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Christmas Challenge: ICT/Business Studies Worksheet

ICT/Business Studies
In an “Apprentice” style Christmas challenge your team has to find for sale
the following items on the Internet.
You are not allowed to use eBay, as this is an auction site and doesn’t give
you a final price until the end of the auction. Also do not use Amazon.
Using the Internet, you are going to find out how much the following will
cost, you MUST put the URL in the space provided:
4 Canaries
URL (web address – main part ....co.uk)
Cost (£)
Pear tree
7 Ducks
5 Wedding
6 Goose eggs
8 Pints of milk
2 Doves
9 Skeletons
1 Partridge
10 Tree Frogs
12 Drum kits
3 French hens
11 Bag pipes
“Can you recognise a famous Christmas song from some of the above
ICT/Business Studies
“Can you recognise a famous Christmas song from some of the above