Study Guide: Civics EOC Exam John Locke: What ideas is he known for? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ What is the social contract? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Montesquieu: How did he influence the “Founding Fathers?” ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ What are three concepts found in the Magna Carta that influenced the Founding Fathers? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ List two rights that are found in the English Bill of Rights that are found in the US Bill of Rights: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Name two concepts in the Mayflower Compact that influenced the Founding Fathers: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ What did Thomas Paine's Common Sense influence the Founding Fathers to do? _____________________________________________________________________________________ List three things that the British did that made the Colonists angry? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Who was the "Grievances" of the Declaration of Independence addressed to? _____________________ What rights did Thomas Jefferson say every American is entitled to in the Declaration of Independence? _____________________________________________________________________________________ Which Enlightenment philosopher influenced Jefferson in the "Natural Rights" section of the Declaration of Independence? _____________________________________________________________________ List three weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ List the goals of the Preamble and describe what they mean: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Define: Separation of Power: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Define Checks and Balances: _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Provide an Example of Checks and Balances for each branch: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Define the Rule of Law: _________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ What President demonstrated the Rule of Law: ______________________________________________ List two “sources” of American Law: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ List four “types” of law: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Which Amendment defined citizenship? ____________________________________________________ List five “qualifications” for becoming a naturalized citizen: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ What are the two ways to become a natural born citizen? ______________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ List the six steps to become a naturalized citizen: 1. ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. ______________________________________________________________________________ 5. ______________________________________________________________________________ 6. ______________________________________________________________________________ List four “obligations” of US citizens: 1. ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. ______________________________________________________________________________ List four “responsibilities” of citizenship: 1. ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. ______________________________________________________________________________ List the 10 Amendments in the Bill of Rights: 1. ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. ______________________________________________________________________________ 5. ______________________________________________________________________________ 6. ______________________________________________________________________________ 7. ______________________________________________________________________________ 8. ______________________________________________________________________________ 9. ______________________________________________________________________________ 10. ______________________________________________________________________________ Define the following Amendments: 13th: __________________________________________________________________________ ______ 14th: _________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 15th: _________________________________________________________________________________ 19th: _________________________________________________________________________________ 24th: _________________________________________________________________________________ 26th: _________________________________________________________________________________ List the outcomes of the following Landmark Supreme Court Cases: Marbury v. Madison ____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Plessy v. Ferguson: ____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Brown v. Board of Education: _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Gideon v. Wainright: ____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Miranda v. Arizona: ____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ In re’ Gault: ___________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Tinker v. Des Moines: ___________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier: ________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ US v. Nixon: ____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Bush v. Gore: ____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Describe the following Political Parties: Democrats: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Republicans: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Libertarians: __________________________________________________________________________ Socialist: _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Communists: __________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ List the Constitutional Qualifications for the following offices: President: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ House of Representatives: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Senate: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Define the following: Party Platform: ________________________________________________________________________ Political Action Committee: ______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Bias: _________________________________________________________________________________ Media Watching Role: __________________________________________________________________ Propaganda: __________________________________________________________________________ Public Policy: __________________________________________________________________________ List 3 things each level of government is responsible for: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ What is a “domestic policy”? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ What is a “foreign policy”? _______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ List the ways the President deals with foreign policy: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ List the ways Congress deals with foreign policy: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Define the following international organizations: United Nations: ________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ NATO: _______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ NAFTA: ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ UNICEF: ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ International Court of Justice (World Court): _________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ WTO ________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Red Cross: ____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ NGOs: _______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ What two wars fought in Europe and Asia where the last “declared wars”?________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Name two “undeclared” wars? ___________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ What was the decades long conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union referred to? _____________________________________________________________________________________ What were the two conflicts with Cuba in the 1960s? _________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ What country were the two “Gulf Wars” fought against? _______________________________________ Define the following “forms” of government: Direct Democracy: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Representative Democracy: ______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Absolute Monarchy: ____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Constitutional Monarchy: ________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Communism: __________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Socialism: ____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Autocracy: ____________________________________________________________________________ Oligarchy: ____________________________________________________________________________ What “system” of government is power shared between the national and regional governments? _____________________________________________________________________________________ What system of government do the regional governments tell the central government what to do? _____________________________________________________________________________________ What system of government does the central government have all of the power? _____________________________________________________________________________________ Who is the executive chosen by in a Parliamentary System? ____________________________________ What are powers held by the national government called?_____________________________________ List ten constitutional powers of the national government: _____________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ List the three levels of Federal Courts: ______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ List the three levels of the Florida Court System: _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ What are powers shared by the national and state governments called? __________________________ List three powers shared by the national & state governments: _________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ What are powers held by state governments called: __________________________________________ List three powers held only by state governments: ____________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ What do you call the system in which powers are shared by national and state governments? _____________________________________________________________________________________ How are federal amendments made? ______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ List the Steps through Congress for passing a law: Complete the Chart Comparing the US & Florida Constitutions: United States Florida Articles: Articles: Size: Size: Rights Contained in: Rights Contained in: Specifics: List three ways to amend the Florida Constitution ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ List Services: National: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ State:______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Local: ______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Name: ______________________________________ Date: _______________________ Period: ______ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Across 1. 5. 7. 8. 2 Words - an implied agreement among the people of an organized society that defines the rights, duties, and limitations of the governed and the government a period in European history when many educated people stressed the importance of learning and reasoning; (3 words) a principle of the federal government, according to the U.S. Constitution, that allows each branch of government to limit the power of the other branches 2 Words - a government that has been limited in power by a constitution, or written agreement 10. governing body responsible for making laws 11. 2 Words - the belief that individuals are born with basic rights that cannot be taken away by governments; life, liberty, and property 14. 2 Words - laws passed by government to protect natural rights 15. 2 Words - a government document that limited the power of the king of England and protected the rights of the nobility; written by the English nobles in 1215 16. 3 Words - a concept that those who govern are bound by the laws; no one is above the law 17. 2 Words - the idea that people have the right to fair and reasonable laws, and that government leaders and officials have to follow rules when enforcing laws and treat all people in the same way 18. 2 Words - a pamphlet published by Thomas Paine in 1776 to convince the American colonists to support becoming independent from England 19. 2 Words - an agreement between individuals that created a government that would provide order and protect the rights of the colonists; written by a group of English Puritans in Massachusetts in 1620 Down 2. 3. 4. 4 Words - an agreement made by the people to establish a government and abide by its laws A tax 4 Words - a government document that expanded the powers of the English Parliament and expanded the rights of the people, as well as further limited the rights of the king; written by the members of the English Parliament in 1689 6. 3 Words - the structure of the federal government, according to the U.S. Constitution, that sets up three branches with their own distinct powers and responsibilities 9. a set of things that people believe they should be free to do without restrictions 12. 2 Words - popular or representative system where the people create and run their own government 13. the introduction to the U.S. Constitution Across 1. 5. 7. 8. 10. 11. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. SOCIALCONTRACT—2 Words - an implied agreement among the people of an organized society that defines the rights, duties, and limitations of the governed and the government ENLIGHTENMENT—a period in European history when many educated people stressed the importance of learning and reasoning; CHECKSANDBALANCES—(3 words) a principle of the federal government, according to the U.S. Constitution, that allows each branch of government to limit the power of the other branches LIMITEDGOVERNMENT—2 Words - a government that has been limited in power by a constitution, or written agreement LEGISLATURE—governing body responsible for making laws NATURALRIGHTS—2 Words - the belief that individuals are born with basic rights that cannot be taken away by governments; life, liberty, and property NATURALLAW—2 Words - laws passed by government to protect natural rights MAGNACARTA—2 Words - a government document that limited the power of the king of England and protected the rights of the nobility; written by the English nobles in 1215 RULEOFLAW—3 Words - a concept that those who govern are bound by the laws; no one is above the law DUEPROCESS—2 Words - the idea that people have the right to fair and reasonable laws, and that government leaders and officials have to follow rules when enforcing laws and treat all people in the same way COMMONSENSE—2 Words - a pamphlet published by Thomas Paine in 1776 to convince the American colonists to support becoming independent from England MAYFLOWERCOMPACT—2 Words - an agreement between individuals that created a government that would provide order and protect the rights of the colonists; written by a group of English Puritans in Massachusetts in 1620 Down 2. CONSENTOFTHEGOVERNED—4 Words - an agreement made by the people to establish a government and abide by its laws 3. DUTY—A tax 4. ENGLISHBILLOFRIGHTS—4 Words - a government document that expanded the powers of the English Parliament and expanded the rights of the people, as well as further limited the rights of the king; written by the members of the English Parliament in 1689 6. SEPARATIONOFPOWERS—3 Words - the structure of the federal government, according to the U.S. Constitution, that sets up three branches with their own distinct powers and responsibilities 9. RIGHTS—a set of things that people believe they should be free to do without restrictions 12. SELFGOVERNMENT—2 Words - popular or representative system where the people create and run their own government 13. PREAMBLE—the introduction to the U.S. Constitution Name: _________________________________ Date: _____________________ Period: _______ EOC Review Part II: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Across 2. 5. 2 Words - basic rights of the people that may not be taken away a system of government where power is located with the independent states and there is little power in the central government something owed; such as money formally put an end to (a system, practice, or institution) A formal complaint Taxation without _____________________, the idea that it is unfair to tax someone without giving them a voice in government 15. future generations 17. a person acting on behalf of another person or group 8. 9. 12. 14. Down 1. 3. 4. 6. 7. 10. 11. 13. 16. 4 Words - an agreement made by the people to establish a government and abide by its laws a single ruler that possess and abuses absolute government power 3 Words - a document written in 1776 that listed the basis for democratic government and the grievances of the colonists 3 Words - the first constitution of the United States, adopted in 1781 and replaced in 1789 the name of the English legislature To house a person or group of people referring to something at home, not foreign the use of authority or power in a cruel or unjust manner money levied by a government for specific facilities or services Across 2. 5. 8. 9. 12. 14. 15. 17. UNALIENABLERIGHTS—2 Words - basic rights of the people that may not be taken away CONFEDERATION—a system of government where power is located with the independent states and there is little power in the central government DEBT—something owed; such as money ABOLISH—formally put an end to (a system, practice, or institution) GRIEVANCE—A formal complaint REPRESENTATION—Taxation without _____________________, the idea that it is unfair to tax someone without giving them a voice in government POSTERITY—future generations REPRESENTATIVE—a person acting on behalf of another person or group Down 1. 3. 4. 6. 7. 10. 11. 13. 16. CONSENTOFTHEGOVERNED—4 Words - an agreement made by the people to establish a government and abide by its laws TYRANT—a single ruler that possess and abuses absolute government power DECLARATIONOFINDEPENDENCE—3 Words - a document written in 1776 that listed the basis for democratic government and the grievances of the colonists ARTICLESOFCONFEDERATION—3 Words - the first constitution of the United States, adopted in 1781 and replaced in 1789 PARLIAMENT—the name of the English legislature QUARTER—To house a person or group of people DOMESTIC—referring to something at home, not foreign OPPRESSION—the use of authority or power in a cruel or unjust manner TAX—money levied by a government for specific facilities or services Name: ____________________________________ Date: ________________________ Period: _______ EOC Practice Vocabulary Part III 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13 16 11 14 12 15 17 18 19 Across 1. 4. 6. Anti-_______________, a group of people who opposed the ratification of the Constitution and a strong central government. 3 Words - a concept that those who govern are bound by the laws; no one is above the law Health, happiness, prosperity, and well-being 7. Judicial _________________, the power of the courts to declare laws unconstitutional 8. Code of _____________, a written code of rules that guided the ancient society of Babylon; dates back to 1772 B.C. 10. 3 Words - Anti-Federalists insisted this be added to the Constitution. 12. ______ Amendment, provides a lawyer, jury, speedy & public trial, and the opportunity to face one's accusers. 16. 4 Words - goal of the preamble, create an even better government that will make life better for all Down 2. 3. 5. 9. 11. 13. 14. 15. 17. 18. 19. 2 Words - goal of the Preamble, make a fair and honest system for all, usually our court system peaceful ___________ Law, law that deals with the actions and well-being of persons who are not yet adults something formed by combining parts, such as states into one country _______________ vs. Madison, Supreme Court case that established judicial review. ______ Amendment, protects from unreasonable search & seizure the process of formally approving something; _______ Law & Courts settle disputes between people or groups filing for damages. ___________ Amendment, protects from cruel and unusual punishment, or excessive bonds & fines ______ Amendment, includes due process and the right to remain silent. _________ Law, legal precedence based on customs and prior legal decisions Across 1. FEDERALISTS—Anti-_______________, a group of people who opposed the ratification of the Constitution and a strong central government. 4. RULEOFLAW—3 Words - a concept that those who govern are bound by the laws; no one is above the law 6. WELFARE—Health, happiness, prosperity, and well-being 7. REVIEW—Judicial _________________, the power of the courts to declare laws unconstitutional 8. HAMMURABI—Code of _____________, a written code of rules that guided the ancient society of Babylon; dates back to 1772 B.C. 10. BILLOFRIGHTS—3 Words - Anti-Federalists insisted this be added to the Constitution. 12. SIXTH—______ Amendment, provides a lawyer, jury, speedy & public trial, and the opportunity to face one's accusers. 16. FORMAMOREPERFECTUNION—4 Words - goal of the preamble, create an even better government that will make life better for all Down 2. 3. 5. 9. 11. 13. 14. 15. 17. 18. 19. ESTABLISHJUSTICE—2 Words - goal of the Preamble, make a fair and honest system for all, usually our court system TRANQUILITY—peaceful JUVENILE—___________ Law, law that deals with the actions and well-being of persons who are not yet adults UNION—something formed by combining parts, such as states into one country MARBURY—_______________ vs. Madison, Supreme Court case that established judicial review. FOURTH—______ Amendment, protects from unreasonable search & seizure RATIFICATION—the process of formally approving something; CIVIL—_______ Law & Courts settle disputes between people or groups filing for damages. EIGHTH—___________ Amendment, protects from cruel and unusual punishment, or excessive bonds & fines FIFTH—______ Amendment, includes due process and the right to remain silent. COMMON—_________ Law, legal precedence based on customs and prior legal decisions Name: _______________________________________ Date: ______________________ Period: ______ Civics EOC Vocabulary Part IV 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 14 16 17 18 Across 2. 4. 7. 8. 9. 11. 13. 15. 17. 18. John Locke said the purpose of government is to protect "life, liberty, & ______________. Were in favor of the Constitution and a strong central government. _____________ Law, deals with those serving in the Armed Forces. _____-Government, established in the "New World," in which government or control of a country by its own members rather than by members of a different country. Last name of Enlightenment philosopher who inspired the Declaration of Independence A law passed by a legislature Principle that Baron de Montesquieu is known for (3 Words) Civic _______________,Something that you should do as a citizen. This can include participating in the democratic process (voting), recycling, volunteering, or helping other citizens. The Declaration of Independence contained complaints to King George III known as. A Civic _____, is something that each citizen owes their nation, whether it's serving on a jury, abiding the law, registering for selective service, or paying taxes. Down 1. 3. 5. 6. 10. 12. 14. 16. A right found in the Magna Carta to be judged by one's peers. Section of the Constitution that lists the goals and purposes of the government and document John Locke wrote of this agreement that the people entered into with their government giving up certain rights in return for protection. (2 Words) Shay's Rebellion demonstrated the Articles of Confederation was too _______ ____________ Service, A system for calling up people for compulsory (required) military service. Cruel and oppressive government or rule. The Articles of Confederation contained only ____ branch. Law of _______, Idea that a person's nationality at birth is the same as that of his natural parents. Across 2. 4. 7. 8. 9. 11. 13. 15. 17. 18. PROPERTY—John Locke said the purpose of government is to protect "life, liberty, & ______________. FEDERALISTS—Were in favor of the Constitution and a stong central government. MILITARY—_____________ Law, deals with those serving in the Armed Forces. SELF—_____-Government, established in the "New World," in which government or control of a country by its own members rather than by members of a different country. LOCKE—Last name of Enlightenment philosopher who inspired the Declaration of Independence STATUTE—A law passed by a legislature SEPARATIONOFPOWER—Principle that Baron de Montesquieu is known for (3 Words) RESPONSIBILITY—Civic _______________,Something that you should do as a citizen. This can include participating in the democratic process (voting), recycling, volunteering, or helping other citizens. GRIEVANCES—The Declaration of Independence contained complaints to King George III known as. DUTY—A Civic _____, is something that each citizen owes their nation, whether it's serving on a jury, abiding the law, registering for selective service, or paying taxes. Down 1. 3. 5. 6. 10. 12. 14. 16. JURY—A right found in the Magna Carta to be judged by one's peers. PREAMBLE—Section of the Constitution that lists the goals and purposes of the government and document SOCIALCONTRACT—John Locke wrote of this agreement that the people entered into with their government giving up certain rights in return for protection. (2 Words) WEAK—Shay's Rebellion demonstrated the Articles of Confederation was too _______ SELECTIVE—____________ Service, A system for calling up people for compulsory (required) military service. TYRANNY—Cruel and oppressive government or rule. ONE—The Articles of Confederation contained only ____ branch. BLOOD—Law of _______, Idea that a person's nationality at birth is the same as that of his natural parents.