SPELLING TIME GROUP ACTIVITY WORD BANK QUARTER 3 1. SMUDGE (noun) : an immaterial stain /His hand left a grimy smudge on the wall./ 2. VALENTINE noun (val·en·tine) : a sweetheart chosen or complimented on Valentine's Day /Can you be my valentine?/ 3. UNIVERSITY noun (uni·ver·si·ty) : an institution of higher learning providing facilities for teaching and research and authorized to grant academic degrees /He lives near the university./ 4. TRAGEDY noun (trag·e·dy) : a disastrous event /The biggest tragedy here is that the accident could have easily been prevented./ 5. SPECIFIC adjective (spe·cif·ic) : sharing or being those properties of something that allow it to be referred to a particular category /Is there anything specific you want for dinner?/ 6. BRILLIANT adjective (bril·li·ant) : very bright /I saw a brilliant star in the sky last night./ 7. ACCURATE adjective (ac·cu·rate) : free from error especially as the result of care /The model is accurate down to the tiniest details./ 8. ABANDON verb (aban·don) : to give up to the control or influence of another person or agent /That house was abandoned years ago./ 9. ECONOMY noun (econ·o·my) : the structure or conditions of economic life in a country, area, or period /The war altered the 10. CIVILIZE verb (civ·i·lize) : to cause to develop out of a primitive state /They believed it was their duty to civilize the native people./ 11. MURMUR noun (mur·mur) : a low indistinct but often continuous sound /He spoke in a murmur./ 12. POLITE noun (po·lite) : showing or characterized by correct social usage /Please be polite to the guests./ 13. HUMID adj (hu·mid) : containing or characterized by perceptible moisture especially to the point of being oppressive /The air was so humid that our beach towels hanging on the line never really got dry./ 14. PRINCIPAL noun (prin·ci·pal) : the head of a school /The principal observed the classes last Monday./ 15. HOSPITAL noun (hos·pi·tal) : a charitable institution for the needy, aged, infirm, or young /They were taken to hospital for treatment./ 16. VALIANT adj. (val·iant) : possessing or acting with bravery or boldness /She made a valiant attempt to fix the problem./ 17. COURAGEOUS adj. (cou·ra·geous) : having or characterized by courage /She was a courageous woman who wasn't afraid to support unpopular causes./ 18. IMPECCABLE adj (im·pec·ca·ble) : free from fault or blame /She has impeccable taste in music./ 19. FAULTLESS adj (fault·less) : having no fault /I may have broken my share of things in the past, but in this instance I am entirely faultless./ 20. HUMILITY noun (hu·mil·i·ty) : freedom from pride or arrogance : the quality or state of being humble /He accepted the honor with humility./ 21. MODESTY noun (mod·es·ty) : the quality of not being too proud or confident about yourself or your abilities /She accepted the award with modesty./ 22. HAUGHTY adj (haugh·ty) : having or showing an attitude of superiority and contempt for people or things perceived to be inferior /He rejected their offer with a tone of haughty disdain./ 23. ARROGANT adj (ar·ro·gant) : exaggerating or disposed to exaggerate one's own worth or importance often by an overbearing manner /He is an arrogant official./ 24. INGENUITY noun (in·ge·nu·i·ty) : skill or cleverness in devising or combining /She showed amazing ingenuity in finding ways to cut costs./ 25. INVENTIVENESS noun (in·ven·tive·ness) : adept or prolific at producing inventions /Her performance was full of wit and inventiveness./ 26. INDOLENCE noun (in·do·lence) : inclination to laziness /His indolence blocked his ambitions./ 27. SQUANDER noun (squan·der) : to lose (something, such as an advantage or opportunity) through negligence or inaction /He vowed not to squander this opportunity./ 28. CHANNEL noun (chan·nel) : a means of communication or expression /The arguments are available on the AP YouTube channel or on the court’s website./ 29. FOCUS noun (fo·cus) : a center of activity, attraction, or attention /His life lacks a focus./ 30. SNEAKY adjective : behaving in a sly or secret manner: marked by secrecy or slyness /It is a sneaky trick./ 31. PROVEN verb (pro·ven) : to establish the existence, truth, or validity of something (as by evidence or logic) /The government failed to prove its case./ 32. BLUFF adjective : an attempt to deceive someone into believing that one can or will do something. /John is just bluffing about how good he is in chess./ 33. PROVOKE adjective : to incite to anger /He just says those things because he's trying to provoke you./ 34. QUERY Noun (que·ry) : a question in the mind /I have a query about my order./ 35. ANECDOTE noun (an·ec·dote) : a brief story about something interesting or funny in a person's life /He told me some anecdotes./ 36. NARRATIVE noun (nar·ra·tive) : something (as a story) that is told or written : the art or practice of telling stories /He is writing a detailed narrative of his life on the island./ until next time~