See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Effect of hydrate inhibitors on the accuracy of multiphase flow meters Conference Paper · July 2015 CITATIONS READS 0 474 2 authors: Prafull Sharma Hoi Yeung Cranfield University Cranfield University 14 PUBLICATIONS 99 CITATIONS 150 PUBLICATIONS 2,677 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE All content following this page was uploaded by Prafull Sharma on 14 July 2016. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. SEE PROFILE International Flow Measurement Conference 2015: Advances and Developments in Industrial Flow Measurement 1-2 July 2015 Technical Paper Effect of Hydrate Inhibitors On The Accuracy of Multiphase Flow Meters Prafull Sharma, Cranfield University Hoi Yeung, Cranfield University ABSTRACT Multiphase Flow Meters (MPFM) are commonly dependent on accurate measurement of physical or electrical properties of the produced mixture for the estimation of phase fractions. However, the accuracy of these estimated fractions may get influenced by the presence of hydrate inhibitors, which are injected as part of flow assurance strategies. Thermodynamic inhibitors such as Methanol and Mono-Ethylene Glycol (MEG) are injected in significant quantities to prevent hydrate formation. The presence of these inhibitors can significantly influence the physical and electrical properties of the aqueous phase. Hence, this mismatch between the assumed and the actual properties can cause bias in the estimation of phase fraction and flow rate by MPFM. In this paper, a quantitative assessment of the bias in the watercut due to presence of hydrate inhibitors, is discussed. Two widely used technologies for water fraction measurement are discussed a) permittivity based measurement using microwaves b) density based measurement using gamma densitometer. Mitigation strategies are also discussed to account for these inhibitors to improve the accuracy of MPFM. 1 INTRODUCTION Multiphase Flow Meters (MPFM) are increasingly being used for both subsea and offshore applications. They are gaining acceptance due to the benefits they bring over test separators, production control and flow assurance to name a few [1]. Multiphase Flow Meters commonly use measurement of mixture density or electrical permittivity of the produced mixture for estimation of phase fractions [1]. Some common examples of such fraction measurements are single or dual energy gamma densitometer, microwave, capacitance based sensors. However, accuracy of the measured fractions can be adversely affected by the presence of injected hydrate inhibitors [2,4,5]. Hydrate formation is a critical flow assurance issue as it can potentially obstruct the flow or even completely block a pipe potentially leading to well shutdown. Hydrate formation is commonly suppressed by injection of Thermodynamic Hydrate Inhibitors (THI) specifically Methanol, Mono-Ethylene Glycol (MEG) or DiEthylene Glycol (DEG) [3]. Low Dosage Hydrate Inhibitor (LDHI) is a relatively recent and alternative technology to THI albeit their usage is not as widely adopted yet. LDHIs have two main categories, Kinetic Hydrate Inhibitor (KHI) and Anti-Agglomerant (AA), where the latter inhibits the aggomeration of hydrate particles. THIs are injected in significant quantities (upto 60% by volume of water) in comparison to LDHIs (<3% by volume of water) [3]. 1 International Flow Measurement Conference 2015: Advances and Developments in Industrial Flow Measurement 1-2 July 2015 Technical Paper The presence of THI in large proportions can significantly influence the density and electrical properties of the aqueous phase leading to inaccurate meter readings. MPFM manufacturers have started addressing the issue [4,5] but still most of them does not account for the changes in the concentrations of hydrate inhibitors on the properties of the liquids. This mismatch between the assumed and the actual properties of liquid, in particular aqueous phase, can cause a significant bias in the estimates of MPFM. Figure 1 is a simplistic diagram to represent a possible scenario of THI injection. In this figure 1, a specific case is shown where MEG is injected from an offshore platform into a manifold which in turn is configured to inject it into two well heads, upstream and downstream of their respective MPFM. If a inhibitor is injected upstream of MPFM, it may affect the accuracy of readings from the meter. Fig. 1 - A simple schematic representation of injection of hydrate inhibitor (MEG) In this paper, a theoretical assessment of the watercut estimation bias due to injection of hydrate inhibitor is discussed. Since THIs are injected in significant proportions of water as compared to LDHIs, only Methanol and MEG are considered in the analysis. Two widely used technologies for watercut measurement are considered a) permittivity based measurement (eg. microwave, capacitance or impedance sensors) b) density based measurement (eg. gamma densitometer). A new formulation is proposed to account for inhibitors in the estimation of watercut. 2 METHODOLOGY The methodology used in this assessment involves an estimaton of the absolute bias in watercut (WC) measurements and it’s relation to the flow rate of water (Qwater) and oil (Qoil) Qwater = WC x Qliquid (1) Qoil = (1-WC) x Qliquid (2) 2 International Flow Measurement Conference 2015: Advances and Developments in Industrial Flow Measurement 1-2 July 2015 Technical Paper the bias in the estimation of watercut (ΔWC) propagates to that in flow rate of water (ΔQwater) and oil (ΔQoil) as shown in (3) and (4). The bias in flow rates are also directly proportional to total liquid flow rate (Qliquid). ΔQwater = ΔWC x Qliquid ΔQoil = -ΔWC x Qliquid (3) (4) As mentioned earlier, a first principle based analysis of two of watercut measurements technologies is discussed i.e. 1) permittivity based and 2) density based sensors. A conventional formulation of oil-water mixture to estimate watercut is reformulated as a case of oil-water-THI mixture. Since THIs are miscible in water, the water+THI phase is classified as an aqueous phase and hence the treatment of the problem reduces to an oil-aqueous mixture case. The properties of the aqueous phase is defined by the properties of water, THI and their relative concentrations. The watercut estimated from the two formulations, oil-water and oil-aqueous, are subtracted to obtain an absolute estimate of bias in watercut. This is also in-line with industry’s practice of specifying water errors in absolute% and not in relative terms. Figure 2 shows a conventional oil-water estimation process for a permittivity based sensor. There are various measurement principles which can be used to measure mixture permittivity [6]. Capacitance or impedance sensors generally operate in sub-MHz range while common industrial RF or microwave sensors typically operate upto 10 GHz and in certain cases even higher frequencies. In case of oil-water-THI mixture, a conventional approach may treat it as a oil-water mixture as shown in figure 2 thereby resulting in a bias in the estimation. Measurement Transducer Model (εm) εm T S% ω Water Permittivity Model εw Mixture model εo Oil Permittivity Watercut Fig. 2 - Steps to estimate watercut with a conventional oil-water formulation Figure 2 shows that the sensed parameters are used in a transducer model to estimate the flow media property i.e. in this case permittivity of liquid mixture (εm). εm = Measurement and transducer model Water permittivity (εw) and oil permittivity (εo) along with liquid mixture permittivity (εm) are used in a mixture model to calculate watercut. Oil 3 International Flow Measurement Conference 2015: Advances and Developments in Industrial Flow Measurement 1-2 July 2015 Technical Paper permittivity for various crude oils were analysed by Kjetil et al [7] and were found to be within the range of 2.0 - 2.5. Water permittivity is calculated using the model developed by Stogryn [8]. The permittivity of water is dependent on it’s temperature, salinity and the frequency under consideration. εo = 2.0 to 2.5 (2.3 in this analysis) εw = Water Permittivity Model (Temperature, Salinity, Frequency) The mixture model that is used to relate permittivity of oil, water, oil-water mixture to water fraction is as developed by Bruggeman and is described in [9]. Since oil-water mixture can exist as a oil continuous or water continuous mixture, two different forms of Bruggeman mixture models are used. Equation (5) is used for oil continuous mixture whereas equation (6) is used for water continuous mixture. In this analysis, watercut 50% is assumed as a transition point of the mixture type however in reality it is quite uncertain and varies over a broad range of watercut. 1 3 w 1 w m o w o m w o m o w (5) 1 3 m (6) w WC w (7) Watercut (WC) for oil-water mixture is same as water fraction calculated in (5) and (6) and represented in (7). The symbols , ε represents volumetric fraction and permittivity respectively. The subscripts o, w, m represents oil, water, and mixture respectively. Measurement T S% ω Transducer model (εm) Water Permittivity Model εw Aqua-phase Permittivity Model IAR εm εa Mixture model εo Oil Permittivity εI T ω Inhibitor Permittivity Model Aquacut Watercut Fig. 3 - Steps to estimate watercut for a oil-water-THI mixture with a new oilaqueous formulation Figure 3 shows a new proposed formulation to correctly estimate watercut for oilwater-THI mixture case. Since THI is miscible in water, the water-THI mixture is considered as a single aqueous phase and the formulation is reduced to a two 4 International Flow Measurement Conference 2015: Advances and Developments in Industrial Flow Measurement 1-2 July 2015 Technical Paper phase oil-aqueous mixture problem. For such a case, a simple oil-water formulation described earlier is inappropriate to use and will lead to watercut estimation error. It is proposed that this new formulation be used for the estimation of watercut to account for the effect of THIs in the mixture. As shown in figure 3, the oil-aqueous formulation uses a mixture model to relate the oil permittivity, aqua permittivity along with oil-aqua mixture permittivity with aquacut. Aquacut is a term used in this formulation to represent volumetric ratio of aqueous phase (water-THI mixture) with that of total liquid i.e. oilaqueous mixture. Another term Inhibitor-Aqua Ratio (IAR) is introduced to represent the volumetric concentration of THI in aqueous phase. IAR is used to calculate, the aqueous permittivity as well as to calculate watercut from aquacut as shown below. Figure 3 shows that the sensed parameter from the transducer is used to calculate the oil-water-THI liquid mixure permittivity (εm). εm = Measurement and transducer model Aqua permittivity (εa) and oil permittivity (εo) along with mixture permittivity (εm) are used in the mixture model to calculate aquacut. The aqua permittivity is calculated using Bruggeman mixture model [9], as shown in (8). Water is assumed to be the continuous phase in the aqueous medium. The water permittivity is calculated using the model developed by Stogryn and the inhibitor permittivity is from literature. In case of Methanol, data provided by Nyshadham et al [10] is used and for MEG properties data published by Jordan et al [11] is used. The Bruggeman model in equation (8) is solved inversely in an iterative manner with an input IAR to obtain aqua permittivity. εo = 2.0 to 2.5 (2.3 in this analysis) εw = Water Permittivity Model (Temperature, Salinity, Frequency) εI = Inhibitor Permittivity Model (Temperature, Frequency) εa = Inverse Mixture Model (εw , εI , IAR) i.e. Inverse solution of Bruggeman model 1 3 IAR 1 I a w I w a (8) Bruggeman mixture model is used for oil-aqua mixture to relate permittivity of oil, aqueous phase and their mixture to aqueous fraction. Here, oil-aqueous mixture is considered to exist as an oil continuous or aqua continuous mixture, and two different forms of Bruggeman mixture models are used as shown in (9) and (10) respectively. a a 1 a m a o 5 o m o a 1 3 o m (9) 1 3 m a (10) International Flow Measurement Conference 2015: Advances and Developments in Industrial Flow Measurement 1-2 July 2015 Technical Paper Equations (11) and (12) are used to relate aquacut (AC) to Aqueous fraction as represented in (13) AC a (11) 1 (12) o a o a AC a (13) watercut can be calculated from aquacut using (14) and can be derived easily. WC AC .(1 IAR ) (1 AC .IAR ) (14) Figure 4 pictorially represents the analysis methodology as described by figures 2 and 3 and with equations (5)-(14). The two non-linear curves represent the mixture model for a conventional oil-water case and oil-aqueous case. The ends of the oil-aqueous curve are represented by oil and aqua phase. As described earlier and shown in figure 4, the aqua phase permittivity (εa) is calculated using water permittivity (εw) and inhibitor permittivity (εI) and Inhibitor-Aqua Ratio (IAR). It should be noted that figure 4 is a simplified representation of mixture models and separate curves for oil continouos, water continous and aqua continous mixtures are not shown as distinct curves. εw εa Bias εm WC (Estimated) WC (True) IAR εI Measured εm εo x VF 0 AC WC WC (True) 100 WaterCut (WC), AquaCut (AC) Fig. 4 – A pictorial represenation of the watercut bias analysis methodology for permittivity based sensors For a measured mixture permittivity (εm), estimation of watercut is a one step process for oil-water case. Whereas it is a two step process for oil-aqueous case since aquacut is calculated before watercut. ‘VF’ in figure 4 represents a volumetric factor such that AC= VF.WC and can be derived using equation (14) as VF = 1/(1-IAR + WC.IAR). For assessing the bias in watercut estimation, the oil-aqueous formulation is solved in an inverse manner with an input actual watercut to back calculate a 6 International Flow Measurement Conference 2015: Advances and Developments in Industrial Flow Measurement 1-2 July 2015 Technical Paper simulated measured permittivity (εm) which is then further used in the oil-water formulation to estimate erroneous watercut. This estimated value is numerically subtracted from the actual watercut value to obtain watercut bias in %abs. Figure 5 pictorially represents the analysis methodology followed for density based watercut sensors. It can be seen that the methodology followed for density sensors is very similar to that followed for permittivity sensors. However, the mixture models are simple linear curves unlike that in the case of permittivity. ρw WC (Estimated) Bias ρa WC (True) ρm IAR Measured ρm ρI ρo x VF 0 WC AC WC (True) 100 WaterCut (WC), AquaCut (AC) Fig. 5 - Pictorial represenation of the watercut bias analysis methodology for density based sensors The component densities used in this analysis are as follows ρo = 700-1000 Kg/m3 (800 Kg/m3 in this analysis) ρw = Water Density (Temperature, Salinity) [13] ρI = Inhibitor Density (Temperature) [12,13] 2.1 Dielectric Properties and Density The analysis methodology for permittivity based sensors as described in the previous section requires permittivity of water, Methanol and MEG for use in the mixture model. It is therefore important to understand the dependence of permittivitiy on temperature, frequency and water salinity to get a holistric view of errors. Figure 6 shows the real part of relative permittivity of water, Methanol and MEG at 40o Celcius. Both Methanol and MEG have permittivity lower than that of water across frequencies upto 26GHz. Both Methanol and MEG have strong dielectric dispersion above 1 GHz where their permittivity rapidly decreases with increasing frequency. The frequency of 4GHz is used as reference for the analysis since it is an intermediate frequency range for industrial microwave sensors. Moreover, distilled water is taken as a refernce case since water permittivity is known to decrease with increasing salt concentration. Hence distilled water represents a worst case scenario for watercut estimation error as it’s permittivity difference with THI is larger as compared to saline water. 7 International Flow Measurement Conference 2015: Advances and Developments in Industrial Flow Measurement 1-2 July 2015 Technical Paper Fig. 6 - Permittivity of Water, Methanol and MEG at 40o Celcius [8,10,11] Fig. 7 - Permittivity (real part) of Water, Methanol and MEG at 4GHz [8,10,11] Figure 7 shows the influence of temperature on the permittivity of liquids in consideration at 4GHz. As can be observed, both Methanol and MEG show a slight increase in the permittivity from 0oC to 40oC. All the analysis and results discussed in this paper are at 40oC as that is the highest temperature at which reliable data could be obtained for Methanol and MEG from open literature. However, the process temperatures in the field are likely to be much higher than that and hence an analysis at higher temperature is closer to reality. From figures 2, 3, 6 and 7, it can be observed that there are five dimensions to get a complete analysis of the errors 1) Frequency 2) Temperature 3) Water Salinity 4) IAR 5) watercut. However, in this paper the analysis is simplified and reduced by choosing an intermediate value of frequency, a temperature and a fixed salinity for worst case i.e. 4GHz, 40oC and distilled water. IAR and WC were varied in the range 0-0.5 and 0%-100% respectively. Figure 8 shows the density of water, Methanol and MEG and the influence of temperature on them. As can be observed, all of them show a negative sensitivity to temperature. The density of Methanol is lower than that of water whereas MEG 8 International Flow Measurement Conference 2015: Advances and Developments in Industrial Flow Measurement 1-2 July 2015 Technical Paper have higher density than that of water. Hence the analysis results for density are expected to be markedly different between Methanol and MEG. It can also be observed that the density difference between water and THI remains very similar across the range of temperature 0oC-80oC. Due to this, temperature should not have much effect on the analysis results and is not considered to be a variable. Fig. 8 - Density of Water, Methanol and MEG at 4GHz [12,13] For the density analysis, the reference temperature of 40 oC and distilled water is chosen thereby maintaining consistency with the permittivity analysis. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The results of the analysis are presented in the form of two-dimensional plots as shown in figures 9 to 14. The colour scale in the plots represents estimated watercut bias in % absolute scale. Figures 9 and 10 shows the permittivity based watercut bias for watercut range 0100% and IAR range 0-50% for Methanol and MEG respectively. This was calculated at 40oC and 4GHz as fixed conditions. watercut of 50% is assumed to be the transition point between oil continuous mixture and water continuous mixture and is evident from marked difference in the resulting plot in the two regions. As discussed earlier, in reality the transition region may be very different and is quite hard to predict. Figure 9 shows the bias as calculated for Methanol. It can be seen that oil continuous region (watercut<50%) shows a positive bias and the water continuous region (watercut >50%) shows a significant negative bias. The bias in the oil continuous region is mainly driven by the volumetric factor (VF) for conversion of aquacut to watercut. Since the influence of aqua phase fraction is less in oil continuous, the difference in permittivity between aqua phase and water is not influencial enough in comparison to that of volumetric factor. On the other hand, in water continous region, the effect of permittivity difference dominates over the effect of VF due to larger presence of aqua phase resulting in an overall negative bias in watercut estimation. As can be expected, the bias is absent when IAR =0% and increases with increasing IAR and watercut. Figure 10 shows the estimated bias for MEG under same conditions as described for figure 9 International Flow Measurement Conference 2015: Advances and Developments in Industrial Flow Measurement 1-2 July 2015 Technical Paper 9. The results and trends are very similar to that of Methanol as the permittivity of MEG is similar to Methanol in comparison to water and oil. Figures 11 and 12 shows the permittivity based watercut bias for Methanol and MEG, respectively, in the watercut range 0-100% and Frequency 0.1-10GHz. The reference temperature is 40oC and IAR is fixed at 50%. Oil continuous shows positive bias and water continuous shows negative bias due to same reasons as discussed for figures 9 and 10. In water continuous region, the bias is also strongly dependent on frequency above 1GHz due to dielectric dispersion of THIs as discussed in figure 7. In oil continous region, a bias pattern emerges due to the competing factors of VF and water-aqua permittivity difference across frequency range. Figures 13 and 14 shows the density based watercut bias for watercut range 0100% and IAR range 0-50% for Methanol and MEG respectively. This was calculated at 40oC and pure water as fixed conditions. The transition point between oil continuous mixture and water continuous mixture should not affect the mixture density, unless there is any physical or chemical phenomena resulting in volumetric expansion or contraction of the total mixture. Figure 13 shows the bias as calculated for Methanol. As can be expected, the bias is absent when IAR = 0% and increases with increasing IAR and watercut. Methanol shows a negative bias in watercut. The influence of the volumetric factor (VF) and the density difference between water-aqueous and THI acts in opposite directions. This is due to the fact that the density of Methanol is lower than that of water. The bias in the estimate is highest as ~-50% at WLR=100%, IAR=50% and lowest as 0% at WLR=0% and IAR=0%. Figure 14 shows the bias as calculated for MEG. As can be expected, the bias is absent when IAR = 0% and increases with increasing IAR and watercut. MEG shows a positive bias in watercut unlike that observed for Methanol. The influence of the volumetric factor (VF) and the density difference between water-aqueous acts in an additive manner. This is due to the fact that the density of MEG is higher than that of water. This also results in a very different bias pattern in comparison to that of Methanol. The bias in the estimate is highest as ~35% at WLR=60%, IAR=50% and lowest as 0% at WLR=0% and IAR=0%. 10 International Flow Measurement Conference 2015: Advances and Developments in Industrial Flow Measurement 1-2 July 2015 Technical Paper Fig. 9 - Watercut bias with a permittivity based sensor due to injection of Methanol as a hydrate inhibitor (at 40oC, 4GHz). The colour scale shows watercut bias in %abs Fig. 10 - Watercut bias with a permittivity based sensor due to injection of MEG as a hydrate inhibitor (at 40oC, 4GHz). The colour scale shows watercut bias in %abs 11 International Flow Measurement Conference 2015: Advances and Developments in Industrial Flow Measurement 1-2 July 2015 Technical Paper Fig. 11 - Watercut bias with a permittivity based sensor due to injection of Methanol as a hydrate inhibitor (at 40oC, 50% IAR). The colour scale shows watercut bias in %abs Fig. 12 - Watercut bias with a permittivity based sensor due to injection of MEG as a hydrate inhibitor (at 40oC, 50% IAR). The colour scale shows watercut bias in %abs 12 International Flow Measurement Conference 2015: Advances and Developments in Industrial Flow Measurement 1-2 July 2015 Technical Paper Fig. 13 - Watercut bias with a density based sensor due to injection of Methanol as a hydrate inhibitor (at 40oC). The colour scale shows watercut bias in %abs Fig. 14 - Watercut bias with a density based sensor due to injection of MEG as a hydrate inhibitor (at 40oC). The colour scale shows watercut bias in %abs 13 International Flow Measurement Conference 2015: Advances and Developments in Industrial Flow Measurement 1-2 July 2015 Technical Paper 4 CONCLUSIONS The effect of injection of hydrate inhibitors on the accuracy of MPFM was studied specifically for Methanol and MEG as THIs. The concerning condition is when the THIs are injected upstream of an installed MPFM. Rather than directly quantifying the error in the water and oil flow rates, bias in the watecut is studied which can be extended to flow rate errors using simple equations. A new oil-aqueous formulation is proposed to correctly estimate watercut while accounting for the injected inhibitors. watercut estimates from this new oilaqueous formulation are compared to that of the conventional oil-water formulation to quantify bias in the watercut. A new measurement to measure Inhibitor-Aqua Ratio (IAR) is required to enable the new formulation. It was observed for both Methanol and MEG that the permittivity based watercut sensors (eg microwave, impedance, capacitance sensors) shows positive watercut bias in oil continuous mixture reaching upto ~10% bias for IAR = 50%. For water continuous mixture, watercut bias is negative and reaching a value upto -25% for IAR=50% at watercut = 100%. The bias shows an incresing trend with increasing watercut and IAR. The bias also showed a strong dependency on frequency above >1GHz. The quantified bias values are limited to analysis conditions of 40oC and for pure water however they can be calculated for other conditions using the new proposed oil-aqueous formulation. For density based watercut sensors (gamma densitometer, differential pressure), the bias in the estimate shows different behaviour for Methanol and MEG. This is due to the fact that the density of Methanol is lower than that of water whereas that of MEG is higher than that of water. Methanol shows a negative bias in the estimation with maximum bias reaching upto ~-50% at watercut=100% and IAR =50%. MEG shows a positive bias with maximum value as ~35% at WLR=60%, IAR=50%. The results shown in this paper are at 40oC however since the density contrast between water and THIs remain similar across a wide temperature range (0-80oC), the results are applicable to a wider range of temperature. This work brings up the issue of errors that can be caused in MPFM and watercut meters due to hydrate inhibitors and is a small contribution towards improving the understanding and accuracy of MPFM technology. 5 NOTATION Phase fraction Permittivity Density Volume flow rate watercut aquacut Inhibitor-Aqua Ratio Volumetric Factor ε ρ Q WC AC IAR VF Subscripts o Oil w Water I Inhibitor a Aqueous 14 International Flow Measurement Conference 2015: Advances and Developments in Industrial Flow Measurement 1-2 July 2015 Technical Paper 6 REFERENCES [1] S. Corneliussen et al. (2005). Handbook of Multiphase Metering, Norwegian Society of Oil and Gas Measurement, NFOGM, Revision 2, March 2005. C. Letton, A. Hall. (2012). 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