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Squash & Coconut Burger Patty Acceptability Research

Delfin albano (Magsaysay) stand-alone senior high school
Technical, Vocational and Livelihood (TVL) Track
In partial Fulfillment of the Academic Requirements
Practical Research II
for the First Semester of the School Year 2022-2023.
Jonalyn M. Acojido
Alexandra B. Cabaddu
Flore Mae B. Endril
Alona S. Valdez
Josephine G. Villanueva
Ericson L. Macapugay
Research Teacher
October 2022
Acceptability of Squash and Coconut Meat in Making Burger Patty
Delfin albano (Magsaysay) stand-alone senior high school
Technical, Vocational and Livelihood (TVL) Track
Introduction and Background of study
Aspiring entrepreneurs may have an idea about the type of product that they would
like to make. This can come from seeing others successful producing a food and wanting to
copy them or from talking to friends and family members about products that they think
they could make. However, an idea for a business is not a sufficient reason to begin
production straight away, without having thought clearly about the different aspects
involved in actually running the business. Too often, people invest money in a business
only to find out later that there is insufficient demand for the product or that is not the type
that customers want to buy. To reduce this risk of failure and losing money, potential
producers should go through the different aspects of running their business by conducting
feasibility study on the business they would like to pursue.
Patty squash is a type of Pinoy merienda that is rich in vitamins and nutrients. It is
also affordable because of its low price yet it is delicious and nutritious. Patty squash is
made from different vegetables like carrot, spring onions, onion, garlic, and squashes. Patty
squash is high in Vitamin A, B6 and , folate, magnesium, fiber, riboflavin, phosphorus, and
Acceptability of Squash and Coconut Meat in Making Burger Patty
Delfin albano (Magsaysay) stand-alone senior high school
Technical, Vocational and Livelihood (TVL) Track
From merely an incidental crop in prehistoric times, coconut increased in importance
so that currently it covers about 27% of the whole cropped area in the country. However, it
gives a relatively poor return in investment. This may be caused in part by our
preoccupation with the meat, which is largely made in copra - a rather low-priced product.
There is need to increase the “value added” on coconut products which we put on the
market and effectively utilize all the parts of the nut. The sapal (coconut meat by product)
presents unique challenge in that, if not utilized, it may present a pollution hazard. On the
other hand, exploring its potential for food, feed, and medium for economically important
microbes may yield benefits beyond our normal expectation.
The price of commodities have been the greatest problem our country is facing today.
Hence, people could hardly afford to buy products which suffice their day-to-day living.
With this dilemma that is perennial even up to now the researchers come to a study to at
least solve the problem where many people are experiencing today. Through seeking the
acceptability of the use of squash and coconut meat as a substitute to the increasing price of
meat which is the main ingredient in making a burger patty.
Acceptability of Squash and Coconut Meat in Making Burger Patty
Delfin albano (Magsaysay) stand-alone senior high school
Technical, Vocational and Livelihood (TVL) Track
Statement of the problem
This study will be conducted to determine the acceptability of squash and
coconut meat as ingredient in making burger patty in terms of aroma, taste and texture.
Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:
1. What is the level of acceptability of squash and coconut meat in terms of the
a. aroma;
b. taste;
c. texture;
d. quality;
2. What is the level of acceptability between a squash and coconut meat in terms
a. aroma;
b. taste;
c. texture;
d. quality;
3. Is there a significant difference between the experts and customer’s
acceptability of the squash and coconut meat?
Acceptability of Squash and Coconut Meat in Making Burger Patty
Delfin albano (Magsaysay) stand-alone senior high school
Technical, Vocational and Livelihood (TVL) Track
4. Is there a significant difference between the comparability and acceptability of
squash and coconut meat variations when their aroma, taste, quality and texture
are evaluated?
Ho: There is no significant difference in the acceptability among squash and coconut meat
variations when their aroma, quality, texture are evaluated.
Medium yellow
squash and coconut
meat, shredded
1 onion, shredded
1 ½ table spoon salt
1 cup all-purpose flour
1 egg, lightly beaten
1 cup shredded cheese
Ground black pepper
to taste
1 tablespoon of
vegetable oil
 Frying pan
 Food tong
Step 1, place the
squash, coconut meat
and onion in colander
sprinkle with salt, and
drain about 30 minutes
until no longer moist.
Step 2, in a bowl,
mix the squash,
coconut meat, onion,
flour, egg and cheese.
Season with pepper.
Step 3, heat the oil in a
skillet over medium
heat. Drop the squash
and coconut meat
mixture by heaping
tablespoonful into the
skillet, and cook 3
minutes on each side,
or until golden brown.
Acceptability of Squash and Coconut Meat in Making Burger Patty
Squash and
coconut meat
burger patty
Delfin albano (Magsaysay) stand-alone senior high school
Technical, Vocational and Livelihood (TVL) Track
This study will benefit the following:
COSTUMER- This study will help customers to help you choose products, and develop
sales tactics for the people in your product based on reliable, accurate information.
SMALL AND MID-SIZE ENTERPRISE (SME’s)- This study will help them to in the
costing and budgeting of the rigorously price hike of commodities. Through substituting an
alternative ingredient in the making of a certain composition of food.
FUTURE RESEARCHERS- This study will help the future researchers improves services
and treatments for future generations. Research can find answer to things unknown, filling
gasp in knowledge and changing the way that healthcare professional works. Hence, this
study will serve as a basis for future researcher, which is similar to the study.
This study will include the setting, the time frame, and the thirty (30) respondents are
from TLE teacher, Home Economics teacher, Restaurant owner, and the experts. Delfin
Albano Magsaysay Stand Alone Senior High School and San Antonio National High
School is the setting in which the study will be conducted.
It will not take into consideration the nutritive content of the product. In assessing
the customer and the experts, the data is obtained through a questionnaire and survey.
Acceptability of Squash and Coconut Meat in Making Burger Patty
Delfin albano (Magsaysay) stand-alone senior high school
Technical, Vocational and Livelihood (TVL) Track
The following are conceptually and operationally defined in this study:
Acceptability. Conceptually, it means the quality or taste of meeting one’s need
adequately. Operationally, it refers to the satisfactoriness by virtue of conforming to
approved standards.
Comparability. Conceptually, it means the squash and coconut meat burger patty
compared to a regular meat patty. Operationally, it refers to the comparability between the
squash and coconut meat in making burger patty.
Additive. Conceptually, it means a substance added to something in small quantities,
typically to the something else to improve, strengthen, or otherwise alter it. Operationally,
it refers to the adding of squash and coconut meat on ingredients in making burger patty.
Squash. Conceptually, it means a edible fruit of squash plant, but it’s considered a
vegetable. Operationally, it refers to the one of the ingredient added in the burger meat
patty study.
Coconut meat. Conceptually, it means residue from the coconut, shredded for use in
making a burger patty. Operationally, it refers to the one of the ingredient added in the
burger meat patty study.
Burger patty. Conceptually, it means it is variable in making squash and coconut meat
patty substitute in burger patty. Operationally, it refers to the squash and coconut meat
substitute in burger patty study.
Acceptability of Squash and Coconut Meat in Making Burger Patty
Delfin albano (Magsaysay) stand-alone senior high school
Technical, Vocational and Livelihood (TVL) Track
Chapter II
This chapter contains the review of related literature and studies in both foreign and
local that serves as a source of information and guide for the reliability of this research
According to Ngampeerapong, C.,(2019). The ASEAN economic forum creates
trade and exchange in agricultural produce among member countries. Due to seasonal
shortages, coconut is one agricultural product that is traded among ASEAN countries.
Although these coconuts are mainly of the same species (Cocos nucifera L.), differences in
cultivation and environmental conditions may affect the chemical composition of the
coconut meat, which can consequently effect on quality consistencies of the coconut meatcontaining food products. Coconut meat samples from Thailand, Indonesia, and Vietnam
were assessed for macronutrients and potential bioactive compounds. Results showed that
macronutrients and antioxidant activity in the coconut meats of the studied countries were
not so much different; except for total phenolic compounds in the coconut meat from
Vietnam was 30% higher than the others. The phytosterol content mainly as beta-sitosterol
was highest in the coconut meat from Indonesia. Fatty acids profiles from these sources had
mostly the same patterns.
Acceptability of Squash and Coconut Meat in Making Burger Patty
Delfin albano (Magsaysay) stand-alone senior high school
Technical, Vocational and Livelihood (TVL) Track
Ninety percent of fat was comprised of saturated fatty acid, which 60% as medium chain
fatty acid (C8-C13) and 30% as long chain fatty acid (> C14). The qualities coconut meats
from the studied 3 countries were quite similar and should not cause any differences in the
contents of macronutrients and bioactive compounds in the finished products.
According to Kumar, M., (2022), Coconut is an economically important tropical
palm fruit. Among various coconut products, the endosperm (coconut meat) is a rich source
of several nutritionally rich metabolites. The coconut fruit typically takes 10–12 months to
attain commercial maturity. Although metabolite profile of coconut meat vary during nut
development and maturation because of transformation of liquid endosperm into solid
endosperm, there are as such no reports describing the real dynamics of these changes.
Therefore, in this work, we applied gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS)based metabolomics technology to identify the alteration in the metabolite levels during nut
development. Metabolite profile was carried out from 'Chowghat Orange Dwarf ' (COD)
and 'Malayan Yellow Dwarf' (MYD) varieties of coconut at three critical nut development
stages. We identified a total of 43 and 40 metabolites from 'COD' and 'MYD', variety,
respectively. By employing the partial least squares-discriminant analysis we identified
specific fatty acids as important biomarker metabolites for actual prediction of nut maturity
stages. These results show several patterns of variation in metabolite composition and
level, especially in the primary metabolites, during the process of nut maturation. These
fundamental metabolomics profile data will be very useful for understanding the
appropriate nut maturity stages and their corresponding nutritional value.
Acceptability of Squash and Coconut Meat in Making Burger Patty
Delfin albano (Magsaysay) stand-alone senior high school
Technical, Vocational and Livelihood (TVL) Track
According to KAHAR, S. (2021),This study aimed to produce buffalo patties
formulated with different types of squashes and gourds as fat substitutes. Kabocha squash,
butternut squash, chayote squash, snake gourd and bottle gourd from the Cucurbitaceae
family were used as the fat substitutes and buffalo meat patties with animal fat were the
control. All patties were analyzed and statistically compared in terms of physical properties
and sensory acceptance. Generally, the moisture content, water holding capacity, cooking
yield significantly increased for all samples compared to the control. The fat content
reduced significantly below 3% for all fat-substituted patties, thus they can be regarded as
low-fat. All fat-substituted samples were lighter in color, with a harder texture than the
control but the sensory analysis showed that the color, texture, juiciness, flavour and
overall acceptability of the fat-substituted patties were no different from the control. In
conclusion, all the squashes and gourds tested were suitable as fat substitutes to produce
low-fat buffalo patties, with chayote squash having the highest potential.
According to Serdaroğlu, M.,(2018), The objective of this study was to investigate
quality attributes of beef patties formulated with dried pumpkin pulp and seed mixture
(PM). Four different meatball formulations were prepared where lean was replaced with
PM as C (0% PM), P2 (2% PM), P3 (3% PM) and P5 (5% PM). Utilization of PM
decreased moisture and increased ash content of the patties. Incorporation of 5% PM (P5)
increased the pH value of both uncooked and cooked patties compared to C group.
Increasing levels of PM increased water-holding capacity.
Acceptability of Squash and Coconut Meat in Making Burger Patty
Delfin albano (Magsaysay) stand-alone senior high school
Technical, Vocational and Livelihood (TVL) Track
No significant differences were found in cooking yield and diameter change with the
addition of PM. Incorporation of PM increased fat and decreased moisture retention of the
samples. a* values were decreased with PM addition, where L* values did not differ among
treatments and b* values were similar in C, P3 and P5 samples. Textural properties were
mostly equivalent to control samples with the incorporation of PM even at higher
concentrations. The addition of PM did not significantly affect any of the sensory scores
tested. These results indicated that utilization of PM presents the opportunity to decrease
the amount of meat besides to improve healthier profile without causing negative changes
in physical, chemical and technological quality of beef patties.
According to Khalid, S.,(2021)), Meatball is a popular meat product in Malaysia but
it has high-fat content that could often bring health problems such as non-communicable
diseases. This study aimed to produce replaced-fat meatballs using coconut flesh with three
different varieties (i.e. MAWA, MYD, and Pandan) at two levels of maturities (young and
matured). Meatballs with animal fat were used as control. All samples were analyzed for
the proximate composition, cooking yield, water holding capacity (WHC), texture and
sensory properties. Two-way ANOVA was conducted to determine the interaction between
the maturities and variety of the coconut for all parameters with post-hoc analysis to
observe the significant difference (p<0.05).
Acceptability of Squash and Coconut Meat in Making Burger Patty
Delfin albano (Magsaysay) stand-alone senior high school
Technical, Vocational and Livelihood (TVL) Track
The maturity and variety of coconuts showed significant interactions (p<0.05) in affecting
most of the meatball properties. Young coconuts were superior to mature coconut with
better cooking yield (p<0.05), texture and sensory properties. Meatballs with young Pandan
had the highest moisture content (p<0.05) (71.78%), low fat (3.56%) (p<0.05), and overall
sensory acceptance. Meatballs with young MYD had low fat content (3.50%) (p<0.05),
high WHC (52.11) (p<0.05), high redness (6.09) (p<0.05) with a high score of the colour
(7.13) taste (7.17), texture (7.30) and overall acceptability (7.03) for the sensory properties.
Since both young Pandan and young MYD managed to reduce the fat content in the
meatballs as compared to the control sample and other treatments while maintaining the
quality characteristics of the meatballs, both can be concluded to have potential as the fat
replacers in the production of reduced-fat meatballs.
Acceptability of Squash and Coconut Meat in Making Burger Patty
Delfin albano (Magsaysay) stand-alone senior high school
Technical, Vocational and Livelihood (TVL) Track
According to Oliva, D. (2020), This product is designed to create new flavor and
nutritious patty with many health benefits, such as vitamin A, B6, and potassium. Patty is a
trend among millennial because most of them love to eat burgers. Hence, researchers made
patties that are more delicious and nutritious than ordinary patty. Researchers added a
unique flavor to the patty, which is the squash. This chapter presented research design,
tables of figure, instrument validation of instrument, data gathering procedure, and
statistical treatment. The result of this research showed the viability of torkagi patty in
senior high school students of Best link College of The Philippines like torkagi patty. The
bases of the result were from the taste, aroma, nutritional value, and competitiveness. The
average grand mean of the students was 3.26, thereby indicating that it moderately agreed.
The result of Home Economics teachers showed the average grand mean of 2.94, which
agreed. This product, that is, torkagi patty has many health benefits available. Squash has
many health benefits such as vitamin A, which helps keep our eyes healthy. It also has
vitamin C (ascorbic acid), which is an antioxidant, and is important for immune system
health. This thesis statement showed that a new version of appetizer food based on any
kind of appetizer food is not consumed as a nutrition food to help our body.
Acceptability of Squash and Coconut Meat in Making Burger Patty
Delfin albano (Magsaysay) stand-alone senior high school
Technical, Vocational and Livelihood (TVL) Track
Our product is marketability enough because it has a good taste and is affordable, and it is
also perfect for the people who love to eat snacks but want to be healthy at the same time.
Most of the respondents suggest adding sauce to our product and improve the appearance.
We also need to improve the presentation of the product for it to have a competitive
advantage over our competitors.
According to Eleogo, (2021), Manufacturers appear to be cognizant of the necessity
of launching new product innovations nowadays. The health advantages of milk fish are
another reason to consume it. In response to the product innovation challenge, the
commercial manufacture of Fish Squash Patties using local Milk fish (Chanos chanos) was
considered. The purpose of this research was to create Fish-Squash Patties using native
Bangus (Chanos chanos). The DOST (Department of Science and Technology) examined
the product utilizing Sensory Evaluation and Microbiological Analysis. Following that, the
researchers conducted a taste test and distributed questionnaires assessing the acceptability
of the following factors: appearance, scent, taste, and texture. Bangus and Squash have
been discovered toworkwell together as components for patties. The production of patties
done by the researcher have made the Fish-Squash Patties safe of consumption since it
PASSED the microbiological analysis conducted at DOST Laboratory BulSU Main
Campus, City of Malolos, Bulacan in compliance with the BFAD standards.
Acceptability of Squash and Coconut Meat in Making Burger Patty
Delfin albano (Magsaysay) stand-alone senior high school
Technical, Vocational and Livelihood (TVL) Track
According to FIDER, C.(2016), The research was focused on the development of
vegetable-based snack recipes using affordable vegetables such as squash, sweet potato and
some leafy vegetables as its main ingredients, that would be affordable and acceptable to
school children. Acceptability of the products developed was determined by conducting
consumer survey with 200 grade school children of the Maharlika Village Elementary
School in Taguig City. It is expected that the products developed could provide parents and
schools convenient, low cost, healthy options snack foods that could help address problem
in malnutrition and nutrient deficiencies. After a series of formulation of different recipes,
three (3) recipes were the most acceptable based on food tasting evaluation using the ninepoint hedonic scale, namely, vegetable burger (squash bun with mixed vegetable patty),
squash tart and sweet potato has brown. The snack food samples with high preference and
acceptability were analyzed for its nutritional value. The acceptability and preference of the
elementary students were determined through consumer testing of the most preferred snack
food samples. Product costing of each of the most preferred snack food samples was
computed to determine its affordability and compare the cost with the prices of the snacks
sold in school canteen.
Acceptability of Squash and Coconut Meat in Making Burger Patty
Delfin albano (Magsaysay) stand-alone senior high school
Technical, Vocational and Livelihood (TVL) Track
According to Retona, S.,(2019), The researcher choose squash croquette as the main
product of the business a croquette is a small bread crumbed fried food that is usually made
up of flour, egg, bread crumbs, milk, salt, and pepper.it is mixed with different ingredients
to make different version of it and those are usually potato croquette, pork, chicken, beef,
and other variety. But on this study the researcher choose squash as the main ingredients it
will be sold on a stall that will be located at Jordan plains, Quezon city. They chose to have
this product because its main ingredients squash has a lot of vitamins a nutrients that helps
to have a good skin, clear vision and protection from lung cancer and mouth cancer. The
method used on this feasibility study is survey method where in the researcher gave out
questionnaire to be answered by the chosen respondents. This questionnaire contains
essential question that is needed to gain information for the completion of the study. The
researchers chose to this kind of method because through this, there is bigger chance to
have a better and more accurate result. They can elaborate the questions more to have a
cleared answers. After the study, it shows that the business with the main product of squash
croquette if feasible. It underwent a survey and based on the answers of the chosen
respondents, the product is acceptable on the market and business industry. 100% of the
respondents agreed that it will be popular and acceptable in the market, so based on that
100% of agreement about its popularity, the business will be feasible and acceptable the
moment it came out on the industry. Al lot of people and possible consumer will try the
product and will eventually a usual customers.
Acceptability of Squash and Coconut Meat in Making Burger Patty
Delfin albano (Magsaysay) stand-alone senior high school
Technical, Vocational and Livelihood (TVL) Track
The business will be successful on the industry as it existence become longer on the
industry. On this study, researchers focus and studied about the feasibility of squash
croquette. They seek to find the number of acceptance of the product. The product is like a
usual croquette but the main ingredients used is squash. They also offer other version of
squash croquette such as pork, chicken, and beef. To know it is feasible, they used survey
method wherein they gave questionnaires to the chosen respondents. After conducting the
survey and computation of data gathered, the study shows that the study of squash
croquette is feasible on the possible customers.
According to Lopez, E. A.,(2015), The main objective of this research is to
standardize processed meat recipes which made use of Filipino food ingredients to come up
with quality products that align to food safety and security. Sources of the original recipes
were the grand prize winners of the annual meat processing contest conducted by the
Animal Products Development Center – Bureau of Animal Industry from 1998 to 2007.
The products are Buffalo Meat Loaf, Carablossom Burger, Chevon Supreme, Jack Burger,
and Pork Veggie Dumplings. Among the factors used for choosing these products are
popularization of meat commodity, availability of raw materials, and production cost. The
original recipes used household measurements (cup or teaspoon), and some were not
properly processed and packaged.
Acceptability of Squash and Coconut Meat in Making Burger Patty
Delfin albano (Magsaysay) stand-alone senior high school
Technical, Vocational and Livelihood (TVL) Track
Therefore, measurements were converted to weights (kg or g), and processing and
packaging of each product were standardized to sustain their quality and safety throughout
their storage life and in preparation for bigger scale processing. Sensory evaluation in
laboratory scale was conducted using the 5-point intensity scale for the descriptive test and
9-point hedonic scale for the acceptability test. The most acceptable product formulation
was subjected to shelf life study through microbiological analysis (total plate count) and
sensory evaluation. The canned products were tested for commercial sterility. Value-adding
food in processed meat products with Filipino indigenous ingredients can be economically
advantageous especially in the countryside where agricultural products abound. Most of all,
these products are alternative ways of preparing safe and quality foods aside from the
common menu that Filipinos are accustomed to.
According to Ishaq, A.,(2022),There is a growing awareness that fostering the
transition toward plant-based diets with reduced meat consumption levels is essential to
alleviating the detrimental impacts of the food system on the planet and to improving
human health and animal welfare. The reduction in average meat intake may be reached via
many possible ways, one possibility being the increased consumption of plant-based meat
alternatives (PBMAs). For this reason, in recent years, hundreds of products have been
launched on the market with sensory attributes (i.e., taste, texture, appearance, and smell)
similar to their animal counterparts; however, these products have often a long list of
ingredients and their nutritional values are very different from animal meat.
Acceptability of Squash and Coconut Meat in Making Burger Patty
Delfin albano (Magsaysay) stand-alone senior high school
Technical, Vocational and Livelihood (TVL) Track
The present review aims to highlight the main opportunities and challenges related to the
production and consumption of PBMAs through an interdisciplinary approach. Aspects
related to the production technology, nutritional profiles, potential impacts on health and
the environment, and the current market and consumer acceptance of PBMAs are
discussed. Focusing on the growing literature on this topic, this review will also highlight
research gaps related to PBMAs that should be considered in the future, possibly through
the collaboration of different stakeholders that can support the transition toward sustainable
plant-based diets.
Acceptability of Squash and Coconut Meat in Making Burger Patty
Delfin albano (Magsaysay) stand-alone senior high school
Technical, Vocational and Livelihood (TVL) Track
This chapter will present the methods and techniques of the research, the population
and sample, the research instrument, validation of the research instrument, data gathering
procedure and the statistical treatment to be used in this study.
A. Methods and Techniques of the Study
In this experiment, the researchers used materials such as measuring cup which was
used to measure the all-purpose flour and tablespoon and teaspoon that served as measuring
tool in salt, black pepper and vegetable oil. The researchers also used mixing bowl in
mixing all the ingredients. The ingredients used by the researchers were onion, all-purpose
flour, salt, pepper, egg, cheese, and vegetable oil. The process that was used, Step 1, Place
the squash, coconut meat, and onion in a colander, sprinkle with salt, and drain about 30
minutes, until no longer moist. Step 2, In a bowl, mix the squash, coconut meat, onion,
flour, egg, and cheese, season with pepper. Step 3, Heat the oil in a skillet over medium
heat. Drop squash and coconut meat mixture by heaping tablespoonful into the skillet, and
cook 3 minutes on each side, or until golden brown.
B. Population of the Study
This study will include the setting, the time frame, and the (30) respondents are from
the DAMSASHS Home Economics Teacher, SANHS TLE Teachers, and Delfin Albano
Restaurant owner.
Acceptability of Squash and Coconut Meat in Making Burger Patty
Delfin albano (Magsaysay) stand-alone senior high school
Technical, Vocational and Livelihood (TVL) Track
Delfin albano (magsaysay) Stand Alone Senior High School is the setting in which the
study will be conducted. It will not take into consideration the nutritive content of the
product. In assessing the students, the data is obtained through a questionnaire and survey.
Table 1. Total Respondents of students of DAMSASHS
Total of respondents
C. Research instrument
The research instrument to be used in the study will be the questionnaire. The researcher
will conduct a survey and distribute to the selected students in one section of TVL students
during school year 2022-2023. Survey is a method of sociological investigation that uses
question based or statistical surveys to collect information. Meanwhile, questionnaire is a
set of printed or written questions with choices of answer, devised and designed for the
purpose of the study. The questionnaire will consist of two parts. Part I will the profile of
the respondents such as name, age, and socio-economic status. Part II will consist of
different characteristics of the product. Hedonic scale will be used to describe the
characteristics and acceptability of the product.
Acceptability of Squash and Coconut Meat in Making Burger Patty
Delfin albano (Magsaysay) stand-alone senior high school
Technical, Vocational and Livelihood (TVL) Track
9 =like extremely
8=like very much
7= like moderately
6 = slightly
5 =neither like nor dislike
4 =dislike slightly
3 =dislike moderately
2= dislike very much
1 =dislike extremely
like nor
Mouth feel
D. Procedure
In this experiment, the researchers used materials such as measuring cup which was
used to measure the all-purpose flour and tablespoon, teaspoon that served as measuring
tool in salt, black pepper and vegetable oil. The researchers also used mixing bowl in
mixing all the ingredients. The ingredients used by the researchers were onion, all-purpose
flour, salt, pepper, egg, cheese, and vegetable oil. The process that was used, Step 1, place
the squash, coconut meat and onion in a colander, sprinkle with salt, and drain about 30
minutes until no longer moist.
Acceptability of Squash and Coconut Meat in Making Burger Patty
Delfin albano (Magsaysay) stand-alone senior high school
Technical, Vocational and Livelihood (TVL) Track
Step 2, In a bowl, mix the squash, coconut meat and onion, flour, egg, and cheese season
with pepper. Step 3, Heat the oil in a skillet over medium heat. Drop squash mixture by
heaping tablespoonful into the skillet, and cook 3 minutes on each side, or until golden
E. Data Gathering Procedure
After the questionnaire will be finally constructed, the researcher will ask the help of
the TVL students to conduct and facilitate the questionnaire. The researcher will seek the
help of the concern teachers to administer the questionnaire to the respondents.
After answering the questionnaire, the researcher will finally get and retrieve the
papers and then will proceed to the tallying of the results and answers.
F. Data Analysis
The descriptive method is used in this study. The descriptive research is defined as
a research method that describes the characteristics of the population or phenomenon
studied. This descriptive methodology focuses more on the “what” of the research subject
than the “why” of the research subject. The descriptive research method primarily focuses
on describing the nature of a demographic segment, without focusing on “why” a particular
phenomenon occurs. In other words, it “describes” the subject of the research, without
covering “why” it happens.
Acceptability of Squash and Coconut Meat in Making Burger Patty
Delfin albano (Magsaysay) stand-alone senior high school
Technical, Vocational and Livelihood (TVL) Track
A descriptive method of research is one that describes the characteristics of a
phenomenon, situation or population. It uses quantitative and qualitative approaches to
describe problems with little relevant information. Descriptive research accurately
describes a research problem without asking why a particular event happened. By
researching market patterns, the descriptive method answers how patterns change, what
caused the change and when the change occurred, instead of dwelling on why the change
Mean will be used to describe the product by the customers and experts. This could be
the need to derive patterns, traits, and behaviors of the respondents.
1. Correlation will be used to know if there is a significant difference between
squash patty and coconut meat patty.
2. Thematic approach will be used to analyze the challenges San Antonio
National High School, and Delfin Albano (Magsaysay) Stand Alone Senior
High School. Have experienced to try the squash and coconut meat burger
Acceptability of Squash and Coconut Meat in Making Burger Patty
Delfin albano (Magsaysay) stand-alone senior high school
Technical, Vocational and Livelihood (TVL) Track
Table of contents
1. Introduction
1. A Background of the study……………………………………………….1
1. B Statement of the Problem………………………………………………2-3
1. C Hypothesis……………………………………………………………..3
1. D Research Paradigm………………………………………………..........3
1. E Significance of the Study……………………………………………….4
1. F Scope and Limitation……………………………………………………4
1. G Definition of Terms……………………………………………………..5
2. Review of Related Literature and Study
3. Methodology
3. A Methods and Techniques of the Study..………………………………..18
3. B Population of the Study …………………………………………………18
3. C Research Instrument……………………………………………………19
3. D Procedure……………………………………………………………….20
3. E Data Gathering Procedure………………………………………………21
3. F Data Analysis……………………………………………………………21-22
4. References……………………………………………………………………….23
Acceptability of Squash and Coconut Meat in Making Burger Patty
Delfin albano (Magsaysay) stand-alone senior high school
Technical, Vocational and Livelihood (TVL) Track
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Acceptability of Squash and Coconut Meat in Making Burger Patty
Delfin albano (Magsaysay) stand-alone senior high school
Technical, Vocational and Livelihood (TVL) Track
Based on the results of the experimental the following conclusions were derived
from the experiment conducted by the researchers:
The acceptability of squash and coconut meat in making burger patty as substitution
in making a burger patty. Based on the t-Test significance and the respondents response.
1. Based on the sensory evaluation, it shows that using squash and coconut meat as
substitution in making burger patty has no significance in terms of taste, texture,
aroma, and quality.
2. Using squash and coconut meat as making a burger patty will lessen the burden in
Delfin Albano. It can be their source of living since squash and coconut meat is
neglected in Delfin Albano.
The researchers come up with the following recommendation for further analysis and
in-depth study:
1. Consult the experts for more information about the nutritive value of the product.
2. Devised scientific means of the mass production of the product.
3. Test the product for possible range life of the product.
Acceptability of Squash and Coconut Meat in Making Burger Patty
Delfin albano (Magsaysay) stand-alone senior high school
Technical, Vocational and Livelihood (TVL) Track
Acceptability of Squash and Coconut Meat in Making Burger Patty