SE-203 OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING ASSIGNMENT - 2 Submitted by Siddharth Mittal 2K22/SE/172 Q1)List the different operators in C++ with code snippets demonstrating their functionality Ans. The different operators new to Ctt are 1) Input-Output Operators << (Insertion or put to) - Used for output, typically to display data on the console or write it to a file. It is often used with the cout stream. >> (Extraction or get from) - Used for input to read data from the console or from a file into a variable. It is commonly used with the cin stream. 2) Reference Operator & - Used to create another reference identifier to an existing variable. 3) Class Member Access Operators .(dot) Used to access a class member using object name. ->-Used to access a class member using pointer to object. 4) Scope Resolution Operator (::) :: - Ithas multiple uses Accessing Global Variables or Functions o Accessing Namespaces o Defining Member Functions Outside the Class o Accessing Class or Structure Members o Accessing Classes in Multiple Inheritance o Accessing Nested Classes Accessing Static Members of Class 5) Member Dereferencing Operators :* - Used in either declaration of apointer to a class member or access member using class name and pointer tomember. -* -Used to access a class member using a pointer to an object and pointer to member. 6) Dynamic Memory Management Operators new - Used to dynamically allocate memory. delete - Used to deallocate dynamically allocaled memory using new. 7) Miscellaneous Operators sizeof) - Used to determine the size (in bytes) of a datatype or an object. Iypecast - Used for typeconversion of an expression. typeid - Used to obtain information about the type of an expression or an object at runtime. CODES - /Demonstrating the input and output operators '<< and > #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main) int n; cout<<'enter a number:": cin>>n; cout<<"'number is "<<n<<endl: return 0; I/Demonstrating the '&' reference operator #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main) int x = 42: cout<<"x="<<x<<endl; x int& y X;I/ yis areference tovalue of x to 55 the modifies y=55; I/ This cout<<"x="<<x<Kendl: return 0; /Demonstrating class member access operators lland member dereferencing operators #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(0 class Demo public: int x; Demo obj; obj.x =42; l/Accessing class member using'" cout<<"x="<<x<Kendl: obj_ptr-&obj; obj_ptr->x-30; //Accessing class member using '->' cout<<"x="<<x<<endl; int Demo:* mem ptr-&Demo::x; /Using ':* tocreate a pointer to a class member obj.*mem ptr-69; lAccessing class member using': cout<<"x="<<x<<endl; obj ptr->*mem ptr-11; /Accessing class member using '->** cout<<"x="<<x<Kendl; return 0; I/Demonstrating all functionalities of l/the scope resolution operator #include <iostream> using namespace std; / Global variable int globalVar=10; |/Outer class class Outer public: static int staticVar; // Static variable inside Outer class 1/ Nested class class Inner public: static int innerVar; // Staticvariable inside Inner class |/ Member function of lnner class void displaylnnerVar() cout<<"nner::innerVar: "<<innerVar<<<endl; I/ Member function of Outer class void displayStaticVar) cout <<"Outer::staticVar: "<<staticVar<<endl; I| Initialize static variables int Outer::staticVar = 20; int Outer::Inner: innerVar = 30; int main() int global Var = 5; |/Local variable with the same name as the global one cout<<"Local globalVar: "<<globalVar <<endl; cout<<"Global globalVar: "<K:globalVar <<endl; Outer outerObj: Outer::Inner innerObj; outerObj.displayStaticVar(); innerObj.displaylnnerVar(); return 0; I/Demonstrating use of new and delete operators #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(0 int *arr: int size; cout<<"Enter array size:"; cin>>size; arr = new int[size ]; //Dynamic memoryallocation cout<<"nMemory allocated to array dynamically... "<<endl: cout<<"nEnter array elements:"; for(inti=0;i<size;i++) cin>>arr[i]; cout<<"\nArray elements are: "; for(inti=0:;i<size;i++) cout<<arrlil<<""; cout<<"\n\nDeleting array...array memory deallocated"; delete arr; /Freeing of dynamically allocated memory return 0: I/Demonstrating the sizeof(). typecast l/and typeid operators #include <iostream> #include <typeinfo> using namespace std; int main() I/ Declare variables of different data types int integerVariable = 42; double doubleVariable =3.14159; char charVariable ='A'; bool boolVariable = true; I/Use sizeof operator to determine the size of variables cout << "Size of int: " << sizeof(int) <<" bytes" << endl; cout << "Size of double: " << sizeof(double) <<" bytes" << endl; cout << "Size of char:"<< sizeof(char) <<" byte" << endl; cout << "Size of bool: " << sizeof(bool) <<"byte" << endl; / Use typecast operator to convert variables to different data types double intToDouble =double(integerV ariable); int doubleTolnt int(doubleVariable); cout << "intToDouble: " << intToDouble << endl: cout << "doubleTolnt: " << doubleTolnt << endl: I/Use typeid operator to get the type information of variables cout << "Type of integerVariable: " << typeid(integerVariable).name() << endl; cout << "Type of doubleVariable: " << typeid(doubleVariable).name() << endl; cout << "Type of charVariable: " <<typeid(charVariable). name() << endl; cout <<"Type of boolVariable: " << typeid(boolVariable).name() << endl; return 0; 02)Write code snippets implementing cach of the following concepts in C++ a) Overloading with friend functions b) Abstract classes c) Inheritance types d) Virtual base classes e) Virtual functions CODE - a) Overloading with friend functions #include <iostream> using namespace std; class num { int val; public: num(int Val): val(Val){3 int get value() return val; friend int operator -(num); lOverloading unary operator friend int operator +(int, num); //Overloading binary operator friend int operator t(num, int); //Overloading binary operator int operator -(num num1) int temp-numl.val*(-1); return temp; int operator +(int x, num numl) int tempFnuml.val+x; return temp; int operator +(num num1, int x) int temp=num 1.val+x; return temp; int main() int nl,n2; cout<<"Enter a number nl:": cin>>nl; cout<<"Enter a number n2:":; cin>>n2: num nml(nl); cout<<"nl="<<numl.get value()<<endl; cout<<"-n1="<<-numl<<endl; cout<<"nl+n2="<<num1+n2<<endl; cout<<"' return 0;n2+n]="<<n2+num1<<endl: b) Abstract classes //Demonstrating abstract class #include <iostream> using namespace std; I| Abstract class with a pure virtual function class Shape public: I/Pure virtual function makes this class abstract virtual double area()const = 0; virtual double perimeter) const = 0; }: I/Derived class 1: Circle class Circle :public Shape private: double radius; public: Circle(double r) :radius(r) {} I7 Implemnent the pure virtual functions double area) const override return 3.14159 * radius * radius; double perimeter(0 const override return 2*3.14159 * radius: I Derived class 2: Rectangle class Rectangle : public Shape private: double length; double width: public: Rectangle(double 1, double w) : length(l), width(w)! I/Implement the pure virtual functions double area() const override return length * width; double perimeter() const override return 2 * (length + width): int main() I/ Youcannot ereate an instance of the abstract class 'Shape' I/Shape shape: //This willresult in a compilation eror I/However, you can create instances of derived classes Circle circle(3.0): Rectangle rectangle(4.0, 6.0): I/Use the abstract class pointer to access derived class objects Shape* shapel = &circle: Shape* shape? = &rectangle: I/ Calculate anddisplav the area and perimeter of shapes shapel->perimeter) <<end]: cout << "Circle Area: " << shapel->area() <K", Perimeter:" << <<shape2->perimeter() << cout << "Rectangle Area: " << shape2->area()<<", Perimeter: " endl: return 0: c) Inheritance types Demonstrating the different types of inheritance lisingle, multiple, multilevel, hierarchical, hybrid inheritance #include <iostream> using namespace std; |/ Base class class Animal public: void eat() cout << "Animal is eating." << endl: IDerived class 1 (Single Inheritance) class Dog:public Animal public: void bark) cout << "Dog is barking." << endl; I/ Derived class 2 (Multiple Inheritance) class Bird public: void fly() cout << "Bird is flying." << endl; }: class Parrot : public Animal, public Bird public: void talk) Cout << "Parrot is talking." << endl; Derived class 3 (Multilevel Inheritance) Class Cat:public Animal public: void meow) cout << "Cat is meowing." << endl; class PersianCat : public Cat public: void purr() cout << "Persian Cat is purring." << endl; / Derived class 4 (Hierarchical Inheritance) class Lion: public Animal public: void roar) cout << "Lion is roaring." << endl: }; class Tiger : public Animal public: void growl) cout << "Tiger is growling." << endl: }; /Derived class 5 (Hybrid Inheritance) class Liger : public Lion, public Tiger public: void specialAbility() { cout << "Liger has a special ability." << endl; int main0 { / Single Inheritance Example Dog dog:; dog.bark); cout<<"nn": IIMultiple Inheritance Example Parrot parrot; parrot.talk0; cout<<"nn": /Multilevel Inheritance Example PersianCat persianCat; persianCat.meow); persianCat.purr(); cout<<"nn"; I/Hierarchical Inheritance Example Lion lion;; lion.roar(): cout<<"\n": Tiger tiger;; tiger.growl0; cout<<"nn": /Hybrid Inheritance Example Liger liger; liger.roar); liger.growl): liger.specialAbility(); return 0; d) Virtual base classes //Demonstrating virtual base classes #include <iostream> using namespace std; I/Base class class Animal string name; public: void eat() cout << "Animal is eating." << endl; class Lion:virtual publicAnimal /Animal made virtual base class in hierarchy public: void roar) cout << "Lion is roaring." << endl; class Tiger: virtualpublic Animal /lAnimal made virtual base class in hierarchy public: void growl) cout <<"Tiger is growling." << endl; class Liger : public Lion, public Tiger public: void specialAbility) cout << "Liger has a special ability." << endl: int main0 Liger liger;; liger.roar(); liger.growl); liger.specialAbility(); return 0; e) Virtualfunctions I/Demonstrating virtual functions #include <iostream> using namespace std; I/ Base class class Shape public: I|Virtual function for calculating area virtual double calculateArea) return 0.0; } I/Derived class 1: Circle class Circle : public Shape { private: double radius; public: Circle(double r) : radius(r) {} |/ Override the base class virtual function double calculateArea) override return 3.14159 * radius * radius: /Derived class 2: Rectangle class Rectangle : public Shape private: double width; double height; public: Rectangle(double w, double h) : width(w), height(h) function //Override the base class virtual double calculateArea) override return width * height; }; int main() /Create objects of derived classes Circle circle(5.0); Rectangle rectangle(4.0, 6.0): I/Use the base class pointer tocall the virtual function Shape* shapel- &circle; Shape* shape2 &rectangle; / Calculate and display areas cout << "Area of Circle: " << shape1->calculate Area() << endl; cout <<"Area of Rectangle: " << shape2->calculateArea() << endl; return 0;