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TikTok Impact on Grade 12 Academic Performance

2020 - 2021
A Research Paper
Presented to
Ibn Siena Integrated School Foundation
Biyaba, Marawi City
In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Course
Practical Research 2 – Quantitative
First Semester, S.Y. 2020 – 2021
Presented by:
Abdulsalam, Resaliah A.
Amanodin, Jaifarah A.
Bala, Settie Nehaya G.
Bashier, Haula G.
Said, Hafidahcamar M.
Chapter 2
This chapter presents the related literature which has established a more concrete
ground as to why this research was undertaken. This chapter will discuss the importance
of TikTok (in sharing information and knowledge, and providing entertainment), influence
of social media, and impacts of social media (in social interaction, behavior and academic
performance) by reviewing some of the numerous works done by scholars and
researchers which are directly related to this research work.
2.1. Importance of TikTok
Social media has been part of everyone’s life after the rapid improvement of
technology. People all over the world have been enjoying the benefits of using technology
2.1.1. Sharing Information and Knowledge
Information and communication technology has changed rapidly over the
past 20 years, with a key development being the emergence of social media. In
the past, communicating and free sharing of thought between people are restricted
by long distance, race, and even religion. But now these barriers can no longer
stop the flow of information and knowledge because now the new world of social
networking allows free sharing of thoughts through online social networking sites
such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and the like (Asrodello, 2016).
Different kinds of smart phone applications appeared with better service for
content transmission so as to achieve complete and efficient communication
(Jiang, 2016). TikTok is a better practice of this feature, making great efforts in
terms of content, and emphasizing the originality of content and the participation
of content (Yi, 2017). The contents of TikTok come from every aspect of life and
different contents bring different experiences to users.
Meng (2016) summarized the main content type of majority of short video
apps. He divided content types into three categories, and one of its category is the
education, that means teach the users how to move up, speak languages, and
cook; for example, some cooking short video can teach users to cook and then
apply these cooking skills to their daily life (Jia, 2017).
Ling (2016) mentioned that education short video is meaningful to help
users improve basic life skills. Following different studying demands of users,
education short video covers many aspects of life. It adopted a relatively easy way
to teach users and increase users’ capability in a short time. Education short video
should be encouraged and promoted in short video apps.
In conclusion, TikTok application can be a useful tool for the students in
obtaining information, learn new and useful things that they could apply in their
daily life, and identify people whom they share the same interest with.
2.1.2. Providing Entertainment
Among the main reasons why young adult students use social media is to
entertain themselves for stress relieving. TikTok is one of the leading and fastest
growing social media platform that gain popularity over a short period of time, and
that is because of its uniqueness. TikTok application requires less amount of time
to create a video, 15 seconds which is an advantage for the users as this factor fit
into the user’s rapid lifestyle which makes it totally different from other competing
apps. This unique design of TikTok is a plus for the product and to support its
development and growth. The first ever short video app to use big data analysis is
TikTok (Hou Liqian, 2018).
According to Kevin Munger (2020), if you spend a few hours on TikTok,
you’ll see how this works. Other media begins to feel “slow,” even formerly
compelling products like a YouTube video or Twitter feed. Younger people tend to
love intensity, loud music, bright lights, and it’s no surprise people find TikTok
Garnett (2016) stated music is an embodiment of people's spiritual pursuit
since ancient times. Various forms of music can give people different experiences
and help people relax their bodies and relieve stress. Young people living today
are more likely to use music to regulate their emotions.
Moreover, through funny and interesting short video sharing, users can feel
relaxed and get a good viewing experience (Wang, 2017).
According to Zhi (2018), when life speeds up, many people have to be under
the tremendous pressure from life and work. Hence, these entertainments short
videos help them relieve stress and make them get positive to life. For example,
some positive funny short video, although on the surface it is funny, but actually it
transfers positive energy. Hui (2017), however, talked about the disadvantages of
the entertainment of short video. With the appearance of more and more short
video apps, in order to attract more users, many vulgar parody videos increased
rapidly. Teenagers become addicted to video, and follow suit. The wrong concept
of life is transmitted, which seriously affects the physical and mental health of
In conclusion, TikTok is a good tool for entertainment and sharing
information and knowledge, the uniqueness of this application is what makes it
more popular than the others. However, just like any other social media platform,
it does not provide only good impacts to the users for it also contains some videos
that are not appropriate for the teenagers to watch.
2.2. Influence of Social Media
Social networking sites have completely changed the way that adolescents interact
and gather information (Bonds Raacke & Raacke, 2008).
Teenagers have become accustomed to this lifestyle much more than older
generations have in recent years, as this way of living is all they know (Lewis, 2008).
Teenagers now use the social media for the majority of their daily activities and
information gathering, as opposed to older generations who used resources like the
television or newspaper (Lewis, 2008).
Teenagers use the Internet to make plans and socialize with friends. As one
researcher stated,
“Teens use the social media as an extension of their
personality, to show their friends – and the world – who they are,
what they care about, and to build connections with other like-minded
people” (Goodman, 2007, 84).
In the article by Digital Marketing Philippines, from the 40 million Filipino active
social media users, 65% of them are teenagers and young adults, and 81% of them
access their accounts daily (Gregorio, 2013). And as of January 2020, the Philippines has
one of the highest numbers of social network users across Southeast Asia, with a social
media penetration rate of approximately 67 (Sanchez, 2020).
Mostly the students cannot even imagine a day without posting on social media or
chatting with friends by using social media platforms. Research shows that the students
spend 12 hours maximum on using social media (Adil, 2020).
Since students are highly motivated to using social media sites the majority of them
use these to satisfy their social needs more than their academic needs (Astodello, 2016).
According to Walsh (2013), students who spent the most time using social media
had fewer academic behaviors, such as completing homework and attending class, lower
academic confidence and more problems affecting their school work, like lack of sleep
and substance use.
In conclusion, most of the netizens who are highly influenced by social media are
the young adults or teenagers. They use social media as part of their daily lives, they
spend their time more being active online than going outdoors and prefer to have a virtual
interaction with their friends than meeting them in actual way.
2.3. Impact of Social Media
Being exposed in social media has an immense impact on the young adolescence
or teenagers (Khurana, 2015).
2.3.1. Social Interaction and behavior
Abelardo Pardo believes that technology offers a platform for innovation,
and allows its users to express their opinions about how they feel towards the
information being published. He adds that, social media is also a platform that
allows students to interact with one another, with their teachers and communities
that share their same education. Pardo also states that these types of interaction
are “an essential part of how humans learn.” (Pardo, 2013, p. 45)
According to Gwenn Schurgin O’Keeffe and Kathleen Clarke-Pearson, there are
negative impacts caused by social media, it includes accessing inappropriate
content and not “understanding online privacy”, and also online harassment and
cyberbullying, which are mostly caused by risks of peer to peer engagement
(O’Keeffe and Clarke-Pearson, 2011).
While Dr. Patient Rambe states that social media gives different drawbacks
and opportunities that distinctively enable and disable possibilities of having faceto-face interaction, as it liberates them from this obligation to the availability of
everything online. He also adds that Facebook as a learning environment has
given the opportunity to have multiple representations of students voices and has
created an “educative and aesthetic space.” Taking into consideration the
opposing side, Facebook’s learning environment has caused limitations of
individuals to realise their “self-interests” (Rambe, 2011).
Sanzhar Naizabekov concluded that social media causes procrastination as
a result of its distracting nature. It would take an individual who uses social media
much more time than it would take a focused individual to finish a task. Through
procrastination emerges the second negative impact, which is lack of motivation,
because using social media with studying develops negative attitude towards their
individual work at school (Naizabekov, 2012).
While it is not furtive that the internet service in the country is far from
excellent, Filipinos are still fond of taking things so social media. There’s no
denying it, we Filipinos are social. Social interactions are a basic part of our daily
lives and it is not at all surprising that it is extended into our social media handles
(Pascual, 2019).
2.3.2. Academic Performance
The most important things in a student’s life are studying, learning good
habits and gaining knowledge to become a person with moral character. Quality
education produces productive students who lead to the prosperity of their
respective educational institution and subsequently are proved as strong
contributors to the national well-being (Ahmed and Qazi, 2011).
Tuckman (1975) defined performance as the apparent demonstration of
understanding, concepts, skills, ideas and knowledge of a person and proposed
that grades clearly depict the performance of a student. Hence, their academic
performance must be managed efficiently keeping in view all the factors that can
positively or negatively affect their educational performance.
Use of technology such as internet is one of the most important factors that
can influence educational performance of students positively or adversely. Shah
et al. (2001) proposed that student users are affected by the internet and this
impact is determined by the type of internet usage. They are positively affected by
the informative use of internet while having drastic impact of recreational use of
internet on them.
As social media have a positive impact on student’s academics, it also have
negative impacts. Students neglect their studies by spending time on social
networking websites rather than studying or interacting with people in person.
Actively and frequently participating in social networking can negatively affect their
grades or hamper their journeys to their future careers (Karadkar, 2015).
Social media has actually created a lax attitude for using proper spelling as
well as grammar. In fact, the students are unable to write effectively without the
aid of the spell check feature of a computer (Armstrong, 2012).
Khan (2009) found that Facebook users had poor performance in exams.
Englander et al. (2010) proclaimed that internet usage is negatively associated
with academic performance of student users and destructive impact of internet
usage is far more momentous than its advantages. Internet addiction has come
forth as a result of striking boost in internet usage over the past few decades.
Nalwa and Anand (2003) proposed that addicted users prefer using internet
setting back their personal and professional responsibilities and this ultimately
leads to poor academic performance.
Karpinski (2009) said that among various unique distractions of every
generation, Facebook has been proved as the major distraction of current
generation. Kubey, Lavin and Barrows (2001) proposed that impairment of
academic performance and internet dependency are correlated with the use of
synchronous communication applications including social networking sites and
chat rooms.
In ‘The Effects Of Social Networking Sites On Students’ Academic
Performance In Lyceum Of The Philippines – Laguna’ by Isaac M. Morallo, Master
of Arts in Information Technology Education, it was found out that a small
relationship between SNSs and academic performance.
The perceived effects of SNSs on the students’ academic performance
show that SNSs contribute to the attainment of higher grade by interacting
online about school work. The results show that there is no significant
relationship between SNSs usage and student academic performance
because correlation coefficients show a negative relationship between
SNSs use and academic performance because correlation coefficients
show a negative relationship between SNSs use and academic
performance. (Morallo, 2014, p. 26)
In another study conducted by Remedios C. Kulidtod of the University of
Southern Mindanao, it was found out that the exposure of the Institute of Middle
East and Asian Studies (IMEAS) students to the social networking media positively
affected their academic performance.
In contrast, there is also this very disturbing finding of the study which
disclosed that the students of IMEAS, University of Southern Mindanao,
Kabacan, Cotabato used the social networking media almost daily since
majority of them answered to have used said form of media 5-6 days a week
at an average of about 1-2 hours every session. With this data, it is
recommended that the USM must regulate the proper time usage by the
students of social networking media on the campus in order not to destruct
with their classroom activities. (Kulidtod, 2017, p. 59)
It can be concluded that social media both brought positive and negative impact to
the Filipino youth. It has offered connectivity between peers, enhanced team
collaboration, provided platform for art and inspiration, and delivered information
effortlessly. On the other hand, when social media is abused or not used in a critical way,
it influences the end users negatively. It threatens one's self-concept and identity,
relationships, logical understanding and even intelligence. For that reason, it is important
to educate the young on having the essential skills to effectively engage with social media
(i.e., media and information literacy) (“Effects of Media to the Filipino Youth,” n.d.)
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