Module 5 – SQL Query Assignment Assignment Purpose: Formulate query expressions using SQL query language Write the following Queries in SQL , run them, and the post the results (Ques on number 1 is done for you) : 1. Find the rst names, last names, and nickNames of all the pastry_chefs SELECT P.fName, P.lName, P.nickName FROM PASTRY_CHEF P; FNAME -------------------Sylvia Steve Barbara Larry Mary Mike Aaron Karen Sam LNAME -------------------Jones Williams Miller Stevens Thomas Cook Smith Kellogg Jenkins NICKNAME -------------------ChefS SteveW BarbieGirl LS MaryT Cookie AS Kellogg Jenks 2. Find the nicknames of pastry chefs who have used the prep_tool ‘Cu ng Sheets’ SQL> SELECT DISTINCT pc.nickName 2 FROM PASTRY_CHEF pc 3 INNER JOIN CREATED_BY cb ON pc.pID = cb.pID 4 INNER JOIN PREP_TOOL pt ON cb.pID = pt.pID 5 WHERE pt.Model = 'Cutting Sheets’; NICKNAME -------------------SteveW MaryT 3. Find all the names of the desserts BarbieGirl created SQL> SELECT d.dName 2 FROM PASTRY_CHEF pc 3 JOIN CREATED_BY cb ON pc.pID = cb.pID 4 JOIN DESSERT d ON cb.dID = d.dID 5 WHERE pc.nickName = ‘BarbieGirl'; DNAME -----------------------------Red Velvet 4. Find the last names and nickName of Pastry_chefs who have created at least one dessert SQL> SELECT pc.lName, pc.nickName 2 FROM PASTRY_CHEF pc 3 JOIN CREATED_BY cb ON pc.pID = cb.pID 4 GROUP BY pc.lName, pc.nickName 5 HAVING COUNT(cb.dID) >= 1; ti NICKNAME tti fi LNAME -------------------- -------------------Stevens LS Williams SteveW Thomas MaryT Cook Cookie Jones ChefS Miller BarbieGirl Jenkins Jenks 5. Find the nickNames any Pastry_chefs who have created at least one dessert, but did not make category pie SQL> SELECT DISTINCT pc.nickName 2 FROM PASTRY_CHEF pc 3 INNER JOIN CREATED_BY cb ON pc.pID = cb.pID 4 INNER JOIN DESSERT d ON cb.dID = d.dID 5 WHERE d.category <> ‘pie'; NICKNAME -------------------LS BarbieGirl MaryT SteveW Cookie Jenks 6. Find the last names of any Pastry_chefs who have created at least one dessert, but did not make ‘red velvet’ SQL> SELECT DISTINCT pc.lName 2 FROM PASTRY_CHEF pc 3 JOIN CREATED_BY cb ON pc.pID = cb.pID 4 JOIN DESSERT d ON cb.dID = d.dID 5 WHERE d.dName <> 'red velvet’; LNAME -------------------Cook Thomas Miller Jenkins Stevens Jones Williams tti tti 7. Find the nickNames of Pastry_chefs who do not use ‘Cu ng Sheets’ as Prep tools SQL> SELECT DISTINCT pc.nickName 2 FROM PASTRY_CHEF pc 3 WHERE pc.pID NOT IN ( 4 SELECT pID 5 FROM PREP_TOOL 6 WHERE Model = 'Cu ng Sheets' 7 ); NICKNAME ------------------AS LS ChefS BarbieGirl Kellogg Jenks Cookie 8. Find the rst names of Pastry_chefs who have created both 'Cookies' and ‘Custard’ SQL> SELECT DISTINCT pc.fName 2 FROM PASTRY_CHEF pc 3 JOIN CREATED_BY cb1 ON pc.pID = cb1.pID 4 JOIN CREATED_BY cb2 ON pc.pID = cb2.pID 5 JOIN DESSERT d1 ON cb1.dID = d1.dID 6 JOIN DESSERT d2 ON cb2.dID = d2.dID 7 WHERE d1.dName = 'Cookies' 8 AND d2.dName = 'Custard'; no rows selected 9. Find the youngest age and the nickName from Pastry_chef table SQL> SELECT age AS youngest_age, nickName 2 FROM PASTRY_CHEF 3 WHERE age = (SELECT MIN(age) FROM PASTRY_CHEF); YOUNGEST_AGE NICKNAME ——————— -------------------21 AS 10. Find all the secretIngredients used Miami and list the name of the dessert SQL> SELECT d.dName AS dessert_name, cb.secretIngredient 2 FROM DESSERT d 3 JOIN CREATED_BY cb ON d.dID = cb.dID 4 WHERE cb.loca on = 'Miami'; DESSERT_NAME SECRETINGREDIENT ------------------------------ -----------------------------Creme Brulee steeped espresso beans Sugar orange jest Red Velvet mayonnaise Donut Instant mashed Potatoes 11. Find the nickName, dessert name and secretIngredient for any pastry chefs younger than 33 SQL> SELECT pc.nickName, d.dName AS dessert_name, cb.secretIngredient 2 FROM PASTRY_CHEF pc 3 JOIN CREATED_BY cb ON pc.pID = cb.pID 4 JOIN DESSERT d ON cb.dID = d.dID 5 WHERE pc.age < 33; ti fi NICKNAME DESSERT_NAME SECRETINGREDIENT -------------------- ------------------------------ -----------------------------ChefS Banana Cream citrus juice MaryT MaryT SteveW BarbieGirl ChefS Jenks Creme Brulee Chocolate Chip Sugar Red Velvet Apple Donut steeped espresso beans vanilla and lemon orange jest mayonnaise apple cider vinegar Instant mashed Potatoes 12. Find the secret Ingredient and dessert name of any desserts that begin with ‘C’ SQL> SELECT d.dName AS dessert_name, cb.secretIngredient 2 FROM DESSERT d 3 JOIN CREATED_BY cb ON d.dID = cb.dID 4 WHERE d.dName LIKE 'C%'; DESSERT_NAME SECRETINGREDIENT ------------------------------ -----------------------------Creme Brulee salt Chocolate Chip vanilla and lemon Creme Brulee steeped espresso beans Chocolate layer beets 13. Write your own query request Find the nickNames of pastry chefs who have used the prep tool brand ‘Pyrex’ 14. Write your solu on to the query from ques on 13. SQL> SELECT DISTINCT pc.nickName 2 FROM PASTRY_CHEF pc 3 JOIN PREP_TOOL pt ON pc.pID = pt.pID 4 WHERE pt.Brand = 'Pyrex'; NICKNAME -------------------ChefS ti ti MaryT