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Fry,Leela 和 David 是三个对未来都怀有美好梦想的小学生。在一堂科学课
上,他们都提出了自己对未来的畅想。Fry 希望未来机器人和人类成为朋友,David
五年后他们重新聚在一起,Fry 受动画中多啦 A 梦的启发已经造出了一个机
器人 Dorothy,Leela 和 David 似乎已经完全忘记了原来对未来的畅想,所以他们
陷入沉思。那天晚上 David 做了一个关于未来的梦。他从一个 freezer 里面醒来,
发现他来到了 2150 年,在这个未来中 Fry 是一个很有成就的科学家了,Leela 是
Fate Assignment Office 的负责人(备注:在未来,人们都是通过 probulator 检查
发现最擅长做什么然后分配相应的工作,于是就有了 Fate Assignment Office 这样
的部门。),而 David 来后经过 Leela 的检查,发现只能当一个快递员,他很是
不高兴,他不愿意只当个快递员,于是找到 Fry 请求帮助,当 Fry 告诉他将拥有
全部角色 Fry Leela David Dorothy (A robot)
Scene 1:At school
人物:Fry, Leela, David
PPT: May 21st, 2023 spacestation picture about children having a science
Narrator: Children are having a science class in school today.
Amy(扮演科学老师,带眼镜):Class, we have learnt that China has
made amazing progresses in space exploration from last lesson. What do
you still remember?
Frank: Yang Liwei was the first Chinese taikonaut into space. He flew
into space in 2003. Since then, there are many taikonauts who also did
amazing work.
Amy: You are right. Without these brave taikonauts’ efforts, we wouldn’t
have gone so far. Anything else?
Tom: Teacher, we also talk about the famous Shenzhou Crewed
Spacecrafts. I really hope I can take a ride in one of them.
Sam: Tom, I think your dream will come true someday. Because it is
quite possible for us to travel to outer space in spaceships in the future.
Techology is developing so swiftly.
Amy: I agree. Yesterday, I also asked you to imagine what the future
Chinese space exploration will be like in groups after class. And some of
you came up with some amazing ideas. Let’s hear them out.
(待后续制作 poster 进行展示)
Amy:Fantastic presentations, class. There is still a lot of mystery to slove
in the universe. Back to ourselves, what do you think the future life will
be like?
Fry: We will definitely have robot friends in the future. We can hang out
all the time. How cool is that!!
Leela: You want Robots friends? They are just machines.
Fry: Yes, I wanted that ever since I was six. I think Robots will have
advanced AI (Artificial Intelligence 人工智能) in future. So they can
have feelings like us.
David: Well, it is likely. For me, I believe all children can go to the
amusement parks on the moon in the future.
Leela: Wow, that’s super exciting. We can go there together by spaceship.
In future children can fly a spaceship. The spaceship can be tiny and we
can park them on our roofs.
Fry and David: That sounds so exciting. Yeah. (做欢呼状)
Amy: Wonderful ideas, everyone! I think people would love to live in a
future like that. Let’s all work hard to make it true.
Narrator: That night, Fry went to bed and made a wish.
Fry: (做许愿状) I couldn’t wait to have my own robot friend and my
own spaceship.
Scene 2:Five years later, at Fry’s house
人物:Fry, Dorothy, Leela, David
PPT: May 21st, 2028,家里房间图片
Narrator: Fry, Leela and David meet at Fry’s house.
Fry: Guys, I like you to meet my best friend Dorothy. (A robot)
Dorothy: Hello Leela and David.
Leela: You know us? (做惊讶状)
Dorothy: Of course, I know everything about you two. Would you like
some orange juice and apple pie?
Leela: Sure, those are my favourite. Thank you.
Dorothy: You are welcome.
David: (绕着 Dorothy 走一圈的那种看) Cool robot! You really look like
an actual human. (做上下打量状,捏捏手,摸摸头)Do you know how
I feel now?
Dorothy: Sure. You must be really surprised now.
David: Wow, you do understand us. Leela, we have a robot friend now.
Leela David Dorothy and Fry:(四个人拉着手转一圈一起说 Super)
Narrator: After going home, David had a dream about the future.
Scene 3: While the dream
道具:电脑及电脑桌,椅子,probulator(找个红外线量体温), scientist
的行头(胡子,和白色衣服,衣服上名字 Fry),床 1 张,一个写着
delivery boy 的板子
角色:David,Fry,Leela,Narrator, Dorothy
PPT: December 31th, 2150, pictures of the future life(如,会飞的汽车、
Narrator: David woke up in the year of 2150.
David: (stumble around and notice something 摇摇晃晃,然后目光停在
PPT 上,PPT 上显示 flying cars, people travel in a tube, and spaceships
parking on the building roof. )
David: My god! Where am I? (一定说出惊异的效果)
Fry: (dress as a scientist with the name tag-Fry 身穿科学家的行头,衣
服上贴着名字 Fry) (入场夸张的说)Welcome to the world of future,
my friend.
David: Fry? Are you really the Fry?
Fry: (chuckle 大笑)Yes, it is me.
David: Where are we?
Dorothy: David, you are in Futurama.
David: Dorothy? You haven’t changed a bit.
Dorothy: Yes, I have. I am Dorothy 10th. I’ve ungraded so many times.
David: Cool. Are there other robots?
Dorothy: Half of the people here are robots now. We are really good
friends with humans.
Fry: Come, David. Let’s find you a job first. Then you can stay here with
Fry and Dorothy: (Lead the way to the Fate Assignment Officer-Leela,
knock on the door, and then walk in)
Leela: (先手里拿着表格面对 David) Hi, I am Leela. Now it is New
Year’s Eve. I’d like to decide your job quickly and get out of here. (转过
David and Leela:(同时说)Leela? David?
Fry: Look at us, four best friends together in the future.
(David, Leel, Fry, Dorothy 抱在一起)
Dorothy: Leela, David needs a job here.
Leela: Okay, lie down David.
David: (lie down 躺下来)
Leela: (拿起 probulator 检测) Interesting.
Leela: (types something on a computer 在电脑键盘上敲字, then holds a
board in hand)
David: What’s that?
Leela: Your permanent(永久的) job assignment.
(Show the board to David 上面写着 Delivery boy at Planet Express)
David: What, a delivery boy? No! Please, something else.
Leela: You've been assigned the job you're best at just like everyone else
David: What if I say no?
Dorothy: Then you’ll be fired…
David: (没等 Dorothy 说完) fine?
Dorothy:…out of a cannon into the sun!
David: But I don’t like this job.
Leela: You gotta do what you gotta do!
David: Fry, can you find me another job?
Fry: I am sorry. David. Here everybody does the job they are best at. It is
not bad. Hear the best part, you can go to the Luna Amusement Park on
the moon all the time as a delivery boy. This was what you wanted before,
Fry: There is amusement park on the moon?
Leela: Yeah, it is the happiest place in the universe.
David: Take me there now. I want to have a blast time there. Wait, how
are we going to go there?
Fry: If you take the job, you’ll have your own spaceship.
David: Alright, so cool. I am a planet delivery boy with spaceship. I like
it here. Future life rocks.