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Handling Phone Calls: Etiquette & Expressions

Do you know?
Reservation : reservation is an arrangement that you make with a restaurant, hotel,
or travel agent so they hold a table, a room, or a seat for use at a certain time in the
future. Eg: I'd like to reserve a single bedroom for two nights
Appointment: an appointment is an arrangement to meet someone at a particular
time and place. It can be formal, such as: in a business setting or informal, such as an
appointment to see a doctor.
E.g. r'd like to make on appointment with Dr. Brown for a dental check up
A: Good morning. This is Melani. How may I help you?
B: Good morning. I’d like to make an appointment
with the Personal Manager.
A: Hold on a moment, please. I’II check his schedule.
Is 11 tomorrow okay?
B: Perfect! Thank you.
A: With pleasure.
Greet and give your name
Tell your purpose.
Tell time and date.
Express your agreement / disagreement.
Proper Telephone Etiquette
People often use the telephone for communication. To communicate poldely via
telephone, proper telephone etiquette is necessary
1. Say hello to let the caller snow you are picking up the phone. If you are picking up
someone's phone, telling the phone number's owner is necessary
2. Don't let the caller wait too long/ if the expected receiver is unavailable within 30
seconds, tell and apologize to the caller immediately in a calm and polite tone of
voice. You may offer the caller to leave a message. 3. When making a call, tell who
you are and with whom you want to speak in a polite tone.
4. If it's your first time calling the receiver, introduce yourself and tell him or her how
you got his or her number.
5. Ahways bid fernwwell before hanging up the phone.
Making a Call
Hello, may I speak to Mr.
Good morning. Is this the
Garuda Hotel?
Hello, may I speak to Mr.
Santiago? My name is Jane.
Good morning, Jane is
speaking. May I speak to Mr.
When you can’t hear
Responding to a Call
Speaking, who is this?
Garuda Hotel. Who is
calling, please?
Good morning. This is Mr.
Would you hold the line a
moment, please?
Make an Appointment/Reservation
Hello, I’d like to make an
appointment with an accountant.
Good morning. I’d like to see a
Good afternoon. I’d like to make a
reservation for tonight, please.
Can I book a table for to for lunch on
When you don’t understand
When you’re not sure
I’m sorry, but I don’t
Could you repeat that,
Sorry. But I still don’t
Could you spell that,
I can’t hear you.
Please speak up
Please speak slower
You’re speaking too quickly.
Please confirm by SMS.
Proper Telephone Etiquette:
Posle olien we the telephone for communication Тисоюmmunizate putely vis
Infephont, prope: telophone etiquette is necessary
Say hello to let the calier know that you packed at the phone.
2. Dosh karpeillers watting too long
1. Wien making call, say when you and wha you want is talk se in a polite tone
4. If this in your first time callang the recipient, anodece yourself and tell how you
gut his cumber
5. Always say goodbye hetore hanging se the phone
Reservation is a process of requesting room reservations and other facilities desired
by prospective guests for a certain period. All requests for hooking this room will be
handled by the reservation officer taking into account the availability of the room at
that time.
e. g. I want to reserve a single bedroom for one night
Do you have rooms for a family of four for tomorrow night please?
Appointment (Promise) is an expression used to make an agreement or several
agrements to meet or do something with other people at a certain time (a
predetermined and mutually agreed time)
e.g: I want to make an appointment with Mrs. Eka for a dental checkup
Hello. I'd like to make an appointment with Mrs. Intania
Text structure
1.Greet and give your name.
2. Tell your purpose.
3. Tell time and date.
4. Express your agreement / disagreement.
5. Closing.
Making a Call:
Good morning, Dea is speaking. May I speak to Mrs. Intania?
•Hello, may I speak to Mrs.Niken?
Responding to a Call:
Hello, Dea. Could you come to the office this afternoon. Good morning. This is Mrs.