CCS1_23 Info • Contacts – Mail – Web – Office EA439 – Phone +420 597 325 964 • Classes: Wednesdays 7:15 – 9:30 CET • Methods of assessment – Credit – 4 assignments graded by 11,11,11,12 points, min 25 ‐ max 45 points – Examination ‐ written exam: min 20 ‐ max 55 points 2021/23 CCS, 1. lecture 2 References • Chapter 1, Stallings, W.: Cryptography and Network Security 2021/23 CCS, 1. lecture 3 Why computer security? • Information is a strategic resource • Spread of IT requires automated/technical, physical & administrative means • Concerned both – with information stored and processed within a computer – transferred between computers • Need to define requirements for security and identify how to meet them 2021/23 CCS, 1. lecture 4 Computer security • Security is a state of well‐being of information and infrastructures in which the possibility of successful yet undetected theft, tampering, and disruption of information and services is kept low or tolerable. • Computer security is the protection of the items you value, called the assets of a computer system. Main types of assets are: – hardware, – software, – data. 2021/23 CCS, 1. lecture 5 Security Services (functions) • • • • confidentiality ‐ protect info content/access authentication ‐ protect info origin (sender) integrity ‐ protect info accuracy nonrepudiation ‐ protect from deniability, protection against denial by one of the parties in a communication • authorization ‐ ensure identity of users • availability ‐ ensure info delivery • access control ‐ control access to info/resources 2021/23 CCS, 1. lecture 6 Security Services • Confidentiality is the concealment of information or resources. – E.g., only sender, intended receiver should “understand” message contents • Authenticity is the identification and assurance of the origin of information. • Integrity refers to the trustworthiness of data or resources in terms of preventing improper and unauthorized changes. • Availability refers to the ability to use the information or resource desired. 2021/23 CCS, 1. lecture 7 Security Policy • Security policy: a statement of what is, and is not allowed. – What is being protected? What activities or events should be prevented / protected? • Security policy is usually stated in terms of: – principals (actors, participants, or the best term is roles) – defining permissible (or impermissible) actions – on classes of objects – E.g. • „Each registered voter may vote at most once“ • „Only an administrator may modify this file“ • … 2021/23 CCS, 1. lecture 8 Security Mechanisms • Security mechanism: a procedure, tool, or method of enforcing a policy. • Security mechanisms implement functions that help prevent, detect, and respond and recovery from security attacks. • Security services are typically made available to users through APIs or integrated interfaces. • Cryptography underlies many security mechanisms. 2021/23 CCS, 1. lecture 9 Security Mechanisms • • • • • • Personnel – Access Tokens, Biometrics Physical – Integrated Access control Managerial – Security Education Data Networking – Encryption, Config control SW & OS – Testing, Evaluation, Certification HW – TCB (trusted computing base), Tamper‐proof, Encryption 2021/23 CCS, 1. lecture 10 Security Meachanisms (X.800) • Pervasive security mechanisms: • Specific security mechanisms: – Trusted functionality – Security labels – Event detection – Security audit trails – Security recovery – Encipherment – Digital signatures – Access controls – Data integrity – Authentication exchange – Traffic padding • – Routing control • – Notarization 2021/23 CCS, 1. lecture ITU‐T X.800 Security Architecture for OSI Defines a systematic way of defining and providing security requirements 11 Participants of communication process • Alice and Bob are the good guys (Ron Rivest, 1978) • Trudy is the bad guy, generic intruder (attacker), also Eve, Oscar, Mallory etc. • 2021/23 CCS, 1. lecture 12 Alice’s Online Bank • Alice opens Alice’s Online Bank (AOB) • What are Alice’s security concerns? • If Bob is a customer of AOB, what are his security concerns? • How are Alice’s and Bob’s concerns similar? How are they different? • How does Trudy view the situation? • Beginning of slides from 2021/23 CCS, 1. lecture 13 CIA • CIA == Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability • AOB must prevent Trudy from learning Bob’s account balance • Confidentiality: prevent unauthorized reading of information – Cryptography used for confidentiality 2021/23 CCS, 1. lecture 14 CIA • Trudy must not be able to change Bob’s account balance • Bob must not be able to improperly change his own account balance • Integrity: detect unauthorized writing of information – Cryptography used for integrity 2021/23 CCS, 1. lecture 15 CIA • AOB’s information must be available whenever it’s needed • Alice must be able to make transaction – If not, she’ll take her business elsewhere • Availability: Data is available in a timely manner when needed • Availability is a “new” security concern – Denial of service (DoS) attacks 2021/23 CCS, 1. lecture 16 Beyond CIA: Crypto • How does Bob’s computer know that “Bob” is really Bob and not Trudy? • Bob’s password must be verified – This requires some clever cryptography • What are security concerns of passwords? – the worst passwords of 2016 –‐passwords‐2016‐revealed‐123456‐ 9644740 • Are there alternatives to passwords? 2021/23 CCS, 1. lecture 17 Beyond CIA: Protocols • When Bob logs into AOB, how does AOB know that “Bob” is really Bob? • As before, Bob’s password is verified • Unlike the previous case, network security issues arise • How do we secure network transactions? – Protocols are critically important – Crypto plays critical role in protocols 2021/23 CCS, 1. lecture 18 Beyond CIA: Access Control • Once Bob is authenticated by AOB, then AOB must restrict actions of Bob – Bob can’t view Charlie’s account info – Bob can’t install new software, etc. • Enforcing these restrictions: authorization • Access control includes both authentication and authorization 2021/23 CCS, 1. lecture 19 Beyond CIA: Software • Cryptography, protocols, and access control are implemented in software – Software is foundation on which security rests • What are security issues of software? – Real world software is complex and buggy – Software flaws lead to security flaws – How does Trudy attack software? – How to reduce flaws in software development? – And what about malware? 2021/23 CCS, 1. lecture 20 AAA • AAA ‐ authentication, authorization and accounting. • E.g. RADIUS protocol, RFC 2865 – authentication, authorization and accounting refers to a security architecture for distributed systems, which enables control over which users are allowed access to which services, and how much of the resources they have used. 2021/23 CCS, 1. lecture 21 The People Problem • People often break security – Both intentionally and unintentionally – Here, we consider the unintentional • For example, suppose you want to buy something online – To make it concrete, suppose you want to buy Information Security: Principles and Practice, 2nd edition from 2021/23 CCS, 1. lecture 22 The People Problem • To buy from… – Your Web browser uses SSL protocol – SSL relies on cryptography – Access control issues arise – All security mechanisms are in software • Suppose all of this security stuff works perfectly – Then you would be safe, right? 2021/23 CCS, 1. lecture 23 The People Problem • What could go wrong? • Trudy tries man‐in‐the‐middle attack (later) – SSL is secure, so attack doesn’t “work” – But, Web browser issues a warning – What do you, the user, do? • If user ignores warning, attack works! – None of the security mechanisms failed – But user unintentionally broke security – End of slides from 2021/23 CCS, 1. lecture 24 Security Threats • Vulnerability is a weakness in the security system, for example, in procedures, design, or implementation, that might be exploited to cause loss or harm. • Threat is a possible danger that might exploit a vulnerability. – Flaws in design, implementation, and operation. Vulnerablity (crack in the wall ) Threat 2021/23 CCS, 1. lecture 25 Attacks • A computer‐based system has three separate but valuable components: hardware, software, and data. • An attack is any action that violates security. – Active adversary • An attack has an implicit concept of “intent” – Router mis‐configuration or server crash can also cause loss of availability, but they are not attacks • A passive attack attempts to learn or make use of information from the system but does not affect system resources. An active attack attempts to alter system resources or affect their operation. 2021/23 CCS, 1. lecture 26 Attacks (1) – Normal information flow: A B - Interruption - an asset of the system becomes lost, unavailable, or unusable, attack on availability (e.g. malicious destruction of a hardware device, erasure of a program or data file, or malfunction of an operating system file manager so that it cannot find a particular disk file). A 2021/23 B CCS, 1. lecture 27 Attacks (2) – Interception ‐ some unauthorized party has gained access to an asset, attack on confidentiality (e.g. illicit copying of program or data files, or wiretapping to obtain data in a network) A B E 2021/23 CCS, 1. lecture 28 Attacks (3) ‐ Modification ‐ unauthorized party not only accesses but tampers with an asset, attack on integrity (e.g. change the values in a database, alter a program so that it performs an additional computation, or modify data being transmitted electronically) B A E 2021/23 CCS, 1. lecture 29 Attacks (4) – Fabrication ‐ unauthorized assumption of other’s identity, generate and distribute objects under this identity, attack on authentication (insert spurious transactions to a network communication system or add records to an existing database) B A E 2021/23 CCS, 1. lecture 30 Methods of defence • How can we defend against a threat? – – – – Prevent it: prevent the attack Deter it: make the attack harder or more expensive Defect it: make yourself less attractive to attacker Detect it: notice that attack is occurring (or has occurred) – Recover from it: mitigate the effects of the attack • Often, we'll want to do many things to defend against the same threat „Defence in depth" 2021/23 CCS, 1. lecture 31 Example of defence • Threat: your car may get stolen • How to defend? – Prevent: Immobilizer? Is it possible to absolutely prevent? – Deter: Store your car in a secure parking facility – Deflect: have sticker mentioning car alarm, keep valuables out of sight – Detect: Car alarms, … – Recover: Insurance 2021/23 CCS, 1. lecture 32 Defence of computer systems • Remember we may want to protect any of our assets – Hardware, software, data • Many ways to do this; for example: • Cryptography – – – – – Protecting data by making it unreadable to an attacker Authenticating users with digital signatures Authenticating transactions with cryptographic protocols Ensuring the integrity of stored data Aid customers' privacy by having their personal information automatically become unreadable after a certain length of time 2021/23 CCS, 1. lecture 33 Defence of computer systems • Software controls – Passwords and other forms of access control – Operating systems separate users' actions from each other – Virus scanners watch for some kinds of malware – Development controls enforce quality measures on the original source code – Personal firewalls that run on your desktop 2021/23 CCS, 1. lecture 34 Defence of computer systems • Hardware controls – Not usually protection of the hardware itself, but rather using separate hardware to protect the system as a whole – Fingerprint readers – Smart tokens – Firewalls – Intrusion detection systems 2021/23 CCS, 1. lecture 35 Defence of computer systems • Physical controls – Protection of the hardware itself, as well as physical access to the console, storage media, etc. – Locks – Guards – Off‐site backups – Don't put your data centre on a fault line in California – Don't put your nuclear power plant in a tsunami zone 2021/23 CCS, 1. lecture 36 Defence of computer systems • Policies and procedures – Non‐technical means can be used to protect against some classes of attack – If an employee connects his own Wi‐Fi access point to the internal company network, that can accidentally open the network to outside attack • So don't allow the employee to do that! – Rules about changing passwords – Training in best security practices 2021/23 CCS, 1. lecture 37