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Immunology Quiz: Fill-in-Blanks & Essays

Q1/ Fill in the blanks :
1- Eosinophils and monocytes
cells are generated from..…………
progenitor cell
2- The lymphocytes can be broadly subdivided into three populations
on the basis of .......................... and …………………. .
3- Low pH Acidity of stomach contents is considered as…………….
of immunity
4-Acute-phase protein produced by ……..…….. in response to
………… ..
5-The first cell migrate to the site of inflammation is……………..….
6-……………………. Is related to innate immunity while
……………. Is related to adaptive immunity.
7- .......................... is Secondary lymphoid organ and… ………. is
primary lymphoid organ.
8- ……………………….. Is the C5 convertase
9-…………………………… are most effective in destroying
intracellular pathogens.
10- classic-pathway C3 convertase not contain …………………..
11-T cells are made in the…………….and complete
differentiation in the……………………..
12-……………………… is a kind of cells produce antibodies
13-The complement system can be activated by ………………
14- C1q molecule is ……………………………………
15- CMI is……………………………………………………
Q2/ list Four of the functions of complement.
Q3/Write short assay about:
1-Scheme explains the interactions among signals of T- cell and
APC receptors
2-Positive and negative selection in thymus
3-enumerate the types of inflammatory mediators with examples