Assignment #1 Auto Door Panels - Biodegradable polymers reinforced with natural fibers Please read the ‘Automotive Door panel’ case study provided in this module. You will regenerate the graphs shown in the Auto Door Panel case study and include your novel composites (made out of biodegradable plastics and natural fiber) as alternative materials along with the other materials considered for the auto door panel application. Subject: Course code - Asignment#1 What do you need to include in your report? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Executive summary Introduction (in your own word) which will set the scene for your case study. Design requirements: Function; constraints; objectives. Limits used: Mechanical properties (present a snapshot of this stage of your selection) Durability (present a snapshot of this stage of your selection) Thermal stability (present a snapshot of this stage of your selection) Show the processes considered by linking the ‘Materials Universe’ to ‘Processing Universe’ via ‘Tree stage’ under ‘Advanced’ feature of the software. Present a snapshot of output. Generate a subset of materials by engaging ‘Custom Subset’ feature of the software. Present a snapshot of this stage of your selection. Generate Materials Selection chart (Figure 2 on page 4). Present a snapshot of this chart. Use ‘Synthesiser tool’ to generate novel composite(s) which include the natural fiber as reinforcement in a matrix of biodegradable plastics - Present a snapshot of this stage. Show the composites generated under My Records. Present a snapshot of ‘My Records’ showing the composites generated from step 8 above. After generating your novel composites and regenerate Figure 3 on page 5. You must include your own composites with different fiber percentages in this chart. Present a snapshot of updated Figure 3 on page 5. Use ‘Cost’ feature under ‘Synthesiser’ tool to generate ‘Part cost (AUD) vs Batch size’ as in Figure 4 on page 6. Include your novel composite in this chart. Choose a specific colour for your novel composite. Present a snapshot of the updated Figure 4. Comment on the viability of the composites generated with respect to the current materials used based on the part cost vs batch size chart produced. Conclusion References Presentation should preferably be typed up, a professional presentation is required. Attachment: Auto door panel – Advanced Industrial Case Study by EduPack Refer to the rubrics for marking of your report. Please note, late submission will result in reduction in marks. Plagiarism will not be tolerated , if you allow someone to copy your work, all parties will suffer the consequences equally. Hints on assignment #1. Please watch the following relevant videos to guide you with your assignnment: Synthesiser tool: Part cost estimator: Results will be stored in My Records, when you click on Browse These videos are available in CES Video tutorials Alternatively, you could listen to this utube recordings for relevant guidance.