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Microsoft Office Word & PowerPoint Test

1. Which type of document would you create with the Word Mail Merge feature? personalized form letter
2. What appears on the screen when you place the mouse pointer under text that was corrected by AutoCorrect? a blue box
3. Where in the Word program window can you find the top and bottom margins? vertical ruler
4. What happens when you click Print in the FILE tab? The Print screen opens in Backstage view.
6. F The VIEW tab provides access to Backstage view, where you manage files and the information about them.
7. T When you first save a document, the default name of the file is based on the first few words of the document.
Which of the following does NOT happen when you add a 25th item to the Office Clipboard? The last item you collected
is deleted.
8. User-defined details about a document that describe its contents and origin are known as document properties
9. Which of the following is NOT a way to add the selected text to the Clipboard?
Use the mouse to drag the text to the Clipboard.
11. T You can create your own AutoCorrect entries.
12. T The last item you cut or copy from a document is added to both the Office Clipboard and the system Clipboard.
14. How do you remove a tab stop? Drag it up or down off the ruler.
15. What are sets of styles that use common fonts, colors, and formats called? Quick Styles
16. Which sequence of steps do you perform to add a shadow or outline to text?
Click the Text Effects button, and then select the desired text effect.
17. F You must select an entire paragraph to change its paragraph formatting.
18. T The gallery of font colors includes a set of theme colors and a set of standard colors.
In the document shown in the accompanying figure, how many sections are visible on the screen? 2
20. In the accompanying figure, label 3 indicates the note reference mark
In the accompanying figure, label 1 indicates the separator line
21. How can you balance columns of unequal length on a page?
Insert a continuous section break at the end of the last column on the page.
22. What is the default margin size in a Word document? 1”
23. T A document with mirror margins has inside and outside margins instead of left and right margins.
24. F When the Header and Footer areas are open, the text in the main document can still be edited.
25. The Colors list arrow is on the DESIGN tab.
26.How do you insert multiple rows at the same time? Select the number of rows you want to insert, then use an Insert
Control or use the buttons on the Ribbon.
28. Pressing [Tab] at the end of a row moves the insertion point to the first cell in the next row.
29. F When you split a cell that contains text, Word splits the text between the new cells.
30. F Pressing [Enter] moves the insertion point to the next cell in the row.
31. The Quick Access toolbar is fully customizable.
32. Normal view is divided into two panes, the Slide pane and the Thumbnails pane.
33. The Zoom slider is located on the status bar
34. Themes are found on the DESIGN tab.
35. T Considering the delivery location of your presentation is part of the planning process.
36. F You print your presentation when you want to review your work or when you have completed it and want
a(n) soft copy.
37. You can use the Replace command to replace one font for another in a presentation.
38. You can press and hold [Alt] to turn off the snap-to-grid feature while dragging objects on a slide.
39. Pressing [Shift] as you drag to create a shape maintains the shape’s proportions
as you change its size.
40. The Font Color gallery includes Theme Colors and the Standard Colors.
41. F There are nine basic categories of SmartArt graphics that illustrate text differently. 15
42. T In the accompanying figure, slide 3 has only 1 content placeholder.
43. Among the options shown in the accompanying figure, the Radar option shows changes in values in relation to a center
Among the options shown in the accompanying figure, the Line option tracks values over time.
44. You can insert a chart using the Insert Chart button in the Illustrations group, on the INSERT tab.
45. By using the Reuse Slides pane, you can insert slides from another presentation or a network location called a Slide
46. Every chart has a corresponding worksheet that contains the numerical data displayed by the chart.
47.T Both types of text boxes can be formatted and edited just like any other text object.
48. T To change text box defaults, press [Shift], right-click the formatted text box, release [Shift], and then click Set as
Default Text Box on the shortcut menu.
1. Each time you click the Grow Font button the selected text is enlarged.
2. Which element of the Word program window is used to display different parts of the document in the document window?
Scroll bars
3. If you notice errors in your document in print preview, you need to correct them before you print by pressing [Esc] or
clicking the Back button in Backstage view.
4. Which Word view displays document text so it is easy to read on screen? Read Mode
5. T As you type in Word, the insertion point automatically moves to the next line of the document when you reach the right
6. F To reverse an AutoCorrect adjustment, immediately click the Redo button on the Quick Access toolbar.
7. How do you delete an individual item from the Office Clipboard?
Click the list arrow next to the item, and then click Delete.
9. Which of the following is NOT an option in the Paste Options menu? Match Formatting
What tab can you use to quickly move the insertion point to a specific page or heading? Go To
10. What happens when you click an item on the Office Clipboard?
The item is pasted in the document at the location of the insertion point.
11. F When you move text to a new location using drag and drop, that text is added to the Clipboard.
13. In the accompanying figure, the item marked 1 is the center tab.
In the accompanying figure, the item marked 2 is the decimal tab
14. Which of the following is NOT a format option for borders? shading
15. Serif fonts have a small stroke at the ends of the characters.
16. A(n) floating graphic moves independently from text.
17. T Bing Image Search clip art images can be added to a Word document through the Online Picture command.
18. T You must apply text wrapping to a graphic in order to move it independently of text.
19. In the document shown in the accompanying figure, where is the insertion point? Page 1 (Section 2 Show page 1 of 4)
20. Which setting ensures that at least two lines of a paragraph appear at the top and bottom of every page? Widow/Orphan
21. How do you force text in a column to the top of the next column? Insert a column break
22. Which section break begins a new section on the same page? continuous
23. T The Word 'Quick Parts' feature makes it easy to insert reusable pieces of content into a document quickly.
24. F To delete a table, click in the table, click the TABLE TOOLS LAYOUT tab, click the Remove button in the Rows &
Columns group, and then click Remove Table.
25. A(n) cell is a box formed by the intersection of a column and a row.
26.What happens when you click the table move handle? The table is selected.
27.When you merge information contained in an Access database with a Word document, the data you merge with the
destination file is called the data source
28. Use the Sort dialog box to organize the rows of a table in alphabetical or sequential order based on the data in one or
more columns.
29. T The Table button is on the INSERT tab.
30. T It is often easier to add and delete columns and rows using the mouse.
31.The Reading View/ Normal/ Slide Sorter view can be found among the View Shortcuts buttons.
32.Which of the following ways can you collaborate on a presentation with a group of colleagues?Through a shared
workspace on the Internet.
33. Which is NOT a task that you can complete with PowerPoint? avoid the need to cite sources
34. The Ribbon organizes all of PowerPoint’s primary commands.
35. You can switch between views using the commands in the Presentation Views group on the VIEW tab.
36. T It is possible to collaborate on a presentation with a group of people using the Internet.
37.You can radically change how a SmartArt graphic looks by applying a SmartArt Style
38. To select an unselected text object, press [Shift], click the text object, and then release [Shift].
39. The Distribute commands found on the Align list evenly space objects horizontally or vertically relative to each other or
the slide.
40. The Mini toolbar is convenient to use for formatting text when the HOME tab is closed.
42. F It is impossible open a PowerPoint 97-2007 presentation in PowerPoint 2016.
43. Maureen’s brother Paul has also been researching cruise ships online and has created his own presentation. Maureen and
Paul decide to work together to create a great presentation to show the rest of the family.
Paul sends Maureen his slides about offshore excursions and, following the simplest strategy available to her, she ____.uses
the Reuse Slides task pane to incorporate his slides into her presentation
45. Maureen’s brother Paul has also been researching cruise ships online and has created his own presentation. Maureen and
Paul decide to work together to create a great presentation to show the rest of the family. Paul includes a table in one of his
presentations. In one cell he wants to change the color behind the text. To do this, he clicks the Shading list arrow in the
Table Styles group and then chooses the desired color.
46. A Either a or b can be inserted using the Text Box button.
47. T You can use PowerPoint slides as graphics and later use them in other presentations, in graphics programs, and on
Web pages.
48. F You can create an individual text box by clicking the Data button in the Text group on the INSERT tab of the Ribbon.
5. T Files created in Word 2016 are automatically assigned the .docx file extension to distinguish them from files created in
other software programs.
6. F You select text by clicking and dragging the insertion point across the text to highlight it.
7. Which command do you use to display two open documents at the same time?
Arrange All
8.If a document window has been split into two panes, how can you restore the window to a single pane? Double-click the
split bar.
10. Which tab in the Properties dialog box shows information about revisions to the document as well as the number of
pages, word, lines, paragraphs, and characters in the file? Statistics
12. T You can use the View Side by Side button in the Window group on the VIEW tab to display two open documents
horizontally at the same time.
13. What are sets of styles that use common fonts, colors, and formats called? Quick Styles
15. To change the formatting of text from Calibri to Arial, which tool should you use? Font list arrow
In the accompanying figure, the text labeled 4 is left-aligned
In the accompanying figure, the text labeled 1 is right-aligned
20.The minimal allowable margin settings depend on your printer
Which of the following statements about citations is NOT true?
When you add a new citation to a document, the source is only associated with that document and is not available for use in
other documents.
21. How are page numbers inserted in a document? as a field
22. What is the function of text wrapping? Forces text after the break to begin on the next line.
24. F 'Headers' and 'Footers' can both come at the top or the bottom of a page depending on the type of document.
25. The Split Cells command appears in the Merge group on the TABLE TOOLS LAYOUT tab.
26. To set up a merge between a Word document and an Access data source, click the MAILINGS tab, click Select
Recipients, then click Use an Existing List
27. Which sort order lists data alphabetically from A to Z? Ascending
29. The cell in the fifth row of the third column is cell C5.
30. T When you select a row, you must also select the end of row mark for the row to be selected.
31. The blinking vertical line that indicates where your text will appear when you type is called the insertion point
32. Which is NOT a PowerPoint primary view? Text View
33. Tom has just started working as an intern for a local radio station. He is responsible for managing the request line and
presenting request trends to management each month. Tom uses Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 to create his presentations.
As he hovers over each choice, Tom sees his slide change automatically. What Tom is experiencing is called Live Preview
35. F A selection box has a(n) solid line border and sizing handles that appear around the placeholder, indicating that it is
selected and ready to accept text.
37. As you move the pointer over font names in the font list, the text on the slide displays a Live Preview of the different
font choices.
Other than the Slide pane, where can you enter slide text? Outline view
Question 40
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In the accompanying figure, the yellow circle in the lower-right corner of the rectangular graphic is a(n) adjustment handle
43. PowerPoint uses Excel to create numerical charts.
Cells in the first or top row of a chart are legend names and provide further information about the data.
46. Maureen is planning a cruise for her family’s upcoming reunion. She wants to e-mail images of the cruise ship to her
siblings, who live in other parts of the country. She decides to use PowerPoint 2016 to create a quick presentation to share
with them.
Maureen downloads three pictures of cabin sizes for her siblings to vote on. She inserts one picture per slide. The third
picture shows two views of the same room that Maureen thinks might be confusing, so she crops the unwanted area of the
third picture using the Crop button
47. F The cropped portion of a picture is no longer available to you if you change your mind and want to show that part of
the picture again.
1. Which button is not on the Mini toolbar? the button to spell text
2. Which key is used to move the insertion point to the start of the next line? [Enter]
5. The Selection pointer is the blinking vertical line in the document window. F
7. Which button is used to display two different parts of the same document in the document window? Split
8. Where are the Word keyboard shortcuts listed? in Word ScreenTips for the command
9. By default, as you type Word will automatically create a hyperlink to an e-mail address
10. T The Smart Lookup tab is found within the Insights group on the Review tab.
11. T You can set the Office Clipboard to open automatically any time you cut or copy two items consecutively.
12. T To make a graphic move independently of text, you must make it a floating graphic.
13. F When you apply highlighting to text, the highlighting is only visible on the screen and does not print.
14. Which of the following is a list of sources that only includes sources that are cited in your current document? works
cited list
21. When do you need to divide a document into sections?
To change the page orientation of one page in the document
22. Which of the following is NOT a way to change the margins of a document?
Click the Margins button on the HOME tab.
23. F Pressing [Ctrl][Enter] inserts a soft page break.
26. When you create a PowerPoint presentation from a Word outline, each line of text formatted with the Heading 1 style
becomes its own slide.
27. You can quickly center a table on a page by clicking the Center
button in the Paragraph group on the HOME tab.
28. You can click Clear in the gallery of table styles to remove all borders, shading, and other style elements from the
selected table.
29. T Use the AutoFit command to change the height of rows or the width of columns.
30. When you are typing in a text placeholder, which feature decreases the font size in order to fit the text in the placeholder?
AutoFit Options button
33.In the accompanying figure, the text “Click to add title” is the title placeholder
34. A presentation with a clear message that reads like a story and is illustrated with appropriate visual aids will have the
greatest impact on your audience.
35. F The Quick Access toolbar is only visible when the HOME tab is active.
36. Hannah would also like to add a special effect to the arrows to improve their appearance, so she clicks the More button
in the Shape Styles group to view Quick Styles
37. In the PowerPoint rulers, the current location of the cursor is identified by a small dotted red line in the ruler.
38. The Convert to SmartArt Graphic button is in the Paragraph group.
39. F Pressing [Shift][Enter] while the cursor is in the text object creates a new slide with the same layout as the previous
40. F A Quick Format is a set of formatting options, including line style, fill color, and effects.
41. To copy noncontiguous slides, open Slide Sorter view, click the first slide thumbnail, press and hold [Ctrl], click each
additional slide thumbnail, release the key, and then click the Copy button.
48. F After you insert a table, the TABLE TOOLS DISPLAY tab and the TABLE
TOOLS LAYOUT tab opens on the Ribbon.
5. F Word Wrap automatically moves the insertion point to the previous line.
9. How do you delete an individual item from the Office Clipboard?Click the list arrow next to the item, and then click
10. Which feature can you use to find and insert a synonym for an overused word? Thesaurus
12. T Clicking the Find button in the Editing group opens the Navigation pane.
15. You can use the Advanced tab in the Font dialog box to change the scale of selected characters, to alter the spacing
between characters, or to raise or lower the characters.
16. What type of indent should you use to move the left edge of a paragraph to the left of the left margin? negative indent
17. F A drop cap is added to a paragraph as a(n) text object.
18. F You should use the Font list arrow to change the size of text to 20 points.
19. Which tab or dialog box do you use to organize your sources? Source Manager dialog box
22. Which tab includes options to apply a table style to a table? TABLE TOOLS DESIGN tab
24. T You use the options on the TABLE TOOLS LAYOUT tab to change the alignment of text in a table.orrect!
26. The Colors list arrow is on the DESIGN tab.
30. F Pressing [Enter] moves the insertion point to the next cell in the row.
33. Using cloud_ computing, you can take advantage of Microsoft Office Online apps to do your work in a virtual
35. The default view that PowerPoint opens in is called Normal view.rrt!
36. F Slide Show view displays thumbnails of all slides; use this view to rearrange and add special effects to your slides.
36. Hannah has been hired as a graphics consultant for a company that is struggling with PowerPoint 2016. They are looking
for ways to improve their graphics but maintain a professional appearance to their presentations.
Hannah displays the two guides on the slide and creates an additional guide by right-clicking the slide, then clicking New
38. The Header and Footer dialog box has which of the following tabs? Notes and Handouts
39. You can press and hold [Alt] to turn off the snap-to-grid feature while dragging objects on a slide.
40. A SmartArt graphic consists of two parts: the SmartArt graphic itself and a(n) Text pane.
41. T Smart Guides help you position objects relative to each other and determine equal distances between objects.
43. To add a hyperlink to a slide, use the Hyperlink button in the Links group on the INSERT tab.
45. Maureen is planning a cruise for her family’s upcoming reunion. She wants to e-mail images of the cruise ship to her
siblings, who live in other parts of the country. She decides to use PowerPoint 2016 to create a quick presentation to share
with them.
Maureen creates a fourth slide in order to list the pros and cons of the three room sizes. To organize her information, she uses
_a table___.
46. Maureen’s brother Paul has also been researching cruise ships online and has created his own presentation. Maureen and
Paul decide to work together to create a great presentation to show the rest of the family.
At one point, Paul has a number of presentations open and he wants to overlap all the windows on top of one another. To do
this with all the presentations open, he clicks the Cascade Windows button in the Window group.
47. F To insert slides from another presentation into a current presentation, click the New Slide list arrow in the Slides
group, then click Insert Slides.
48. T To change text box defaults, press [Shift], right-click the formatted text box, release [Shift], and then click Set as
Default Text Box on the shortcut menu.
1. Which button do you click to show formatting marks in a document? Show/Hide ¶ button
6. Which of the following does NOT happen when you copy an item to the Office Clipboard?
The Clipboard task pane automatically opens.
11. How do you open the Clipboard task pane? Click the launcher in the Clipboard group.
11. F If you work with a blog, you must work entirely outside of Word.
13. TA 'drop cap' is associated with illustrating a document with different fonts.
14. By default, what is the active tab type? left tab
15. How do you remove a tab stop? Drag it up or down off the ruler.
23.F A simple way to insert a table into a Word document is to hit the 'view' button.
27. If you want to quickly make all the columns in a table the same width, which command do you use? Distribute
34. F The Split Cells command allows you to split a table into two tables.
35. Mary is creating a cookbook in PowerPoint for her close friends and family. She uses PowerPoint to enter the recipes in
text placeholders and then inserts photographs of the finished products.
To take care of the font situation, Mary uses the Save category in the PowerPoint Options dialog box
36. You can press [Shift][Tab] to decrease the indent level.
37. Copyright law is a type of intellectual property law that protects the expression of an idea Correct/ artwork/ books
36. F A selection box has a(n) solid line border and sizing handles that appear around the placeholder, indicating that it is
selected and ready to accept text.
37. T Adding freehand pen and highlighter marks is called inking.
39. You can copy a selected shape by holding down the [Ctrl] key and then dragging the shape.
40. The next slide has three gray arrows pointing to the right. To evenly space the three arrows horizontally and relative to
each other, Hannah selects the three arrows, and then applies the Distribute Horizontally command.
44. If you want to customize the form (or outline) of any shape in the shapes gallery, you can modify its edit points.
45. F A SmartArt Theme is a preset combination of simple and 3-D formatting options that follows the presentation theme.
46. In the accompanying figure, along the bottom edge of the chart there is a small blue colored square with the word
“Prairie” next to it. This square and label is part of the legend
46. A(n)pie wedge is an example of a data series marker.
47. When you insert a slide from another presentation, the new slide has the design style and formatting of the
destination presentation.
48. All of the following are graphics file formats EXCEPT HTML
49. F The Center chart type shows changes in values in relation to a center point.
17.What happens when you click Print in the FILE tab? The Print screen opens in Backstage view.
18.What should you change in order to make characters narrower and give text a tall, thin appearance? scale
19. T Dragging the pointer over the font list allows you to preview how selected text will look if the highlighted font is
20. What type of margin adds extra space to a top, left, or inside margin to make room for a binding? gutter
20. T To change the location or formatting of page numbers, click the Page Number button, point to a page number
location, and then select a format from the gallery.
21. F The Layout tab in the Page Setup dialog box is used to change the orientation of pages in a document.
22. The lines that divide the columns and rows in a table are called borders
23. Press [Alt] as you drag a border to display the column width or row height measurements on the ruler.
24.Which button in the Finish group do you click to save the merged letters? Finish & Merge
31. On the Ribbon, each set of primary commands is identified by a(n) tab
34. After you enter text in a placeholder, the placeholder becomes a text object
35. F .A slide template contains text and object placeholders that are arranged in a specific way on the slide.
37. T If you embed fonts in your presentation, you will not have to worry about the availability of those fonts on other
38. You can copy a selected shape by holding down the [Ctrl] key and then dragging the shape.
39. The PowerPoint guides appear as dotted lines on a slide and usually intersect at the center of a slide.
41. F In the accompanying figure, slide 1 has 3 second-level bullets.
47. T In the accompanying figure, it is possible to convert the last bullet in slide 4 to become the 5th slide.
48. In PowerPoint, you can insert documents saved in all of the following formats EXCEPT.dot
49. T In a worksheet, the boxes with the letters across the top are column headings.