and 'b' is branched chain 2) Chlorophyll 'a' has no Mg+ ion in center of molecule 3) In chlorophyll 'a' there is -CH3 group whereas in 'b' it is -CHO group 4) All of the above Chlorophyll 'a' is found in 1) All O2 releasing photosynthetic forms 2)Onlyhigher plants. 3) Higher plants that photosynthesize 4) All photosynthetic eukaryotes. In pigment system-I, reaction centre is 1) P-600 2) P-680 3) P-700 4) P-720 Basic structure of all chlorophyll comprises of 1) Cytochrome system 2) Flavoproteins 3) Porphyrin system 4) Plastocyanin What is the by product of bacterial photosynthesis? 1) O2 2) CO2 3) S 4) H2S In chlorophyll molecule "Mg" is situated in 1) Centre of porphyrin ring 2) Corner of porphyrin 3) Inphytol tail 4) In isocyclic ring The photosynthetic pigment "chlorophylls" are soluble in 1) Water 2) Inorganic solvent 3) Water & organic solvent 4) Organicsolvent Which of the following chlorophyll is lack of phytol- tail? 1) Chl.'a' 2) Chl. 'b' 3) Chl.'c' 4) Chl.'e' 39. Which of the following protein is most abundant on the earth? 1) Catalase 2) Rubisco 3) Amylase 4) None of these 40. Universal photosynthetic chlorophyll is 1) Chl.'a' 2) Chl. 'b' 3)Chl.'c' 4) Chl.'e' 41. Which of the following is the site of photolysis of water ? 1) Stroma of chloroplast2) Cristae of chloroplast 3) Ribosomeof chloroplast 4) Lumen surface of thylakoid membrane 42. Which one of the following is precursor of protochlorophyll? 1) Acetyl CO A 2) Succinyl COA 3) Oxlaoacetic acid 4) -ketoglutarate 74 PHOTOSYNTHESIS Sr|12th NEET|BOTANY:VOL-II LIGHT REACTIONS OR PHOTOPHOSPHORYLATION 43. The first step in photosynthesis is 1) Joining of three carbon atoms to from glucose 2) Formation of ATP 3) Ionization of water 4) Excitement of an electron of chlorophyll bya photon of light 44. The gain of light reaction is 1) ATP & NADPH2 2) NADPH2 & glucose (3) OnlyATP 4) O2 & glucose 45. Algae and other submerged plants bount in water during day time and sink at night, because 1) They come up to receive O2 2) They lose weight at night 3) They become bouyant due to accumulation of O2 as a result of photosynthesis 4) Theybecome light due to food material accumulation 46. Which one of the following concerns with photophosphorylation ightenergy 1) ADP + AMP l ATP 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. ightenergy 2) ADP + Inorganic PO4 l ATP 3) ADP + Inorganic PO4 ATP 4) AMP + Inorganic PO4 ATP The function of ATP in photosynthesis is the transfer of energy from the 1) Dark reaction to the light reaction 2) Light reaction to the dark reaction 3) Chloroplaststo mitochondria 4) Mitochondria to chloroplasts In photosynthesis, hydrogen is transferred from the light reactions to dark reactions by 1) DPN 2) DNA 3) ATP 4) NADP During photochemical reaction of photosynthesis 1) liberation of O2 takes place 2) Formation of ATP and NADPH2 take place 3) Liberation of O2, formation of ATP, and NADPH2 takes place 4) Assimilation of CO2 takes place ADP + iP= ATPin grana is called 1) Phosphorylation 2) Oxidativephosphorylation 3) Photophosphorylation 4) Photolysis Which of the following is excited molecule during photosynthesis 1) Chlorophyll 2) Oxygen 3) Carbondioxide NADPH2 is also called 1) Real power 2) Oxidisingagent 3) Power house of energy 4) Reducing power During ionisation of H2O, H+ is ultimately captured by 2) NADP 1) Chlorophyll 3) O2 At the time of ionization of H2O, which initially captures the electron 1) Chlorophyll 2) NADP 3) OHIn cyclic photophosphorylation which one of the following is formed 4) Water 1) NADP & ATP 4) NADH2 and O2 PHOTOSYNTHESIS 2) ATP 3) NADPH2, ATP and O2 75 4) Cytochrome 4) Cytochrome Sr|12th NEET|BOTANY:VOL-II 56. Fixation of 1 C02 requires 2) 2NADP.H2 & 3ATP 1) 6NADP.H2 & 3ATP 4) 5 NADP.H2 & 3ATP 3) 4 NADP.H2 & 3ATP 57. Photooxidation of water in photosynthesis is in association of 1) Cytochrome b6 2) Pigment system -1 3) Pigment system - II 4) Plastocyanin 58. During ATPsynthesis electron pass through 1) Water 2) Cytochromes 3) O2 4) CO2 59. Which pigment system immediately donates e- for the reduction of NADP. 1) PS II 2) PS I 4) Plastoquinone 3) CO2 60. Photosynthesis is an oxidation reduction process, the materials that is oxidised is 1) CO2 2) NADP 61. Photo - oxidation of chlorophyll is called 1) Intensification 2) Chlorosis 3) H2O 3) Solarization 62. The electron ejected by P680 in light reaction is initially accepted by 1) Plastoquinone 2) ATP 3) Ferredoxin 63. Which element are presents in OEC (Oxygen evolving complex) 1) Mn++ 2) Cl3) Ca++ 64. Which one is Cu++ containing protein complex 1) Ferridoxin 2) Plastocyanin 3) Plastoquinone 65. Only pigment system-I is concerned with 1) Photolysis of H2O 3) Non-cyclic photophosphorylation 4) PGA 4) Defoliation 4) P-700 4)All 4) Cytochrome 2)Cyclic photophosphorylation 4) Oxidativephosphorylation 66. The first electron carrier molecule for e- excited from P700 is 1) Cytochrome 2) Cu protein/Plastocyanin 3) FeS protein/Ferredoxin 4) Fe-Mg protein 67. Pigment system-II occurs in 1) Grana 2) Stroma 3) Matrix 68. During photosynthesis 4) Oxysomes 1) Water is reduced & CO2 is oxidized 2) CO2 is reduced & water is oxidized 3) Both CO2 & water get reduced 4) Both CO2 & water get oxidized 69. Connecting link between light phase and dark phase of photosynthesis. 1) OnlyATP 2) Only NADH2 3) Only NADPH2 4) ATP and NADPH2 70. Which photosynthetic pigment converts nascent oxygen to molecular oxygen 1) Chlorophyll-a 2) Carotenoids 3) Phycobilins 4) Chlorophyll-b 71. Hill reaction occurs in 1) High altitude plants 2) Total darkness 4) Absence of water 3) Presence of ferricyanide DARK REACTIONS (C3-PLANTS, C4-PLANTS, CAM-PLANTS) 72. In photosynthesis CO2 combines with 1) RUBP 2) ATP 3) ADP 76 4) PGA PHOTOSYNTHESIS Sr|12th NEET|BOTANY:VOL-II 73. During the dark reactions of photosynthesis 1) Water splits 2) CO2 is reduced to organic compounds 3) Chlorophyllis activated 4) Stable C6-sugar is broken into three carbon sugars 74. Carbohydrates, the most abundant biomolecules on earth, are produced by : 1) all bacteria, fungi and algae 2) fungi, algae and green plant cells 3) some bacteria, algae and green plants cells 4) viruses, fungi and bacteria 7 5. The enzyme that fixes atmospheric CO2 in C4 plants is 1) PEP carboxylase 2) Hexokinase 3) RUBP oxygenase 4) Hydrogenase 76. During photosynthesis when PGA is changed into phosphoglyceraldehyde which of the following reaction occur 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 1) Oxidation 2) Reduction 3) Electrolysis 4) Hydrolysis Carbon refixation in C4 plants occurs in chloroplasts of 1) Palisade tissue 2) Spongy Mesophyll 3) Bundle sheath cells 4) Gaurd cells Tropical plants like sugarcane show high efficiency of CO2 fixation because of 1) Calvin cycle 2) Hatch - Slack cycle 3) Cyclic photophosphorylation 4) TCA Cycle "Kranz" type of Anatomy is found in 1) C4 plant 2) C3 plant 3) Succulent plants 4) None of the above Ribulosediphosphate carboxylase enzyme, catalyse the carboxylation reaction between 1) CO2 and ribulose-1, 5-diphosphate 2) Oxaloacetic acid and acetyl Co-A 3) PGA and dihydroxyacetone phosphate 4) Ribulosediphosphate and phosphate glyceraldehyde Which of the following is C-4 plants 1) Maize 2)Atriplex 3) Sugarcane 4) All of the above C4 plants are adapted to 1) Hot and dry climate 2) Temperate climate 3) Cold and dry climate 4) Hotand Humidclimate C4 plants are found among 1) Onlygramineae 2) Onlymonocot 3) Only dicot 4) Monocots as well as dicots In case of C4 pathway, the first step is 1) CO2 combines with RUDP 2) CO2 combines with PGA 3) CO2 combines with PEP 4) CO2 combines with RMP 85. In dark reaction, first reaction is the 1) Carboxylation 2) Decarboxylation 3) Dehydrogenation 4) Deamination 86. Number of ATPmolecules requried for regeneration phase of RUBP during synthesis of 1 glucose molecule. 1) 6 2) 12 3) 18 4) 30 87. Isotopes employed to study the process of photosynthesis reaction. 1) S35 and P32 2) C14 and O18 3) N14 and Co60 4) N14 and O18 88. Chloroplast is present in bundle sheath cells of 3) CAM plants 4) Photorespiringplants 1) C3 - plants 2) C4 plants PHOTOSYNTHESIS 77 Sr|12th NEET|BOTANY:VOL-II 89. CO2 ir accepted by RUBP in C4 plants in 1) Mesophyll cells 2) Bundle sheath cells 90. Bundle sheath chloroplast of C4 plant are 1) Large & agranal 2) Large & granal 3) Stomatal gaurd cells 4)Epidermal cells 3) Small & agranal 4) Small & granal 91. Most efficient photosynthesis & presence of bundle sheath chloroplast are characteristics of 4) CAM plants 1) C3 plants 2) C2 plants 3) C4 plants 92. In C4 pathway the fixation of CO2 (by PEPCase) occurs in 1) Palisade tissue 2) Mesophyll 3) Bundle sheath 4) Gaurd cell 93. Synthesis of fructose in C4 pathway occurs in the chloroplast of 1) Spongymesophyll 2) Bundle sheath cells 3) Gaurd cells 4) Palisadetissue 94. In addition to the 12 molecules of NADP.H2 the energy required for the synthesis of one mole of hexose by C3 and C4 pathway is 1) 18 molecules of ATP 2) 30 molecules of ATP 3) 18 & 30 molecules of ATP respectively 4) 30 & 18 molecules of ATP respectively 95. How many molecules of water are needed by a green plant to produce one molecule of hexose/ reduce 6 molecules of CO2 1) 6 2) 12 3) 24 4) Only one 96. How many Calvin cycles would generate one molecules of glucose/hexose 1) One cycle 2) Three cycles 3) Six cycles 4) Twelvecycles 97. CAM - plants are mainly 1) Succulent xerophyte 2) Hydrophytes 3) Epiphytes 4) None of the above 98. The first stable product of Calvin cycle and HSK- cycle are 1) 4-C and 3-C compounds 2) 4-C and 6-C compounds 3) 3-C and 4-C compounds 4) 5-C and 4 - C compounds 99. Which of the following was used during discovery of Calvin cycle : 1) Spirogyra 2) Volvox 3) Chlamydomonas 4) Chlorella 100. In sugarcane plant 14CO2 is fixed in malic acid, in which the enzyme that fixes CO2 is 1) Ribulose biphosphate carboxylase 2) Phosphoenol pyruvic acid carboxylase (PEP-case) 3) Ribulosephosphate kinase 4) Fructose phosphatase PHOTORESPIRATION, BACTERIALPHOTOSYNTHESIS & FACTORS SPE OFNUTRITION IN PLANTS 101. The rate of photosynthesis does not depend upon 1) Light duration 2) Light intensity 3) Light quality(colour) 4) Temperature 102. Which one of the following have high CO2 compensation point 4) Alpine herbs 1) C2 plants 2) C3 plants 3) C4 plants 103. Solarisation is a process in which 1) Sugar are formed with the help of solar energy 2) Chlorophyll is formed 3)Destruction of chlorophyll 4) Mobilizationof light energy 78 PHOTOSYNTHESIS Sr|12th NEET|BOTANY:VOL-II 104. Accumulation of food in assimilatory cells results in 1) Increase in the rate of photosynthesis 2) Decrease in the rate of photosynthesis 3) No effect 4) May increase or decrease 105. As compared to a C3-plant how many additional molecules of ATPare needed for net production of one molecule of hexose sugar by C4-plants : 1) two 2) six 3) zero 4) twelve 106. First stable product of Photorespiration is 1) PGAL 2) Glycerate 3) Glycine 4) Phosphoglycolate 107. Etiolated plants are formed due to lack of 1) Light 2) Hg 3) Fe 4) Mg 108. During day light hours, the rate of photosynthesis is higher than that of respiration and the ratio of oxygen produced to that of consumed is 1) 10 : 1 2) 5 : 1 3) 1 : 1 4) 50 : 1 109. Generally atmospheric CO2 is not limiting for hydrophytes 1) Mesophytes plants fix H2S in their photosynthesis 2) These plants obtain CO2 from water in the form of HCO33) Glucose is not required for their respiration 4) All the above 110. Photorespiration is favoured by 1) Low light intensity 2) Low O2 and high CO2 3) Low temperature 4) High O2 and Low CO2 111. What is C2 - Cycle 1) Glycolate cycle 2) Calvin cycle 3) Kreb's cycle 4) TCA - cycle 112. Compensation point means 1) When the rate of photosynthesis is equal to rate of respiration 2) When there is neither photosynthesis nor respiration 3) When theentire food manufactured in photosynthesis remains unutilized 4) When availabilityof water equalise with necessityof water. 113. At the compensation point there will not be 1) Photosynthesis 2) Net gaseous exchange between the plant and its environment 3) Respiration in plants 4) Loss in weight of the plant in dark 114. What does not occur in photorespiration 1) Utilization of O2 2) Production of CO2 3) Synthesis of ATP 4) All the above 115. DCMU is an inhibitor of 1) PS-I 2) PS-II 3) Calvin cycle 4) Kreb's cycle 116. Main factor which limits the rate of photosynthesis on a clear day is 1) Chlorophyll 2) Light 3) CO2 4) Water 117. Photosynthetic bacteria differ from green plants in 1) Nature of their photosynthetic pigments 2) Type of electron donors 3) Photosynthetic process being non oxygenic 4) All of the above PHOTOSYNTHESIS 79 Sr|12th NEET|BOTANY:VOL-II 118. Which one of the following is wrong in relation to photorespiration 1) It occurs in chloroplasts 2) It occurs in daytime only 3) It is a characterisitic of C4 plants 4) It is a characteristic of C3 plants 119. Photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) represents the following range of wavelength 1) 400-700 nm 2) 500-600 nm 3) 450-950 nm 4) 340-450 nm 120. In C3 plants, the first stable product of photosynthesis during the dark reaction is 1) Phosphoglycereldehyde 2) Malic acid 3) Oxaloacetic acid 4) 3-phosphoglyceric acid 121. Plants adapted to low light intensity have 1) Leaves modified to spines 2) Large photosynthetic unit size than the sun plants 3) Higher rate of CO2 fixation than the sun plants 4) More extended root system 122. In chloroplasts, chlorophyll is present in the 1) Stroma 2) Outer membrane 3) Inner membrane 4) Thylakoids 123. Which one of the following categories of organisms do not evolve oxygen during photosynthesis 1) Red algae 2) Photosyntheticbacteria 3) C4-plants with Kranz anatomy 4) Blue green algae 124. Which pair is wrong 1) C3 plant-maize 2) Calvin cycle-PGA 3) Hatch anti Slack cycle - Maize 4) C4-plant- Kranz Anatomy 125. Photosynthesis in C4 plants is relatively less limited by atmospheric CO2 levels because : 1) Four carbon acids are the primary initial CO2 fixation products 2) The primaryfixation of CO2 is mediated via PEP carboxylase 3) Effective pumping of CO2 into bundlesheath cells 4) Rubisco in C4 plants has higher affinity for CO2 1) 2 11) 3 21) 4 31) 3 41) 4 51) 1 61) 3 71) 3 81) 4 91) 3 101) 1 111) 1 121) 2 2) 3 12) 3 22) 4 32) 1 42) 2 52) 4 62) 1 72) 1 82) 1 92) 2 102) 2 112) 1 122) 4 3) 2 13) 1 23) 2 33) 3 43) 4 53) 2 63) 4 73) 2 83) 4 93) 2 103) 3 113) 2 123) 2 4) 4 14) 1 24) 3 34) 3 44) 1 54) 1 64) 2 74) 3 84) 3 94) 3 104) 2 114) 3 124) 1 5) 4 15) 4 25) 1 35) 3 45) 3 55) 2 65) 2 75) 1 85) 1 95) 2 105) 4 115) 2 125) 3 6) 4 16) 3 26) 1 36) 4 46) 2 56) 2 66) 3 76) 2 86) 1 96) 3 106) 4 116) 3 80 7) 2 17) 2 27) 1 37) 3 47) 2 57) 3 67) 1 77) 3 87) 2 97) 1 107) 1 117) 4 8) 4 18) 2 28) 3 38) 4 48) 4 58) 2 68) 2 78) 2 88) 2 98) 3 108) 1 118) 3 9) 2 19) 4 29) 3 39) 2 49) 3 59) 2 69) 4 79) 1 89) 2 99) 4 109) 2 119) 1 10) 1 20) 1 30) 1 40) 1 50) 3 60) 3 70) 2 80) 1 90) 1 100) 2 110) 4 120) 4 PHOTOSYNTHESIS Sr|12th NEET|BOTANY:VOL-II AIPMT 2006 1. In photosystem-I, the first electron acceptor is 1) Plastocyanin 2)An iron-sulphur protein 3) Ferredoxin 4) Cytochrome 2. During photorespiration, the oxygen consuming reaction(s) occur in 1) Grana of chloroplasts and peroxisomes 3) Stroma of chloroplasts and mitochondria 2) Stroma of chloroplasts 4) Stroma of chloroplasts and peroxisomes AIPMT 2007 3. The first acceptor of electrons from an excited chlorophyll molecule of photosystem II is 1) Quinone 2) Cytochrome 3) Iron-sulphur protein 4) Ferredoxin 4. In the leaves of C4 plants, malic acid formation during CO2 fixation occurs in the cells of 1) Epidermis 2) Mesophyll 3) Bundle Sheath 4) Phloem AIPMT 2008 5. In leaves of C4 plants malic acid synthesis during CO2 fixation occurs in 1) Bundle sheath 2) Guard cells 3) Epidermal cells 4) Mesophyll cells 6. The C4 plants are photosynthetically more efficient than C3 plants because 1) The CO2 efflux is not prevented 2) They have more chloroplasts 3) The CO2 compensation point is more 4) CO2 generated during photorespiration is trapped and recycled through PEP carboxylase 7. Electrons from excited chlorophyll molecule of photosystem II are accepted first by 1) Quinone 2) Ferredoxin 3) Cytochrome-b 4) Cytochrome-f 3) Chbrobium 4) Chromatium AIPMT 2009 8. Oxygenic photosynthesis occurs in 1) Oscillatoria 2) Rhodospirillum 9. Cyclic photophosphorylation results in the formation of 1) ATP and NADPH 4) NADPH 2) ATP, NADPH and O2 3) ATP AIPMT-Pre 2010 10. PGA as the first CO2 fixation product was discovered in photosynthesis of : 1) Bryophyte PHOTOSYNTHESIS 2) Gymnosperm 3)Angiosperm 81 4)Alga Sr|12th NEET|BOTANY:VOL-II 11. C4 plants are more efficient in photosynthesis than C3 plants due to : 1) Higher leaf area 2) Presence of larger number of choloplasts in the leaf cells 3) Presence of thin cuticle 4) Lower rate of photorespiration 12. Study the pathway given below. Atmospheric CO 2 Plasma membrane Mesophyll cell Cell wall HCO3-Phosphoenolpyruvate (3C) 2ATP A C OAA (C4acid) NADP NADPH PEP(C3 acid) Malic/Aspartic acid(C 4 acid) Bundle sheath cell Transport Transport Fixation by Calvin Cycle Malic/Aspartic acid (C4 acid) CO2 Pyruvic acid (C 3 acid) B In which of the following options correct words for all the three blanks A, B and C are indicated ? 1) A-Fixation B-Transamination C-Regeneration 2) A-Fixation B-Decarboxylation C-Regeneration 3) A-Carboxylation B-Decarboxylation C-Reduction 4) A-Decarboxylation B-Reduction C-Regeneration 13. Read the following four statements, A, B, C and D and select the right option having both correct statements. Statements : A) Z scheme of light reaction takes place in present of PSI only. B) Only PSI is functional in cyclic photophosphorylation C) Cyclic photophosphorylation results into synthesis ofATP and NADPH2 D) Stroma lamellae lack PSII as well as NADP Options : 82 PHOTOSYNTHESIS Sr|12th NEET|BOTANY:VOL-II 1) A and B 2) B and C 3) C and D 4) B and D 3) Disease resistance 4) Reproduction AIPMT-Pre 2011 14. CAM helps the plants in 1) Conserving water 2) Secondary growth AIPMT-Mains 2011 15. In Kranz anatomy, the bundle sheath cells have: 1) thick walls, manyintercellular spaces and few chloroplasts 2) thin walls, manyintercellular spaces and no chloroplasts. 3) thick walls, no intercellular spaces and large number of chloroplasts. 4) thin walls, no intercellular spaces and several chloroplasts. AIPMT-Pre 2012 16. A process that makes important difference between C3 and C4 plants is 1) Photosynthesis 2) Photorespiration 3) Transpiration 4) Glycolysis 17. The correct sequence of cell organelles during photorespiration is 1) Chloroplast-mitochondria-peroxisome 2) Chloroplast-vacuole-peroxisome 3) Chloroplast-Golgibodies-mitochondria 4) Chloroplast-Rough endoplasmic reticulum- Dictyosomes AIPMT 2014 18. Anoxygenic photosynthesis is characteristic of 1) Rhodospirillum 2) Spirogyra 3) Chlamydomonas 4) Ulva 3) Growth 4) Movement Re-AIPMT 2015 19. Chromatophores take part in : 1) Respiration 2) Photosynthesis 20. In photosynthesis, the light-independent reactions take place at : 1)Stromal matrix 2) Thylakoid lumen 3) Photosystem - I 4) Photosystem-II NEET-I 2016 21. Emerson's enhancement effect and Red drop have been instrumental in the discovery of 1) Photophosphorylation and non-cyclic electron transport 2) Two photosystems operating simultaneously 3) Photophosphorylation and cyclic electron transport 4) Oxidative phosphorylation 22. In a chloroplast the highest number of protons are found in :PHOTOSYNTHESIS 83 Sr|12th NEET|BOTANY:VOL-II 1) Stroma 2) Lumen of thylakoids 3) Inter membrane space 4)Antennae complex 23. A plant in your garden avoids photorespiratory losses, has improved water use efficiency shows high rates of photosynthesis at high temperatures and has improved efficiency of nitrogen utilisation. In which of the following physiological groups wouldyou assign this plant ? 1) C3 3) CAM 2) C4 4) Nitrogen fixer NEET -II 2016 24. The process which makes major difference between C3 and C4 plants is 1) Calvin Cycle 2) photorespiration 3) respiration 4) Glycolysis 25. Oxidative phosphorylation is 1) Formation of ATP by transfer of phosphate group from a substrate to ADP 2) Oxidation of phosphate group in ATP 3) Addition of phosphate group to ATP 4) Formation of ATP by energyreleased from electrons removed during substrate NEET 2017 26. With reference to factors affecting the rate of photosynthesis, which of the following statements is not correct ? 1) Increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration upto 0.05% can enhance CO2 fixation rate 2) C3 plants respond to higher temperature with enhanced photosynthesis while C4 plants have much lower temperature optimum 3) Tomato is a green house crop which can be grown in CO2 enriched atmosphere for higher yield 4) Light satureation for CO2 fixation occurs at 10% of full sunlight 27. Phosphoenol pyruvate (PEP) is the primary CO2 acceptor in 1) C4 plants 2) C2 plants 3) C3 and C4 plants 4) C3 plants 1) 2 2) 1 3) 4 4) 2 5) 4 6) 2 7) 1 8) 1 9) 3 10) 4 11) 2 12) 2 13) 4 14) 1 15) 3 16) 2 17) 1 18) 1 19) 2 20) 1 21) 2 22) 2 23) 2 24) 2 25) 2 26) 2 27) 1 1. "Only green part of the plants could release oxygen" this is shown by 1) Priestley 2) Moll 3) Ingenhousz 3) Julius Van Sachs 2. In Calvin cycle which step involve utilisation of 2 molecules of ATP for phosphorylation and two of 84 PHOTOSYNTHESIS Sr|12th NEET|BOTANY:VOL-II NADPH2 per CO2 molecule fixed ? 1) Regeneration 2) Carboxylation 3) Reduction 4) All of above 3. Which character make C4 plants special ? 1) Special type of leaf anatomy 2) They can tolerate high temperature 3) Show response to high light intensities 4) All of the above 4. Most abundant enzyme in the world is 1) Collagen 2) RubisCO 3) PEPcase 4) Pyruvate dikinase 5. PS-II is physically located on 1) Inner side of the membrane of the thylakoid 2) Outer side of the membrane of the thylakoid 3) Middle of the membrane of the thylakoid 4) None of the above 6. For every CO2molecule entering the Calvin cycle, required energy is 1) 3 ATP and 2 NADPH 2) 2 ATP and 3 NADPH 3) 3 ATP and 3 NADPH 4) 2 ATP and 2 NADPH 7. In C4 plants, bundle sheath cell are characterised by 1) Large number of chloroplasts 2) Thick walls impervious to gaseous exchange 3) No intercellular spaces 4) All the above 8. Which enzyme is absent in mesophyll cells of C4 plants ? 1) RubisCO 2) PEPcase 3) Both (1) and (2) 4) None of the above 9. In C4 plants photorespiration does not occur, due to: 1) Presence of RubisCO enzyme 2) Presence of high light intensity 3) Increased concentration of CO2 at RuBisCO enzyme site 4) Presence of bundle sheath cells. 10. In photosynthesis during ATP formation accumulation of protons occurs 1) in lumen of thylakoid 2) in stroma of chloroplast 3) in stroma lamellae 4) at outer surface of thylakoid 11. By using the bell jar, which of the following showed that sunlight is essential to plant process that purifies the air? 1) Joseph priestley 2) Julius Von Sachs 3) T.W. Engelmann 4) Jan Ingenhousz 12. Radioisotopic technique was used to prove some facts about 1) light reactionof photosynthesis 2) biosynthetic phase of photosynthesis 3) Both (1) and (2) 4) Different shapes of chloroplasts in plants 13. For the synthesis of one molecule of sucrose, how may ATP molecules are required in reduction step of Calvin cycle? PHOTOSYNTHESIS 85 Sr|12th NEET|BOTANY:VOL-II 1) 24 ATP 2) 18 ATP 3) 2 ATP 4) 12 ATP 14. The plants with Hatch and Slack pathway are adapted to 1) humid temperate regions 2) dry temperate regions 3) humid tropical regions 4) drytropical regions 15. C3 plants have been used as greenhouse crops for higher yields because 1) These plants show CO2 saturation at about 360 IL-l 2) Current availability of CO2 levels is limiting to C3 plants 3) These plants are photosyntheticallymore efficient than C4 plants 4) C3 plants loses less water as compare to C4 plants 16. Word dark reaction for biosynthetic phase of photosynthesis is misnomer word because 1) Dark reaction occur during dark 2) Dark reaction occur during day 3) Dark reaction is completelyfree from light 4) Dark reaction occur during short dark intervals 17. Fhotosynthetic photosystem is consist of 1) Reaction centre only 2) LHC only 3) Both LHC & reaction centre 4) LHC, reaction centre and ETC 18. In grana lamellae, presence of which of the following specify that ‘z’ scheme found only in grana lamellae? 1) PS-I, PS-II 2) PS-II & NADP reductase 3) Presence of PS-I & NADP reductase 4) Presence of Mg++ in lumen 19. Which of the following is not needed for photophosphorylation? 1) Photon 2) Proton pump-Co-Q 3) Membrane 4) Proton gradient 20. At higher light intensities gradually rate of photosynthesis 1) Further increases 2) Further decreases 3) Does not show further increase 4) First decreases then increases 21. An elegant experiment with an aquatic plant showed that in bright sunlight, small bubbles were formed around the green parts while in the dark they did not. It was done by 1) Jan Ingenhousz 2) Van Sachs 3) Priestley 4) Van Niel 22. Based on his studies of purple & green bacteria who demonstrated that photosynthesis is essentially a light dependent reaction in which hydrogen from a suitable oxidisable compound reduces CO2 to carbohydrates? 1) Van Niel 2) Von Sachs 3) Calvin 4) Priestley 23. Which of following is correct about dark reaction? 1) It is not directly light driven but are dependent on products of light reaction (ATP & NADPH) 2) It occurs in stroma of chloroplast by enzymatic reaction 3) Both 4) None of above 86 PHOTOSYNTHESIS Sr|12th NEET|BOTANY:VOL-II 24. Which of the following is most crucial step of Calvin cycle? 1) Carboxylation 2) Reduction 3) Regeneration 4) None 25. How many ATPare required for regeneration of RUBP in one Calvin cycle. 1) 6 ATP 2) 1 ATP 3) 3 ATP 4) 12 ATP 26. How much energy in terms of ATPequivalents is consumed in the photosynthetic production of a mole of hexose 1) 36 ATP eq. 2) 38 ATP eq. 3) 40 ATP eq. 4) 54 ATP eq. 27. Glycolate accumulates in chloroplast at 1) Low temp. 2) Low CO2 3)Visiblelight illumination 4) High CO2 28. Represented below is the graph showing action spectrum of photosynthesis superimposed on absorption spectrum of chlorophyll 'a'. Which one of the following is correct for this ? 1) There is a complete one to one overlap between the absorption and action spectrum 2) Bythis overlapping it can be concluded that chlorophyll 'a' is the chief pigment of photosynthesis 3) This overlapping shows that onlychlorophyl 'a' absorb the entire light energy 4) These graphs show that photosynthesis occurs only in the wavelengths of blue and red light 29. Which of the following is the product of oxidation during photosynthesis ? 1) Carbondioxide 2) Glucose 3) Water 4) Oxygen 30. Find out the correct match from the following table Column-I Column-II Column-III i) Photochemical phase ii) Paper Chromatography Photosystem II Chlorophyll 'b' Oxygen release iii) Carotenoids Chief pigment Red light absorption 1) (i) only 2) (i) and (ii) Yellow orange 3)(iii) only 4) (ii) and (iii) 31. In CAM plants, photophosphorylation occurs in 1) Bundle sheathcell, during night 2) Mesophyll cell, during daytime 3)Mesophyll cell, duringnight 4) Bundle sheath cell, during daytime PHOTOSYNTHESIS 87 Sr|12th NEET|BOTANY:VOL-II 32. In Calvin cycle, CO2 is fused with primary acceptor molecule to form 3C compound phosphoglycerate. If in this reaction CO2 provides one carbon then how many carbons are present in primary acceptor molecule ? 1) Five carbons 2) Two carbons 3) Six carbons 4) Three carbons 33. In photosynthesis, NADPH + H+ are oxidised in 1) Calvin cycle 2) noncyclicphotophosphorylation 3) cyclic photophosphorylation 4) Z-scheme 34. Enzyme, which can catalyse both carboxylation and oxygenation of RuBP in the chloroplast, is not found in which of the following cells ? 1) Mesophyll cells of C4 plants 2) Mesophyll cells of C3 plants 3) Mesophyll cells of CAM plants 4) Bundle sheath cells of C4 plants 35. The product of light reaction of photosynthesis, which is not common between cyclic and non cyclic photophosphorylation and is not utilized in Calvin cycle, is 1) O2 2) ATP 3) NADPH2 4) O2 and ATP 36. During Z-scheme of photosynthesis which of the following not helps in creation of proton gradient? 1) Release of protons in stroma by water splitting 2) Presence of H-carriers in the thylakoid membrane 3) Reduction of NADP+ 4) Oxidation of water by photosystem-II 37. "Plants restore to the air whatever breathing animals and burning candles remove". This was hypothesised by 1) Stephen Hales 2) Jan Ingenhousz 3) Joseph Priestley 4) Ruben and Kamen 3) Pheophytin 4) FRS 38. Primary electron acceptor of P700 is 1) Plastocyanin 2) Plastoquinone 39. Which phase of Calvin cycle does/do not use any energy rich molecule 1) Carboxylation only 2) Carboxylation and reduction 3) Reductionand regeneration 4) Reduction only 40. The C4 plants differ from C3 plants with reference to the 1) Substance that accepts CO2 in carbon assimilation. 2) Type of end product of photosynthesis 3) Number of NADPH2 that are consumed in synthesis of hexose 4) Type of pigments involved in photosynthesis. 41. How many quanta of light are required per NADPH + H+ formation ? 1) 8 quanta 2) 16 quanta 3) 4 quanta 4) 2 quanta 42. The common feature between non-cyclic and cyclic photophosphorylation is 1) Proton gradient formation 2) Release of O2 3) Formation of NADPH + H+ 4) Photolysis of water 88 PHOTOSYNTHESIS Sr|12th NEET|BOTANY:VOL-II 43. The second acceptor of CO2 in C4 plants is 1) PEP 2) Malate 3) Aspartate 4) RuBP 44. In C4 plants, RuBisCO is present in 1) Agranal chloroplasts in mesophyll cells 2) Granal chloroplasts in mesophyll cells 3)Agranal Chloroplasts in bundle sheath cells 4) Granal Chloroplasts in bundle sheath cells 45. How many NADPH + H+ are produced in cyclic photophosphorylation per 4e- flow in its ETS. 1) One 2) Two 3) Four 4) Zero 1) 3 2) 3 3) 4 4) 2 5) 1 6) 1 7) 4 8) 1 9) 3 10) 1 11) 4 12) 3 13) 1 14) 4 15) 2 16) 2 17) 3 18) 2 19) 2 20) 3 21) 1 22) 1 23) 3 24) 1 25) 2 26) 4 27) 2 28) 2 29) 4 30) 1 31) 2 32) 1 33) 1 34) 1 35) 1 36) 1 37) 3 38) 4 39) 1 40) 1 41) 3 42) 1 43) 4 44) 3 45) 4 Directions for Assertion & Reason questions These questions consist of two statements each, printed as Assertion and Reason. While answering these Questions you are required to choose any one of the following four responses. A) If both Assertion & Reason are True & the Reason is a correct explanation of the Assertion. B) If both Assertion & Reason are True but Reason is not a correct explanation of the Assertion. C) If Assertion is True but the Reason is False. D) If both Assertion & Reason are false. 1. Assertion : Photosynthesis is a physico-chemical process Reason : In photosynthesis transfer of light is a physical process, while synthesis of carbohydrate is a chemical process. 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 2. Assertion : In photosynthesis there is synthesis of glucose but it is stored in form of starch. Reason : Glucose is osmoticallyactive while starch is osmoticallyinactive 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 3. Assertion : Photosynthesis is the uphill process, while respiration is the down hill process. Reason : In photosynthesis CO2(weak e- acceptor) and in respiration O 2 (strong e - acceptor) are used as substrate. 1) A PHOTOSYNTHESIS 2) B 3) C 89 4) D Sr|12th NEET|BOTANY:VOL-II 4. Assertion : Biosynthetic phase of photosynthesis is known as dark reaction. Reason : It takes place in absence of light. 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5. Assertion : Presence of accessory pigments enhances rate of photosynthesis. Reason : Theyenable a wider range of wavelength of incoming light to be utilised for photosynthesis. 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 6. Assertion : Excitement of electron from PS to first e- acceptor is uphill process. Reason : Redox potential of first e- acceptor is less than the ground state of reaction centre. 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 7. Assertion : The whole scheme of transfer of electrons strarting from PS-II to NADP+ is called z-zcheme. Reason : When all the carriers of this scheme are placed in sequence on a redox potential scale. Theyappear like Z. 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 8. Assertion : Both PS-I and PS-II are located on stroma thylakoid membrane Reason : Photolysis of water and reduction of NADP+ takes place in stroma site. 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 9. Assertion : In Stroma lamellae cyclic photophosphorylalion is the onlymean of ATP synthesis Reason : In stroma lamellae both PS-II and NADP reductase enzyme are absent. 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 10. Assertion : Energy is not required to pump protons from stroma to lumen. Reason : Movement of protons from stroma to lumen is carried out through facilitated diffusion. 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 11. Assertion : Biosynthetic phase of photosynthesis is also termed as dark reaction. Reason : Biosynthetic phaseis not directlydependenton light but it is supported byproductsof light reactions. 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 12. Assertion : In all photosynthetic plants first fixation product during biosynthetic phase of photosynthesis is PGA. Reason : PGAis the most stable product and is synthesised from both RuBPand PEP, whenever theyact as first CO2 accepting substance. 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 13. Assertion : Carboxylation is the most crucial step of the Calvin cycle. Reason : In carboxylation both ATP and reducing power get consumed. 1) A 2) B 14. Assertion : To make one molecule of glucose 6 3) C 4) D turns of Calvin cycle are required. Reason : In each turn of Calvin cycle there is fixation of one CO2 only while 6CO2 are required for each 90 PHOTOSYNTHESIS Sr|12th NEET|BOTANY:VOL-II glucose. 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 15. Assertion : C4 pathwaycan not effectively work at low temperature conditions. Reason : Enzyme PPDK does not effectively work at low temperature. 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 16. Assertion : C4 plants can tolerate high light intensities. Reason : Concentric arrangement of mesophyll leads to minimum surface area so that effect of high light intensity can be overcome. 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 17. Assertion : In C4 plants there is no photorespiration. Reason : In C4 plants photolysis of H2O and Rubisco activity occurs in different cells. 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 18. Assertion : C4 plants show greater productivity of biomass. Reason : In C4 plants there is no photo respiration and maximum absorption of sunlight. 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 19. Assertion : C4 plants can perform better phtosynthesis even in low CO2 level in atmosphere. Reason : In C4 plants there is efficient pumping of CO2 to bundle sheath cells. 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 20. Assertion : In mesophyll cells of C4 plants there is no sugar formation after fixation of CO2. Reason : In mesophyll cells there is no Rubisco so C3 cycle events can not operate. 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 21. Assertion : In C4 plants CO2 always transports to bundle sheath cells from mesophyll cells in the form of malicacid Reason : OAA is always reduced into malic acid in C4 plants. 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 22. Assertion : C4 plants are less efficient than C3 plants. Reason : In C4 plants respiration is to provide more number of ATP and NADPH2 for reduction of CO2 in to glucose and regeneration. 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 23. Assertion : The basic pathway that results in formation of sugars, the Calvin path way is common to the C3 and C4 plants. Reason : C3 path is the only biosynthetic path which yields sugar from CO2. 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 24. Assertion : Rubisco show either carboxylation or oxygenation activityat a time. Reason : Binding of CO2 or O2 is competitive and relative concentration of O2 and CO2 determine which will bind to the enzyme. PHOTOSYNTHESIS 91 Sr|12th NEET|BOTANY:VOL-II 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 25. Assertion : Photorespiration is one of the wasteful processes. Reason : In Photo respiration there is no synthesis of ATP and NADPH 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 26. Assertion : In C4 plants there is no photorespiration. Reason : Rubisco of C4 plants does not show oxygenation affinity. 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 27. Assertion : Photosynthetic productivity of plants is also governed by genetic predisposition. Reason : C3 or C4 nature of plant is ultimatelycontrolled by genetic constitution of plant. 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 28. Assertion : In Aquatic conditions usually CO2 concentration regulates the rate of photosynthesis. Reason : In Aquatic conditions generally CO2 is available at suboptimal level. 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 29. Assertion : In terrestrial conditions CO2 usuallyacts as main determining factor of photosynthesis. Reason : Usually CO2 is available at sub optimal level in terrestrial conditions. 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 30. Assertion : Except sciophyte and plants of dense forest, light is rarely a limiting factor in nature. Reason : Light saturation occurs at 10 percent of full summer sunlight. 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 31. Assertion : In C3 plants increase in CO2 concentration will increase their productivity. Reason : In C3 plants CO2 saturation point is 450 ppm. 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 32. Assertion : Water stress primarily shows indirect effect on photosynthesis. Reason : Water stress leads to closure of stomata and prevent gaseous exchange. 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 33. Assertion : Indirectly water stress leads to decrease in photosynthesis. Reason : Water stress leads to wilt of leaves and minimise their surface area. 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 1) 1 2) 1 3) 1 4) 3 5) 1 6) 1 7) 1 8) 4 9) 1 10) 4 11) 1 12) 4 13) 3 14) 1 15) 1 16) 1 17) 1 18) 1 19) 1 20) 1 21) 4 22) 4 23) 1 24) 1 25) 1 26) 3 27) 1 28) 4 29) 1 30) 1 92 PHOTOSYNTHESIS