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Onion Farming in Kenya: A Beginner's Guide

CONTACT :0713648229
2.Onion varieties in Kenya
3.Onion diseases
4.How to control the most destructive pests in onion farming
5.Major Onion Pests
6.Best Fertilizer for onions
7.How can you earn sh 800,000 from one acre of onions in 4 months
8.How to plant all onions varities
9.The Cost of onion farming in Kenya
10.Challenges Facing Onion Farming
Hello,My name is Jowi Ochieng .My phone number is 0713648229.My email is
Ochibz001@gmail.com. I am a writer and my aim is to educate Kenyans on Agricultural
knowledge in Kenya.
Are you aspiring to start Onion farming in Kenya ?Well this book provides all the information
that you will need to get started.Onion is one of the crops that are grown in Kenya both on
small scale and large scale.The Onions majorly grown in Kenya come in two different types
which are the Spring Onion and the Red Creole Bulb Onion.The Spring Onion is easy to plant
and does not need a lot of maintenance .This is the reason why you will find that many people
have planted them in their kitchen gardens .Morever ,the spring onions also take a shorter time
to grow when compared to bulb onions.
Onions are cultivated and used as a food item .They are usually served or cooked as a
vegetable or part of a prepared savory dish but can also be eaten raw in salads.
Bulb Onion Varieties :Red Creole ,Bombay, Texas Early Grano(white) ,Red Pinoy ,Red Passion
F1,Tropican F1 ,Orient F1,Silvan F1,BGS 130, Flare F1 ,Red Snack ,Ruby F1 ,Red nice F1
Spring Onion Varities :Spring green bunching,white Lisbon,American flag ,Italian giant.
Red Creole onions are very easy to grow as long as you grow them in their perfect temperature
with the right type of soil.These type of onions require mild temperatures .In simple
words ,they grow in a location that has full ssun as well as medium rain :infact ,the best time to
grow onions in Kenya is on hot months like January.The Red Creole onions are very hard and
therefore they require water moderately .The good thing is that they can also grow well in
places that have intense cold temperature:favouring the farmers.
Which is the best soil to grow Red Creole Onions ?
Well,the Red Creole Onions can do well in Clay ,Loamy or Sandy soils.The P.H Should at least
range between 6.0 to about 7.0 .This range P.H logically tells the potential farmers that they
should grow this type of onions in places that have weak acidic or neural areas.How do you
determine the P.H of the soil ?Well ,thes soil kits are available in agricultural stores in
Kenya .Another alternative of checking the PH of your soil to your nearest extension office for
checking or testing.
Red Creole Onion Plant life cycle is 3 or more years .It is usually grows to a height of around
45.0cm; it is stem less.If you want to commence on the onion farming business ,it is best if you
start with Red Creole Onions because it requires very little work.
Step 1:Purchasing Of the Red Creole Onion Seeds
Where do you purchase the seeds? In Kenya ,there are so many seeds stores that you can do
the purchasing .Some even order them online or buy locally from onion farmers near them.Now
that you know the perfect climate for growing the Red Creole Onions ,we hope that you
considered that before Where do you purchase the seeds? In Kenya ,there are so many seeds
stores that you can do the purchasing .Some even order them online or buy locally from onion
farmers near them.Now that you know the perfect climate for growing the Red Creole
Onions ,we hope that you considered that before you commenced on the buying of bthe seeds
to avoid lose.
Step 2:Start with indoor planting
If you start with the indoor planting you will definitely be giving the onions time to grow ,time
to leaf ,as well as make them grow in big bulb sizes.The good thing is that if you prefer to grow
them outdoor ,you can purchase the outdoor onion plants.
Step 3:Plant the Onions
In each cell,you can place at least 4 to 5 seeds ,that is if you have the individual cells starter.The
appropriate depth should not be more than a half inch and a quarter inch apart.What is a
cell ?well the cup of soil that you place the plants is what is referred to as a cell.
In most cases ,onion farmers prefer to plant their onions on raised beds which have a bed like
structure at the middle .You should also try them and border them with wood bricks ,wood or
the concrete.
Step 4 :Water your Onions
The Red Creole Onions require good amounts of water and therefore if you want a huge
harvest ,you should water them properly .Most Onion successful farmers in Kenya identify
when the Onions need water by checking the moist of the soil.Have in mind that you
commence to half watering the onions regularly once you notice the bulbs getting larger.
Step 6: Harvest your Onions
The Red Creole Onions are usually very hard compared to other onions and they are also flat in
100 to 175 days your onions will be ready for harvest .The good thing is that the green onions
are also good and they can be harvested in not more than 3 weeks .The best time to harvest
your onions is during October and January ,this is because most Kenyans depend on Tanzania
The Red Creole Onion plant life circle is 3 or more years .It usually grows to a height of around
45.0cm ,it is stem less .The good thing is that it requires little labour and that is the reason why
it is considered to be the best for a starter farmer .If you watch after them they will definitely
earn you huge profits.
These Lilly family onions has a couple of health benefits into our bodies apart from spicing our
foods .The Red Creole Onions usually have a white flesh that is crisp as well as sweet that edged
with a red colour.The phytomechicals in them give long lasting health benefits into our
bodies ,shrinking chronic diseases inclusive.
1.Red Creole Onions Prevents our bodies from getting infected with cancer
Cancer disese has caused a number of deaths in the country for making cells grow in
uncontrollable manner ,it divides and get to invade other tissues .Red Creole Onions contains a
chemical that is very powerful for fighting cancer referred to as quercetin .Quercetin is the
reason the onions are red in colour and the chemical belongs to flavonoids sprout pigments.
The Red Creole Chemical inhibits the cancer cells increment from the
ovarian ,prostrate ,colon ,btreast as well as the gastric cancer.In simple terms, the chemical is
responsible in boosting your immune system to help it be able to prevent tumors .Something
else that you have to note is that when you combine turmeric and quercetin you will definitely
by reducing the number as well as the size of the human intestinal tract prancancerous lesions.
Red Creole onions are also known to fight the free radicals that are usually responsible for
gastic cancer .This means that chewing onions are capable of reducing the chances of you
getting gastric cancer.Chew the raw onions and prevent the deadly disease that has taken away
most of our loved ones.
2.Red Creole Onions improves human Oral health
Logically ,one can avoid chewing onions for causing bad breath .Right ?when you compare the
bad breath with the benefits that the onions will cause in your mouth ,we are sure you will take
a crisp and start chewing ,of law onion is knoiwn to fight off tooth decay bacteria.\
This means that it is capable of killing germs in our mouth and chewing of raw onion for about
2 to 3 minutes will do you good.Red Creole Onions are also responsible for improving the
strength of our teeth.
What most people do to make the onions be eaten ,they dice them into small pieces ,add diced
tomatoes and sprinkle salt to taste ;in Kenya many refer to it as kachumbari in this way you will
find it more tasteful.
Red Creole have many nutritional uses that makes the Kenyans to make as a major part of their
meals.Some of its uses include:
1.Red Creole onions spices our food.The punget flavor that it has is excellent for giving foods a
sweet taste to that soup ,sauce ,vegetable or stew.They just make any savoy dish to be very
2.Red Creole onions are used to make salads colourful :In Kenya ,we call it kachumbari.
3.Red Creole Onioms have low amounts of calorie and therefore they make our bodies healthy
especially those who are fighting to lose weight.
4.Red Creole Onions when eaten raw they act as a natural antibiotic in our bodies.This is
because they clean liver as well as lower the cholesterol in the blood.
5.Raw Red Creole onions are known to be high in folic acid ,vitamins (B1,B,K And C) Organic
sulphur as well as phosphorus.
6.These Onions are a good source of fibre and chromium.Have in mind that Chromium is very
essential in our bodies in that it metabolizes the proteins ,fats as well as carbohydrates .It is
also essential in enhancing insulin action.
Every business that one ventures in has to have challenges .Growing Red Creole Onions either
for consumption or for business it comes with challenges like climate ,labour ,high prices of
farm inputs ,pests and diseases furthermore lack of proper storage facilities by many Kenyans.
1.Climate Change
As told ealier the best climate for growing Red Creole Onions is full sun.This means that during
rainy seasons onion growing areas in Kenya are greatly affected .For instance ,this year almost
every part of Kenya has been having heavy rains causing a very high increase in the Onion
prices.Let us share with you the current prices of Onions in Kenya so that you can prove our
point in a more clear manner.
According to Agriculturalists ,the Onion growing current prices in Kenya ranges at Sh.167 per
kilo.When you compare the current price with that of 2017 ,you will definitely notice a fast
price growth in that a kilo was ranging Sh.118 .The high prices are affecting the Kenyan making
them to have no choice but to squeeze their household budgets,.The rains are highly affecting
the red creole onion production.
2.Pests and Diseases
If pests and diseases are not controlled they will highly reduce the quality of your Red Creole
onions leading to low Red Creole yield per acre .This is because foliar disease ,fungal
diseases ,as well as bulb rots are prone to attack onions.The fungal diseases include
mildew ,leafrot,neck rot as well as rust .If no controlled it will highly spread to other plots
causing low yields of onion production per acre.
3.Lack of Perfect Warehouse
As said earlier ,most farmers prefer growing their onions in Small Scale .Yes ,they are Large
Scale farmers but you cannot compare them in terms of numbers .Installing a perfect
warehouse beomes a major problem to the smallscale farmers to an extent of making them sell
their produce at a loss.
If you are a farmer and you notice mould on your stored onions that are soft and have a
rotting appearance ,then the condition of your storage is damp.The solution to this is by
checking the stored onions so that you can remove them from the rest to avoid the rotting to
spread on healthy onions.
4.High Prices Of Inputs of the Red Creole Onion Farming in Kenya
The high prices of farm inputs in Kenya are making many shun away from farming .The prices of
the seeds ,the fertiklizers ,the tools and other inputs should be lowered because the demand of
food will forever be there.Yes,the farmers make good profits in farming ,but you can imagine a
farmer spending too much on by purchasing the inputs and then he or she undergoes a
loss.Losses are unpredictable because the climate as well as environment factors cannot be
controlled.The government should at least consider to lowe the prices so as to encourage many
Kenyans into farming.
2.Bombay Red Onions (Royal Seeds)
Bombay Red Onions is an excellent red onion with very high market demand.
1.Very punget onion
2.Maturity 150 days from transplanting
3.Very popular red oniuion with farmers and the market
4.Yield potential 16 tonnes per acre
5.Excellent shelf life and transportability
6.Deep purple red colour.
1.Start your seeds indoors 6-8 weeks before planting them outside
Sow your red onion seeds indoors in a potting tray or small container .Space the seeds 1cm
(0.39) apart if using a container .Place the seed in the soil and cover it with a thin layer of
compost.Water your seeds immediately.
This way ,your seeds will be ready for your garden when its time to plant them.
2.Water your seedlings 1-3 times a week
To help your seeds sprout into seedlings,use a watering can to water them regularly .Saturate
the soil thoroughly and wait for the soil to dry before watering them again.
3.Transplant your seedlings when they grow to 1-2 in (2.5-5.1cm) tall
When your seeds sprout above the soil and reach a few inches tall ,they can withstand the
outdoor environment .To transplant your seedlings,place them outside 1-3 days before you
replant them.Dig holes in your garden about 2.5cm deep and place your onion seedlings
inside .Cover them with compost .Space your seedlings 3-4 in (7.6-10.2cm) apart.
The best time to replant your seedlings is in late March or early April are consistent.
Hardening off your seedlings will help them adapt to outdoor conditions .One week before
planting them outside ,place your seedlings in a shaded area for longer times each day.
Planting onion sets or seedlings
1.Purchase onion bulbs or seedlings from a local nusery
Red onion sets comes in abundle with about 10-20 total bulb.When you are ready to plant
them ,take off their packaging and separate each bulb individually
You can also get onion bulbs from a garden supply store.
2.Plant the onions in late March or early April
For best growing conditions ,plant your onions as soon as you work the ground.Typically ,this
happens in the spring time right after the last frost.
Do this when outdoor temperatures stay above 20c f
3.Pick a spot in your garden with full sun
Onions grow best in direct sunlight for most of the day .Choose a spot away from tall plants so
your onions wont be shaded.
4.Mix equal parts of nitrogen rich potting soil and compost in a bucket
Onions grow full and healthy in soil in nitrogen content.Using a garden spade,fill alarge bucket
half away with organic potting soil rich in nitrogen.Then fill the rest of the bucket up with
compost .Mix the dirt up using your garden spade.
This mixture provides ample nutrients to your Bombay red onions so they can grow healthy .
You can purchase nitrogen rich soil and compost at home supply and garden supply stores.
5.Dig a hole about 1-2 in (2.5-5.1cm) deep using a garden soil
Onions do not need to be deep in the soil .Use a garden spade to remove about 5.1cm of dirt.
6.Place the bulb of seedling in the hole with the root end facing end
The green shoots should poke above the soil and the bulb should go underground .Put the bulb
inside the hole you dug,and cover the onion with your potting soil and compost mixture.
7.Place the rest of your onions about 4 in 10cm apart from each other
Plant your next red onion bulb or seed a few inches down and continue doing this for all of your
onions.This way each plant has enough room for its roots to take to the soil.
If you have multiple rows of onions leave 12-18 in (30-46cm) between each one.
8.Water the soil thoroughly immediately then 1-4 times a week
Use a garden hose or a watering can to thoroughly saturate your onions after you plant
them.An immediate watering helps the plant take to its new home .Then,water your onions
when the soil goes dry.
On average ,Red onions need watering every other day depending on the amount of rain and
the dryness of your climate.
Texas Grano White onion seeds have a deep white color with golden exterior and mild
1.A high yielding variety well adapted for the tropics.
2.Maturity 120 days from transplanting
3.Very popular white onion with farmers and the market
4.Excellent shelf life and transportability
5.White colour with golden exterior.
Sowing :Since onions take a few months to mature from seed ,gardeners with a short growing
season may want to start their seed indoors.Plant the Texas Early Grano sweet onion seeds for
sale a ½ deep in a flat 2-3 months before the last front date ;keep the soil moist and at room
temperature .When the tops begin to flop over ,cut them off to 3 to focus the growing on the
roots .Four weeks before the last front or when the soil reaches atleast 50 degrees transplant
the seedlings 6’apart in rows 12 ‘deep in light ,rich soil and full sun.Thin the seedlings 2-6’ apart
depending on the desired size.Thinned onions can be transplanted or used for fresh eating.For
companion planting benefits ,plant onions with members of the cabbage family ,Lettuce or
tomatoes ;avoid planting onions with peas or beans.
Growing:Onions need moisture especially in their first several weeks of growth and they cannot
fight against weeds ,mulching onions can help with both moisture and weed control.Texas Early
Grano onions are quite disease resistant.
Harvesting;When the tops of the onions turn yellow or flop over ,they have matured and are
ready to be harvested .Pull them from the earth,brush off the dirt and leave them to cure in the
sun for a week .If the weather turns rainy ,bring them inside to cure in a dry ,well ventilated
place .When the skin dries ,cut the tops down to 1’ and trim the roots.Store in a cool dry
place .Texas Early Grano onions do not store well for long periods of time.
Seed Saving ;In warmer location ,simply apply a thick layer of mulch and remove it in the early
spring .Before planting,cut an x in top of the onion to allow the stalk to emerge.The plants will
flower and go to seed.Remove the seed heads when the seeds become visible ,taking care not
to shatter the heads out in a dry place with good ventilation and let them dry for several
weeks .Thresh out the seeds and store them in a cool dry place for upto 2 years.
A very early maturing variety.
1.Well adapted onion to be both rain fed and irrigation.
2.Maturity only 90 days from transplanting
3.Strong pungency
4.Yield potential 25-30 tonnes per acre.
5.Long shelf life of up to 6 months at room temperature.
6.Deep red attractive bulbs with a high market demand
To get onions off to a good start ,mix an organic or time release fertilizer into the soil prior to
planting .Make sure the fertilizer is beneath the planting furrow.This is called banding and
make sure the nutrients are exactly where the young onion roots can find them.Mix a 2 inch
(5cm) layer of compost into the soil before adding the fertilizer.
All onions need plenty of sun and well draining soil with a PH between 6.0 and 6.8.Set the onion
bulbs into 2 inches (2.5cm -5cm) deep so the roots are well covered but the neck isn’t set to
deeply.Space the plants 6 inches (15cm) apart in furrows 12 inches (31cm) apart.Water the
onions until they are wet but not drenched.
Red Pinoy onions roots are shallow so they need a consistent supply of water,which will also
garner sweeter onions .You can lay a light layer of grass clippings or other fine mulch around
the onions ,but be sure to keep it away from the onion tops which need full access to the sun.
This is another hybrid onion variety that is liked by many
1.Deep red onion bulbs
2.Very good drying and keeping quality
3.Fast maturity (120 days after transplanting)
4.Uniform maturity
5.Very punget
6.Long life storage up to 6 months without sprouting ,wilting or loosing weight
7.Ptential yield 23,000kg per acre
8.Seed rate is 1.5kg per acre
9.Requires warm climate
10.Spacing 30cm by 10cm/30cm by 5cm
11.Tolerant to pink red and purple blotch diseases
Plant in a nursery for about a month and then transplant at pencial thickness with rainfed
Only transplant what you can on a particular day and do not store seedlings overnight.
1.Well adapted
2.Maturity 150 days from transplanting.
3.Tolerant to purple blotch disease.
4.Yield potential 25-30 tons per acre.
5.Long shelf life of upto 6 months at room temperature.
6.Planting space (cm) 30 x 10
7.Maturity in 120 days
Spring onions are also called scallions or green and bunching onions are basically young onions
Harvested before the bulb has had a chance to swell.They ae easy to grow and maintain.
Consumers like them because they can be used in variety of recipes as seasoning in soups and
According to farm Kenya,George Muchiri from Nakuru County says as a farmer planting spring
Onions can be a good addition since they mature fast and can be intercropped with slow
Growing vegetables.Muchiri grows and sells the spring onions as supplementary business.He
Also farms potatoes and vegetables.
Lisbon Scallion is a popular green onion seed that is sold in Kenya by Kenya seed.It adapts well
In growing in a wide range of ecological zones.It can be sowed directly onto the field or started
In a nursery.
Ecological Requirements
Spring onions can grow in a wide variety of areas with any climate,since they can tolerate heat
And cold.Spring onions do well in draining loose soils with a PH OF 6.3 to 6.8.They do well in full
Sun but can tolerate partial shade.
Land and nursery preparation
When planting directly make rows 30cm apart.
Prepare a racked at nursery at one metre wide and any length .You can apply Phosphate
Fertiliser at the rate of 20 grams per square metre of nursery and make sure you mix the
Manure ,fertliser and soil thoroughly.
Prepare furrows that are two centimeters deep and five centimeters apart on the nursery bed.
Sow the seeds onto the furrows and loosely cover with soil.You can apply a thin layer of mulch
Over the nursery to prevent the seed from being washed out of the bed during irrigation.
Your Spring onions will be ready for transplanting after six weeks .They should have a pencil
Stem at the base and be 15cm tall.
Transplant Spring onion seedlings in the morning or evening this protects the tender seedlings
From being scorched .The spacing for spring onions should be 8cm.Water the field before and
After transplanting.
Spring onion should be top dressed four weeks after transplanting .CAN fertilizer should be
Applied as advised.
Pests and Diseases
Diseases include black mould ,borty leaf ,blight ,dowry mildew,fusarium basal plathh rot ,
Fusarium damping off ,pink rooty rust smut ,white rot .
To control ,treat seeds with fungicides ,ensure the soil is not too wet or too dry and practice
Crop rotation.Pests include bulb mites ,leafminers ,onion maggots and thrips .Practice
Sanitation and remove the affected onions from the farm.
Spring onions are harvested when the leaves are succulent and stems reach a diameter of 0.25
To 0.5 inches.Harvesting is done by uprooting the plant,cleaning and trying them in bunches ,
Ready to go to the market.
Market for spring onions is available.Muchiri sells his produce at sh 20 per kg and can make up
To sh 80,000 from his farm in a good season.His farm can produce up to four tones of spring
Neck rot is a disease that affects onions after harvest during transportation or storage .The
Disease manifests itself through sunken spots and collapsed tissues around the neck of the
Onion bulb.Infected necks soon appear dried out and a gray molden often occurs between the
Scales on the collapsed areas.Infection by the neck rot fungus often is followed by a water soft
Rot of the bulb.Neck rot is controlled by proper post harvest handling.Control of this disease is
To store properly the harvested bulbs in a cool and dry environment with a temperatrure of
32◦f.Field practices for prevention of neck rot include close plant spacing(12 plants per foot)
And use nitrogen fertilizer in moderation.In addition ,cut the tops close to the bulb harvesting.
This is a foliar disease common to onion growing areas.The disease causes leaf spotting and tip
Dieback and can adversely affect the maturity and quality of the bulbs.Botrytis infection initially
Results in small ,oval (1/4) in length.
White spots on the leaves and these lesions are surrounded by a halo of green water soaked
Tissue.Leaf tissue within the spots eventually collapses and becomes tan coloured.Numerous
Lesions on a single leaf result in dieback of the entire onion top ,giving severly affected fields a
Blasted appearance.
Destruction of cull piles and rotation out of onions for atleast 2-3 years are important to help
prevent the build up of incoculum and reduce the likelihood of severe epidemics.Because these
cultural practices are only partially effective and no blast resistant varieties are available onion
growers must rely upon repeated application fungicides for accepatable disease control.
3.Downy mildew
Downy mildew is manifested by a purple brown mold occurring in irregular shaped patches on
Onion leaves.The mold is as a result of spores produced by the fungus in wet or humid weather.
Severely affected leaves collapse and die in a few days.The downy mildew pathogen
Overwinters in infected crop residue and in soil as resistant spore-structures .It is also possible
For the pathogen to be carried with the seed.During the growing season,the disease is
Controlled through crop rotation and the use of disease free seed.Protective fungicides can
Provide a moderate degree of control.If dowry mildew is already established in a field a
Systematic fungicide can be used to eradicate existing infections.
4.Purple Blotch
Symptom for purple blotch first appear as small spots on leaves .The lesions become sunken
And rapidly up and down the leaf.Individual lesions 1/4 -3/4 in diameter frequently are
Surrounded by a band of purple tissue.Numerous leaf lesions contribute to collapse of the
Entire top.Wounds occurring at or shortly before harvest provide sites for alternaria infection of
Onion bulbs.Wind and rain are responsible for dispersing spores to other plants and fields.
Tops are more prone to infection as plants mature.Under favourable conditions ,an
Unprotected crop can sustain a substantial amount of infection in a few weeks.Crop rotation is
Important to prevent pathogen populations from building up to high levels.Rotations out of
Onions for 2-3 years are recommended .Most commercial onion crops must be protected from
Purple blotch by using repeated applications of protective fungicides.
5.Onion Smut
Onion smut is a disease common to temperate growing regions especially where onions are
Grown from seed.Most Onions and related crops are susceptible to smut.Onion smut appear as
Lesions with dark brown streaks running up and down the leaves.The streaks initially appear as
Long blisters on the leaf surface.As the lesions mature,they turn brown and contain a mass of
Dark powdery spores that give the tops a sooty appearance .Diseased leaves may bend or trust
Abnormally and usually are shed prematurely .Smut infected plants normally are stunted and
Produce bulbs highly prone to soft rot.Use of onion sets is recommended as they rarely affected
By the disease.
Selecting the right variety and transplanting it the right away does not always guarantee a
Bumper harvest in onion farming .Bulb onions,like any other crops are affected by pests .What
Makes them cause even total failure to the whole crops is that its rare for the farmer to identify
Them especially those that feed on the bulb in the soil.
1.Onion files (Onion maggot)
Most destructive at maggot stage.Maggots are white to cream in colour.
Onion flies tend to eat the laterl roots causing tunnels into the taproots leading to shriveling or
Dying of the plant.
You can also find them inside developing onion bulbs which exposes them to infection by
Diseases like bacterial soft rot.
How to Control Onion Flies
1.Practising every scounting helps in identifying and controlling them early.
2.Practising regular crop rotation
3 .Using well decomposed manure during planting.
4.Removing and destroying all infected plants.
5,.Drenching with a high concentration of thunder like 20ml in 20l of water or confidor
Insecticides before and after transplanting .Always remember that the soil should always be
Wet before drenching for the chemical to be effective.
Adult thrips are often slender with wings that are long ,narrow and fringed with long hairs.Its
Nymphs are white or yellow.
Both tend to feed on the base of the plant within the leaf sheaths .The attacked leaves have
Sunken silvery patches.
Where the attack is severe ,the entire plant appears silvery where the leaves wither ,dry up or
Even die.
1.Proper irrigation as the water stressed crop is highly susceptible to thrips damage.
2.Keeping onion fields clean of weeds.
3.Uprooting and burning highly infested plants.
4.For organic farmers ,Spraying neem extact can help to control
5.Early spraying of insecticides like Thunder Od 145 and BELT 450 SC Can help.
Onions require a high source of nitrogen .A nitrogen based fertilizer(Amonium sulfate or
Ammonium nitrate) should be applied at the rate of one cup per twenty feet of row .The first
Application should be about 3 weeks after planting and then continue with applications every 2
To 3 weeks.
In Onion production ,first as a farmer,you have to know the market requirements and
Manipulate the production practice to produce the desired quality of onion.Planting density
And fertilization are critical in determining the size,weight and general quality of onion bulb
Onions have relatively low nutrient uptake efficiency due to their shallow root system
Characterized by thick roots with very few and short hairs .Therefore it is critical to implement a
Fertilizer program adapted to those conditions in order to help to achieve optimum yields .It is
Essential to time the applications of nutrients as close as possible to the rooting zone in
Frequently and readily available forms.
Application of fertilizers that supply a balanced nutrient supply for onion ,giving both primary
Secondary and micro-nutrients is critical for high yields and quality of onions.
Nutrient removal figures show that Nitrogen and Potassium are the nutrients needed in
Greatest quantities in onion crops.They are fundamental for achieving high marketeable yields.
However it is important not to over apply nitrogen ,particularly in bulb onions,as this can delay
Maturity ,soften bulbs and lead to storage rots.In similar fashion to Nitrogen ,most phosphorus
Is required early on in the plant development to ensure good root growth and to boost
Establishment .Potassium is particularly important where high N rates have been applied ,to
Help maintain yield by increasing dry matter and sugar accumulation in the bulb (Better Bulb
Size and weight)
Fertilizer application for onion should therefore start by first week after transplanting ,with an
NPK regime for establishment of the crop. 40% of the N and K as well as Calcium requirements
Should then be applied by the 3rd -4th week during the first top dress .The second top dressing
Should then be done at the bulbing stage ,supplying the rest of the nutrients needs Calcium
and Boron are critical in ensuring a longer shelf life and preventing rots in the bulbs.Onions
prefer a Nitrate form of Nitrogen as opposed to Ammonium forms and therefore more of
Nitrate N source fertilizers such as yaramila winner and Nitraber will give better bulb size and
How you can earn Sh.800,000 from one acre of Onions in 4 months
When you want to cook manage what do you use ?Onions .When you want to cook meat ,what
do you use ?Onions
Nearly every meal of the average Kenyan has to have onions as part of the ingredients.
This tells you something about the market out there .There is high demand for Onions Here is
how you can tap into that demand and make a profit from it
Onion Yield Per Acre
In 3 months an acre of hybrid bulb onions will give you an income of sh 800,000 .After 3 months
of transplanting the onions it can produce a yield of 20,000kg bulbs.
1kg of onions at market price goes @ ksh 40 i.e 20,000kg x 40 shillling is ksh 800,000 minus
average cost of production which is ksh 150,000 per acre is ksh 650,000 net income.This though
is on the lower end.
Price of Onions Per Kg in Kenya
The price of onions has been known to vary for example ,In March this year ,the price of onions
per kg in Kenya shot up by 86 % to sell at ksh .150 up from sh 80.
Traders were being forced to rely on local crops that was selling at a wholesale price of sh.100
per kilo.
In another pricing example,In November last year ,dry onions were retailing at an average
market price of 960 shillings for a 13 kilogram bag.In Nairobi ,dry onions were being sold at 70
shillings per kilogram with a 13 kg bag going for 910 shillings.
The same 13 kg bag of dry onions were being sold at 750 shillings and 1,040 Shillings in Nakuru
and Eldoret respectively.
To get the best results with onions you need to start them in a nursery.
Here is how to do this:
1.Make a raised nursery bed 1 metre wide and any desired length.
2.Apply well decomposed manure at a rate of 15kg per square metre.
3.Mix and apply DAP fertilizer at a rateof 20 grams per square metre.
4.Make shallow furrows 15cm apart .Mix the seeds with dry ash ,sand or soil at a ratio of 1:3 to
help spread the small seeds.
5.Plant the seeds and cover lightly with soil and apply mulches(Grass or polythene cover spread
over the soil on the nursery bed)
6.After planting irrigate the nursery bed liberally for the first 10 days and continue watering
7.Germination of seeds will take about 7-10 days after which the mulches are removwed and
used to make a shade above the tender plants which have not fully developed.
8.Transplanting of the seedlings takes place 6 weeks after planting seed in the
nursery.Transplant when the seedlings have pencil thick base and a height of approximately
9.Seedlings should have 3 to 5 well formed leaves at transplanting time.Two weeks before
transplanting reduce the shade to improve seedling survival rate in the field.
10.It takes about 4 months for onions to mature.
Onion farming in Kenya can be done in greenhouses and open gardens .Before you begin onion
farming you need to check and confirm market availability,price of the onions and the variety of
the plant.
What is the cost of onion farming in Kenya ?
You should definitely pursue a business whose cast of production is lower than the
profits.Otherwise you could be doing a business that will never amount to anything big.As
mentioned earlier ,bulb onions require a lot of work when planting compared to the spring
onions.In this context ,the focus will be given to bulb onions which are majorly grown for
commercial purposes.Before planting ,you need to prepare the land ,buy the seeds ,buy
fertilizers and manure and also hire laborers.In some cases,you might hire the services of
agriculturalists who are experts in this field.It is worth noting that the prices of these items
differ.However ,it is important to buy the best quality onion plants.Also the size of land being
used for onion farming is directly proportional to the costs of production ,this means that a big
piece of land will require a lot of money to grow the Onions.
The other things required include the seeds and the fertilizer whose prices can vary based on
the type .A kilogram of seedlings can be used on one acre of land.Also ,preparation of the
land ,planting and weeding the land once the onions start growing also requires a certain
amount of money.The bigger the land ,the more the amount of resources required and the
more the harvest.
Considering Onion production per acre ,One kilogram of seeds can be used on one acre of land.
The yields of onion per acre can amount to 20,000 Kg .Lets say that 200,000 Kenya Shillings can
be used for preparation,labour and harvesting among other costs.Going by the current onion
price in Kenya which is at around fifty, a person can make upto one million Kenya shillings.If you
subtract the cost of production which is 200,000 Kenya shillings ,you will remain with
800,000shillings as your profits.This is very high profit .However ,to achieve such amounts of
profits ,a lot of work must be put into place.Additionally quality farm inputs and seeds must be
used.The onions must also be taken care of using the best farming practices .Failure to this,such
profits can be very hard to reach.
As is with any type of business ,onion farming is also faced with various challenges.One of the
challenges is heavy rains.Heavy rains can destroy onions in that,they can cause flooding.They
can also make the water stagnate on the nursey such that the soil becomes clogged.
This is the reason why farmers are advised to plant onions during the short rains period.To
avoid this challenge ,it is wise to always raise the nursey to high level.
Another challenge is pests and diseases .Despite the proper farming practices that are used
pests and diseases can invade the onion plantation.What happens is that these pests and
diseases can spread very fast thus destroying all the onions.Consequently ,this can lead to huge
losses .Pests and diseases can be prevented and controlled through the use of pesticides and
herbicides .Ensure to buy them from recognized brands for best results.
The last procedure of onion farming is harvesting which is usually done after 3 to 4 months
after planting.Harvesting usually involves uprooting the plant and cutting off the leaves .It is