Uploaded by Mariela Marcos Gonzales

Regarding Macro factors

Regarding Macro factors, we have divided this into 4 main topics: Political, Economical,
Technological, and legal.
The first one is the political factor, since the government follows the standards of the World
Health Organization, we ensure our product meets all these standards.
Also, we are aligned with government initiatives like Surveillance Software and Training
Programs, aimed at reducing healthcare-associated infections.
Moving on to the Economical: We are going to decrease economic losses by reducing the
number of illnesses and deaths from infections.
We will be analyse continuously the changes in the demand and the market to assure our
produce satisfies the current needs of our customers.
Turning on the Technological: Our product will be compatible with medical imaging systems
and CCTV cameras.
We will be continuously validating our AI model to assure accuracy and reliability. We know
robust algorithms are essential for the precise identification of infection risks.
Finally, but not least, regarding Legal factor, we will patent our algorithms to prevent their
unauthorized use or replications by competitors.
We will store the evaluation details provided by our product in case we need them to audit or
compliance purposes.