EXODUS EDUCATION INITIATIVES, KAMPALA Primary Four Progressive Assessment Mid Term Two 2022 Mathematics Time Allowed: 2 hours 15 minutes Name:_________________________________________________________________________ School Name: _____________________________________________________________________ SECTION A 1.Add: 2 0 + 1 6. 5 The cost of one pencil is shs 600. Find the cost of 4 similar pencils. 2. Fill in the missing number - 5 = 3 7. 3. Shade P Q P 4. Draw a rectangle in the space below. Q Write 6943 in words 8. 5. Workout the distance around the Subtract: 7 - 4 10 10 figure below. 8 metres 6 metres 9. Write the place of 9 in 5943 7 metres 1 EXODUS EDUCATION INITIATIVES P.4 TEL : 0700433026 0750476095 10. Workout: 3 960 15. P How many members are there in set 11. If stands for 5 padlocks. P? How many padlocks are represented by, 16. Expand: 2937 17. Write XIX in Hindu Arabic numeral. 2 12.What is of 18 Mangoes. 3 18.Complete correctly 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = ____ x ___ = ____ 13.Use a number line to work out 3+6 0 19.Write the shaded fraction. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20.How many minutes are there in 3 14.Subtract: 3 8 5 litres hours? - 2 7 3 litres 2 EXODUS EDUCATION INITIATIVES P.4 TEL : 0700433026 0750476095 SECTION B 23. 21. Find the missing numbers a) b) _______ + 10 = 15 (1 mark @) _______ - 11 = 9 Study the price list below and answer questions that follow. Item cost 1kg of sugar sh. 3000 A loaf of bread sh. 4000 A tin of blue band sh. 2500 A bar of soap sh. 2000 a) Find the cost of 2 kg of sugar (2 marks) c) 4 x _______ = 32 d) _______ ÷ 4 = 5 b) How much is the most expensive item (1 mark) 22. How many quarters make 3 wholes? (2 marks) c) Find the cost of all the items (2 marks) b) Jane ate 2 3 of her orange. Find the fraction of the orange that remained. (2 marks) 3 EXODUS EDUCATION INITIATIVES P.4 TEL : 0700433026 0750476095 24. Use the Venn diagram below to answer the questions that follow. N hen duck b) Draw the shapes (2marks each) i) Semi circle ii) Kite 26. Round off 250 to the nearest M dog cat cow a) Find N M goat (2 marks) b) List down members of N (2 marks) hundreds. c) Find NM (1 mark) (2 marks) b) Change 24 to roman numeral (2marks) c) 25. Name the shape below. Workout the number which has been expanded to give; (8x 1000) + (4 x 100)+(2x10) +(7x 1) (1) ________________ (2) _______________ 4 EXODUS EDUCATION INITIATIVES P.4 TEL : 0700433026 0750476095 (2 marks) 27. Fill in the missing months of the year. 29. Study the rectangle below and answer questions that follow. a January, February , ____________, April, _________________, June, July, ________________ , b 5cm September, ______________, 8cm November, ________________ ( 1 mark each) 28. a) Find the value of : A family uses 3 loaves of bread a = ____________ ( 1 mark) every day. How many loaves of bread b = _____________ ( 1 mark) does the family use in 45 days b) Work out the area of the (2 marks) rectangle 30. b) Workout: ( 2 marks) Complete correctly. (3 marks) 2 3 4 x 2 (2 marks) ¼ + _____ = _______ 5 EXODUS EDUCATION INITIATIVES P.4 TEL : 0700433026 0750476095 b) Samuel read the morning and 2 7 3 7 of the book in of it in the evening. Find the fraction of the book Samuel did read. ( 2 marks) 32. The graph shows the number of mangoes sold in the first 4 days of the week. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Stands for 10 mangoes a) How many mangoes were sold on Monday 31. Complete the magic square below. (5 marks ) B 6 d Q 10 12 9 14 c b) Find the difference between the biggest and the smallest number of mangoes sold. (2 marks) c) Workout the total number of mangoes sold in the first 4 days of the week 6 EXODUS EDUCATION INITIATIVES P.4 TEL : 0700433026 0750476095 (2 marks)