Uploaded by Sebastian Kenley

Analysis of 'The Case for Staying at Home'

RUNNING HEAD: Sebastian Kenley Per. 0 Modes Precis: Definition in “The Case for Staying
at Home”
In her article, The Case for Staying at Home, Claudia Wallis argues the reasons for new
mothers to choose to stay at home to take care of their children. She supports her claim with
specific instances in which it is beneficial for mothers staying home to “play the juggler’s game”,
a balance between all aspects of life with children. Her purpose is demonstrate that though
women study hard to receive post-graduate degrees, they still tend to abstain from working in
order to be a pivotal role in the lives of their children. She seems to have an uninformed
audience in mind because her tone is demonstrating specific roles of a mother as she suggests
that women who are well educated tend to “blast through the glass ceiling” when it comes to
their children, choosing to stay home with them instead.