Client , builders and proffesionals are constantly trying to avoid risk within the industry. Critically examine the use of exclusion/limitation clauses in the Irish Construction Industry/ Contracts (origin, need, purpose, limits, pitfalls, etc) Briefly present the general law that relates to exclusion/limitation clauses. maybe look at other jurisdictions Can concentrate on the construction industry in general or specifically in relation to construction contracts or arrangements. Maximum word count 3000 words excluding reference/biblio. Marking scheme: 40% Research/Case Law/Legislation/ Contracts 10% Writing style/presentation 40% discussion/argument/examples 10% Summary & Conclusion 1. Furmston, M. (2012) Building Contract Casebook, 5th Edition. Oxford, Blackwell. 2. Gaitskell, R. (201) Construction Contracts Law and Management. 2th ed. London, ICE Publishing 3. Adriaanse, J. (2016) Construction Contract Law. 4th Edition, Basingstoke, Palgrave MacMillan. 4. Baster, J., Minogue, A., O'Reilly, M., Ramsey, V. eds. (2011) Construction Law Handbook. 7th ed. London, Thomas Telford Journals. 5. Uff, J. (2017) Construction Law. 12 th ed. London, Sweet and Maxwell. 6. Hewitt, A (2016) Construction Claims and Responses, 2nd Edition, LOndon, Wiley Blackwell 7. Klee, L, (2015) International Construction Contract Law, London, Wiley Blackwell