Wk 6 Day 1 - Nursing Diagnosis – Priority Setting Exercise PNUR 104 Use information from your readings to prioritize the following nursing diagnoses for a client. Number which would be the highest to lowest priority and explain the rationale for the priority that you selected.' K&E 3rd Edition pg. 485, 486 Table 23.9 / **4th Edition pg. 440, 441 Table 23.8 Constipation r/t decreased activity and use of analgesic post surgery s/b no BM for 3 days. Pain in abdomen r/t incision shown by moaning and groaning. Potential for skin breakdown on coccyx r/t reluctance to change position when in pain. Ineffective airway clearance s/b weak cough, not expectorating r/t abdominal pain, post hernia repair.