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English 5 Lesson Plan: Facts vs. Opinions

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Detailed Lesson Plan in English 5
I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the pupils are expected to:
a. Define facts and opinions,
b. Identify examples of factual information and opinion-based statements across various
c. Evaluate the reliability and credibility of information by distinguishing between factual
evidence and personal viewpoints.
II. Subject Matter/Content: Fact or Opinion
Value Focus: Making a sound judgement
Reference: English Teacher’s Guide 5
Materials: : ICT materials; strips of cartolina
Strategy: 4As Strategy
III. Procedures
Teacher’s Activity
Students’ Activity
Routinary Activities
A. Prayer
Good morning class!
Good morning!
Let us pray first. Angela, please lead the prayer
Before we start with our class, please pick up
the mess and pieces of paper under your
We are fine Teacher!
B. Checking of Attendance
Let us check the attendance first.
Who is absent from the first row.
How about the second row?
Third row?
None Teacher.
None Teacher
None Teacher
C. Checking of Assignment
Did I give you an assignment yesterday?
Okay, pass it forward silently and I will check
it later.
Yes Teacher!
D. Recalling of Previous Discussion
Now, can you recall what was our last lesson?
Ma’am, our lesson last meeting is all about writing
a composition based on outline.
Now, how do we write a composition.
A composition should start with the introduction,
proceed with the body and end with a conclusion.
That is right. The introduction is going to
present the topic, the body will elaborate and
the conclusion will summarize the important
points and or leave a message for the readers
to ponder on.
It seems that you have understood our topic
last meeting. Am I right?
Yes Teacher!
This morning we will be having another lesson.
E. Motivation
Before we start, let us first have an activity.
I have here pictures for you to analyze. Please
give a short description of the pictures.
Are you ready?
What do you think is happening in the first picture?
Yes, we are!
The children are playing Luksong Tinik Ma’am!
Have you played Luksong Tinik. What can you say
about it?
It is a fun game Ma’am!
How about the second picture?
It is a bicycle Ma’am!
How many wheels des a bicycle have?
The bicycle has two wheels Ma’am!
Very good! Now let us have the third and last
Who do you think is this person?
Dr. Jose Rizal
That is right! Now what can you say about him?
He is our national hero.
That is right! This morning we will be earning about
facts and opinions. Later, you will know whether
your description of the three pictures is a fact or an
II. Lesson Proper
Now, in order for us to understand more our
topic this morning. I have here a short video
about fact and opinion. We will discuss it
later so listen carefully, okay?
Are we clear class?
Yes Teacher.
Did you learn something from the video?
Yes Ma’am
What have you learned? What is a fact?
A fact is a true statement and it can be proven
Precisely, the video sates that fact is something
that can be verified with evidences and provable,
observable and measurable. Those statements
that can be proven by reliable authority or
information such as based on statistics, scientific
law, history books and others.
Who can give an example of fact?
A spider is an animal.
That is right. That is an example of a fact, because
it can be proven by science.
How about opinion? What is an opinion?
Correct! Opinion is something which cannot be
proven and they are based on someone’s
thoughts, feelings and understanding. There are
statements that can be confusing especially if it is
widely accepted.
Who can give me an example of opinion?
That is right. That is an example of opinion
because it refers to your personal preferences.
In addition, there are certain words that will tell us
if it is an opinion. Some of these are maybe,
perhaps, best/worst, probably, apparently and
other suggestive words.
Opinion is a feeling a belief and it cannot be
I think that reading books is a more enriching
experience than watching movies.
Let’s have a recap if you really understand what we Fact always tells the truth and can be
have discussed earlier.
proven. Opinion is what you think or feel and can’t
be proven.
Who can differentiate between fact and opinion.
Fact is a statement that is true and can be proven,
while opinion is subjective which cannot be proven.
It can be a personal feeling and belief.
Exactly. Do you watch TV, listen to radio or check Yes, Teacher.
your social media when you want to be updated with
the current news.
Ae you aware that some of those stated in the TV Yes teacher.
and specially in social media are facts and some are
just merely opinion?
So why is it important to distinguish facts and It is important because it will help you analyze
information critically which will help you make sound
Very good! Understanding this difference helps us
make informed decisions, communicate effectively,
and avoid misunderstandings.
This time I will group you into three. The first row will
be the group 1, the second will be the group 2 and
the third row is group 3.
All you have to do is t read and analyze the article
given and answer the question that follows. You will
be given a cartolina and a marker and after 10
minutes you will present your answer to the class.
Are we clear.
Yes Teacher!
Please go with your groups. And begin answering.
“The Locust is related to grasshopper. Locusts
probably are stronger than grasshoppers. They live
in big swarms. Locusts are large herbivorous
insects. Locusts are destructive, they destroy fields
of rice plants, corn and other crops. Other countries
believe, they eat and destroy everything in their
way. Some people believe that Locusts are the
tastiest insects.
1. What is the article all about?
2. What are the facts about the locusts?
3. What do other people believe about
4. Which of the ideas about locusts do you
agree is true?
Time is up, paste your cartolina to the board and go (Children goes back to their seats)
back to your respective seats.
Now let us start the presentation with group 1. Who (Group 1 representative present their answer)
is the representative of group 1?
Let us a give a round of very good clap to group 1.
(The teacher performs the clap first)
(The students perform the clap)
How about the group 2?
(Group 2 representative present their answer)
Let us give fireworks clap to group 2
(The teacher performs the clap first)
(The students perform the clap)
How about the group 3?
Let us give a love clap to Group 3
(The teacher performs the clap first)
(Group 3 representative present their answer)
The students perform the clap)
IV. Assessment
Write F if the statement is fact and O if it is opinion.
1. Laak is a municipality in the province of Davao de Oro
2. We have a common nation language- Filipino.
3. Many foreign countries are far better than our country.
4. Computers will soon replace teachers and books inside the classroom.
5. The Philippines is known to be the pearl of the orient seas with 7107 islands.
V. Assignment.
Read a newspaper. And list 5 fact and 5 opinions.