………………………………………密……………………………………………封…………………………………线……………………… NAME________________________Stu. NO:_________________________GROUP:__________________________ BATCH:_________________ 2019 级医学与外科学专业《Pathophysiology/病理生理学》 d. e. Acromegaly Gynecomastia (本科)考试试卷(A 卷) (时量:120 分钟 题号 一 二 三 开卷 总分 合分人 复查人 Usman 王莉婷 得分 得分 评卷人 复查人 鲍美华 陈英 2022 年 6 月) 3. Acute bacterial infections of the bone characteristically show which one of the following? a. Necrotic bone b. Prolonged clinical course c. Predominantly mononuclear cells d. Congested and thrombosed blood vessels e. Granulation tissue I. Multiple Choice Questions (You will be presented with a question and four possible answers. Choose the best answer and write it in the table. Each question is worth 3 point and the total points are 60.) Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Answer C D D D D E B C A C E E A C B C C D D 4. Which one of the following organisms accounts for at least 50% of cases of acute hematogenous and contiguous focus osteomyelitis? a. Group A streptococci b. Group B streptococc c. Mycoplasma d. S. aureus e. Pseudomonas aeruginosa E 1. A 48-year-old white woman has what she believes is a suspicious lump in her breast, but a mammogram does not reveal any suspicious lesions. Truthful statements concerning potential pitfalls in management and diagnosis include a. Assuming that mammography is “diagnostic” b. Assuming that a radiographic lesion seen on mammography is the same as a palpable lesion c. Letting a negative or nonsuspicious mammogram influence the judgment of whether a palpable mass needs to be biopsied d. Assuming that a benign aspiration cytology is definitive 2. A 55-year-old man has lung cancer in the right middle lobe. Which paraneoplastic syndrome is associated with GHRH secretion and lung cancer? a. Hypocalcemia b. Hypocortisolemia c. Hypophosphatemia 5. a. b. c. d. e. Which one of the following ECG components varies with heart rate? PR interval QRS duration ST segment QT interval QRS voltage 6. a. b. c. d. e. Which of the following cardiac parameters decreases during pregnancy? Cardiac output Stroke volume Heart rate Blood volume Systemic vascular resistance 7. Which one of the following hemodynamic findings is the main derangement of primary pulmonary hypertension? Ошибка! Используйте вкладку "Главная" для применения 标题 1 к тексту, который должен здесь отображаться. 第 1 页 共 7 页 Transudative pleural effusion is caused by which one of the following diseases? Bacterial pneumonia Malignancy Cirrhosis Sarcoidosis Viral infection 9. a. b. c. d. Which is a common finding in acute glomerulonephritis? Pulmonary congestion due to volume expansion Hypovolemia due to tubular dysfunction Uniformly progresses to chronic renal failure if untreated Urine showing leukocytes and eosinophils 10. a. b. c. d. e. Which finding is fairly specific for chronic renal failure? Anemia Hyaline casts Broad casts in urinalysis Proteinuria Hypocalcemia 11. A 55-year-old man who is a longtime alcoholic comes to the emergency room after vomiting small amounts of bright red blood four times today. Your differential diagnosis is constructed around causes of bleeding from the a. Colon b. Liver and pancreas c. Kidneys d. Lungs e. Upper gastrointestinal (GI) tract 12. A patient in your office tells you that he had an episode of vomiting bright red blood twice in 1 day about 1 week ago, followed the next day by three or four episodes of vomiting material that looked like coffee grounds. He could not afford to seek medical 13. a. b. c. d. e. Serum alkaline phosphatase may be elevated in the diseases of which organ? Liver Salivary glands Spleen Heart Bladder 14. In parenchymal liver disease, which one of the following tests of liver function likely will be decreased from normal? a. AST (aspartate aminotransferase) and ALT (alanine aminotransferase) b. Alkaline phosphatase c. Albumin d. Prothrombin time e. γ-Glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) 15. In a patient with iodine-deficiency goiter who moves from an iodine- deficient area to an iodine-replete area, the occurrence of hyperthyroidism most likely represents a. Graves’ disease b. Jod-Basedow phenomenon c. Choriocarcinoma d. Struma ovarii e. Toxic multinodular goiter 16. Thyrotoxicosis and uniformly increased radioactive iodine uptake in the thyroid can occur without any thyrotropin receptor antibodies or any thyroid autoimmunity in a. Graves’ disease b. Jod-Basedow phenomenon c. Choriocarcinoma d. Struma ovarii Ошибка! Используйте вкладку "Главная" для применения 标题 1 к тексту, который должен здесь отображаться. 第 2 页 共 7 页 线 8. a. b. c. d. e. help then and he said that “it got better except for the pain.” The past 3 days he noticed black “sticky” stools and he finally came to see you. What is your first concern? a. Bleeding colon cancer b. Bleeding from lung cancer c. Crohn’s disease d. Cirrhosis e. Bleeding peptic ulcer 封 Increased cardiac output early Increased resistance to pulmonary blood flow Decreased resistance to pulmonary blood flow Decreased pulmonary capillary wedge pressure early Normal diastolic filling of the left ventricle 密 a. b. c. d. e. ………………………………………密……………………………………………封…………………………………线……………………… NAME________________________Stu. NO:_________________________GROUP:__________________________ BATCH:_________________ e. Toxic multinodular goiter confused, and the condition cannot be reversed by a move to a nursing home where he receives adequate nutrition and medical care 17. A 35-year-old man comes to your office with a complaint of recent development of headaches that are generalized in nature. He is accompanied by his wife who recently returned from a trip. She tells you that her husband has been somewhat confused at times and clumsy. He does not confirm this, but he does report that he has been short of breath at times. On examination, he is mildly tachycardia and there is a reddish appearance to his mucous membranes, which is subtle. The only recent new medical problem identified is that the patient was in a motor vehicle accident in which he was struck in the rear end, and it left him with a sore neck. The most likely diagnosis is a. Acquired spinal stenosis (cervical) b. Normal pressure hydrocephalus c. Carbon monoxide poisoning d. Cocaine toxicity e. Muscle tension 18. A 40-year-old man is noted to have miosis of the right eye and ipsi- lateral ptosis. He reports that he has noted that this side of his face is not sweating when he is working recently. The most cause of this clinical picture may be a. Pancoast tumor b. Brainstem CVA c. Dissection of the carotid artery d. Idiopathic 19. Which clinical scenario best describes a patient with midstage dementia of the Alzheimer’s type? a. A patient has gradually developed memory deficits over the past four or five years; the deficits worsen each time he has a “spell,” described by the family as “little strokes that get better in a few days” b. A patient has had Parkinson’s disease for years, and after becoming nearly immobile, he is also noted to have memory and language deficits c. A patient has become progressively more withdrawn and shows deficits in short- and long-term memory; these deficits have been noticed by the family since the patient’s wife and his last sibling died about 5 months ago d. A patient became socially withdrawn a couple of years ago because he could not keep up with his friends’ activities such as golf and bridge; now he is getting lost whenever he leaves his house e. A long-term, often homeless, alcoholic becomes progressively disoriented and 20. Which cerebral artery is blocked in an ischemic stroke that presents with the following symptoms: aphasia, right hemiparesis, and right arm numbness? a. Right anterior cerebral b. Right middle cerebral c. Right proximal posterior cerebral d. Left anterior cerebral e. Left middle cerebral 得分 评卷人 复查人 II. Descriptive quesions Each question is worth 10 points and the total 王莉婷 鲍美华 points are 20. 21. Describe the normovolemic hyponatremia in detailes. (10 points) Metabolic disorders are conditions that affect any aspect of metabolism. Hyponatremia is one of the most common metabolic disorders.The medical Defination of normovolemic is a normal volume of blood in the body. The value of Na+ in serum equalling 135 mmol/ l and lower is regarded as hyponatremia. Its clinical manifestations are the following: headaches, nausea, vomiting, seizures, numbness, coma and death. Normovolemic hyponatremia can be with or without symptoms. Acute normovolemic hyponatremia is treated by the intravenous administration of 3% NaCl and with the simultaneous use of loop diuretics (20- 40 mg Furosemide/ 24 hrs) and restriction of fluid intake.Another name for normovolemic hyponatremia is Euvolemic hyponatremia. Euvolemic hyponatremia implies normal sodium stores and a total body excess of free water. The most common etiology of normovolemic hyponatremia is the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis (SIAD). Diagnosis of SIAD involves evaluation of a set of longstanding clinical and laboratory criteria for this diagnosis. Many treatment options for SIAD exist, and choosing among them should be based on the chronicity of the hyponatremia and neurological symptomatology. Importantly, clinical judgment and risk/benefit analysis that is individualized for specific patients should drive therapeutic decisions, because there is no single treatment that represents the “best” therapy for all patients with SIAD. Ошибка! Используйте вкладку "Главная" для применения 标题 1 к тексту, который должен здесь отображаться. 第 3 页 共 7 页 线 封 Ошибка! Используйте вкладку "Главная" для применения 标题 1 к тексту, который должен здесь отображаться. 密 22. Draw the figure to describe the sequence of events in compensated and decompensated heart faiulre. Also draw the figure describing hormonal regulation in heart failure. (10 points) 第 4 页 共 7 页 NAME________________________Stu. NO:_________________________GROUP:__________________________ BATCH:_________________ ………………………………………密……………………………………………封…………………………………线……………………… Ошибка! Используйте вкладку "Главная" для применения 标题 1 к тексту, который должен здесь отображаться. 第 5 页 共 7 页 vasculosum of the lamina terminalis (OVLT), where they induce synthesis of prostaglandins, of which PGE2 is the most important. These raise the thermostatic set point to initiate the febrile response. 复查人 III. Detailed Descriptive Questions. One question is worth 20 points. Usman 艾珏萍 Two questions in total 23. Describe in details the role of endogenous pyogens (at least five) involved in pathogenesis of fever. (20 points) The hypothalamic thermoregulatory centre accomplishes heat production by inducing shivering and heat conservation through 线 分 评卷人 vasoconstriction. At an established degree, fever is regulated (even at a temperature of over 41.0 °C) and heat production approximates loss, as in health, though at a higher level of the set point. Therefore In addition to the function as an endogenous pyrogen, IL-1 activates substances from outside the body, exogenous pyrogens, initiate the T-lymphocytes to produce various factors, such as INF and IL-2, fever cycle. Endotoxin of Gram-negative bacteria, with their which are vital for immune response. The production of fever pyrogenic component lipopolysaccaride, is the most potent simultaneously with lymphocyte activation constitutes the clearest exogenous pyrogen. Fever is also a common finding in children and strongest evidence in favour of the protective role of fever. without obvious evidence of infection, for example hypersensitivity The induction of fever results in inhibition of bacterial growth, reaction, autoimmune diseases and malignancy. increased bactericidal effects of neutrophils, production of acute- Exogenous pyrogens initiate fever by inducing host cells (primarily phase protein synthesis and other physiological changes such as macrophages) to produce and release endogenous pyrogens such as anorexia and somnolence. These changes suggest that fever has an interleukin-1, which has multiple biological functions essential for adaptive role in the host’s survival during infection. the immune response. Endogenous pyrogens are transmitted to the hypothalamic thermoregulatory centre, specifically organum Ошибка! Используйте вкладку "Главная" для применения 标题 1 к тексту, который должен здесь отображаться. 第 6 页 共 7 页 密 The generation of fever involves the following steps: numerous 封 fever does not climb up relentlessly. NAME________________________Stu. NO:_________________________GROUP:__________________________ BATCH:_________________ ………………………………………密……………………………………………封…………………………………线……………………… Ошибка! Используйте вкладку "Главная" для применения 标题 1 к тексту, который должен здесь отображаться. 第 7 页 共 7 页