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Driving Assessment Tests: Vision, Cognition, Motor Skills

 Vision and visual-perceptual Assessments
o Clock Drawing Test
o Optec Functional Visual Analyzer (using slides to test acuity, etc.)
o Ishihara Color Test (red and green deficiencies)
o Contrast Sensitivity (Tests low and high contrast - used for night driving)
o Depth Perception (perceiving environment in 3 dimensions)
o Glare Recovery (how quickly the eye recovers after exposure to bright light)
o Letter to number Cancellation (Visual scanning and selective attention)
o Motor Free Visual Perception Test (visual discrimination, visual memory, figureground, etc.)
o Ocular Movement (convergence, divergence, saccades)
o Symbol Digital Modalities Test
o Useful Field of View (used to determine crash risk) (vision and attention)
o Visual Acuity (Snellen Wall Chart)
o Visual Field (look ahead without eye or head movements)
 Cognitive, memory, and executive functional skills Assessments
o Clinical Dementia Rating
o Cognitive Behavioral Driver’s Inventory (TBI patients)
o Cognitive Linguistic Quick Test
o DriveABLE (computer-based and on-road)
o Porteus Maze Test (written maze driving test)
o Cognistat Paper and Active Form Tests
o Assessment of the Rules and the Roads and Sign Recognition
o Short Blessed Test (measures cognitive function based on dementia)
o Trail Making
o Wechsler Digit Symbol Test
 Motor Skill Assessments
o Bruininks–Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency (BOT)
o RT-2S Brake Reaction Time Tester
o Finger to Nose (motor coordination and dysmetria)
o Alternating Foot Tap Test
o Get up and Go and Timed up and Go (TUG) (fall risk)
o Rapid Pace Walk
o ROM and Strength
o Beery–Buktenica Developmental Test of Visual–Motor Integration
 Composite Batteries
o Assessment of driving-related skills
o Driving Health Inventory
o Occupational Therapy Driver off-road assessment
 On- Road Evaluations
o Closed route (parking lot)
o Open road with fixed route
o Naturalistic Driving and instrumental vehicles
o Driving Stimulators
o Stimulator Sickness Questionnaire
Self-report and Self Assessments
o Driving Habits Questionnaire
o SAFER Driver
o Fitness to Drive Screening Measure (screen for older adult drivers)
o AAA Resources