Uploaded by Nick Roland

Against the Storm

Lizard Wolf Harpy
x2 Jerky
x2 Skewers
x2 Pickled Goods
x2 Pie
x1 Biscuits
x1 Porridge
x1 Raincoats
x2 Treatment (Tea)
x1 Brawling (Training Weapons)
x1 Education (Scrolls)
x1 Luxury (Wine)
x1 Religion (Incense)
Wolf Lizard Beaver
Beaver Harpy Human
Harpy Human Beaver
Human Harpy beaver
Use the overlays. “Alt” to see worker placements, “B” to highlight resources, and “Tab” for rainpunk engines.
Hover over a building and press "shift" to have more of that building in-cursor to place. "Z" Key to see blightrot
If possible, villagers will (1) eat the complex food that gives their species a resolve bonus; if multiple types are available, they will eat one of each. If not, (2), they will eat 1 available raw food. Finally, if nothing else is available, they will (3) eat 1 non-preferred complex food.
There are two types of cornerstones: the orange-bordered (legendary) are often very powerful and run-defining, while the purple-bordered (epic) are simple, often useful but generally weaker bonuses. You will be offered legendary cornerstones in years 2, 4, and 6; those are the best years to use rerolls.
Each worker can plow around 11 tiles (2 min storm), plant 7 tiles, and harvest 5 tiles. Very often, you will need more than one building (e.g., farm) for a big patch of fertile soil. Then, you can have a single worker during the storm, 2 during drizzle, and 3-4 during clearance.
3d10 Drop Low | 3d10 Drop High| 3d10 Drop Mid| 2d10|
14 (Mode 10%) | 08 (Mode 10%)| 11 (Mode 15%)| 11 (Mode 10%)|
13-15 (29.5%) | 07-09 (29.5%)| 10-12 (39.2%)| 10-12 (28.0%)|
12-16 (47.7%) | 06-10 (47.7%)| 09-13 (58.4%)| 09-13 (44.0%)|
11-17 (63.6%) | 05-11 (63.6%)| 08-14 (73.0%)| 08-14 (58.0%)|
10-18 (76.7%) | 04-12 (76.7%)| 07-15 (83.8%)| 07-15 (70.0%)|
09-19 (86.6%) | 03-13 (86.6%)| 06-16 (91.2%)| 06-16 (80.0%)|
08-20 (93.1%) | 02-14 (93.1%)| 05-17 (96.0%)| 05-17 (88.0%)|
02-07 (06.9%) | 15-20 (06.9%)| Lo or Hi: 2%| Lo or Hi: 6%|