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Philippine Folk Dances: Bulaklakan, Sakuting, Tinikling, Pandanggo

BULAKLAKAN- Time signature is 3
The name Bulaklakan originates from the numerous flowers that grow in the area of Bulacan. The
dance is dedicated to the Virgin Mary performed widely in the month of May as part of the
celebration of their holy week. They offer flowers to Mama Mary.
SAKUTING- Time signature 2 and 3
It was influence by Chinese. They used to dance with a bamboo stick.
Sakuting was originally performed by male dancers only. It originates from the province of Abra,
performed by both Ilokano Christians and non Christians. It depicts a mock fight with sticks for
training and combat. During Christmas, the dance is performed in town plazas or dancers will go
door to door. Spectators give them aguinaldos (5-piso bills) or refreshments
TINIKLING- Time signature is 3
The tinikling is named after the tikling bird. The dancers imitate the bird's flight in grace and speed as
they play and chase each other, run over tree branches or dodge farmer's traps. The dance is done
with a pair of bamboo poles. Originate in Leyte.
PANDANGGO SA ILAW- Time signature 3
Coming from the Spanish word “fandango”, the dance is characterized by steps and clapping that
varies in rhythm.The Pandanggo sa Ilaw demands three oil lamps balanced on the heads and the
back of the hands of each dancer.
What is Dance? Dance comes from the German word damson, which means “to stretch or “to drag”. It
developed as a natural expression of united feeling and action. Dance is considered the mirror of the
society because it responds to historical and religious events as well as social and political statements.
Although there have been immense comparative differences in period and culture, people still dance
mainly for four reasons: (a) to please gods; (b) to please others; (c) to please themselves; and (d) to build
community within an ethnic group or social interaction.