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Hotel Management System in Python

 a=[] b=[] c=[] d=[] e=[] f=[] g=[] h=[] y=[] S=[] T=[] U=[] V=[] S1=0 S2=0 print(""" ........................................................................................................................... //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ....................WELCOME TO THIS HOTEL-MNGT SOFTWARE................................. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ HOTEL STAR PARK \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ .......................................................................................................................... """) while(True): print(""" 1>Enter Customer Details 2>Calculate Room Rent 3>Calculate Restaurant Bill 4>Calculate Gaming Bill 5>Calculate Laundry Bill 6>Customer Details 7>EXIT """) print() k=int(input("Enter Choice: ")) if k==1: q=input("\nEnter the Customer Name: ")
m=input("\nEnter the Customer Address: ") A=input("\nEnter the Customer Age: ") B=input("\nEnter the Customer Nationality: ") C=input("\nEnter the Customer Phone Number: ") D=input("\nEnter the Customer E-Mail address: ") n=input("\nEnter the Customer CheckIN Date: ") o=input("\nEnter the Customer CheckOUT Date: ") p=int(input("\n Enter The Customer Room no : ")) a.append(q) b.append(m) c.append(n) d.append(o) e.append(p) S.append(A) T.append(B) U.append(C) V.append(D) elif k==2: print ("We have the following rooms for you:-") print ("1. Ultra Royal> 10000 USD ") print ("2. Royal> 5000 USD ") print ("3. Elite> 3500 USD ")
print ("4. Budget> 2500 USD ") q=int(input("Enter the Room Type: ")) r=int(input("Enter the No. of Nights: ")) if q==1: print("\nUltra Royal Room Rent") f.append(10000*r) elif q==2: print("\nRoyal Room Rent") f.append(5000*r) elif q==3: print("\nElite Room Rent") f.append(3500*r) elif q==4: print("\nBudget Room Rent") f.append(2500*r) else: print("\nInvalid Option") elif k==3: print(""" 1. Vegetarian Combo> 300 USD Non-Vegetarian Combo> 500 USD Vegetarian & Non-Vegetarian Combo> 750 USD """) s=int(input("\nEnter The Choice: ")) if s==1: t=int(input("\nEnter The Quantity: ")) g.append(300*t) elif s==2: t=int(input("\nEnter The Quantity: ")) g.append(500*t) elif s==3: t=int(input("\nEnter The Quantity: ")) g.append(750*t) else: print("\nInavalid Option ") elif k==4: while(1): print(""" 1. Table Tennis> 150 USD/HR Bowling> 100 USD/HR Snooker> 250 USD/HR PUBG World Gaming> 400 USD/HR Video Games> 300 USD/HR Swimming Pool Games ----->350 USD/HR Exit """) u=int(input("\nEnter The Choice: "))
if u==1: v=int(input("\nEnter No. of Hours : "))
S1+=(150*v) elif u==2: v=int(input("\nEnter No. of Hours : ")) S1+=(100*v) elif u==3: v=int(input("\nEnter No. of Hours : "))
S1+=(250*v) elif u==4: v=int(input("\nEnter No. of Hours : ")) S1+=(400*v) elif u==5: v=int(input("\nEnter No. of Hours : ")) S1+=(300*v) elif u==6: v=int(input("\nEnter No. of Hours : "))
S1+=(350*v) elif u==7:
x=int(input("\nEnter the Quantity: ")) S2+=(3*x) elif w==3: x=int(input("\nEnter the Quantity: "))
S2+=(2*x) elif w==4: x=int(input("\nEnter the Quantity: "))
S2+=(4*x) elif k==5: print(""" 1. Shirt> 5 USD Trouser> 3 USD Socks> 3 USD Towel> 4 USD """) w=int(input("\nEnter The Choice: ")) if w==1: x=int(input("\nEnter the Quantity: "))
S2+=(5*x) elif w==2: x=int(input("\nEnter the Quantity: "))
S2+=(3*x) elif w==3: x=int(input("\nEnter the Quantity: "))
S2+=(3*x) elif w==4: x=int(input("\nEnter the Quantity: "))
S2+=(4*x) elif w==5: x=int(input("\nEnter the Quantity: "))
S2+=(2*x) elif w==6: x=int(input("\nEnter the Quantity: "))
S2+=(3*x) elif w==7:
else: print("\nInvalid Option ")
elif k==6: z=input("Enter name of Customer: ")
for i in range(len(a)): if z == a[i]:
print("\n\n**## CUSTOMER DETAILS ##**")
print("\n\t CUSTOMER NAME: ", a[i])
print("\n\t CUSTOMER ADDRESS: ", b[i])
print("\n\t CUSTOMER AGE: ", S[i])
print("\n\t CUSTOMER NATIONALITY: ", T[i])
print("\n\t CUSTOMER PHONE NUMBER: ", U[i])
print("\n\t CUSTOMER E-MAIL ADDRESS: ", V[i])
print("\n\t CUSTOMER CHECK IN DATE: ", c[i])
print("\n\t CUSTOMER CHECK OUT DATE: ", d[i])
print("\n\t CUSTOMER ROOM.NO: ", e[i])
print("\n\t CUSTOMER ROOM RENT: ", f[i], " USD")
print("\n\t CUSTOMER RESTAURENT BILL: ", g[i], " USD")
print("\n\t CUSTOMER GAMING BILL: ", h[i], " USD")
print("\n\t CUSTOMER LAUNDRY BILL: ", y[i], " USD")
print("\n\t CUSTOMER TOTAL BILL: ", (f[i] + g[i] + h[i] + y[i]), " USD")
print("\n\t CUSTOMER ADDIIONAL CHARGES: ", ((f[i] + g[i] + h[i] + y[i]) / 4), "USD")
print("\n\n\t CUSTOMER GRAND TOTAL: ", (f[i] + g[i] + h[i] + y[i]) + ((f[i] + g[i] + h[i] + y[i]) / 4), " USD")
elif k == 7: